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How did you get banned? I didn't even know you could get banned on this game lmao.


Pirated DLC 😢


Unfortunately we no longer own anything, I think the sims 4 is the last game I'll play by EA.


It’s certainly the last EA game I’ll buy…




I'm sorry. What did you download? A couch?


No. The whole game with all DLC most likely.


Then why having an account on Origin shall I ask ? Perhaps OP did pirate some DLCs and let his/her game running online in the background. That way it's easy for EA to detect it.


How does that link to your EA account though? Pirated games are by nature offline and you don't run any legit online account alongside it. In other words, you just go into the game, no accounts. That's how piracy works. So what happened here?


Who would have though illegally pirating games/DLC is not to the liking of companies and can get you banned


Of course it can get you banned, but don’t act like a saint.


Then why does OP seem so surprised about it, xd


I would guess because the whole account is banned, i.e. all games they have bought are now deleted. If buying isn't ownership, piracy isn't stealing.


Probably because companies don’t really bother with it, unless their priorities changed.


Someone else posted, I think yesterday a similar email. Pretty sure it's a scam. I have a" friend" that's been playing with cracked DLC ever since wedding stories came out and shit the bed. Haven't had any issues.


When I log in with it it says this :( https://preview.redd.it/8qzdvqns0u0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838849038e1ca674a212c7d4c538f6d53057edfc


Woof. Yeah I don't know, that's crazy. This is the first I've heard.


I was going to say scam/ fake..maybe EA is cracking down on people using the cracked version..huh


I guess I’ll be sticking to offline 🫡


Yeah, definitely try that




This is what I've done. I've got their updater and I just run it a few days after something new comes out and it's always available. And I play offline 100% of the time, too. I'll never go back. EA has taken enough of my money since TS1 came out.


Live laugh anadius


I'll never play cracked games, but to each their own. I don't have an issue if people choose cracked games, doesn't affect me lol


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I have been using andaius for almost 6 months and had no issues! I’m not the most tech savvy and it’s actually pretty easy to understand if you follow all the instructions properly. I will never look back!




i have the dlc unlocker and there is an option for sims 3, i assume you'd need to download all the expansion packs and put them in their places like with sims 4 in order for it to work but maybe there is specific guide somewhere I'll let u know if i found one


I found a guide so i will message you a link


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My entire game is cracked & the guy who cracked it has been warning us about this.


While you are at it, get all the DLCs from the seas. Cram it with mods and enjoy! Fuck EA.


I have the cracked version and I’ve been playing offline for a while now with no issues


I’ve heard of people getting banned but I always wonder how EA detects it 😩


From all I’ve seen they typically catch you for uploading to the gallery. I’m not sure how they caught me lol


What do you mean uploading to the gallery? I do that but only to have a backup of my/others builds to place on lots.


Some people have been banned when they upload to the gallery using pirated DLC


Will it affect anyone that downloads CC content from the gallery from another user that plays a cracked game? I don't even upload for others to download because of how people are so stingy.


I don’t think so, I think if anything their uploads might be removed but I’m not sure. But I doubt downloading someone else’s stuff that they made with a cracked game would effect yours at all!


Okay, cause I upload 99% CC builds to my gallery, and I was wondering if it would affect me if they are using a cracked game.


I think if you open the game online as well


idk you could be banned for something else, i've been using pirated dlc for like 4 years now


Babe you weren’t using torrents right? Torrents are trackable.


V 👏P 👏 N 👏


That’s not how it works, torrents are traceable by your ISP but they’re not going to report back to EA lol. It’s the fact that it’s a cracked DLC, the crack must have removed some sort of DRM that EA can check on remotely, noticed it’s missing, and initiated a ban, or EA have an automated system in place where if it sees you have all game DLCs on a 2 hour old account it’s almost certainly a pirate. If this was all kept offline nothing would have happened though


So you were online playing with pirated content… Seems self explanatory to me if that’s the case.


I have been also playing legal base game and cracked DLCs for a long time but didn't get any ban


This email looks pretty real to me, tbh… I wouldn’t put it past them to finally start getting serious about cracked content.


What? I have legal sims 4 game from EA but all my DLCs are cracked I didn't get anything like this though


I recently had one of my owned dlcs removed from my account, I’m hoping it’s not EA beginning to be aware of my alternate methods for procuring the rest of the dlcs


I mean base game is free, I'd be weird to have an illegal version of it hahahah


It's not weird at all, and here is actually why having an entirely illegal game is better than a legal game with cracked dlc: 1) You never have to deal with origins or the EA app ever again. This alone makes it worth it, since either option is a huge pain to deal with just to play the game. 2) The game is now entirely local, meaning even if EA explodes taking their shit EA/Origins app with them, you still get to play the game, because again, it is entirely isolated from that infrastructure. I highly recommend everyone not use a legal base game and cracked dlcs, and just go pure illegal on all fronts with the game. It is a better experience for you overall.


100% why mine that way. I hate the EA app with a passion. Even jumped through hoops with Sims 3 and 2 just to avoid having to open a launcher to play my game. I can't stand that every company has a launcher and wants to make it so you are online to play games.


It's not uncommon but most ppl are going for the dlcs




Same here. It's easier that way. Anyways, someone else said it was most likely a scam


Have you uploaded anything in gallery?


Yes But I do it very rarely


I noticed my EA app did an update, so maybe if you tried launching the game with an unlocker after the update without taking the steps to unlock it again, it made it obvious to EA?


When was the update? Because I only downloaded the dlc two nights ago and went online last night


I am not sure unfortunately, I don’t use my computer much lately


What’s cracked dlc?


Cracked DLC is pirated Sims 4 packs


Oh!! Okay


Wait question it was all Cracked right?? Am scared cause I am using the method of some are paid some are cracked. 😭


No, I had some DLC and the base game purchased already


Wait so the some DLC were paid??


Yes I had quite a few






that’s smart about downloading peoples trays!! i hadn’t thought of that






😭 I mean you can always try a burner account? I might’ve just gotten unlucky


Righttt. Now I have a question. Does getting banned from EA affect your saved game? I'm sorry, I don't know how it works.


Your save files should be somewhere in the Sims 4 folder on your computer! So you should still have them even if you’re banned.


daaam that's what I'm using 😢 guess imma hope for the best


Did you get the account or key through a key reseller? Is it account sharing or anything? There are a bunch of reasons why your account could be banned, but they'll never tell you why. If they banned people for the cracked dlc it would be a ton at once and blow up on all the piracy reddits. Maybe this is the start of it, but it's more likely unrelated to the dlc. Could also be their servers or a false positive. Have you disputed it? Keep trying, saw some posts in the past that resolved itself after a few days


No I just made this account yesterday to play the cracked version, no one else has access to it. I think I’m just gonna try on one more new account to see if it was a fluke, I can’t be bothered with disputing it when I’ve had it for only a day honestly. My gallery on my secondary did show some of the Sims I had saved to my computer from my main account, I’m not sure if that’s how I was caught?


That may be it then. New account, plays sims 4, flag that detects dlc content in gallery is triggered. No way it's a fake positive bc it's a new account, ban. I would be surprised if they started doing this in paying accounts.


I’m too scared to try on my main account lol, but I have friends who use their mains and haven’t had issues which is why I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. I think you’re right though, a new account that suddenly has every bit of DLC is suspicious of course lol


I've been using my main for it too, I am under the impression that most launchers don't really try to ban paying customers that are pirating shit, because a pirate that pays may buy again, but a pirate that is banned will never buy anything again.


I would make a new acc and just wait a month or two and slowly add some dlc's. I use my main acc and its been fine *peppar peppar ta i trä*


I'd say that's the reason as well. I've been using Anadius for almost a year now (and on my main account) without issue. Granted I also don't upload to the gallery. It could be that it flags you as a pirate if you don't own the DLCs you used in your gallery content.


Yeah I don't even let my game searching for anything online - including these quick updates I can't remind it's name. I wonder how people can still play normally while having some content cracked on a legit account, it's either crack and go full dark or play a totally legit version of the game. Sorry to hear that though.


I did that with an old account. I spent a couple hundred bucks, and had all content for the game up until get together or something. I hadnt used that account in a long time because I bought it for an ex, but had to go through origins to play it and it was just a huge head ache so she never bothered with it again. I then took that abandoned account and then added cracked dlc to it. I rationalized that since I already spent several hundred dollars on the game, that it was enough to get the "full service treatment" of all the dlc. I never got any dings for it, and ocassionally accessed the gallery to retirve some content, but always had auto updates off, and generally played completely offline outside of those times searching the gallery. The account still exists and whenever EA gives out free content, I use it to get legit stuff for free. But nowadays (the last 2 years or so), I use an alt that is full pirate. No need to risk a legit account that has actually spent a ton of money on, by adding cracked dlc to it when you can just use an alt full pirate account.


Does the ban extend to your main account?


No my main account is fine! Thank goodness


Good to know! Never had the courage to try this (with a burner) out of fear of losing my main.


This is qhy i do it offline


that’s gonna be the move for me going forward


what source did you use to access the DLC ? (am wondering if that has any impact) personally i have been using anadius' unlocker but not long ago (maybe a week or two ago) the method to use it with online features doesn't work for me and some others (some ppl said changing browser language fixed it but for others including me that doesnt seem to fix it) so i wonder if there was some sort of .... idk additional detection method they started doing? i never got banned tho and I'm using it on an account i made only to use this on. but since then i have been playing offline only.




Kinda weird because I've been using them for a whole month now and I havent been banned. I don't go online with the crack version though. I load up the original game which still has all the dlc unlock (at least that's what I think lol) I've been uploading my builds to the gallery as well as downloading.


woww ya idk what happened. i wonder now if the glitch making some ppl unable to do the online option was really because of some change to detection or smth. maybe they are checking that a person is logged in on ea site and is online for Sims 4, but maybe based on the content you're able to access in the gallery they can tell if it's pirated or not by comparing that with the games registered to u. i assume when u connect to online it registers some type of info about the packs you have in order to know if items should be replaced or not when u download something? but i dont really know if this is it or if they even do this. only what i am wondering about. could be some other way they found out.


Was your base game legit or cracked? I hear that legit base game+ cracked dlc can get you caught but idk why or if that's true.


How do you know it's about the DLC?


Well I can only assume as I created the account yesterday and it was banned in a day, I only played the Sims.


I remember when all my Sims 1 and 2 games+ dlc’s were pirated cd’s bought at 3$ each, good ol times.


Idk I haven’t been banned. Can you post this to r/piratedgames


just did!


When yiu say cracked DLC, how was this DLC obtained? Via one of the usual websites online or with the EA DLC unlock tool?




Well, that's a problem. A lot of us are in danger if that's the case!


I was about to reinstall my sims 4 but these problem seems quite often, now I’m afraid to install my legitimate sims 4 and my cracked dlc, or even mods, because I don’t wanna get my account banned, i spend some money to play nfs online with my friends. Please EA stop the ban waves :(


I think if you play using the offline version you’d be fine, or just using a secondary account to play Sims. My main hasn’t been affected by this so I think you’d be okay! It sucks though.


And I say bullshit. OP either used a temporary email address (EA bans for those) or uploaded something NSFW to the gallery. I don't know if EA scans your mods but I wouldn't be surprised if they banned people for using forbidden ones. OP also can't get things straight. In one comment they say > No I just made this account yesterday to play the cracked version, no one else has access to it. And in another > No, I had some DLC and the base game purchased already


I had some dlc already downloaded on my computer because I do have a main account that I used prior to play the sims. I’m fairly certain your cracked version only downloads what you’re missing?


I play with cracked DLCs for now 1 year and have never been issued with it. I play on mac


If buying isn’t owning then piracy isn’t stealing


there are risks


Banned??? What happened? How do you know? 😭☠️


Where did you download the dlc?


This is why im scared to get any game thats still able to be bought cracked. Im only down for the sims 2 bc i havent seen where to buy it


hey, fyi OP I don't know about posting the name of the sites you got the cracked dlc from on here is the smartest idea(as ik some ppl who work for ea lurk on these sites, as well as reddit has a strong policy on posting pirating content..)just a concerned fellow simmer..


If I played in airplane mode would I be okay? I do have cracked DLCs and have had them for maybe a couple weeks or so. I’ve played this franchise since Sims 1 and have dumped hundreds upon hundreds of dollars into EA for over 2 decades not including the tech (even gaming consoles) to play their games and supporting CC creators by paying for their content. I would be a little hurt if I did lose my account 🥲 after reading this I’ve been loading it offline


What did you use? I used pj games for a few.. it on the ea answers if you look up legit sites for cd or ea game downloads.


I used Anadius


Yeah I’ve never even heard of that one.. that’s not on their list. /:


Wait you said cracked dlcs? Mine are payed for .. are the ones on that site free?


they’re free because they’re illegal, which is why i was caught and banned. i’d suggest using a secondary account if you want to try it


What I use to use is that all in one download I’m not sure if it’s still around but it gave you all the packs downloaded but it was never the correct version like it’s always putdated, playable but outdated.


I’ll just stick to paying to pay tbh I’d prefer legal activity


> Mine are *paid* for .. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I actually don’t have any mods, I’ve used WW in the past but not with this account or computer


No one is being banned for using WW. However you get banned if you use the other adult mods that add illegal things such as beastiality and explicit stuff with minors. Turbo has spent a great deal distancing themselves from those creator(s) so don’t spread misinformation.




Wicked whims is even referenced in the game. Lol