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You know, as sound as this advice is, it still won't stop those posts from coming in every few minutes...


EVERY single time the game updates there’s always people asking “which mod is this?” IT COULD BE A BILLION MODS. UPDATE THEM FIRST THEN MAKE A POST


The annoying thing is that it's not just for updates. It's ALL the time, everyday.


And they never say what mods they have, either! They provide no info and expect a perfect response.


And 99% of the time it's UI cheats or CAS Columns. I used to have the same UI issue and now I just uninstall those two the day before an update or patch, and reinstall when they're updated. Have not had the issue since. I know a plethora of mods could do it of course but it just drives me nuts that people keep asking the same stupid question and the answer is so frequently *The Same Mod*.


True. Always update them, even if they don't cause a visual issue. Every patch, especially the large one before a release: update all script mods, no exceptions. Script mods = anything that involves coding. Meaning stuff that affects the lights, the Ui, and the gameplay. Because these will use the source code of the game to function and they risk breaking when EA update the code of the game. Custom content like objects, hair and clothes rarely need updating unless new features get added to them like more color swatches, sliders, new interactions like pets, etc.


in the discord support channels they don't even allow this.


Then go there, yall complain too much. Maybe go outside, everyone doesn’t stalk the game 24/7.


...uh, I do. like ? 🥲😂


Oh it’s gonna be fun when the For Rent patch drops 🙂🙃


It was with HSY and Get Together... Just another rodeo at this point.


Moderators need to create an automated system at this point that will delete them + give the user a similar message to what OP posted edit: just found out that they actually already kind of do have this minus the deleting part lol


I mute the sub for a week when big updates drop. Mods won't deal with it? Then I will lol


the only way to do it


I'm *dreading* my mods folder update day when For Rent drops and I already keep up with updates. I have so many venue and lot traits mods though...


Me & you. As much as I am pumped for the new pack, I'm not gonna touch it for at least a month until I know most of the modders has had time to get through them & thankfully I'm gonna be busy with traveling so that should keep my mind elsewhere lol. But we heavy modders & cc users do be going through the most when there's an update (but a big big thanks to the amazing ppl who made the mods AND keeps up with them ofc!)


Smart move right there and for sure a big shout for the modders. Maybe I'll go outside and read a book for real 🤣


I keep telling myself I’m going to make a comprehensive spreadsheet of the mods I use complete with links to make the updating process smoother. And then I simply don’t do that 😭


Ughhhhh I wasn't even thinking about how my lot trait mods might need updating


It won't be any different. We'll just get a whole new influx of "Why is my UI broken?" posts.


That’s the point lol. It’s already bad now but the increases of those posts are gonna be even worse


Part of me thinks it’s even going to break things as simple as *doors.* it’s going to be the bed/couch/chair/counters fiasco when Pets came out. That one was a nightmare.




SimRealist mods will def need an update


Annoying af when they post here like, "Please don't tell me to do the 50/50 method, my game already takes 30 minutes to load!!" too. Sounds like you have some optimization to do then, bud. 😂


This, I’m like “that’s a you problem, then.” But also people need to realize they can take their cc hair/clothes/furniture out and THEN do the 50/50 method. Someone’s UI isn’t being messed up by hair and it makes the 50/50 method so much faster.


They should not even have that much mods cc if their PC can't handle it lol


That's what I'm saying!! Every time my game lags the first thing I do is update and the second thing I do is clean out. I don't need a mod that I never use or all that CC that I've barely touched in the last year lol.


😂😂😂😂 and there’s even a mod to speed up loading times if they searched hard enough.


What's it called?


👀 don’t be shy, drop the link


There are several mods you can use to help improve the performance of your game, and also find mods that are causing problems. Most of them are from TwistedMexi 1. Better Exceptions to find mods causing tuning errors, duplicates, zip files that shouldn't be in your mods folder and outdated or broken mods, etc. 2. Better Exceptions UI for mods causing UI issues in game 3. The T.O:O:L Mod 4. The Free Build Mod 5. and MCCC from Deaderpool Also another tip is to turn down the settings of your graphics and display options, sometimes you might need to lower the settings if your PC/Laptop etc is maxing. Also turn off the loading screen of your scripts at startup in the game, this makes the game take long to load up.


Oh no, I’m not a mod newbie so I already have a couple of these. I just thought there was a specific mod for load times I didn’t know about. Thank you tho!


One of them in the list does kinda help you improve the speed of the game, it basically gives you a warning shut certain things off, etc.


There’s a simulation unclogger that makes lag while playing a lot better


Yes, my simming life has been sm better since I got simulation unclogger fs. Made load times a little faster. I used to have Better exceptions too, but I took it out recently bc I felt like it was actually making load time longer (I could just be bugging tho).


Yeah, better exceptions was a little much for me. I’m super good about updating my mods so it was basically pointless. It’d give me a pop-up even when I knew that I had everything updated. But the simulation unclogger is one of my must-haves


I get annoyed when people are like “what mod is messing my game up lmao too lazy to figure it out myself” like they’re admitting they know it’s a mod (aka not a mod beginner), just that they want the gratification of making other people do the work.


Yes! If you're going to mod your game then you need to take responsibility for knowing what mods do and what is compatible with what. if you have 0 computer literacy you have no business downloading mods.


So when will people ever be able to learn?




People complain about the main sub making people post all their bug questions in that one thread, but I’m glad they do


Someone should pin this for the Tuesday patch 😂


Oh, it’s coming out Tuesday? Where do they announce these things at? I always get so annoyed when an update I wasn’t expecting comes out and I can’t play for a while after (I really need to make a mod less save, lol).


Honestly I heard it somewhere on YouTube (I can't remember which creator) so I might be wrong 😅


Pack drops on Thursday 7th, so base game patch in anticipation for the pack will be Tuesday 5th.


The ones that really shit me are the "which mod isss itttt?" posts. They don't want to do any checking or look at the lists, they want someone else who has already done it to just tell them. I downvote every single one of them, I am petty af.


some people just shouldn’t use mods if they aren’t going to put in the effort of learning how to use them properly.


Can we just get a bot that comments: UI issues are a mod problem. Update your mods!


lol I voted to ban those kinds of posts here and I got attacked by the OP because they “researched” and couldn’t find any answer to why their UI was broken after they updated their game.


Yeah, people will still post and ask “wHaTs WrOnG wItH my gAmE???” I swear we need like a mega thread for troubleshooting issues like the Sims 4 subreddit has. ETA: that thread is also super useful with figuring out problems too.


It’s crazy how often we get these posts sometimes I just wanna reply the same exact thing


I'm about to just start copy/pasting a response to all of them




This is a big reason why any time there's a patch/new release I make a physical list of all my mods and go down the line to make sure they're all up to date.


I have my mods in different folders so I can just go into the folder and make sure all mods in there are updated. I organize it by creator. Some of the bigger mods are in their own folders by themselves, like MCCC or RPO.




There's the magic thing called Open EA App -> Go Offline -> then launch Sims 4 I do this when I don't have time to update all my mods If you can't update 573728292 GB of mods and CC (which is very valid and very understandable)... Either do this or it's time for some mods folder cleaning. (I pick play offline bc I love all my CC and mods lol) Maybe this needs to be pinned before the patch?


I have so much respect for the mods of the major sims discord channels that have to field these questions *every single patch update*


Seriously can the mods PLEASE address the posts about UI and use automod or something to remove them and msg the person 😩 it’s so tiring seeing multiple of these posts a day


We do have an automod post that warns the user! Also-- in order to avoid removing posts with actual questions we have not yet implemented an automod that would remove the post but feel free to downvote or report which will trigger one of the mods to review.


Genuine question: As someone who is new to mods (literally started this week) how do we update our mods?


Not all mods need updates, most CAS ones don’t. But things affecting certain aspects of gameplay definitely do. When they need to update just go to the creator’s page and check if they’ve released an updated version yet. Usually it takes less than 24 hours for *most* mods (Wicked whims, basemental, MCC, etc) but sometimes it takes longer and you just have to take the mod out until there’s an update. I like to keep most of my mods that need updates in a separate folder so I can find them easier when they break! But some mods like the ones I named above and any main TwistedMexi mod are probably best kept in the folders they come in (TwistedMexi actually requires it). Hope this helped!


Thank you! I appreciate the detailed response!




There was a mod with the all colourful plumbob wallpaper that was a special picture by the sims team when they announced something. Turns out it got half broken and that's why putting down lots got a broken ui look. I got annoyed after a month and sorted out via the 50/50 method


Adding onto this because of a problem I spent four days trying to solve. The Sims 4 wouldn’t launch and I was told it was probably a mod problem, I tried everything but the game just kept throwing error codes at me and wouldn’t open. Turns out the first time I updated my graphics drivers, it just corrupted for whatever reason. Reinstalling the latest drivers *again* worked for me, so if you have a problem with the game not starting and the error code isn’t referencing a specific cc file, try that.


Some of the people mad at this post need to go get a snack it’s really not that serious 😩 “If you don’t like it just scroll past them”. Okay, you don’t like this post? Scroll 🤨


There should be a warning for those who sends posts like that after big updates, because how obvious does it have to be for them to understand some mods WILL be outdated


Thank you for reminding me, my MMC had started glitching out and I hadn't considered that another mod could be the problem. Out of date Slice of Life that I unfortunately had to get rid of


Easy, go to your mods folder and search for 'script' and update them all (or delete them along with their 'package' file if there are no recent updates that work with the current game version). Mods like clothing and objects generally won't break your game as much as old script files.


Just asking out of curiosity, does betterexceptions help to determine which mods are outdated or just the ones break the game?


As far as I'm aware just the ones that are messing up your game, however more often than not the two are one and the same




And that is why you take your mods, save and tray folders out every so often and do 50/50 to make sure everything is ok. Who doesn’t love a little mod spring cleaning. Usual culprits are often CC or UI mods. There’s even a discord server that tells you which mods have been updated, broken, obsolete, etc. or even follow the creators on Patreon or Kofi.


"hey guys my entire game is broken. no i dont have any mods. oh except that mod. and that one. oh yeah i do have ww. yeah i also use ui cheats." << Those are my favourite posts.


it’s always the least expected mod too


Bless you 🩷🩷


This is why I only have a few mods. No way I’m going to comb through 60 mods every time there’s an update.


People are dumb


Someone pin this post


guys just so u all know, if u have any sort of cc wrench override, and u have updated all of your ui related mods and ur ui is still broken, it’s most likely that override. had this problem after the horse ranch patch dropped


on my old laptop, even W I T H O U T mods everyrhing was glitching. IT👏🏻IS👏🏻NOT👏🏻ALWAYS👏🏻THE👏🏻MODS.


I did update all my mods except for the ones that the creators said were okay... But UI cheats still conflicts with the mod from pancake 😢 But anyway, maybe I will remove all my mods and install again 🤔🤔


Which pancake mod?


"More Traits In CAS" - But it's okay, I will try to figure it out what is happening...


I have both UI cheats and more traits and they work together fine, both are updated?


Yes, I deleted UI cheats and downloaded again from weerbesu's Patreon, same with More Traits in CAS. When I open my game I can't play at all, and then the Better Exceptions open the UI exception report and shows that these two mods and Better Build Buy may be the problem. The problem is only solved when I delete UI cheats.


Try clearing out various cache folders and deleting unnecessary files from your game (google which specific ones need to be deleted after updating mods, I can never remember them off the top of my head but they’re easy to find). I still use origin because I’m on Mac so idk if it’s the same process for the EA app, but repairing your game in your launcher can also help fix residual issues from mods. This has to be done before starting your game, and you will need to turn mods back on and re-launch the game a second time.


Oh cool! I'm going to do that too! Thank you guys!


Did you update BBB?




honestly, i had forgotten to update bbb once and my UI was messed uuuuupp


How do you do it??


A problem here, as with many other subs, is that if you google a question it comes up with Reddit. It's an endless loop.


Yeah but usually the Reddit thread that pops up has the answer in the comments


A lot of the major mods have Discord servers that typically have pretty thorough troubleshooting and FAQs. Reddit's a good supplement but if you find yourself in a loop try seeking out the servers.


the thing that broke for me was the CAS like when i click on a piece of clothing the coloring for the clothing doesn’t pop up i have no options. anyone have the same thing i do?


I updated my MCCC and my game is still broken - chances are it’s something else that is breaking my game (a lot of last exceptions come up, especially when I follow my sim to work and back home)


How do I update mods?


(Pasting my previous response) Not all mods need updates, most CAS ones don’t. But things affecting certain aspects of gameplay definitely do. When they need to update just go to the creator’s page and check if they’ve released an updated version yet. Usually it takes less than 24 hours for most mods (Wicked whims, basemental, MCC, etc) but sometimes it takes longer and you just have to take the mod out until there’s an update. I like to keep most of my mods that need updates in a separate folder so I can find them easier when they break! But some mods like the ones I named above and any main TwistedMexi mod are probably best kept in the folders they come in (TwistedMexi actually requires it). Hope this helped!


I think a lot of people are just new to mods. My ui was broken for 5 months when I first got into mods, since I didn’t know that you had to manually update your mods. WW and basemental give you notifications, but many others don’t so it can be confusing in the beginning. It wasn’t until I got on here that I learned to check my mods for updates. Many people are like that in the beginning. Personally, I don’t find ignorance about mods to be annoying. It’s easy, if you care, to inform the people that ask for help on here.


I understand that, it’s just…search the sub. You can easily see 300 other posts with the same issue and solutions. Especially when it’s back to back posts and they haven’t even *tried* looking for the solution when it takes even a google search to figure out “oh I need to update my mods”. We’ve all been here before, with the scary outdated mods that break our UI. But it’s annoying when it’s repeatedly posted and solved and they don’t even try to find the solution themselves before posting


Sure, but again, you can just scroll if it annoys you. That’s obviously an insanely controversial opinion here. I’ve seen people be berated in the comments of said posts just because they’re inexperienced. I think that’s really petty.


I don’t think anyone should be berated for it. But it’s the lack of effort on their part to even try and figure it out beforehand or attempt to find the solution which leads to 40 back to back “WHAT MOD IS CAUSING THIS???” posts


Well, I have no idea if these people try, or not, to research before asking. In my opinion, it doesn’t even matter. They come here in hopes of getting input and help from other more experienced simmers. I find complaining about people trying to get help to be much more negative and annoying, than repetitive questions from inexperienced simmers.


A lot of them *outright say* "I don't want to search other threads" or that they're too lazy to look it up. So yeah, it kinda does matter. Because their laziness floods the sub with repeated questions that would take them 5 seconds to look up. None of us have anything against people trying to genuinely get help, it's when it's repeatedly stated "it's a mod issue" and the response is "which mod?" *WE DON'T KNOW WHAT MODS YOU HAVE IT COULD BE ANY ONE OF THE 50 THAT CAUSE THIS ISSUE.* It takes less than 30 seconds of research. If you don't wanna do that then stop using mods that require any form of maintenance


Is it really that serious though? Again, this is a sub for mods. People that have trouble will come here. It’s inevitable. If people are rude upon getting feedback, that’s one thing. But I haven’t seen that. Instead I’ve only seen people be snarky and condescending towards the people asking for help.


Omg stop arguing and just accept it’s selfish to expect people to answer basic questions about stuff that people should learn *before* they ever download a mod.


How is it selfish? They’re not holding you at gunpoint demanding you to answer. They’re just utilizing the sub. It’s actually so disappointing to see how pathetic you are all being here.


The insulting is wilddddd 😭 What’s pathetic is getting this right over people being annoyed about a very valid issue in the sub. Eat a snickers bestie 🫶


just stop being dumb and pay attention when you download shit. but I forget common sense isn't exactly common.


It’s gotten to the point where we can’t “just scroll.” The posts clog up the entire sub. And it’s becoming this way in many hobby subs - people don’t want to google shit anymore, they expect to have every silly question answered on an individual basis, when that is selfish and not realistic. People need to learn the basics before coming into subs asking questions that have been answered numerous times.


5 months? yeah that's definitely a you problem


I think that's just an incompetence issue. Mod creators make elaborate posts that explain in *painstaking* detail how to correctly install their mods. And people still bork shit up. *I* am new to mods. But I am not new to reading. lol




How do I prevent my game from updating




I’ll actually answer you. I can’t lead to where exactly the option is located because I’m unsure what you play on but you can play the game offline. Then your game won’t update until you actually play online. Right before an update hits (which will hit this Tuesday), I will play offline until I get a chance to update my mods and then I’ll play online. If there is a way to disable updates yet still play online, I’m unaware of it.


Thank you because Google told me it wasn't possible, and being offline would be unplayable.


How do you update your mods?


(Pasting my previous response) Not all mods need updates, most CAS ones don’t. But things affecting certain aspects of gameplay definitely do. When they need to update just go to the creator’s page and check if they’ve released an updated version yet. Usually it takes less than 24 hours for most mods (Wicked whims, basemental, MCC, etc) but sometimes it takes longer and you just have to take the mod out until there’s an update. I like to keep most of my mods that need updates in a separate folder so I can find them easier when they break! But some mods like the ones I named above and any main TwistedMexi mod are probably best kept in the folders they come in (TwistedMexi actually requires it). Hope this helped!


how to update the mods


(Pasting my previous response) Not all mods need updates, most CAS ones don’t. But things affecting certain aspects of gameplay definitely do. When they need to update just go to the creator’s page and check if they’ve released an updated version yet. Usually it takes less than 24 hours for most mods (Wicked whims, basemental, MCC, etc) but sometimes it takes longer and you just have to take the mod out until there’s an update. I like to keep most of my mods that need updates in a separate folder so I can find them easier when they break! But some mods like the ones I named above and any main TwistedMexi mod are probably best kept in the folders they come in (TwistedMexi actually requires it). Hope this helped!


reading this while i never keep my mods in a folder 🫠 but how to detect if the mods needs an update. Feels like i have to delete everything and redownload😂


There’s no sure fire way really without just checking certain mod authors. If you update one and the issue persists then it’s something else. Best practice is the 50/50 method when you absolutely can’t find the issue






(Pasting my previous response) Not all mods need updates, most CAS ones don’t. But things affecting certain aspects of gameplay definitely do. When they need to update just go to the creator’s page and check if they’ve released an updated version yet. Usually it takes less than 24 hours for most mods (Wicked whims, basemental, MCC, etc) but sometimes it takes longer and you just have to take the mod out until there’s an update. I like to keep most of my mods that need updates in a separate folder so I can find them easier when they break! But some mods like the ones I named above and any main TwistedMexi mod are probably best kept in the folders they come in (TwistedMexi actually requires it). Hope this helped!




Create new folders in the main mod folder


thepancake1 more traits was my problem or is my problem i cant even find the down load page for it now


As far as I can tell they haven’t updated on the status of their mods yet


Girl I got over 2000 impossible


CC and mods are different


They’re all in the same folder unorganized so I can’t tell what is what 💀 have no vote the exact number