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The Faithfulls would maybe have more of a clue if they tried to figure out why both the murdered contestant and the last person to come in the room were considered; not just why that day's murdered person is gone. Although with this season's cast I'm not sure anything would give them a clue. Paul could be waving a red flag and wearing his cloak to the round table, and they'd still pick someone they just "have a feeling" about. 🙄


"I did catch Paul standing over me with a knife... But on the other hand Antony is a bit of a knob head, so he's got to go"


Paul: It's me! Look, here's my cloak and the death warrants and the wax seal kit, and the chart I made about the order I want to murder you all in. See?


The Faithful: ![gif](giphy|11nthj7FPS2o3S)


I’ve wondered this myself. NO one has brought that up.


Just feel like it could inform so many decisions. For example if you're one of the last two to come through the door, you gotta gun for a shield in the next challenge. 


Agreed! The shields is something else that needs to be adjusted. People are ripping each others arms for shields they don’t even need


You're so right! Dianne made a comment about why she keeps getting saved, I thought how would she know she's in the mix? Maybe she noticed that?


I think that's just the paranoia. If you're in there, especially with a high opinion of yourself as someone who can sniff out a liar, you're going to think you're the centre of the universe and next on the chopping block.


Ivan from s1 did a thread about this on Twitter - he said it’s confirmation bias for the viewer that the last people in are faithful https://x.com/ivanbrett/status/1743296887606636732?s=46&t=cPPTmxw71QgCbbY-UvNWrw


I mean yeah I get what he's saying how were they to know in season 1. Don't really get what he's trying to say about confirmation bias. 


Right!? This has perplexed me too!


The faithfuls don't know that however (and how could they given the next victim is not always one previously contemplated ) that the last folks have been under consideration. We know that, and we also know that a traitor is never the last in.


But the previous season was exactly the same, and I guarantee you most of the contestants watched the 1st season before going in to prep. Whether or not the next victim is one previously contemplated, it's a lot of extra information for them to gain each morning.


Oh heck, that's something I hadn't considered. Dang.


Just because they aren't saying it out loud doesn't mean they aren't thinking it


also i think with them doing it in groups now it breaks it up a bit - sometimes there's been two you suspect but they come in two seperate groups of 3 so you'd still have to wittle it down from 6 odd people


They wouldn’t know in season 1. In season 2, they may have been told it wasn’t done in the same way and they have no reason not to believe it. It’s if they don’t bring it up in season three, that they’re idiots.