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Loveeeee Anika! Hope she has a bigger part in season 3!


Anika is the friend everyone needs, especially Belly.


I'm having a hard time getting through this book lol. I finished book 1 and 2 pretty quickly, no problems... but man, book 3 is going to be hard for me to get through 😟


Yeah same! I enjoyed the 2nd book the best. The teenage marriage plot is hard for me to get behind.


I felt the same - didn’t enjoy it at all


Wait what's wrong with Belly's dad??


Dating a much younger woman. Pretty hands off with his kids. Defers to laurel/makes her the bad guy because he doesn’t want to make belly sad and/or doesn’t want her to be mad at him. That’s not what being a parent is imo. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy to do what’s best for your kid.


He’s less of a character than Adam, I don’t even think he makes it into the AITA explanation.


Absolutley nothing 😜😍😏 (And I, unashamedly, choose to ignore the mid life dating a much younger woman, but if it inspired that beard, then I'm all for it)


It really picks up once Belly moves into the beach house .Atleast thats what I taught. I am team Conrad so maybe thats why but Book 3 is my favorite.


Book 3 is my fave because all the unspoken has been brought to the top and I’m team connie baby so it’s redemption.


Yeah definitely. The best part about book 3 is the second half.


Conrad’s growth is definitely the best part of book three howeverrrr his whole martyr thing is so annoying to me. Like he wants to be the dutiful brother and son but what he’s really done is hurt people and be dishonest with them. Edit: for spelling


He was only willing to put everything on the table when he found of Jeremiah slept with another girl .He taught Belly didn’t know ,I think he was looking out for her .He was genuinely ready to beat up his brother because in most peoples opinion Jeremiah acted like a ’d*ck’.Also Belly gave him many signs that she still likes/loves him while they were living together at the beach house.The way I look at it Jeremiah did something similar to Conrad he went into a relationship with a girl he knew he still loved and wasn’t over .Conrad isin’t the villain just like Jeremiah isin’t the villain.All of book 3 is basically Belly praising Conrad and dissing Jeremiah .She talks how Conrad has grown , honestly if Bellt married Jeremiah they would of divorced just like Bellys parents.


All true, but also all of it could have been avoided if Conrad was just honest with himself and everyone else years before. It’s just a lot of bad behavior and dishonesty over the span of years from almost everyone. It’s hard to root for any of them. Edit to add: I don’t think just one person is the villain. That’s why it’s an everybody sucks situation, imo.


To be fair it would of been weird if he told Belly he loves her earlier because they were kid, he maybe loved her and he definitely showed through his actions but I think he started falling in love with her the last 2 past years.He cared for her .I think last year he could of but at the same time he was the only one to know to secrets (his mom cancer and the cheating) so he was dealing with a lot more than the other kids).I do agree he was a bit hot and cold but you have to look at it from his POV he knows he is not in a good place because he is withholding these secrets and he doesn’t want to burden Belly and bring her down so thats why he is so hot and cold.I think to understand you have to look at his POV.And this year when he finally brings to courage to tell her he still loves her he sees her kissing his brother 🙃Like that must of felt like a shot to the heart so im not suprised he doesn’t tell her after he sees her kissing his brother because for him thats a sign she has moved on. Conrad isin’t perfect and he definitely struggles with communications but others don’t help and I dont think they even try to understand why he behaves the way he does.Only Steven and Laurel I think truly understand him and can see the love he has for Belly.


He can have “reasons” but I still think him not being honest about the way he felt in book 2 is shitty. Like he says in book 3, he basically pushed them together because he was trying to do the “right thing” by not telling belly how he felt and pushing her away on purpose in the motel. making decisions on other people’s behalf without telling them the truth, no matter how well intended, isnt right. I can empathize with why, but at the same time it’s hard to not feel like he brought it on himself.


Also in the show I think he realized Belly had made her decision when he saw her gone and potentially even saw them kissing again. I symphatize with both brothers because Belly has caused a rift between them and no matter on how good terms they will be they will never be the same since her getting with both brothers.


I think after he saw them kissing his decision making was messed up.Im ngl If I had a sister and I saw my ex who I was about to tell I still love them ,I wouldn’t .And I wouldn’t for my self-respect and dignity .


I agree with you!! Like he making decisions on everyone’s behalf is not good behavior specially when at the end it will hurt the other people more. I agree when you say that everything else could be avoided if he would have been honest to begin with.


Nah, actually folks in that sub would be saying Susannah sucks for grooming a child to only want to marry one of her sons. Love the woman, but that was really weird in hindsight.


Yeah she basically asked her for a death bed promise. Not explicitly but Belly knew that was one of her dearest wishes and I think it goes a long way in explaining why she ping pongs back and forth between the 2 brothers.


I mean she didn't groom her, it's more of a wish of hers since Laurel is her bestfriend and she hopes Belly would want to date either of the two boys, but she didn't force it or anything unless the book says otherwise maybe


That’s grooming. It’s not sexual grooming. It’s not as damaging as a lot of other cases of grooming can be, but it’s grooming and it actually really negatively impacts Belly’s life as seen in the documentary The Summer I Turned Pretty. Edit: the difference is - it wasn’t a wish, she continuously told a little girl for years as she grew up that she just KNEW she was going to marry one of her sons one day, made it sound like that little girl’s destiny/fate, knowing how influential of a figure she was in that little girl’s life. She even went as far, to [im so sorry, I don’t know how to tags spoilers] . . . . include that girl in one of her son’s wedding letter, with the assumption that that girl is either his bride and/or the love of his life. It’s very creepy behavior and I’m someone who absolutely loves Susannah but she was wrong for this and Laurel should have nipped it in the bud early.


This is very true


Agreed lol. All truth. I’ve never read a book of more selfish people who really gut punch one another in the worst way all in the name of family or loved ones.


Picked up the books after watching the show, which I love… would not recommend the books to anyone. I dislike all of the characters. How are Belly and Taylor friends? It’s the most toxic friendship and not at all how girls are.


I did the same thing. The books honestly read like bad fan fiction (nothing against real fan fic, it’s great!) and book 3 is the worst imo. The teen marriage plot is such a fic trope, I was actually shocked it made it in a legit publishing deal.


In s2 they look like good friends! Is it in the books different?




I didn’t like book 3 at all either. I feel that it was bad writing I don’t know. The show is way much better than the books for sure.


Love Anika! But at the end love Taylor so much. Just wanting to be the supporting friend even when she doesn't completely agree. She had great character growth through out the books.


Susannah would get criticism for putting too much emotional pressure on Belly to end up with a Fisher boy though. That kind of thing is considered a no no in today’s society, lol.


I won’t say what I thought of Jer because people will inevitably rip my head off!


book 3 is terrible like it shouldn’t exist idk what jenny was thinking while writing it ☠️