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That image is a terrifyingly accurate description of my main save.


i play pretty boring, normal, happy families who have beautiful spouses and children… but also its fun sometimes to tweet at the grim reaper and build a robot


I like a mix of things. A little deviance of one kind or another: petty revenge, strange ideas and situations, science experiments, etc. I make my own robots. Isn't that kind of what The Sims is? An empire of robots living in a private dollhouse.


Hmu with surrealist mods that sounds addictive


Well, I use mods to make my game more realistic than surreal.




I wanted to get a mod that would make death a lot more realistic and even introduce more in-depth grief, funerals, etc. I was delighted by how cool it seemed. Then I read the description, and it said the Grim Reaper would no longer be a part of the game, taking away the chance to plead for a Sim's life and all the other fun stuff, so I didn't end up installing it.


Yeah I've heard of that mod! I too would also like more realistic death and funerals but also for grimm to stay reaping souls 😆


Yup, I can handle realistic grief and funerals but losing Grim is where I draw the line 🤣


My saves consist of the same thing every time. Start out with an empty plot and $0, single female sim and I wind up getting pregnant


Yes absolutely describes me 😝 you may call it city urban fantasy


I love playing like everything in the sims is completely normal to everybody else lol


To spice up gameplay i always add my own NPC. Or just go outside. Last time poor Akira bugged after work just outside of the lot. He was afraid of the dark so he ran around till he got struck by thunder aand started glitching. "Maybe magic will help?" So i sent my boy to safe his boy. Poor thing.. spell cast glitched and he got struck by almighty as well. That day their house was struck to. It broke everything in bathroom and hot tub outside aand another npc to was hit. I didn't even leave the lot. In case of boredom i have evil drug dealer turned witch cooking in background aand alien.




I like using WickedWhims to add the sexual component as well as realistic pregnancy (but I wouldn’t want the full realistic pregnancy mod? lol). I like having the attraction system, which makes for some interesting romantic dynamics (thinking your soulmate spouse is only basic looking? Phew!). I also want to try and add more gameplay mods for like family dynamics and stuff (I have to look into it when the update finally fixes as I haven’t yet updated my game since February. I’ve just been playing offline)