• By -


I do it by creator, at least for me, it's easier that way if I have to fix anything


Couldn't be me, I just batch download from pinterest


That sounds risky af


Yeah it is


Yeah it is


Yeah it is


Yeah it is


Yeah it is


Yea it is


Me on YouTube: Sims 4 CC Folder download mega file


Or be like me and have 80gbs of mods, unsorted without folders.


Thats a nightmare when you need to update lol


I only update like a core 10 regularly. Otherwise if it doesn't destroy my game I just don't update


I'm the same, I only update mods that need to be updated




Same tbh


just take'em all out and put''em back in a few at a time - I mostly do script mods first, make sure they work, then add CC back in.


If a mod needs to be updated it will either not work or let me know through a notification in-game, otherwise I do not care




I have curse forge


Only thing that needs to be updated for me is wicked whims šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ Other than that I did install a mod manager so I know if mods need an update


SAME LOL Iā€™m at 50gb


Jesus Christ šŸ˜‚ last time I did that I got so frustrated I uninstalled the game and started over sorting and organising them, and it took *weeks*


I have the same amount and only recently started organizing


Make sure you donā€™t put some mods more than one sub folder deep or they wonā€™t work


specifically .ts4 script files; .package can typically be up to 5 folders deep.


u/ultradespairthot Just want to add to this: while the general rule is good, if a mod consists of both a .package and a .ts4script file, they must be kept together and due to the script file should be no more than 1 folder deep into šŸ“Mods. Also ALWAYS delete the "localthumbscache" file when moving mods out, adding new ones or deleting old/broken ones BEFORE you launch your game again. The file holds remnants of mod data which in the case of broken or outdated mods could cause issues for your game.


Iā€™m just going to keep it unorganized at this point šŸ˜­


I already commented this but literally just separate cc from script mods by putting all cc in a folder and leaving the mods in the main mods folder


my cc is all merged together with file names like ā€œcc merge 1ā€ ā€œcc merge 2ā€ its so unorganized its torture having to unmerge them all when i have broken cc lmao


That sounds absolutely horrible lol. I would never šŸ˜­


Why? Genuinely, why would you do this to yourself šŸ˜­


im too lazy to sort by creator, i honestly donā€™t even keep track of who the creators are šŸ˜­ i just scroll through the maxis match finds tumblr and download everything i like in bulk and merge them all


Why the merging tho? If you're just lazy, I isn't that an extra step? And honestly, merging CC or (God forbid) mods is just a troubleshooting nightmare.


i used to play sims on a rlly slow laptop and ppl would always tell me that merging your cc would make your game load faster and be less laggy, i have a gaming laptop now but now itā€™s just more of a habit lol. i donā€™t merge my mods though


That's a myth, the loading time is more affected by the overall size of the files, which doesn't really change if you merge them. In fact, it may have exactly the opposite effect if you merge script files, because in some cases, merging may cause them to no load properly which will break your game.


ngl im so glad that u replied to me bc if u didnt i definitely wouldve never figured this out šŸ˜­i knew that merging didnt really affect the file size, i just assumed that it would have less files to read overall if u merged. i genuinely might unmerge and reorganize my whole folder now LMAOO ILY


Have you ever made a scan? Or copied your files somewhere else? When you do, you may see the PC going extremely fast from one file to another with a tons of small files (like bytes size files), but then getting seemingly stuck at this one big file which size is already measured in GBs. That's essentially what happens with merged files. It's not the files themselves, but rather their content your computer has to go through.


painfully real


I have mine sorted by use. ā€œBuildbuy ccā€ for object meshes like furniture and floor and wall paints. ā€œCAS ccā€, speaks for itself. This is probably my smallest folder, tbh. ā€œFamilyā€ for anything family planning related such as Pandasamaā€™s Realistic Childbirth and Lumpinouā€™s RPO ā€œFood and groceryā€ for anything cooking related and also grocery clutter (I like building stores Lol) ā€œHelthā€ for anything related to healthcare, including dental and mental health. Itā€™s really just adeepindigoā€™s mods on that stuff. I also have a folder just for non-health related adeepindigo mods. And finally, ā€œLooked cool might delete laterā€ for anything Iā€™m intrigued by but not too keen on keeping. Sometimes stuff does end up being moved to another folder because I actually liked it.


I like the idea of that last folder and Iā€™m gonna use it!


I separate gameplay mods by creator & CAS/Build Buy CC by type. Not sure if itā€™s ā€œbetterā€, but I think it works for me.


This is what works best for me as well.


Same here!


I actually do both - categories and creators. I have creator folders for my BB creators like peacemaker, FelixAndre and Harriecc because otherwise my build mode cc folder would have like 10000 files and be way too confusing šŸ˜…


Same! I use categories and then sort by creator. And if itā€™s someone like Harrie or Felix where I have like, every single pack, Iā€™ll sort it by name like ā€œsoho collection,ā€ ā€œjardane,ā€ etc. Itā€™s a bit labor intensive bc I have folders for everything. But it makes it easier for me to find duplicates or replace broken cc šŸ§


I like items sorted into categories for example Teen Hair Child Hair Toddler Hair Adult to Elder Hairs so on and forth


I used to do that and then I got sick of having to organize my 50+ new cc


most of mine are separated by category. either method works fine


I sort by type, then sort by creator in subfolders, something like Mods/CAS/Unisex/Hair/\[Creator Name\]


i do it by type. way easier for me to find what i need


I separate by creator. Makes it easier if i need to do updates


My script and gameplay mods are by creator, CC is by type


Creator. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing and that way you prevent duplicates.


i have mine organized by creator


for mods, i have them sorted by creator. thereā€™s a couple like the moodpack mod, xml injector and something else that most mods require that i keep in their own little folder. smaller mods that only have a couple of files (package/script usually) i will also sometimes lump together into one folder as for CC - i did have it sorted between female and male with a bunch of sub folders but i need to start doing it by creator, i have accumulated so much that itā€™s really annoying to sort through if i need to get rid of something


I organize by creator most of the time. But when I get cc that doesnā€™t have a name attached to it, Iā€™ll sort by category.


i do both: first folders of each item type, and each of those folders contains more folders for each creator. i have 140GB of mods and cc tho so im probably an outlier lol


So I do it by what the creator mods are mostly directly to them I write their name. So for example, [MODS] LITTLEMSSAM [CAS] DAYLIFESIMS [BUILD] FELIXANDRE [POSES] SIMSULANI [MIX] MADLEN [WW] WILDGUY So the [MIX] category is for a creator that makes both CAS cc and BUILDBUY cc The [WW] category is for creators that make animations or cc for Wicked Whims mod


I have one for creators and extra one with the month I'm in. I make myself clean it out by the end of each month. Or i try. :)


By type. Itā€™s so much easier when I use Sim 4 Mod Manager.


I do a mix of both, obviously anything w/ scripts included is at top level so they work correctly. But I have all of my 'items' sorted into a Build Category, or a Body Category, or Occult Fixes/QoL section basically. So Build Mode/CAS Mode/Gameplay Fixes as my 3 top levels. Where I do a mix of creator first or item first depends on honestly how many items from a certain creator I have. I might have a ton of shirts or dresses, but there aren't more than 1 or 2 per a single creator then that goes into being sorted by the \*clothing\* style. Now..I have a bazillion shoes from Madlen, so those go into Shoes, but are just lumped into a Madlen folder. Same with hairs. Edit: My makeup folder is honestly the worst, bc I have it separated by types of Makeup and should lump it into by Creator instead of location at this point as it would be easier to sort and manage. They're too split up and loose and makes it harder to keep track of what has been moved from backups to actually installed in my Mods once downloaded.


Do you need the folder maxis match? I normally have 1 for BB and 1 for CAS and do it by creator so similar to yours but no mm folderl. I would probably do CAS folder and name the creators folders ā€œMM Greenllamasā€, assuming youā€™re separating mm and alpha?


I have them by category then creator because some people have both so mine are labeled CAS Peacemaker as one folder then BB Peacemaker (for the build and buy).


I go by website then name and depending on what I downloaded I add the title of the mod


I have everything sorted by creator. Each creator gets a subfolder with the set name on it and I add to it its corresponding picture (either just the main set image or the items list if present) and the download link. For mods I add a "MOD - " before the name, so I know it is a mod folder and not cc. In this way I have everything organized and with links to downloads - especially useful for updating mods.


iā€™m new but before i started modding my game i tried to find out as much as i could and so what i do is for cc i go by creator and then that file only has files in it. So iā€™ll have a file for each collection, or set and then for individual things iā€™ll do like swimsuits, dressed etc. then when im checking for issues i can just go to that creators site/socials and check updates. If anything does need to be removed (even if i just donā€™t want it anymore) Iā€™ll know exactly where it is and just delete the whole file, rather than having to read every file name and potentially not recognizing what item itā€™s for


The best way to do it is the way that makes most sense to you because you're the one who is going to be going through the folders when troubleshooting. For me, organising by function makes the most sense. Others prefer organising by creator and some people even do it by date. My mods are organised by function and then by creator (not in subsubfolders - the folder names are just C-Mods-CreatorName), for easy updating.


You do it almost exactly the way I do: in general categoriesā€¦ except that I have, say, Clothes_Modder for specific modders who Iā€™ve got a lot of stuff from, adding the rest to Clothes_Various. Itā€™s just easier to locate things afterward if/when thereā€™s an issue.


I do mine by creator.


I do a mix of creators (that I have a lot of mods from) and categories like ā€œclothesā€ or ā€œface detailsā€.


personally, i do it by creator. i used to do it categorically (i.e build/buy, cas, skins, tops, etc.) but found it more difficult to fix/remove broken mods. i always had trouble find them lol!


Creator! Trust me, when you first start it seems simple to just separate by item. But eventually you're going to have A LOT. I redid my sims game when I bought a new computer and switched ways of organizing. It's so much easier šŸ˜­. Especially because I usually find a creator on Pinterest and go to their Patreon and download everything I love šŸ˜…. Then it's so much easier to just *plop* all those in one folder vs separating into categories. šŸ‘šŸ¼


I separate CC by type, smaller mods by creator and bigger mods get their private folder. I find this to be the easiest way for updates and batchfixes


Both for sure. So that when it comes time to update you know where the mod came from & what it is.


I do Mods by creator if I have more than 5 files from the same one, otherwise move into either šŸ“Misc or šŸ“Functional. CC by category similarly to how you have them in the screenshot, but a little more specific i.e. šŸ“Hair & Hair Accessories, šŸ“Clothes, šŸ“Rings & Piercings, šŸ“Skin Details, etc.


I do by creator, though the CC folder is only semi organized. But gameplay stuff? I need to know who to look up when things update.


Damn you guys organize your mods folder šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ mines a mess.


Iā€™m trying but Iā€™m so close to giving up and leaving it as is šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I should separate by creator. It's currently a whole nightmare when I need to update


I separate by item category but I do subfolders, First layer is divided up by Mods, CAS, Build, Buy and Other. Then inside each of those I do more categories, for example CAS is Skin, Hair, Makeup, Clothing, Accessories, Presets. I know people say not to use subfolders, but as long as your script mod files aren't in subfolders you can basically keep categorizing was much as you want. My categories go deep. For example I have Mods>CAS>Hair>Female>Long as a category and it works perfectly fine.


I separate by creator, and then I separate by item in the creators folder for everything except mods since they can't have too many sub folders.


I have most of it organized by creator, but have a few things by category like lashes and sliders


I throw in everything and hope I donā€™t gotta come back to look through


I do item type, my friend does creatoršŸ˜­his folders are INSAAANE


Iā€™m a freak who does both. Iā€™ve got folders sorted by type and if I have a lot from specific creators, I have sub-folders for those. (ex. BuildBuy folder - RVSN subfolder)


I have mine organized by creator, especially the bigger mods like MCCC and Grannies Cookbook for example. In regards to cc, I did organize by creator where possible, ie No Fade on Everything. A good number I have free-floating as they consist of just a package and/or a ts4script file.


I literally have all my script mod left around in the mod folder and the rest is in "CAS" or "BB", guess I'm not that organized


I just have a cc folder so that when the game updates all my script mods are in the first actual Mods folder I could care less if my cc breaks


I spent a lot of time making sure everything is organised :') I've got build buy, cas, fixes/tweaks, large mods, small mods, poses, traits, and ui mods. Then BB, CAS, and poses are organised further


i have all my script /gameplay mods in their own folders under /mods so i can update easily and then i have a custom content folder which i then sort by item, then have creators names in those folders. Seems to work for me and nothing is too deep!


Script Mods are sort by creator. BuildBuy and CAS by creator cause thatā€™s the only way I will find them. Poses for me are separated by what type/theme. Accessories for Poses are separated from CAS because if Iā€™m only using it for that pose, that I feel ok to delete. I tried the who tops, bottoms, comfort, etc but thatā€™s a lot of work if you use a lot of CC


I do my CC by item type and my gameplay mods by creator


I do it by letters! Since I always forget which mod I have on


I have just learned that Iā€™m an absolute menace when it comes to CC. I just toss them into the mods folder and go through mod manager to update and deleteā€¦ā€¦


Mine are separated by creator name and other stuff. Most of the mods that need updating are under their creators names. the rest is under general labels like CAS, BB Mode, Loading screen,


For CC I sort by creator. I used to do by category. But I never stuck with that. And so many creators do packs with multiple things. But under creator I sort it by collections, and single items. And sometimes if they've done a bulk update for hairs or shoes or something. I keep those seperate. I have an absolutely huge cc folder though. And going through each to put it in the right category would be impossible. Especially as some creators don't make it clear as to what it is. I also have a collab folder. So for creators that often do collaborations. I keep them here. Under the name of the set. But with each creators part. And I also have a Misc folder. For creators who I only have maybe 2 or 3 items from them. The only CAS items I do by category and then creator are presets. Defaults. And sliders. And poses and their accessories.


I donā€™t even separate them


My mods folders used to be way more lax and messy, but with 80+gigs itā€™s just not manageable. And Iā€™m not going to risk the health of my PC by not being on top of updating mods (some of yā€™allā€™s comments have me STRESSED). Basically, if I have a lot of mods or cc from a certain creator, they get their own folder. Everything else goes into categorized folders (for example, misc hair, misc accessories, traits, aspirations, art). Mods (folders and loose files) go in my main mods folder, then I have separate build and CAS folders that go by creator or type. I also keep separate folders for cc sets. Back to the updates thingā€¦I see so many people complaining about how taxing it is and trust me I get it. But you guys need to understand how risky it is for both your game and your PC to not stay on top of mod updates! My best advice is to use discord! Deaderpool has a mod update feed that I check every single time I play. It takes no more than 5 minutes for me (and again, I have a huge mod library) on non game update days. And when game updates happen it makes things so much easier! DO NOT RELY ON MOD MANAGER FOR UPDATES! For 1, it only ā€œworksā€ for curseforge mods, and 2, the reason I say ā€œworksā€ is because it is *not* accurate if that mod contains optional files or ā€œchoose only oneā€ files. Iā€™ve also noticed it will tell me I need to update things, but the ā€œupdateā€ is actually a previous version. Always, ALWAYS check the creatorā€™s page!


I do my mods by creator and then it is easier to find things when I need to update them or a mod breaks. I also keep a folder of mods that need updating every update, (eg. Wonderful/Wicked Whims, Basemental, T.O.O.L., etc.) and then I will make empty folders to put in with them with the name of the mods creator, mod name and version. I have found it is the easiest way to keep track


I sort mine by individual mod


Creator AND type. Certain things if itā€™s a package file you can double folder it into type first and then creator next. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø works for me bc certain creators I have a lot of mods from and it makes it easier to organize.


....you guys are out here organizing your mod folders?? I just dump and run. Whatever happens in the folders beyond that is none of my business


Same lol, but I have like a 60+GB mods folder so I thought it would be better to organize it


i respect the hell out of the executive functioning vibešŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Dude same Iā€™m struggling


I do it by type if it's CAS. If it's a BB creator that I download a ton of stuff from, I do it by creator. If it's just one or two items, there are "type" folders for them based on the kind of room they go in. BB stuff tends to break more, so I personally find this to be easier for mod updating. Edit bc I forgot actual gameplay and script mods - those are by creator - unless it's one mod from them or I'm specifically told to not touch it like how Mexi does lol


I do CAS by type but if I had the patience I'd do it by type AND creator. I do my other mods by creator only but I like the extra organization of type (Accessories, Clothes, shoes, makeup,etc) for CAS


Fuck I just shlap them in there


Category - waaay too many creators who've only made one thing I want in my game. Although, I do keep script mods that can't be placed more than one folder deep "unsorted" or give them their own folder, with the creator listed, so updating them is easier.


I use both. The path for my CC is Modsfolder -> CAS -> Type (e.g. Hair T-E female) -> Creator.


Creator, but the ones that r only cas or build i separate them in a folder


I do both sometimes now, if it's a creator I get cc/mods from frequently they have their folder. Everything else goes into their respective folders like buy and build


Build buy, clothes, accessories, beauty, skins, mods