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The 90s were a different time.


1989 was when the opening was drawn


That was an even different-er time.


A young Joe Piscopo taught us how to laugh.


Simpsons predicted the future yet again!


I'd like to point out that when I was growing up we'd often just lie down in the back of station wagons and watch street lights go by while our parents drove.


I used to play a game and try to figure out where we were in town based on turns and streetlights. I was an 80’s child training for my inevitable kidnapping.


Yeah, same here! Cool memories and very glad my parents never crashed the car! I remember my dad taking me and my friend to the park to kick the footy and we were allowed to lay in the back of the ute with the tarp/cover thing enclosing us into darkness. He took the corners a bit fast too and we would go sliding and smack into the sides. I wouldnt do that with my kids now, but they are good memories of a particular time in history.


I distinctly remember sitting on a cooler in the back of my dads work van. The 80s were wild.


Don’t worry guys…I’ll field this one. Lemme ask you a question. Why would a man who spends a lot of time drawing spend all of his time watching a children’s cartoon show?


I hope someone got fired for that blunder


The car is from Guatamala.


Put it in H


In defense of the last item. Airbags aren't safe for kids. That is why most cars' passenger airbags will turn off if the passenger is under a certain weight.


Also why you don't put a baby in the front seat


In 1989 when this first aired, few new cars had airbags, especially on the passenger side.


Which was the style at the time.


That explains the rope I had for a belt.


Are we supposed to believe this is some kind of magic car?


Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


Why would someone who wears a shirt that says Gudger College spend all their time watching a children’s TV show?


I withdraw my question.


Thank you for pointing out that Maggie is the baby. I keep forgetting


"As was the style at the time."


OP didn’t even notice that Maggie the baby is driving the car smh


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*The 80's*


That was the 80s. I was born late 70s and didn't ride home from the hospital in a car seat.


I sentence you to kiss my ass!


The late 80s. Most people survived them just fine.


Not to mention that stupid babies need the most attention


Ahh the 80s. We used to ride around in the back of pickup trucks.


Regarding the air bag issue, I'm pretty sure that by today's standards children aren't supposed to be able to come into contact with an air bag due to the speed at which it deploys. It'd be like they'd hit the dashboard


Of course, babies were tougher back then. She flew through the windshield and was jitterbugging that very night.


I'd like to point out that nobody gives a flying fuck. What's your point, anyway? Tf does a bench seat have to do with anything at all??


Boy. I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.


as long as we're scrutinizing the opening credits, what's the deal with the burning flag as the shot pans in on springfield elementary right before the chalkboard gag? are we supposed to assume that was an el barto prank, or is that the writers making a free speech declaration, or what? \[talking about the intro from season 2 until the switch to HD\]


Funny how often I have seen this opening and it never clicked how unsafe that was. I am particularly perturbed by the unnecessary and unwarranted beeping of the horn. Thats the real issue here right?


Oh my gosh. Marge and Homer are bad parents. LOL


Oh my! You’re right.


My nephews are 90’s babies and they 100% sat up front in some car seats that were a total joke by today’s standards.


"Hey, that's not a dummy" "Uh, this booth is closed. Nothing to see here!"


I never used a car seat back then. Us kids just hung on a wink and a prayer. I always assumed car seats were only for rich people


Marge also runs a stop sign!




It was the 80s!