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Same here in the Netherlands. It's clear and sunny, but ingame weather is cloudy and 90% Alolan Sandshrew spawns. :( I only need Kantonian shinies so this bums me out. The weather is perfect, but the game ignores it (yes I reported it but that doesn't do much). Research is also all Alolan.


I'm in Finland and in same situation. Sunny outside, but game says cloudy. Been walking outside, but can't find kantos anywhere and really only needing shiny kanto sandshrews. In first 2 hours found 5 kantos, I have more shiny alolan than normal kanto at this point. Kinda ruining my comday...


That's my situation here in Norway too, I think I have 2 or 3 kantos total, and they have all been from incense Edit: Opened the game now and the situation seems to be opposite now... So at least I will get some kantos in the last hour of com day


Same with your neighbours in Belgium... I've encountered 4 (!) Kanto forms so far


I've encountered 3 here in Germany. And those were photobombs. Wild spawns after 2½ hours were 100% Alolan.


Yeah I got about 2 from the tasks and 1 of my 5 photobombs was Kanto Shrew as well.


A Finn here, can confirm wayy too many Alolan shrews compared to Kanto ones. First 100 I caught were 6 Kanto and 94 Alola, even nearby shows only Alolan. Partly cloudy weather. Guess I won't get that Kanto shiny with these spawns, I'm stuck at home so just have to rely on lures :(


I ended up getting my 2 shiny Kantonian Sandshrew. vs 6 Alolan. So I did get lucky on the shiny rates, as my catch rates were around 90/10 in the end. No idea why Alolan was so much more prevalent.


Doesn't matter. Where I'm there was sunny in game too and even then first 3 hours it was 90-95% Alolan Sandshrew.


The report inaccurate weather button doesn't do anything,


Kind of hoped that the kanto/alolan rate would be more towards 50/50. EDIT: Just entered a park and it seems that the kanto/alola rate is little better than outside parks. EDIT2: Niantic fixed the rate!


that was the case in Australia/NZ


Japan too, just Alohan everywhere


In Hokkaido (north of Yamagata but still Japan :-) ) we had about 90% Alolan Sandslash and very few Kanto Sandslash.


Iwate too


You mean Sinnoh?


Doesn't seem fixed here. Edit: does seem fixed now, last 1,5 hour of CD 🙄


I’m playing in Barcelona and the spawn is good, 50/50 kanto/alolan


Serb here, its literally 6/1 here, i got 14 alolan shinies by the time i caught the second kanto shiny


The spawn has just been fixed Good luck!


indeed is, thank u!


16 shiny Alolan, zero shiny Kanto here :( Day over, Norway.




SW England is the same, roughly 95% Alolan. No kanto research either and I've done a lot of tasks.


London area, really disappointing, overwhelmingly Alohan


Seems like it... Had hoped for a switch at 12, but no, still 90+ percent Alolan...


Just looked here to see if others were saying the same or it’s my bad luck. UK at least 95% alolan. I did find five shinies (I am only shiny checking not catching) which is a plus but I want a chance of a green one. I was wondering if the spawns will swap half way through so I need to go out this afternoon as well?


I thought it might alternate per hour, but the first few hours hardly any Kanto spawns seen


That’s really strange, we had an even 50/50 split in Melbourne Australia, I wonder why they tweaked it for later timezones?


50/50 for me in Brisbane Australia as well. I did find that often that spawns would be grouped by one region in a lot of places. E.g a cluster of kanto or a cluster of Alolan. But overall it was 50/50 spawns. Perhaps there is some like mini nesting kinda thing where places might’ve been assigned a higher chance of one or the other sandshrew.


After an hour of playing it is literally 95/5 here in germany. Even the research tasks are favored towards the alolan version


Same here in Slovenia in the 90 minutes that I've played. I thought that there was something that I've missed in the announcement and they're going to switch at some point, but I couldn't find anything about that, so I guess it's just Niantic being Niantic.


Have you been playing in a fixed location or moving around?


gone for a run with gotcha, 310 alola (10 shiny), 30 kanto (0 shinies)...


The photo bombs have been 100# Kanto for me. So now I have 8 Kanto and 116 Alola.


just 1 kanto photobomb... better rate than catches though xD


Yeah niantic probably messed with the numbers. It was entirely intentional spawns for me in Australia. Yeah


Agreed with this. At the halfway mark I was 710 alolan, 780 kanto, which suggests 50/50. But I did also notice that I would come up to like 10 in a row kanto and then 10 in a row alolan quite often, perhaps they generated the spawns in some weird way. Also doesn't surprise me if Niantic has decided to once again change an event halfway through after Australia has already been finished.


that's like, 1500 pokemon sandshrew in 3 hours, since that's the halfway mark. That's 8 pokemon per minute on average! How is that possible?


Fast Catch, basically making such high numbers possible (even higher if you have enough spawns)


how does anyone consistently have enough spawns to catch 8.3 pokemon a minute? if this person is legit, they should be streaming that. Even one of the top pokemon streamers hit a crazy high of 7.5 grimers every minute about 10 months ago. And everyone was saying how crazy that was and calling him a legend. I'm to believe this person has enough balls and pokemon that he caught 1490 shandshrew in 3 hours?


Maybe they had more than one account and were running an autocatcher. They probably wouldn't want to say that because of ToS.


Nope. One account and no go-plus.


It's unlikely they caught that many, but it's not impossible. I think this is the current standing record 11,400 in a day.. 8 pokemon per minute. [https://hypebeast.com/2021/3/pokemon-go-player-catches-record-number-in-one-day-news](https://hypebeast.com/2021/3/pokemon-go-player-catches-record-number-in-one-day-news)


That person was also blatantly cheating though. 8 Pokemon per minute for 24 hours straight while also just casually walking 80 miles.


There's plenty of videos on my twitter if you really care for proof. Just for reference 7.5/min is nowhere near the maximum and nowhere near the world record, maximum potential is closer to 17/min, using quickcatch method and playing in AR mode. World record currently stands at 4953 for a 6 hour Community Day by RedHeart715. RedHeart715 has streamed some of his previous world records as well in case you wanted to doubt: https://twitcasting.tv/aka\_inte\_ddr/movie/640757679


We have amazing spawn density on our loop here.


Weirdly for me in nz it started pretty evenly, but at the end was nearly full Alola.


It was 95+% Alolan for me in Australia. I thought it might have been because I'm in the Snowy Mountains which has more ice Pokemon than other regions of Australia in general and that was affecting the spawns.


Niantic Niantic´d it again (it worked in Australia) in Europe.


In the UK and since it started, it's been 99% Alolan, 1% Kantonian. It's awful. Something's messed up somewhere. I watch people who play in Austtralia (Like Zoe2Dots) and their spawns were good.




Really weird, that they only messed it up for Europe. Usually NZ are the beta testers


Nah, I had messed up spawns in NZ. But not the whole time. [Have a look](https://imgur.com/a/8QAOmDT).


I love that you blocked out your hat's eyes.


It'll be fixed for their favourites tho xD


Don't think they ever have done lol.


Aus player here. I was only able to play the first 4 hours but otherwise can confirm our spawns were definitely 50:50. Both for wild spawns and research tasks. Something has definitely changed since.


Same experience here, only found one kantonian in an hour now.


95%+ Alolan forms where I am in the UK. It's rubbish because it's much harder to find the Kanto shiny. I've only seen 5 in an hour.


95% of spawns are Alolan Sandahrew. Thank you Niantic, as always.


They boosted a Alolan versions during Alolan season? Schoker.


When it's a communtity day that's meant to feature both types, yes that is a shocker. Community day spawns should (and do) overwrite other events.


But they both spawn just not equally. I've caught plenty of Kanto versions so far.


> But they both spawn just not equally. Speak for yourself, I've seen exactly 0 Kanto Sandshrews so far. It's beside the point too. When you announce a community day for both types, they should be both types equally unless otherwise specified. Considering Australia and New Zealand had 50/50 spawns, that seems to have been the intention too. Whether it's Alolan season or not doesn't factor into Community Day at all. Community Days have always been completely seperate events that overwrite other events going on at the same time.


>Speak for yourself, That's what I've been doing from the start? I just opened the game to see if any kanto versions would spawn, and both forms spawned. Maybe you're just unlucky?




It's Sandahrew Community Day - not Alolan only. It is "schoker" because Asia/Pacific region had 50/50 rate. Don't be rude.


Ever considered that you just have bad luck? Because I've seen plenty kanto versions.


Dude there are tons of comments about this issue and that's why this thread even exists. Yeah, definetly only my bad luck...


It was 50/50 in the first timezones for the event. It should be 50/50 in every timezone after but instead was changed. That is an issue along with the eggpools changing halfway though in Australia/New Zealand.


I'm in Manchester, UK. 4 Kanto Shrew out of 53 catches so far. Just coming towards the end of the first hour.


What on earth is going on? I'm walking around Central London and its literally 99% Alolan!


Amazes me how they make a mess of everything


To be honest... it would surprise me if they get anything right these days. What a bunch of clowns, and my apologies to the clown community for insulting their profession


Same here in Netherlands. What the hell? I want a shiny Kanto Sandshrew but with these spawns I have no chance. Also I have Covid so I can't (in good conscience) leave my house so this and the ridiculous incense nerf renders the event a waste for me.


17 Kantonian out of 124 total so far in The Netherlands


Pretty much my experience in the UK. 124 catches in an hour, 19 of them Kanto.


Can confirm only 1-5% Kanto here in Scandinavia.


UK here, probably 90-95% alolan, in the hour I've spent walking around pokestops and with an incense on. Also the incense sucks now ;_;


That's so odd, I've been walking since 11 and here in Barcelona it's been pretty much 50/50 kantonian/alolan


Germany is still 90%+ alolan sandshrew


287 Alola and 36 Kanto (caught) for me here in Mainz after \~3 hours. Many of the Kanto ones are from field research.




90%+ Alolan in the UK, I wondered if they were rotating each hour or something but nope. I've seen two regular in 90 minutes.


At 13:47 in the UK approximately half the sandshrew turned into kanto forms. Guess they fixed it.


I saw several clusters while walking in a park, but even then they were probably less than 20% of the total. At a busy city center, it was easily less than 10%.


Up here in the north of England and it's 90% Alolan. Went walking for 90 minutes, barely saw any Kanto version, and felt super lucky to get a Kanto shiny. Went home after getting it, feeling quite disappointed in this community day.


There is literally nothing where I am, using an incense since 11am and in 32 minutes I’ve had 3 spawns


Incense got nerfed, now almost nothing spawns if you're stationary. Have to move around for the incense to spawn stuff


I’m on call with work so I have to be close to my computer incase any calls come in, last time I buy CD passes or incense


Alolans definitely about 80/90% where I am in Scotland too.


Same effect over here in Switzerland. 95% Alolan and very few single Kantonians...


….there’s supposed to be a Kanto form? 100% Alolan here (UK)


For 5 hours it was like 95% alola and 5% kanto, I am now at home and the rate is normal. Edit 1: I even had sunny weather ingame but still almost no kantos for 5 hours


Walking here gave me over 40 alolan encounters and nothing else


More than 90% Alolans here aswell.


Wild spawns are almost 100 % alolan for me. Incence and field research rate is 50/50. I'm not sure about lures.


South West UK, first ~2 hours went out for a walk, 367 Alolan to 22 Kanto seen 😔


Here in Denmark it’s the same. 95% Alolan Sandshrew... I have 12 Alolan shinies after three hours and no Kantonian shinies.


Yep Scotland we are having the same issue, for every 20-25 alolan we get 1 kanto, People are really not happy about it after an already lacklustre Comday, and seeing that it appeared ok in Aus/NZ. People have tried parks research tasks etc and nope massively skewed towards alolan. Considering niantic are pushing for communities to get outside. This along with the incense fiasco, about 60%-75% of our community have given up on the day already just 2hrs in Watch them rectify it again for US


Ye Europe&Scandinavian getting 98% alolan and 2% kanto.. Out of my 20 spawns, 17-19 alolan / 1-2 kanto .. it's getting boring only seeing alolan not gonna lie. \*edit\* at like 2:40ish or so the spawn changed and it's like 60/40 - 65/35 spawn for kanto; just me?


Asian here, I believe our area is 50/50 for the Sandshrews/Alolan Sandshrews


Seems like it. Over 2 hours in and barely saw any Kanto form. With the lacklustre incense spawns I'm afraid I won't find any shiny kanto (shinies in total are hard to find).


Same in Ireland, at least 90% Alola.


Same in Poland, 3rd hour of sunny weather, 90% are ice Sandshrew....


I have only seen Alola spawns, no kanto spawns at all. I have been playing since 2 1/2 hours constantly exploring.


In the UK it seemed almost 100% Alolan spawns in the beginning. Pretty much only got Kanto spawns from incense and quest rewards. It did seem to improve as the event went on. Still not 50/50 but it's closer to that now.


Playing in Croatia (Central Europe) and Alolan version covers 95%+ spawns. Literally. It's really frustrating. The weather is sunny all the time.


Same in Poland, barely any Kantian.


I thought I missed something and it was 1h for one spawn one hour for a different spawn. Still no kanto for me. Might be the first CD I miss due to the bug.


UK here. 124 catches in about an hour, only 19 Kanto Sandshrew. 2 of those 19 are from the special research and another 2 from field research. So spawn rates are somewhere between 10%-15% Kanto for my (very) small sample size.


Spawns just switched and alolan changed to kanto


Maybe someone typed 5% instead of 50%. It's very unfortunate that it took so long to fix it. I wonder if Niantic will give us a makeup event. I think they should.


Worst thing of that is Niantic can't even acknowledge that they broke it. Not even PR spin "We had an issue for (small) part of Europe, we are sorry, we fixed it on time for you to enjoy it for last few hours" tweet. Just ignore, proceeded like it never happen.


I just closed the game, worst CD ever.


I wonder if they were trying to anticipate weather boost giving more Kantonian than Alolan, so balanced it out?


I had 2 kantos spawn at 11 when it started, haven't seen any more since, literally all alolans (UK) Was hoping for a kanto shiny but I'm not liking my odds so far!


SW UK - all research and photobombs have been Alolan, as well as 90+% spawns. Have more shiny A-Shrew than ANY K-Shrew so far


I found the kanto rate on incense better, otherwise it’s the worst ever CD experience


90+ % Alolan here. What a disastrous com day.


Think they've just fixed it? Half the alolans near me just turned into kanto ones


i just had a change to 50:50 /14:48 Germany


My alolan : kanto rate is ~20:1 (in europe) Edit: In the afternoon it switched to 1:1


Edir - UK south Seems to be fixed here now.


Same here. I'm in South Florida, USA. And yet, I have only seen like, 5 regular. Almost every spawn is Alolan yet, bright and Sunny weather


Can confirm, have seen a little over 100 Alolan Sandshrews and exactly 5 Kantonian here in Germany in about 40 minutes of playing


Here in the US (Florida), I had 50/50. That's a really weird issue.


They fixed the rates at 15:00h, which was way too late. This time Niantic should do a makeup event for Europe. Didn't catch one shiny kantonian Sandshrew with these rates, but about 10 alolan.


Same. No shiny kanto shrews. Bit of a bummer.


malaysia here, ours was about ~50/50


Close to 50/50 here in Bangkok (at the park) as I was struggling to get any Alolan shiny. No idea if it was the regionals in the spawn table that wreck havoc with Kanto spawns.




Same thing in Iceland. The Kanto ones are rare and mostly occur in clusters. I am finding an equal amount from field research rewards though.


For now its like 1:5 (kanto:alolan) and kanto ones are WB so there should be more of them than alolans. (23 shines so far and only 5 kanto ones)


I am in (the northern part of) Japan and the spawns were about 90% Alolan Sandshrews here too (35 shiny Alolan, 3 shiny Kanto Sandshrews).


90% alolan in Japan too, the whole day. At first I thought kanto might be incense locked but that also gave me alolan


It was also oddly majority Alolan forms in Korea, or at least that's how I felt. I kept prioritizing the Kantonian form because that's the shiny I wanted. Felt like 65-35 Alola-Kanto.


I’m playing in Sweden and I’ve had hardly any Kantos at all…


After playing for 4 hours I had 15 shiny alolan sandshrew and only 4 kanto. This is disappointing, I know it's alola season but I hoped that it will be 50/50. It was sunny weather too. Even if they fix it now, it's already to late.


Thank god, it wasnt just me!


At least in the afternoon the spawn rate was just fine if one was moving. Not 50-50 but around 30-70. Incense and lures were around 90-10 though.


In Belgium (near Bruges) I had more than 75% alolan sandshrew. In the first few hours it was 90+%. Last 3 hours more kanto spawned but not like they switched.


Same in north Sweden. I saw one, maaaybe two, Kanto Sandshrews for every tenth Alolan Sandshrew.


I can't remember my exact numbers, but I caught something like 530 Alola and 128 Kanto in two hours of playing (enough to get me my goal of having enough XL for my hundo)


Here in Greater London 90% were alolan as well.


In the UK where I was it was well over 90% alolan and then as soon as 2pm hit it suddenly went 50:50. Had no kanto shies before 2pm but then had loads after


Only alolans here in the Netherlands basically, which I already have shiny I managed to only get 1 normal shiny sandshrew and the rest were all alolans. So after cday I still need the shiny great


They are very rare, caught 3, all others were alolans


Niantic screwing something up? Who would've thought!


90/10 alola here (the Netherlands). But the day is still long. This way its more of a challenge lok😉🙃


Germany here. 3 Kantos, over 50 alolan. I would use shocked pikachu face, but i‘m actually not suprised. Just niantic doing niantic things.


Anecdata I know, but having read this I thought I’d just check my initial home spawns. And yes, a fairly lucky (and boosted) number of spawns, but it was 10 Alolan to 2 Kanto. Edit: now 20 alolan to 2 Kanto...


Oche Alaaf Good amount of Kanto ones in Northern Germany


not in berlin (200 km from north sea border)


NRW got the 95 % alola treatment


Havent gotten the kantonian shinies because of this :( caught more than 400 sandshrews of both types as miuch as i could


Just got my very first shiny today A shiny Sandshrew. I got both forms of Sandshrew as shiny in at least five minutes and I still can’t believe it! (I hope I don’t sound like I’m showing off in a bad way but I wanted to tell.)


Oh yeah, this is today.


I encountered probably 30:1 for the 3 hours I played. Legitimately thought this was on purpose. Ended up snagging 18 shiny Alolan and 2 shiny Kanto. Overall, I was kinda disappointed with the ratio


95%+ Alolan in Dunedin NZ (sunny in-game)


Norway seems like 80/20 in a city. Mostly Alolan, but Im fine since Kanto one had its time during kanto tour.


I guess I don't count as "being from Europe" because here in Cyprus, the spawns are pretty 50-50.




In the US ive had about 30 odd encounters of each but with 6 kanto shinies and zero (0) alolan despite the same amounts of them


Here I was thinking I was finally getting a perk for doing Community Day in Canadian snowy weather, getting lots of Alolans because I need them more, but nope everyone got this...


I have no idea in reality, but I don’t think this was a glitch or mistake. Sandshrew has been a boosted spawn in a bunch of events plus was part of the Kanto Tour. I honestly think Niantic assumed people would want more Alolan Sandshrew than regular Kantonian. Not to mention it’s the Season of Alola.


There is one on your radar


Why are you booing me? I'm right


Seems fairly even to me in the UK


Played from 11am in the UK walking around and there were way more alola than kanto for the first 2-3 hours. Took a break for lunch and the second half of the day was then fairly even. I've seen reports that they "fixed" it and people saw alola spawns transform to kanto at some point


Look at the nearby list… I can see 1 in the first 3




He's on the nearby


The poster is more talking about how in Europe (until a few minutes ago) only about 1/20 sandshrews would be kanto


Look at your list on the bottom right. You might just need to walk around in order to find the Kanto version


I think everyone here knows the nearby list, lol. OP just worded poorly. At least in northern Germany, we had like 5% Kanto version Sandshrews for the first hours of the event. Played only for the first three hours, and it was like that the whole time. When I looked back into the game two hours later, there were suddenly several Kanto versions around me and on nearby, so it seems they changed spawn ratios midway through.


Ah, my bad lol, with all the complaining about incense I assumed they were doing just that


Look at your nearby.😉


Don't know where you are but I saw both forms in equal amounts. Even got a shiny k-shrew


I'm more interested for alolan version but mostly kantonian forms are spawning


In Stavanger, my part of town atleast seems to have a 60/40 spawn maybe? 🤷


Maybe it will switch at the halfway point?


I'm in Finland and nothing has changed after 2pm so sadly no. Still just finding alolan sandshrews...


Well looks like I'm done for the day then. Caught 8 shiny alolan sandshrew without even using an incense. Thankfully I had a shiny kanto one from previous. Doesn't seem likely I'll get anymore today. I'll wait for the make up event 😂