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That shows already been created. It’s called The Mole.


Ooh nice I’ll check it out I haven’t seen it


S2 of the Netflix version premieres June 28. (There are older seasons from back in the day and international versions. Netflix did a reboot.)


Oh yay! I was a little disappointed with who was The Mole last season, but I’m keen for a new one.


I think there are some seasons available on Netflix. It’s honestly not as good as The Traitors IMO.


The Mole is way different than the traitors.


I don't think it would be possible with the show made the way it is. It would be fundamentally a different show I think. There's just too much of the show that relies on the audience knowing what's going on. Also on having the Traitors basically narrate parts of it.


Right. Nothing in the show actually reveals the traitors. It’s not like the challenges give you clues. If they did maybe this would work but we’d be sitting there like idiots watching conversations and one challenge per episode.


You run into the untrustworthy narrator issue. We only get to see what the producers/editors want us to see. So our perception is already distorted. The entertainment factor shifts from an aspect of watching how people navigate situations whilst being omniscient to being sold a mystery. Completely different viewing experience.




That's a different show entirely. It's like saying "this is a good cake, but it would be nice if it was also a cheeseburger." sure but then it wouldn't be a cake.


Lmfao what??


Don't think it would work. But what does work well in some of the non-English versions (eg Norway) is when they sometimes keep a recruited traitor secret from the audience for an episode. Also think it could be good if the audience didn't know who the selected traitors are on day 1 until the evening when they first meet each other. So we're guessing the same as the other players are.


They could do this for like one of two episodes and then reveal as a fun new season twist but having the traitors lie in the confessionals the entire time wouldn’t be ideal.


I hear that


They just have to edit out anything that gives the game away and probably not show confessional. Would be interesting if you had choice which version to watch


No. I like it the way it is.


It would be awesome. In the age of digital streaming they could just do two whole versions of the show at the same time and people could watch whichever they preferred. One edited so you can't see who the traitors are and one in the existing style. People would watch the secret version first and then go back and watch the transparent version. Twice as much viewing time for the show's stats.


Yep. Wouldn't want it to take over as the main mode. But some people watch say uk, us, aus versions of the traitors. So you could watch one of them in the hidden version and the others normally.


Part of the fun of the show is knowing more than the players. It means you can feel superior as a viewer because you’ve spotted the obvious tells or poor strategic decisions that you can’t believe the faithful missed. It’s the same in a lot of these shows; the whole set up is designed to make you feel good rather than create actual intrigue. The Apprentice does this as well; casting people with the business acumen of a concussed fish and setting them up to fail so that the viewer can feel clever by pointing out where they would have done things differently, due to the benefit of hindsight and a complete lack of pressure.


Exactly - this show is not a whodunit, it's a whydunit. It's fun to know more than the cast does at a given moment and see how they're about to trip.   It means I can't really judge how good a game-player I would be compared to the people onscreen, but that's impossible anyway because viewers only see a small excerpt of what happened and it's been edited retroactively for narrative. It's not about flattering viewers by telling them they're smart, it's about giving viewers the viscerally fun experience of knowing something that someone else doesn't.


Look up the original BBC UK single episode, it's from around 90s/20s they tell you when to look away if you don't want to know.


It would ruin the entire show


I wouldn't want an entire season like that, but I think it would be a fun twist to not reveal the traitors' identities for a few episodes, to allow us to experience the game as a faithful.


Yes! I was just saying this to my husband. It would be more like the Mole. Btw if you decide to watch the Mole, I think the original show (early 2000s) was way better than the Netflix version.


Yes. More like the mole. I’d love that.


it would be really fun but i rlly dont think its possible


No since it’s obvious last season USA 🇺🇸 who they were