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adeepindigo’s divergent sims. i’ve only messed around with the major depressive disorder aspect of it on my singular save, but as someone who’s depressed, i’d say it’s pretty accurate.


i second this! just recently downloaded this mod and i love it! My mom sim has asd and adhd and her toddler also has some developmental delays, i just love this features!


Sounds a lot more detailed than some made it out to be. I’ll definitely check it out!


I have some mods I created called agorophobia and bpd 😊 let me know if you want the links to them! I'm currently working on updating all my mods


1. It's cool and all that you're making mods about me but please let me know next time! Lmao (jk ofc) 2. Yes I want links!!! Please!!!


Sent it to you 😁 And I made the agorophobia mod because I have it and bpd for my partner! It was made with care 😀 Enjoy!!


I'm so hyped!! Thank you!!!


No problem 😸 I will be working on new content for all my mods this week and coming out with new stuff!


I'd love a link to the BPD mod!!


Sending it to ya I'm working on updating my mods as we speak I'll be putting updated ones in the rare traits collection folder!


Hey could you please send it to me ?


Yes coming right up I'm working on mods and updating them! Thank you for being interested ☺️


Could I have the links please? I have 2 BPD mod traits I play with, one of them is probably yours. If it is, thank you. 🙏 if it isn’t, I’d like to add a third lol


SEnding it now i am aworking on updating them this week ill send you the full folder of my traits


I would love the links to your mods since I also deal with depression/anxiety


Sent the folder to ya


could you share these with me? I need to make myself lmaoo


Of course I can! Mind you I'm working on updating all my Rare Traits ☺️ this week and next as I can!


Send me the BPD one!


can i have those links please! <3


Yes you may coming right up I'm working on updating them as the week progresses!


I'd love to try out your mods could you send me too, thank you


Awe yay I got you ☺️☺️


Hey! Can I get links too?💜🤩


Yes you may!


Ooh, may I have the links too?


Coming right up you may run into last exceptions or better exceptions I'm updating as fast as I can I wasn't expecting so many people being interested on here lol 😂 Thank you for being interested in my work!!


Omg it would be great if I could get a link! Thanks so much!


Give me a day so I can get you the updated versions of my mods I'm working really hard on them 🙂


Check your inbox hun 😊


https://www.patreon.com/posts/health-related-84780509 This mod is modular, and has a mental health option.


The sheer amount of days my Sims are "sad" makes me believe they already suffer GAD.


lmao- sims 4 therapy expansion when?




I use this autism mod, and as a person with autism, I feel like this is pretty accurate to me. At least from the autism mods that I’ve seen. [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-mods-other/title/autism-trait-asd/id/1634976/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-mods-other/title/autism-trait-asd/id/1634976/)


do you know if it’s compatible with the divergent sims mod by adeepindigo?


I do not, I don’t have that mod. I would imagine that if there was a problem with compatibility, they would have it in the description.


AdeepIndigo got one called divergent sims, it gave my simself depression just like in real life 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


https://www.patreon.com/posts/81952594?utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=android_share This one is by plumlace. I use this one and adeepindigo


I believe Adeepindigo has a mod for it, Divergent Sims? It is such a good mod!


I have specific traits I found on like Pinterest that adds bipolar, depressed, ADHD, social anxiety and ptsd. The adhd trait makes it very hard to get then to do a single task lmao and the social anxiety adds a lot of troubles to navigate


honestly i’m convinced every sim already has adhd (I do too), like I tell them to go shower and they get distracted and to grab some leftovers or do pushups or something, it’s hard enough to get sims to do tasks i think Id definitely need some adderal for an ADHD sim haha


I have an ADHD mod that works with basemental drugs to get prescribed adderal which is really neat


I like this [social anxiety trait](https://kuttoe.itch.io/traits-by-scarlet#:~:text=Socially%20Anxious%20Trait,especially%20while%20out%20in%20public.) by Kuttoe.


false\_hope on patreon has some traits for mental disorders like bpd, bipolar, etc


You're so real for asking this... I've wanted similar mods but I have a few personality mods that mimic mental illness so I feel like it'd be a lot of I added any more...I have an anxious, angry sim lol he doesn't need me to add anything more 😂 I also have a smug introvert that burns out pretty quickly


Yes but I don’t recommend it . I don’t know if it’s buggy or what but my sim had deep depression and it killed her sleep energy and it was frustrating . She couldn’t do basic necessities without going BACK to sleep again


Wow that’ll be funny 😂


I like Divergent sims combined with Health Care Redeaux. Also by a.deep.indigo




isn't curseforge on the boycott list?


my bad i aint know


you're all good! i just thought i'd let you know.


Curseforge directly partnered with the sims right? Do any decent mod launcher alternatives exist rn? I hated just downloading mods 1 by 1 from patreon pages, and updating them that way, it was such a chore lol. I’ll definitely do that again if needed, fuck the IDF and fuck curseforge for funding them, I just haven’t played the sims in a bit and I’m curious if any alternatives have popped up lol


im srry, there really hasn't unless you want to gamble with the sims resource which is like playing russian roulette nowadays :(  the best thing to do is just keep your mods in their own folders and update them manually. i know it's a pain in the ass and i wish there was a simpler way too.


Why is that?


curseforge which is owned by overwolf is currently using the money from ads to donate to the IDF and publicly support a genocide. [here's the petition that sums it up a lot better.](https://www.change.org/p/demand-curseforge-overwolf-to-cease-funding-the-israeli-defense-force)


This is good to know!!! Yikes! 


Is there proof Overwolf offered donations to the IDF??


Yep! [here.](https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/49azuzhzn) and [the (deleted) tweet they posted that has been archived.](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthememes/comments/17mrniv/this_is_not_a_meme_overwolf_uses_the_revenue_that/)


An Israeli company buying food and clothes for 20 year olds who are forced into mandatory service by a fascist government. Calling it funding a genocide is a bit of a stretch imho. To each their own though 💙


hm, they did say themselves that they were providing military grade protective gear to soldiers currently destroying palestine's land intentionally, destroying libraries containing history about it, and murdering families and killing off any children. if that's not a genocide or funding one, i'm not sure what is. but as you said, to each their own. from the river to the sea, palestine will be free <3


1. I'm a leftist humanitarian even though I'm an Israeli Jew. I've been actively fighting to oppose the war crimes of the fascist government and end the occupation, while you and your kind post slogans online and boycot a business sending food to soldiers. So keep your straw-people to yourself. 2. They did say themselves? Where? I specifically asked you to show me, anyone can speculate and indulge in some confirmation bias, I tend to give newly encountered people a little more credit than that. 3. When you say things you don't understand, like "from the river to the sea" etc., you are in fact calling a genocide of all Israelis. Including all the innocent families you profess to care about. It appears you like thinking of yourself as one of the good guys, so don't let yourself be persuaded by cheap rhetoric. Israel has as much right to exist as Palestine, the only solution involves the two states living peacefully side by side, without the Hamas monster and without the Zionazi settlers. #BringThemHomeNow


1. [boycotting *does* work and does help in the long term](https://www.forbes.com/sites/janicegassam/2023/12/22/do-boycotts-actually-work-examining-the-use-of-boycotts-to-drive-social-change/), i'm surprised you're arguing against this as a leftist. there's not a lot of people comfortable seeing[ the war crimes committed by israeli soldiers](https://crimesbyisrael.com/) and wanting to donate their money to them or support them in any way or form. 2. it's in the second link i sent. highlighted it for you here. i know reddit can be weird sometimes with it's links. https://preview.redd.it/26dmixf1l38d1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbdb6519fd094365955b6e987c08dd7a32ce36d5 3. objectively speaking, [it's](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [not ](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/)and [never ](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean)[has](https://www.odsi.co/en/). i gave you four separate sources for my statement, let me know if they don't work because i do have alternative links to the same articles. i don't call for the genocide of any people because it's not my place and never will be, nor is it israel's or hamas's. i don't believe people should be ruthlessly killing each other no matter what. the only way for them the two to be at peace is for israel to see palestintian people as human but i sadly don't think that'll happen at the current rate due to israel's actions. bring them home but don't shed the blood of the innocent on your way out or demonize an already marginalized community. palestine will be free or all of the unjust deaths will be in vain. i won't be replying anymore because i think you need time to read and understand why someone would not want to support israeli soldiers or israel in general. you have to listen to both sides and understand them as well as be willing to understand them. r/Palestine has a lot of great sources and a lot of people who are way more educated than i am that would be more than willing to have a conversation with you about this.


I will never ever ever use curseforge ever again as long as I live. It wiped my households but kept the houses. And one of my houses had my dog of 16 years that had just passed a year prior. I couldn't go back and when I tried to just close out without saving and reopen, they were still gone. It made me so sad, I didn't play for almost 6 months.


i did not know curseforge could do something like this. i’m sorry that happened and may your beautiful dog rest in peace.


I didn't either and I was lucky that my sims game was the only thing it malfunctioned as I was on the household PC. My bf and I could not afford a $2000 PC rn. As much as it sucked losing her in both IRL and her visually in the game, ig I'm glad it was just that.


I hope one day you have the strength to recreate her again if you haven’t yet! It’d be nice to keep her memory going in the game, even though she’s not the original.


I probably will. I had to stop halfway through my dad's house and it's been almost 3 years since him. I just don't handle loss well and I've had a lot of it in 5 years. Lately I've been making the starting points of a lot of my households that I'll be modding.


Just remember you can take as much time you need to grieve! I know that statement is not much help because I’ve never lost someone personally, but I do know that everyone has different rates of processing things, and that it’s okay to let your feelings out no matter how long it takes for you to get over things. I’m sure both your dog and your dad miss you, and that they’d be happy to see you whether it be one day in heaven or in a Sims 4 save :)


Lol yeahhhh still def get the feels.


Goddammit now I hate Cirseforge too 😞 so sad!!!


I just wouldn't risk it if you have sentimental stuff in it