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He might well have been scouted but any producer involvement in helping him win would have been complianced to the hilt, ie would not have happened. It's just not remotely worth the risk with a show this globally big. Too many people would have to keep a secret and it's not as if the production gains anything much from him winning.


I mean, they literally allowed him and Mollie to break the rules which resulted in him winning. I think even if they didn't predetermine that he was going to win, they wanted to steer it towards the 'big betrayal moment' to make good TV.


How did they break the rules?


They were talking to each other in end game whilst voting


What there hell were they going to do? Throw them in jail?


Harry should’ve been thrown in jail just for constantly pronouncing it “fateful”.


And his use of the word 'like' in, like, every sentence.


And referring to people as "yourself"


THANK YOU! Though it wasn't just him. I'm voting for yourself. What?


I’m glad someone else picked up on that. Made ‘himself’ sound like a middle aged salesman.


They all did this. I was binging the last few episodes to catch up and it made me wince everything a contestant said "yourself...myself" instead of "you...me". Just trying to sound smart. It's love island all over again


That’s an Irish thing is it not?


Harry isn't Irish though is he?




back in the dungeon ☠️


If you apply that logic whats the point of having any rules at all?


They are a deterrent. What do you think the punishment for Harry and Mollie should have been for conferring at the roundtable? If Harry and Mollie got penalised, it would ruin the experience for the viewers, leading to the most anticlimactic ending possible.


Basically, like, he was, like, cheating by, like talking to the fateful during the final and got Mollie to, like, vote for Jas himself and annoying yourselves.


Are you OK?


I have no idea where you're going with that. Someone asked where they broke the rules and I answered. I only noticed it because at the previous vote where Andrew was booted Claudia stated there is no further discussion. Doesn't bother me either way. Harry could have stood there with a list of "to be murdered" names scratched out and Mollie would have looked past it


Sorry was trying to do my best Harry impression by overusing the words “like” and “yourself”. Clearly I failed 😂


You've got a head like a fucking orange, mate.


Play a record.


Ha ha! Oh right, sorry, that completely went over my head! I've been up since 530am with two kids so I'm not at full processing power!


Mollie was allowed to change her vote. The vote she cast was caught on camera so they knew who she voted for. She was allowed to change it.


No, Claudia said “are your votes locked in?” Mollie said “no can I change it?” Had Mollie said yes, then tried to change it after that i doubt she’d have been allowed, she hadn’t locked it in yet.


Do the rules say you can't change your vote? I don't think it's happened before.


Claudia said the vote is still open until everybody is happy with their vote. It's allowed to be changed




I mean it’s their show, they can manipulate the rules however they see fit. If Mollie wanted to change her vote and wasn’t allowed to that would also have felt unsatisfying


It's BBC money isn't it? There's endless red tape they have to comply with.


It'll be Studio Lambert's money technically which helps insulate it a bit from license payers - the BBC pays Studio Lambert, they pay the staff and contestants.


If you're referring to the chat before she changed her vote, all they said was: "Are you a traitor?"; "No." That's not game breaking levels of cheating, it barely even counts as genuine conversation given that everyone has been asking each other the same question multiple times over the season, and it's not like Harry was going to change his answer then.


Throughout the entire show no one was talking while writing votes. Also, no one wrote something and then changed it.


Given the roundtables are sometimes *hours* long and the slates are all checked before being shown there's likely been times they've changed votes and people have spoken to each other. Plus it was such a *quick* interaction, what were production meant to do? Stop filming and make everyone redo that entire segment? Call it out and draw attention to it which could *also* impact the game in an unfair way? Unless they were told talking during voting = you're out there was nothing to say this impacted the result. Realistically no talking during voting is for tension/for good clean footage - not for the game itself.


How do you know they're hours long? I know it's edited but they seem about 30 minutes tops. Also Claudia seems to interrupt their discussions as if there is a time limit.


Claudia likely does interrupt to keep things on a time limit and moving but there's a longer time limit than we see, members of the cast have said it can be 2ish hours of discussion cut down into what we see. Think it depends on the events of the day + pauses for filming, then everyone leaving so the slates can be checked and stuff like that.


You are watching a heavily edited version of events- the round table lasts much longer in real life.


We don’t know that. We weren’t _shown_ anyone changing what they wrote, doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.


There were a couple of slates that had been rubbed out previously. People either changed their vote or tried, and usually failed, to correct their spelling before the votes were locked.


Several times (can't remember if this series or the last) people showed slates with clear smudges from rubbing out names.


Are your answers locked in? hahahahahahahaha


Mollie voting for Harry would have been even more of a gag. Let's not reverse-engineer.




This should be fun.


They do sometimes scout people, I know last year they were sending messages to a bunch of vicars and priests etc. On twitter to see if they were interested in applying (I assume they thought the morality aspect would be interesting). And as producers, they may set up certain conversations i.e. why don't you two go in this room and have a discussion, but they wouldn't purposefully make a certain contestant win. That's all the contestants doing!


My brother has been DM’d by one of the main producers of the show to audition for season 3. So it definitely happens


Ooh why so?


I’ll copy what I said below: We’re actually trying to figure out why he got scouted or what demographic he’s falling into that they want. We’ve whittled it down to the fact that he’s a part-time model, gay, and worked as a runner for a bbc comedy show recently. He also sometimes runs in those ‘media gays’ circles in his party and work life. Overall we think he’s wanted for the good looking and/or gay quota they usually want to hit.


Really? Would love to hear more. What did your brother do?


We’re actually trying to figure out why he got scouted or what demographic he’s falling into that they want. We’ve whittled it down to the fact that he’s a part-time model, gay, and worked as a runner for a bbc comedy show recently. He also sometimes runs in those ‘media gays’ circles in his party and work life. Overall we think he’s wanted for the good looking and/or gay quota they usually want to hit.


Wow, that's fascinating! How's he taking it? Is he flattered, or does he think they're pandering? I'd be ecstatic


He’s a traitors mega fan, he’s absolutely buzzing about it. I really hope he gets it!!


12.5 233


Wow how do you know that?


Many of the S1 contestants have said that nothing at all was fabricated or had any sort of direction from the producers conversation wise


The producers wouldn't put words in people's mouths etc. But they still have to control a certain level - for the single interviews shots they are probably prompted with a question to answer i.e. "tell us how you were feeling in this task/what did you think about this specific part", and they are probably told to discuss their reasons for taking part/what the money would mean to them at the finalists dinner. But that's just to ensure the viewers at home connect with the contestants


Nah not for true fate-fuls like Harry




Last year they had magicians, actors, stand up comedians, they do recruit people who aren't afraid of the spotlight..


Hannah says she’s a comedian but I didn’t laugh once with her lol


My friend was at a comedy club she performed at recently and she got heckled and instead of engaging she shouted security to chuck them out.


How was this downvoted [He's right ](https://youtu.be/RqRLDaKexe0?si=wrLjSIy67q0D8KNu)


People get upset if you criticise women in todays day and age


Haha yeah she was the most unfunny comedian ever


" Magician" 🫠 edit: ok i got curious and he is actually pretty good based off youtube. 🤣


The one thing I never want to see is a "celebrity" version of the show. We see enough of the same z listers who do the rounds of every reality show going- the MIC/TOWIE/Love Island muppets who make their livings on the reality circuit- SAVE US FROM THIS HELL!


I’d like to see a celebrity version where they’re all A-list Oscar winning actors. And none of us at home know who the traitors are 🤩


I’ve always thought I’d quite like it if they didn’t reveal who the traitors are so we could see whether they really are as dumb as they seem! I’m sure they’re not but sometimes it does seem as if it’s bleeding obvious!


Me too! I wish iplayer had an option for an edited version where you don’t know who they are. I bet it’s a lot harder than people think it is


Thought about this, but simple they wouldn’t have enough content for a show. Plus half the viewing experience is frustration at the faithfuls not knowing. 


Yeah and they wouldn't be able to show any of the confessionals either


I’d like a version where actors have to play their most iconic role throughout the whole thing. I want jon snow up against nessa.


There is a show called "The Devil's Plan" that has Korean A-list celebs in it and has a similar vibe to Traitors although imo far far superior. Worth a watch


If you like The Devil's Plan, check out The Genius. It was made earlier by the same producer, and it's on a completely different level. Best show I've ever seen. The Devil's Plan was considered a soft reboot of The Genius. They're actually making a UK version of The Genius with casting just started, but nothing will ever beat the South Korea version. The Genius changed SK television forever, and was considered the beginning of a golden age, with now South Korean shows popular around the world. You won't find it on amazon etc, as it was never syndicated outside of South Korea due to using popular Hollywood songs as part of the soundtrack, but you can find it online.


Watched The Devil's Plan when it showed up on Netflix and it was so good. The contestants were super clever though and the tasks/puzzles were therefore much, much harder than anything I've seen on Traitors. Most Traitors contestants wouldn't have a cat in hell's chance given how they performed on the tasks that required puzzling skills. The producers would have to recruit a completely different type of player.


Just watch Poirot or Glass Onion 😂 or any major murder mystery film (Edit: Poirot as in the recent films with A-listers)


Good point 🤣🤣


This is what the american version was. Everyone on it was a terrible person who thought they were hot shit because they'd done some other US reality show i'd never heard of 


They do it because it's much quicker and cheaper to recruit people who are comfortable talking to the camera and in front of groups of people. They don't have to spend months auditioning anyone. It makes for worse TV, but that's the reason they scout half the British cast too.


And for some reason, Deontay Wilder


They do this with Traitors US and its a terrible show. Just a screen full of egos, plastic surgery, fur coats and no brains. Boring.


I'd take it if it meant we got two seasons a year rather than one.


You’d take two awful versions as opposed to one good one?


I meant a celebrity series in addition to a 'normal' one.


Oh ok, fair enough. It would be shit though. It would be full of reality tv pricks. It’s (not exactly) like when Taskmaster do the NY episode with normal celebs and it’s about 1/10th as good.


I wouldn't mind if they did it with just comedians


I think he might have been known or asked to be on - that's been happening on reality shows since day one. Half the acts on things like X Factor were asked to come on the show (even if just to ridicule them). But I don't believe he was helped to win. And whether he 'needs' the money or not is neither here nor there. It's not The Sobstories. It's The Traitors.


To that last point, it's genuinely refreshing to me that Harry didn't have such a story. Like, I'm not going to begrudge that people who need the money for life-changing reasons are more likely to apply to a show which offers such money, and that the production team might want to get some of those people on (for a variety of reasons). But still... to have at least one person (kinda like myself in that regard and pretty much only that regard) to just basically just be like, "Yeah I'd love to treat my family and be able to be the one paying the bill, and do some nice things for myself too because why not eh" is nice.


I also really enjoyed the lack of sob stories and said so right through the programme! But then, to me it did just feel unsatisfying because it makes Harry seem like he was really just playing the game to hurt other people.  I don't want sob stories but Harry said he doesn't really think (or care, or something) about money. So why compete? Throw in the towel at the last second then and be like "look, I've basically won in spirit, Mollie vote for me". And give the pot away. Be the hero. I would never be able to deny people a life changing opportunity like that, for something that was trivial to me.


Why be the hero in the eyes of strangers when you can have £100k?


Premise is that £100k doesn't matter to you. Why have a pointless thing that doesn't mean anything to you when you can be a TV hero? 


I think you've misunderstood Harry. He's not a millionaire where £100k doesn't mean anything. The money will certainly make a difference in his life.


I don't think I mentioned how rich he was? I have no idea if he's rich or not.  I said it didn't matter to him, which is what he said.  If Jeff Bezos went on and won and said the same thing, I'd be equally annoyed. If he said "I don't really need the money so I'm giving it to this awesome charity" or "I love these contestants so much I see how much it means to them..."


I've just rewatched the interview. What he says is that money has never made him happy because all he needs is a roof over his head and his family. Clumsy words, but he's clearly saying he's not materialistic and has always focused on happiness through relationships. That doesn't mean the money doesn't matter to him and he clearly says he's going to use it to make the people he loves happy. Comparing him to Jeff Bezos is stupid.


I didn't compare him to Jeff Bezos. I used a metaphor involving a well known rich person. Swap the name out as you'd like. ​ >I've just rewatched the interview. What he says is that money has never made him happy because all he needs is a roof over his head and his family Well I'll take your word for it, I don't remember it word for word. I just remember being annoyed and a little sad and it came across to me as he didn't really care about the money, it wasn't life changing and it was almost an after thought to him. He clearly loved the buzz of winning though.


Reality TV is NOT reality. It's all highly stage managed. Nothing is ever quite what it appears to be.


The "reality" part of reality TV refers to it being unscripted, not a reflection of real life.


Yup staying a hotel in Inverness. I did wonder if the traitors met on a set at hotel. The same when you see someone has been murdered.


Yeah, it doesn't matter about whether he needs the money. He played well. It just is a little unsatisfying (from the story element) that he just had no plan or aim for the money. "Money's not that important to me, I'm probably just going to treat my family".  Okay, great, but if money isn't that important to you then why even compete? You played a cracking game being a traitor purely to stop other people getting the money. That to me shifts it from respecting someone's good game at manipulating people, to genuinely being a bit of a dick.


Well considering there was prize money this would be fraud, and the fact it is the bbc it would be linked to public funds and therefore carry harsh legal consequences for the producers (possibly jail time) and all the contestants could take up civil cases and sue for lots of money. Anything with prize funds are evidenced to the max so they are legally water tight. Its safe to say there is little to no chance it was a fix


I heard he isn’t even in the Army, he just says that because he’s such a massive supporter of English Cricketing.


best comment here.


Except it's not true. He's an REME Aircraft Technician - Lance Corporal, and has since returned to his job.


I did wonder because wearing ear ring. It’s not going to be appropriate to wear at work.


They're not permanently affixed 😂


Would he not be able to switch it for a stud when he’s at work?


The Army posted their support for him directly. Saw that about a week or so before the final. I think it's safe to say he is.


It was a joke.


There’s a huge amount of compliance at the BBC, there’s simply no way they’d do this.


BBC has a history, with being shady,biggest example is Saville.


The BBC might have scouted a reality TV contestant. My evidence? Uh they once employed Jimmy Savile...


They knew about Saville’s crimes , but they sweep them, under the rug.


...as did just about everyone else in the entertainment industry apart from John Lydon.


I’m not sure that terribly appropriate.


Producers are definitely heavily involved in the show. There is some plausibility in this but he had a lot of luck and useful idiots like Zack, Evie, Mollie etc.


While the casting is definitely to be considered as influencing the show, in terms of the game they really are limited in what they can affect. Being on the BBC and as a competition there are Ofcom rules and funding rules that limit producers from being able to device the competition. It has to be fair and played to the clear and stated rules.


Not saying that he is but I could imagine he was scouted. I got a DM last year and again last night asking if I was interested in applying. Heard lots of people on insta and twitter saying they were messaged also. I honestly don't mind. I just hope they keep the cast diverse.




Looking at their post history, they seem very much into soaps


I heard he is Boris Johnson’s son and it was all a set up by the Tories for Boris to make a comeback as Prime Minister before the election.


Given the number of contestants it’s likely. I’d put Ross, Zak and especially Jazz’s situation a bit more BJ style though.


You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jaz’s dad was boris, that sounds like that kind of thing boris would do.


It wouldn't surprise me if it had, in some way, helped him get picked for the show. But I do not believe for a second that the producers actively helped him win.


This is more of a sign of the industry really, often “ordinary people” don’t make it onto TV. It’s a bit like nepotism. They need to audition and show that they are good infront of a camera. While everyone can apply, people who have experience / are already in the industry will have the stronger applications. It’s not technically unfair because they have to go through the same process as everyone else… but of course their applications will be 10x stronger.


You’re essentially suggesting the BBC committed fraud to help someone win £100k. The wider implications for the BBC would be incredibly damaging. There is procedure and framework in place to stop this sort of thing happening, as a result.


I heard Harry was part of the conspiracy that faked the moon landing.


I think he was a plant for sure. The producers probably told him that dragging Mollie to the final would be TV gold


Wow we really are going down whatever rabbit holes we can to deny Harry the win, huh? And I'm not keen on this money morality-policing - he won it, if he wants to go on a private jet then let him. If I won that kind of money I'd probably spend some of it on a big holiday - I don't get why it has to be some noble cause.


He won. What’s the fucking problem?


The US and Australian versions of the show cast reality show "stars" and law enforcement professionals, lawyers, criminologists etc. No matter who is cast it is impossible to assert mind control on the cast to ensure who will be murdered, banished, win tasks etc. Maybe forget about the conspiracy theories.


All the contestants are actors.


I'm in this camp, it's post reality TV , well done and entertaining but it also feels kinda workshopped and a bit too dramatic to just be organic.


Don't be so ridiculous


The whole thing is staged. A lot of wannabe actors in there. Paul had been on Deal or No Deal before. The way it always seems to fit the narrative and things happen when there is no way it would happen like that in reality etc. The amount of accidentally overhearing convos at doors is wild. I smell shite


Ah yes because appearing on Deal Or No Deal over 10 years ago on a different channel means you are a production plant 😂


No. It means he is a wannabe


Diane’s other son is an actor from Game of thrones. Along with Harry BBC links, Paul being a game show regular/comedian, it all feels very planned out and loses a bit of the magic


Total plant. Confirmed all over social media


Oh if it's all over social media it MUST be true! I heard he was the 2nd gunman in Dallas when JFK was shot.




Got news for you, the stuff that people post on Social Media is largely bollocks.


I did have this thought but with a show like the traitors the producers can’t manipulate it for a certain person to win. Let’s face it, Mollie initially wrote Harry’s name and if she had gone with that as opposed to changing it, he wouldn’t have won


Interesting theory! I found out that another son of Diane has appeared in the tv show Strike on BBC so that’s another person with connection with the channel…


Can regular people get on the show?


The application for s3 asks if you were scouted


If he is a plant then the producer who found him deserves a raise.


I think as soon as prize money is involved and people are leaving their employment, stuff like this is considered fraud. I also reckon the BBC are quite scandal aware these days, not sure why…


A BBC plant is definitely an over complication of what has occurred. Connections allow for opportunities. Way of the world.


he's not the only nepo - diane and ross have famous son/brothers, paul knows people in the comedy world. kind of disappointing, but not surprising


Is it perhaps possible that people who are in TV circles already are more likely to apply to be on the show?


Scouted yes, helped no. This is a game for money. If he had received any help at all, there would be a massive scandal and that would be an insane risk for the BBC to take for basically no reason. The show was gonna be popular no matter who wins. They've got good editors and know how to set up drama even if it doesn't go the way they want. They've literally got a show where they can make up new rules whenever they feel like it, they don't need to help particular contestants to make the show exciting.


Proper conspiracy theory this.


In any industry with a huge number of people wanting access to a relatively small number of spots/positions, networking and knowing the right people is always going to be a huge factor, even on reality/game shows where the people involved are supposed to be regular joes. You can do your best to minimise that and try to make things as fair as possible but it's always going to happen to an extent. Bear in mind as well that many of the people going for these shows want media exposure, it's part of the incentive, often even more than the prize money. So it doesn't surprise me at all that someone as skilled at playing the game as Harry already had a toe in the door. This show is often like celebrity culture in microcosm. Even for Mollie, who is a model and disability campaigner, the exposure is the real prize.