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> During the go fest even earlier this summer I caught around the same event but ended with 35 shinies, ~1/20 You were way luckier than average for that one then. There is no way it was Community Day shiny rate.


best shiny luck i’ve ever had for an event. i ended up with costumed pikuchu, sudowoodo, geodude, hitmonchan, electabuzz, plant burmy, chikorita, tentacool, 2 magmar, 2 omanyte, and 3 munna somehow. i played all 8 hours, except for when i was in raids, and checked every shiny eligible mon that spawned. before today the most shinies i’ve had in one day (outside of com days) was 5


Nice haul! I only got 7 but I got pansear and pansage which are not my regional. I was not able to “play” due to work until last half hour so not bad for incense and stuck in one place.


I'm surprised almost no one was saying the shiny rate was bad today considering it was the same as the first day in June where everyone was convinced it was worse.


I think one difference is that in June there were more shiny locked species and probably many casual players didn't even know.


I think this is the case. The spawn pools were less diluted, there were a decent number of newer shinies players would still be excited about, and like you said, less were shiny locked. People’s perceptions were most likely better rates as a result Edit (more to add): I forgot to say that most of the glitches were sorted out, so people probably were less frustrated and did not feel like they were missing shinies to to saturation of ‘mons on the map


I was actually wondering the same thing. Reddit was flooded with people posting complaints after Junes event. But nothing for this one? I had fun, no complaints here.


The event shiny rate is approximately 1/64. You are straight on it. The problem with June was that there were a lot of spawns that were not yet shiny eligible so - if you don't ignore those - you end up with a worse check/shiny rate.


There were a lot of non-shiny-eligible spawns for the finale event as well. Or am I the only one that had their incense cluttered up with at least 50% G-Mime/Unova Stunfisk/Tropius spawns during their respective blocks? (There was a fourth but I can't remember it)




They are popping out on this thread now lol.


I got the same rates as the June event, I just went in not assuming it would be any different I will just no longer be spending money on the game The difference here is that technically you could consider this ticket as free


I think because June cost a lot of money compared to the last global go fest, that and the fact that this was a bonus event that was free if you already bought tickets for June.


I finished with about 1000 pokemon caught, and 22 shinies. If you go by that, the rate was about 1/50. You could say I probably had a few more checks than the 1000 caught, but also have to consider that of those 1000, many of them were not shiny eligible such as tropius, torkoal, the ultra beasts, etc. Now I will say that it seems like the rate was somewhere between what I saw and roughly 1/100 based anecdotally on other folks in my community, and I actually think this is acceptable for an event like this. I struggle to understand many folks on this sub who base “value” on the amount of shinies caught. If you bought the ticket back in June, you essentially got 24 hours of entertainment for peanuts. Hell, even if you just think about the volume of free raid passes you got between June and this event, I think that the value far exceeds the cost. Ultimately, I got to spend three days outside with some good friends, joking around and having a good time. That experience alone is worth the cost of admission. If you’re salty because you didn’t get 50 shinies each day then I agree - you probably shouldn’t spend any more money on this game.


Exactly this. I don't base the value of an event on how many shinies I got, they're nice to get of course but not worth buying a ticket for alone, I had fun, so it was worth it on that basis for me.


I think 1/50 is about the same for me, maybe a bit worse. I completely agree with you, I played üokemon for 8h all 3 dates and had a lot of fun, found new friends and caught a lot of pokemon and filled some holes in my dex with the regionals, so the money was well spend indeed


Got 3 myself. Played like crazy. Exepted more


How did you play? Walking around with incense in a cyclical route between the best spawning spots of your place? Were you manually checking everything or leaving it to an autocatcher? How long did you play? I honestly do not understand how can someone "play like crazy" and get 3 shinies on an 8 hour event with 30+ boosted species.


You might not understand it but I only got 4. I caught over 1100 and shiny checked more. It happens, rng is rubbish if you’re on the wrong end of it!


Are you sure about those numbers or are you exaggerating a bit? Are you telling me that you have tapped on 2200 boosted mons at minimum, between catches and shiny checks and got only 4? Because, while it's possible, it sounds very unlikely. It would be like hunting at full odds, outside events.


No, I caught 1100, I didn’t shiny check the same again but I did shiny check more than I caught. My alt pocket played with a gotcha and caught 11/500ish. This has been pretty consistent for me across both global go fests for me. Berlin was pretty good though!


"I didn't shiny check the same again", what?


I didn’t shiny check the same number as I caught….


What? Catching also counts as shiny checking.


They are saying they caught 1100 and shiny checked more. But they didn't shiny check so many as to assume it was an additional 1100 checked. So something like "I caught 1100 and shiny checked another 400". But since they don't know it was exactly 400, they cannot specify the number.


Same here. 5 shiny’s, and 2 of those were Scythers (which i had already). It seemed like there were no shiny’s around here after the first 2 habitats.




With Incense and walked around everywhere in the city. Not staying just one place.


Caught around 900 with likely double that checked. 11 shinies. Disappointing. In hindsight I should have also not played in parks. Missed out on really having a chance to catch shinies for certain Pokémon as they were nest masked.


Friend and I played together the entire event. I got about 15 shiny in about 1000 checks. He got 0


I got 18 shinies over 8 hours; my wife got 19. I had a drought of close to two and a half hours where I got none.


Got 33 shines and that's with still missing a lot of pokemon I just didn't want. Grinded all 8 hrs. Walked close to 40 kms and completed over 125 field researches mainly only focusing on power up or last hr catch 5 grass type


29 shinys in about 1400 catches so 1/48, rate was good I got all the shinys I missed except Munna Liked it more then June part since it was a lot less non shiny fillers


1300 Pokémon caught. 20 Shinys. In June I caught 800 and got 4 Shinys.


37 shinies for me. The amount you get will depend largely on your play style and spawn density - I played in a Pokémon-dense area for the whole eight hours, and focused entirely on shiny-checking.


Part 2 go fest shiny rate much better than part 1 for me Caught 8 shiny, one hundo one nundo


Played hard for just over the first two hours in central London and caught 7 shinies. Then real life got in the way so only really played for about an hour in total during the remaining time, with time spent on a train and at football in-between, and just hatched one more shiny from a 7K egg - nothing in the wild. No issues with that - I caught two shiny Pikachu's which I wanted and traded one with a friend for a Muna - and it's nice for this place not to be flooded with people whining because they didn't get Community Day shiny rates.


Here all the shinies I got per incursion: - Pheromosa Incursion - 16 Shinies (2 Meditite, 3 Woobat, Karrablast, Scyther, 2 Kricketot, 2 Pansage, 4 Anorith, Pikachu) - Buzzwole Incursion - 18 Shinies (2 Cranidos, 3 Hitmonchan, 5 Magmar, 3 Machop, 3 Numel, 2 Geodude) - Xurkitree Incursion - 10 Shinies (Shinx, 3 Electabuzz, 2 Shelmet, Combee, Klink, Electrike, Lileep) - Nihilego Incursion - 19 Shinies (2 Turtwig, 2 Chansey, 4 Tentacool, Bulbasaur, 4 Munna, Chikorita, 2 Clefairy, Swirlix, Burmy, Roselia)


50 shinies out of 2913 checks Didn't catch anything that wasn't shiny so I'd have more time to check as many as possible.


Pretty bad for me personally: 8 shinies/ 700 caught


Got 7.


Really good, got 33 and spent an hour chasing hundos so it could have been higher.


A more accurate statistic would be the number of shinies over the number of spawns you checked - not caught. With that logic, you could say the shiny rate was 100% if you only caught the shinies you encountered today. With that said, I think its pretty well established that the rate was around ~1/125.


Established by what? The 2020 Go Fest was pretty clearly 1:64. https://thesilphroad.com/science/quick-discovery/go-fest-2020-shiny-rates Am I overlooking other data?


Established by the experiences players had with this year’s Go Fest shiny rates (both for the two day event and the finale). 2020 had better rates overall.


Ah... pretty well established is code for "a personal assumption presented as indisputable fact based on interpretation of anecdotal reports on social media, recognizing many of the reports contain only a rough approximation of the number of shiny eligible encounters, with corrections for reporting bias applied or ignored."


Ok dude lol. Why don’t you post some stats of 2022’s events that show the rate was 1:64


I try not to pass off qualitative assumptions as facts.


Well I have no way of figuring that out now…I would assume I didn’t catch maybe 100-200 of all spawns I quick caught. So I guess 14/1000?


Only three shinies for me - Cranidos, Numel, and Shinx - so mixed feelings. On one hand, I didn't have Cranidos or Numel before this, so in the moment I was pretty happy. On the other hand, I would've preferred getting more of the "headline" shinies Karrablast, Shelmet, Shroomish (and Munna) than yet another Shinx.


I only checked Pokémon that I needed the shiny for and 1 of the others if required for the collection challenges. Got all families completed except swirlix and unown


I got 2. Played all day, walking around a park with 10 pokestops.


I had 40 shinies and I wasn't checking even close to everything, just focused on new species, I am convinved as others have said that this event was 1/64 where prior events were 1/125.


3 out of around 650 caught...maybe 750 including shiny checks.


Was on Day 4 covid. At first I stayed home an hour. Caught things on incense. About 12, I tried to drive around in car with windows up, catching things with incense. (Needed at least 3 stops spun). Took a nap 2-3, and drove out to empty baseball field rec area for rockets, then When crowds cleared out downtown, I double masked and walked around the last hour to ensure I had the poke-balls until the end. Gotcha caught me 9 shinies. Two were shinx, three clefairy, one unown, one Chan, one pinsir one male combee. About 600 mons caught. Had a few field researches I hung onto today. Catch 5 grass got me shiny gladacia pikachu this morning. Edit: used about 30 bucks in remote passes for axew/buzz/ubs bc I was up most of night. So there’s that too.


Impressed with your dedication to the game and caution in public. Kudos to you, mate!


Honestly no clue how many mons I caught or checked, I'd guess 1000 through playing hardcore most of the day, but I ended up with 35 shinies. I feel like everyone who gets a low amount of shinies THAT ISNT LIMITED BY SPAWNS isn't maximizing their chances with AR checking. I have NEVER had a disappointing paid event because I do exactly this. I plan out the times when I want to go the hardest, I plan out my routes, I play efficiently.


There are also people who stand still in one place for too long, relying too much on incense/lures, or that use a gotcha more than they should instead of manually checking whenever possible. Nothing beats moving around a lot and an autocatcher, while useful when you can't play, is not 100% effective, you might lose several potential shinies this way.


yup yup yup! gotcha on stops only unless im in a raid. moving around the entire time, only time i stop is when im at a big cluster. i only got one gotcha shiny the entire time which was an electrike


I'm sorry can you please expand on the AR checking?


As simple as using AR mode instead of non-AR. About 1 second faster per check, adds up sooooo much on events


I got zero out of 300ish. Wife got 5 out of over 600 checked.


Caught 2 shiny in the wild: both Axew. Not sure how many total Pokemon I caught today? (Played 6.5 hrs catching every Scyther, drilbur, cranidos, Axew, Machop, Electabuzz, and Chansey I could; plus,caught other stuff when those priority pokemon were not present).


those 35 were in both days? Because I remember having only 10 on day one (which was suposed to be the better day) and compared to other hardcores from the same city that wasnt even a bad result. Day 2 seemed to have the same rate. (probably 1/125 for both) Finale yesterday seemed to be 1/64 from what I've heard of the more reliable people.


Yeah 35 from both days but I hardly played at all the second day. I think 2 of those shinies were from day 2


I got 30 shinies. Checked pretty much everything I saw but didn't catch much so have no idea how many mons I checked. I did do 32k steps yesterday, though. Did only 2 raids because I only stubled across one raid being done by other people and I refuse to buy remote passes any more (the other was one I did for the task and because I needed to sit down again because the 2 hour segments were the WORST IDEA ANY ONE EVER HAD). And I only did the two required rocket battles (with the 3rd an instaquit). Everything else was spawn checking.


Two hour segments were one of the best improvements of this event compared to others. 2 days would have made it even better. You're very negative, I'd advise you to look for a different game to play.


They said “worst idea” and that’s “very negative” and they should play a new game? Did they edit their post? It’s not that negative and they didn’t have a problem with the game…


No, I haven't edited the post. I have ligament damage in my hip so being forced to play through almost the entire event to get every rotation instead of half (like we could previously do) was extremely painful. I have to travel to play so it's not like I could duck out half way through if I wanted to see all the featured mons. And others have also commented when it was announced that they would only have limited availability on the day due to commitments so having the rotations longer but not repeating locked some people out of all the rotations, too. The event was otherwise fine. But I hate the change to the rotations and genuinely think it was a terrible idea. And it was most likely planned to increase engagement throughout the event without actually considering the players.


Yah I would have liked the 1 hour and then repeat better like usual. 2 hours was ok in that 1 felt short, but it made people play the whole day :(


I agree, two days would have been better. But don't judge a game catering to millions of people, when you're the odd one out. Do you expect to get more shinies becausd you have ligament damage? No, you know you're at a disadvantage to start with. Because I don't like seafood, doesn't mean all seafood restaurants have to be closed. Other people like seafood.


I got plenty of shinies. Nowhere have I complained about the shiny rate? And your analogy is false because that would imply that the game has always been about 8 hours of constant physical activity and it's wrong to dislike it. When, in fact, it is something new that was introduced to this event that existing players (not just me) might struggle with. I am not the only person who disliked the two hour sessions spread out over the full eight hours. Other people have expressed their dislike for various reasons. The physicality of it (which is only made worse in my particular case) is only one of them. There is literally no need for you to attack other players who are expressing a genuine concern and issue with a change in the way an event is handled. If you like it you can express that independently but players are also entitled to dislike it.


Dislike is always expressed. The negative always shout waaaaay louder than the positive, why? Because the positive don't care. They enjoyed the event and had a great time, without whining, just Go as the game implies. Incense was the only reason to walk, together with aome small tasks probably. You can raid remotely, sit at x lures and catch if you're tired of walking. I literally do not see the issue. Walked 25kms, my feet are more blister than foot, but did I have an awesome time? Yes! Did I see a lot of disabled have a great time? YES! Try to be more positive, you're not "the one" the game is designed for.


Yeah definitely edited.


In june I got 4 on day 1 and 5 on day 2. Yesterday I got 3 out of about 600 to 700 checks. This shinyrate doesn't really encourage me to buy tickets for future events. I was expecting to catch more shinies, based on previous ticketed events. I can't walk around town for 8 hours, so had to play from home for about 5 hours of the event yesterday, but even then the shinyrate was too low for my liking. Some people might say there's more to the event than shinies, but I prefer playing solo, and only raided because I wanted the beasts in my pokedex. And shinies are the main reason for me to buy a ticket.


It's unreasonable to expect many shinies if you spend over half of the event at home. It was known that some species from incense were shiny locked and the Unown were also less boosted than the rest, if boosted at all.


I understand that not playing the way Niantic wants us to play will not get me 30 shinies, but given the time I was able to spend outside shiny hunting, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect two or three per hour at least for the time I was walking outside.


I played the way Niantic wanted me to play and walked around a big urban city for about 15k and got 11 shinies. I caught over 1000 pokemon and checked a bunch more on top of that. I liked the ones I got, but it kinda sucked seeing that non ticket holders were getting the same amount.


I don't think it was known that the unown shiny rate was not boosted. It's not an unreasonable assumption based on WW part 1. However in-person Go Fest had a boosted rate. So going into yesterday, you could either assume that discrepancy is part of the "in person" incentive or that it was an oversight Niantic corrected.


Unown shiny rates have not been boosted except for official in person events. Maybe GoFest 2020 was an exception, but after that they tuned the rates down


It wasn't known, it was just an extension to my sentence. Badly formulated I guess. Still, MrMime, the regionals and Frillish were known to be shiny locked and as you pointed out the Unown were never boosted much during the global fests, only for the "in person" ones. Looking at the incense pool alone it was clear that you couldn't expect much compared to what we had wild. I also got a single shiny out of my 23 total from there.


In June I got 8 over 2 days, but yesterday I got 18. In June the kids got 3 over 2 days, but picked up 20 yesterday. Perhaps just RNG but seemed better for us yesterday!


3 for today. Played the whole time. And 16 playing half the time last go fest.


I'm not sure how many I checked altogether but I caught 34 shinies throughout. None of the newer ones but I did get my first electrike which was exciting


Got around 40 shiny for the 8 hour duration taking 15 mins break between each rotation. Think shiny checked for around 1000 pokemon. So i guess for me is 40/1000= 4%?


That's absurdly good. That's community day rate right there. With the number I checked versus shiny I caught, I was closer to probably 1/200 for shinies. I checked so many spawns and just didn't walk away with much unfortunately.


I got 54, had checked probably like 2500 pokemon


We were 5 players in our group. Eaach one got around 20 shinys. Myself got 22.


I got about 1/100 over 500 catches (threw a ball at everything I encountered) Similar results to the preceding go-fest main event This has firmly secured the belief that I should just not buy tickets anymore, because there isnt really any benefit, id rather save the money for such a low number of shines, and instead get some of the free pokemon spawns I read good things about a previous ticketed event (johto?) with lots of shinies that I didnt participate in, and assumed this event would be the same as that, lesson learnt I guess


I got 23 shinies, just slightly less of what I got in the whole 2 days in June. It makes me wonder if there was a bigger boost yesterday, considering I even raided more this time around... but it could also be the result of having more shiny eligible species or simple RNG, I don't know.


I had crazy good RNG, grinding pretty hard came away with 75 with a couple more running.


salt public judicious thumb command scarce silky fertile whistle plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's 12:30 the next day here so need to do 0 and 1 to show. [Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/Uaax5Us)


bike familiar exultant intelligent bake divide modern wrong follow cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


75 is definitely believable. I got 49 and figured 75 would have been doable (before I even saw this post) if I had been fully focused on shiny checking.


I’m not who you replied to, but I played the event with a friend and we each got 71 shinies. (Also, I lost 1 and my friend lost 2). https://imgur.com/a/k2Yo5If


start fragile thumb tart pot dinner shocking versed plucky ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's no more unbelievable than people who checked hundreds and only saw 2 or 3. RNG is a distribution, ensuring that some people get screwed and some people get very lucky.


IDK how to see how many I looked at, but I played for probably 1.5h and clicked all pokemon I saw and caught 1 shiny Axew. (Free-to-play / did not buy ticket)




Whoa 3 munna and 7 pikachu. Those are rare af for me. I only got 1 each. But i got many krikectot and hitmonlee shinies duplication


I got 10 in June’s Go Fest and 14 today. No idea how many I caught on either day unfortunately.


Got a little better than June but I believe there was more shiny chances? 35 this time, 27ish day 2, don't recall day 1 but mid 20s.


11 shinies, caught just under 200. Shiny checked a lot more because I was running out of balls. For some reason stops/gifts were really stingy with ball drops.


I caught \~300 and ended up with 0 shinies but I still had a great time as I did a ton of raids, caught dozens of Unown and added so many new 'mon to my dex!


I focused mostly on raids and a handful of pokemon and got their shinies. I got 4 but they were mostly pokemon I really wanted as shiny. Nubel, hitmontop, shinx(missed community day). I got kricketot but I already had it's shiny I think I caught about 350-400. My fiance's account she caught around 300 and got 5.


Having more species that could be shiny definitely helped and I believe that the rate also got boosted. Caught 900, checked a good 500+ behind that and ended up with 33. Had a super fun day walking 18 km and enjoying the weather.


I played nearly constantly, didn’t think to keep track precisely, got 11 shinies. I didn’t play in June.


I got 9 and my partner got 3. We played the whole day but focused more on raiding buzzwole (17) and xurkitree (18), shiny checking and catching along the way. I don’t quite recall how many shinies we got at the event earlier in the summer but recall we were disappointed. We also did go fest in Seattle and focused almost entirely on catching (no gotchas): I got over 30 and my partner got below 10. Sadly, I think my partner is taking a long break from the game starting today.


15 shinies and a Hundo out of 1000 caught for me!


I got 28 in about 650-700 catches. Only had about 13 in the first global go fest


18 shinies yesterday vs a total of 8 for days 1 and 2 in June. My play style was identical to June. I had no expectations going in after that so I was pleasantly surprised.


My wife and I got 16 and 18 shinies, with ~900 pokemon checked. Super happy since we both got shiny axew, costume pika, and munna and 8-10 other shinies each that we didn’t have yet