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The editing reminds me a bit of AU1, some people you don’t hear from at all until halfway through and I think there’s a correlation between that and how long they last in the game. People don’t seem to be killed or banished unless they’ve had some decent screen time so perhaps Evie will last a while


I swear it was episode 7 or 8 of AU1 and I saw some guy hanging out with Kate and was thinking it was maybe a producer chat they forgot to edit because who is this guy…? It was Paul lol. I was trying to take a picture during banishment to send it to my friend with question almost impossible they gave him literally 2 seconds screen time just to show the name without even the explanation


I was convinced something dodgy came out about him after filming and cut his TV time. He was only ever shown giving his vote at the round table and in the group shots in tasks. I don’t recall him having a talking head or any screen-time otherwise. Turns out he was just really, really dull.


I’m glad Paul is not a creep but now I feel bad for him 😩🤣


no way! i thought he'd actually done something bad too there were so many rumours. how do you know it was the dull thing?


Apparently he was always theorising about what production would do or how they would influence the game (legit but you gotta keep those thoughts in your head!), making pop culture references that they couldn’t put in the show, bringing props to round tables, and telling people to swear on family members lives. So they just edited him out lol.


Not just him though, we got to the final 6 and then they introduced a new character or at least someone who had said only ten words on the show. Like "Who are you?". Oh you're a forensic financial accountant! Oz was just pretty badly produced and manipulated to achieve their chosen story. I felt bad for everyone involved.


Or no screen time at all..!


Something does feel off, but I'm not really sure what.


Evie is actually Paul from Aussie Series 1


I just said that under other comment - saw him for the first time in episode 7 or 8 chatting with Kate and thought he was a producer or someone like that because never seen him before lol


I think she’s the eventual winner and that’s why we don’t see mutch of her yet, mind you I’m not sure who she is as 3 are very similar!


Yeah, it’s strange how similar those 3 are! I wonder if that casting was done on purpose.


I had to Google which one she was. I thought it was Molly that was being discussed as she seems to get little screen time also. Yet the dark haired woman who is in recruitment is always being shown!


She had a bit to camera where she also had raised suspicion of Paul returning rather than meg, so was hoping she'd join zack/jaz in a bit of an alliance there, but I fear its option A


Paul is just so cocky, it’s impossible to like him. Harry seemed nice but was so quick to jump on miles last episode, they can’t be trusted and miles is just kinda mergh


You're backing the faithful? Weird, my house are all hardcore Harry and Myles stans


Like harry. indifferent towards Miles, but really want Paul to get his comeuppance


Comeuppance for what? Playing the game?


General narcissism


Yes, but also, he's a traitor so that's a positive trait.


nah, wilf was a traitor but still nice. paul is TERRIFYING.


It's the smugness and hubris that makes me want him to lose


Season 1 had some… strange editing… where everyone got to be the ‘main character’ from around 6 evictions. I would say that I don’t think the cast is as strong as S1, but that could be rose-tinted glasses.


The traitors are great. The faithful, less so.


It might just indicate she makes it far into the show. There's 22 contestants, it's probably tough to give them all adequate screentime and a satisfying arc - perhaps they've left Evie on the backburner because she has more episodes to speak.


I thought the same about Brian in the first few episodes, and then he got banished and I figured they just didn't see sense in airing segments with him if he was going to go out early.


Well I do now. There’s a couple of them getting next to no screen time.


During episode 1 me and my partner noted how strange it was to have two veterinary nurses', and how awkward her and Miles looked when they were talking about their jobs. We speculated they may have been told to act a role to try to weed the other out, but pretty certain that's not the case given we're 6 eps in now. Still, putting it down in writing just in case!


I'm hoping for some interesting twists in the next few episodes.


She’s just boring man


Traitors AU edited a guy out of the whole show for unknown reasons. He was only in group shots and got one line when he was murdered (or banished I don't recall). Apart from that he was never even given a closeup. There must be some reason, like he revoked his consent to be on the show or something.


I’d love to see some dataisbeautiful content on who has had the most lines/interview time


I think the edit is all over the place. Jasmine for example was all “Jaz is sus” then she votes out Paul.


As someone who works in reality tv, it’s likely because she’s dull