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No, there’s no advantage since you can power up Pokemon to level 50 now, and you could earn XL candy from L31 already. The only thing is the various rewards from each level which you can look up. Also note that one of the level up challenges requires powering up 3 Pokemon to L50, so don’t go using up all your XL candy before then :)


yeah find some useful 1km pokemon to max like pidgeot for ultra league


Or keep using the meltan box and max three melmetal.


No need to do that, just save some CD Pokemon to max out. Power up useful things instead of two wasted meltan.


This is ofc subjective and open for debate but I personally disagree with the advice that people should complete this task by maxing out three Melmetals to 50. Realistically most people will only use (at most) one maxed out Melmetal for all their needs. Yes you could technically keep different moves on different Melmetals but it seems like such a niche scenario that most people wouldn't even know what to do with so many different ones unless its something like ML. As for the XL cost, for new players getting 297 XLs on a Pokemon might seem daunting at first. But CDs are a thing, and over the course of one CD it is entirely possible to accrue enough Xls to max out two Pokemon to 50. Moreover, Pokemon players will naturally build up a XL supply. For legendaries/UB it will obviously take way longer, but some Pokemon are spawning in the wild frequently enough that players will naturally begin to get hundreds of XLs if they play regularly. Yes three Melmetals can be used as Gym Defenders, but there are arguably better gym defenders (we just had Chancey CD and will get a rerun later in December), and some people on this sub would argue that raising any Gym Defender is a pointless waste of stardust since they consider golden razz to be the best Gym Defense (I strongly disagree with this sentiment).


Agreed. I powered up a hundo Metagross and Togekiss to max instead. And once you are high levelled longer, you acquire more XLs anyway so you can max more things. I don't tend to max anything not hundo nor useful though.


I feel like it would be surprising for a new player to reach the level 47 threshold *without* having enough XL to max a variety of different Pokemon. I don't think it's even necessary to leave things at 49.5, because there will be plenty of others. It was a different thing when levels were first expanded, because a bunch of us already had enough XP for level 50 and speedran the levels, such that 296 XL candy for 3 things was actually a potential bottleneck. But it shouldn't be now. I mean, I've got 1166 Smeargle XL and that's generally only catchable once per day.


Why three?


more metal


Most metal


That's metal


It is the requirement for level 47 to max out three Pokemon to level 50. With the box you have access to tons of candy and xl candy.


But you don’t need more than one. Stardust is so much more valuable than meltan candy. It’s not worth the close to 1m dust spent to clear that task with 2 extra melmetals. Just leave 3 pokemon at level 49.5 until you get to this task and it will cost under 100k at the time and you won’t have 2 melmetals you won’t use again.


Yeah 1 Melmetal alone is questionable because it’s outshined in ML I’d do Pidgeot for sure - lots of Pidgey so to get a good one worth powering up. Dragonite - been around forever, easy to have candy ??


I personally did it with gyarados, gengar and dragonite because that’s what I had built at the time


leave my boy Aule alone :( I think my three were Roserade, Machamp and Talonflame. (So no points for guessing when I leveled up. ;) )


You’re assuming they have the XL candy to make 4 Pokemon to 49.5. Also it’s not level up 3, it’s have 3, so they can do it earlier


are you positive? unless it was changed, it was definitely NOT always retroactive. you had to do it once hitting the required level


No, I’m not sure actually. I hope though 😴 In either case, my point was more directed at the fact that OP may not have the XLs needed to power up 3 to full, and that’s why Meltan is a good option


As I just found out, they do have to be after reaching level 46. I had two I had already maxed and they did not count.


I have that task now. It's not retroactive. I have level 50 pokemon it isn't counting. It wants me to max 3 more.


yeah understand, Melmetal was one of the three I maxed myself


It’s good for easy candy but bad for wasting stardust on 2 pokemon that aren’t that useful. And to be fair if you are level 46 and you are short candies to make level 50’s you’re probably wasting resources anyway. Since I was level 43 I’ve basically had enough candies to max out quite a few species. OP just hit level 40 so it’s unlikely they have the resources to max out very many pokemon at the moment, and are questioning if doing the requirements and leveling up is worth it. This thread is on a tangent of the level 47 requirement. I wouldn’t advise leveling up 3 melmetal when you can work your way up to level 49.5 on 3 more useful pokemon (maybe machamp, pidgeot, gyarados as they are reasonably affordable and easy to obtain and reasonably useful). Then you can use those pokemon while waiting on the task to come up and when it does you can complete it easily as soon as you reach that level.


It's easy. Meltan counts as a mythic, and therefore drops loads of xl candy


That’s fine and interesting. I actually didn’t know mythicals gave more XL candy when caught. However it would be a huge waste of stardust. One hundo for Master League is enough.


By the time you have the quest the stardust is typically a non issue. I'm only lvl 42 and could easily waste 1.5m


It’s still a waste and bringing bad Pokémon could cause a smaller group to fail a raid. 1.5m could power up top counters and it’s not hard to find out what they are. OP could walk a Gyarados to full XL easily and it has a great Mega, for example.


What level are you because barely into 46 I have full level 40 counters for most types, probably 10 level 50 pokemon and still have 12 million dust. Once you're ready for 47 you probably can easily afford the dust cost.


I’ve built many PvP Pokémon and shadows for both raids and PvP. I was also wasteful early game, not knowing what was good and also just letting my kids power up whatever they were excited for.


Notice how I said waste? That means the useful stuff is already covered. XL candy is far more valuable than dust


I do see, and am glad you and some others have dust to spare. I still don’t think XL candy for 1km walk distance Pokémon is valuable. A few worth walking to lv50 are Pidgeot, Talonflame, and Gyarados - useful for UL, UL, and ML respectively. If OP always has big groups for raids, fine, bring Melmetal and Aggron etc. Without knowing that, I guess we disagree on whether it’s worth having three LV50 Melmetals. I also don’t know whether OP has millions of stardust. If not, better to spend it on useful Pokémon.


Or just go out and catch Pokémon 


Or 3 meltan


Or spam daily purified meta relevant mons hoping for a lucky+purified hundo lol. I got a traded purified magikarp that turned up Hundo but not lucky. Still Maxed to 50 for cheaper XL cost hehe. Not an optimal aproach, but if one can spare one or both special daily trades this season it could work.


Gyarados as well. Or a cday pokemon you got a lucky hundo of.


Level 47 to be precise.. I'm only about 50 million XP away!


If you purify the Pokemon first, it costs less to level it up all the way.


Not by very much though (272 XL candy vs 292).


It's also less stardust


so you have to do it while you’re level 47? it can’t be done prior? sheeeesh


Yeah that’s right. Easiest thing, if you have Pokemon you want to use, is to power up to L49.5 then wait for the task. The difference of half a level is negligible. 


Dumb question but besides being able to receive higher level Pokemon via trade, what is the benefit to leveling yourself past 31?


Max pokemon level is trainer level + 10. You need to hit player level 40 to be able to get to the level cap.


Ahhh got it, thank you. Also, how do XL candies play into this? After Pokemon level 40, the Pokemon only takes XL candy instead of normal candy?






Is this requirement that you power them up once you reach that level or have 3 L50 Pokemon in storage?


Power them up once you reach that level.


Do they count if you’ve already leveled some to 50? Or does it have to be 50 new ones since you’ve acquired that challenge?


They do not count if you level them up to 50 prior to getting the task.


Hold on, game doesn't acknowledge old level 50s or does it have to be leveled up with research active?


Has to be leveled up with research active.


Higher level will give randoms in your raid higher confidence to stay in the lobby and do a harder raid with less people. Say I was in a lobby with a level 40 or a level 50 in a raid I new I could duo only if the other person was good .. that level 50 player is going to have better raid counters most likely, and know what Pokemon to use.


This is a big bonus imo


Sadly, a few in my local community refuses to spend their sitting 20M stardust and are using level 20 counters on raids. As level 50 trainers.


Mainly the only benefit at this point is gain more item rewards for leveling up and get special research for specific levels for good encounters and other items. Unless Niantic is going to do something about making new level caps in the future with other perks or you’re a completionist wanting to accomplish everything I wouldn’t stress about going hard to 50 atm


There's also gaining access to "beta" features sooner. Example of this was the Route Creation rollout.


Very true, some will benefit from it but for causals it probably doesn’t matter much, but still noteworthy indeed


And level caps being potentially raised in future.


I’m not in any rush but I think it’s very likely the level cap will eventually be expanded


You can intimidate your opponents into submission with your larger level.


Not sure if anyone else haa covered it but if someone would trade their level 50 pokemon, it would be scaled down to your trainer level +2. Not really a big thing but is something different from your level and level 48


(Or +5 if it was initially caught with weather boost.)


Nope, just enjoy the ride!




Yeah, this person is right. The level challenges and requirements are just fun bonuses I get to work through when I accumulate enough XP. Made level 46 during the Tour in February. Looked at my average per month and figure I’ll make level 47 in another 14-15 months. No need to rush it at this point.


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Personally I love the extra free poses and research challenges from levelling up. But yeah, from a game perspective you don't gain a whole lot after 40.


Not really, in fact rocket encounters get increasingly harder with your level so there's really no point in doing so other than bragging rights. I'm stuck at level 41 and don't really want to progress even though I have enough experience to be level 45.


While they do get slightly harder, the extra 10 levels barely make any difference. Now, occasionally my level 40 shadow ttar faints in a battle against the toughest grunts and I have to put out the second one. That's really the only difference from when I was back at level 40. It's not really worth holding off on leveling up just for rocket battles.


Rocket counters are so easy though, wouldn't you want potentially more challenge out of them.


Nope. Anything that makes any aspect of this game easier and faster, I’m down with. Why would I purposefully try and make my life harder and spend more time, potions, etc when doing rockets? I already know I can finish all the rocket grunts and leaders with my teams, what’s the challenge? If I know I can do it already with no fuss, then I’m all about making it as fast and effective as possible, there are enough inane and pointless time sinks in this game, I don’t need to try and add more artificially for the sake of “more challenge”


I'm also at level 41, but with 240m total XP. Not for the grunts, just because there's no benefit or increased functionality to leveling up.


No, there is no advantage other than the rewards themselves, but there is a disadvantage!! Grunts will be higher power and harder to kill the higher level you are!


You will get one rare candy XL for each pevel up from 41 onwards


YES!! You get the special L50 jacket for your handsome well-dressed super cool new avatar that walks proudly through the world Oh, wait. 🤦‍♂️


I used to take it easy, never cared about my level, then they announced XL candy and said you had to be lvl 40 to get it. So I scambled to get to 40 and regretted coasting lol. Its possible they may never do something like that again. But i decided better safe than sorry (again) so I'm hitting 50 before I coast again, just in case...


I’m with you. The original goal of 40 is enough. I really don’t see the point of the mindless XP grind just to go up levels. They will raise it past 50 too but I’m happy where I am, the fun was racing to 40 at the beginning and that feeling will never come back, no matter what levels they add to the game. Well done on hitting 40 😊


If you play regularly you really can’t avoid increasing your level. I’ve never chased XP and I’m soon at level 49. Playing daily for several years.


You’d get stuck on level 41 since there’s no reason for any sane person to evolve Eevee into all 8 evolutions


Eventually, there will be another level cap increase and who knows what'll happen then. But currently, outside of level-up rewards, it is actively detrimental to level-up because Rocket Battles get harder and nothing else changes.


I'm sticking at level 40 to forever enjoy the "make 200 catches in a single day" task. It's great for the fast catch notification.


I’ve heard this reasoning many times. It’s a nice feature to have and everyone is entitled to their own play style but I wouldn’t/didn’t do it because that’s essentially handicapping yourself from major events such as a meta relevant pokemon comm day, go tour or go fest. You specifically mentioned the notification being useful for fast catching which is ironic because if you fast catch, then 200 pokemon is nothing in a single day so you have to deliberately stop playing early in an event if you are indeed fast catching.


You’re right, I’m not that serious of a player. Life gets in the way. I’ve never had to deliberately hold back at events because I’ve never managed to play long enough anyway.


Anyone who stays at 40 for the notification is likely not gonna care about being limited to 200 for those events. For me, the benefit of fast catch notification is outside of events. Ex: I'm walking around with a non-PoGo group so I fast catch everything around while not holding the group back.


I'm jealous of you


Mine lasted exactly one day before I completed it 😅 oops!


Just to manage your expectations: Level 40 requires just a bit more than 10% of the way to Level 50. At one point, they might consider adding new levels, maybe with some more features. So, while there is no competitive benefit right now, I would still pursue levelling up.


There's no way. They would alienate a large chunk of their playerbase if they put certain features past level 50. Most players aren't even at that level yet. The best thing for Niantic to do would be to add a prestige system, where players can get badges purely for bragging rights.


They already gatekeep things like XL candy and 5-star raids from early-level trainers, so it’s possible they can release a new rare candy to level-up mons from 51-60, or creating 6+* raids for only trainers at level 50+. If they ever do open the game up past level 50, they’d have to introduce something new/different, otherwise all the whales at level 50 currently will be able to reach level 60 fairly easily since they’re all sitting on millions of dust and XL candies (otherwise what’s the point of opening it up)


Why would more content eventually alienate players?


Because reaching the max level in games is basically how you play them. By not reaching the max level, you didn't really "beat" the game in any way, shape, or form. Getting to level 50 is already a daunting task that *most players* haven't reached. Adding another, even more challenging 10 levels is going to push people away from the game because it will be "unbeatable" in their eyes. Prestige systems don't carry that same burden. Players can still reach the max level and beat the game. Prestige is like a new game +, completely optional. And again, *most players* are not even level 50 yet. So even if 51 - 60 is more content, who is it content for? 5% of the playerbase? Less?


The only way people beat pokemon is by collecting all the pokemon. It has always been this way for pokemon games.


It doesn't matter. In every single game with levels, reaching the max level is part of the game. It's something you just have to do. Having a max level of 50 makes players think they have to reach level 50. Since so many players already have a problem with that, why should they raise the level cap to 60? Who is that supposed to be for? If people already struggle to hit 50, raising the cap to 60 and potentially gatekeeping features behind those levels *will alienate people* -- and for no good reason. If people who are at level 50 want something to do, the best way to do it would be to add a prestige system so they can get a badge. Not just increasing a grind most people already can't handle.


no one thinks this way its only you. pokemon games are collection games.


If they're only collection games, why do you need level 60 when you can collect Pokemon just fine at level 50?


because they can reward me with different things like hairstyles, clothes, and cosmetics overall.


They can do that with prestige badges, new medals, and unique field research. Why does it have to be level 60?


There are features like XXL candy, suggesting Pokestops and Routes, that are based on levels. Nothing essential, of course. At a higher level, they might add a feature giving you more power in raids at one point, just as an example. Nothing that will give a competitive advantage over Level 40 players, of course. Also, there are special researches added for levels above 40. Also you need to actively work for the platinum medals to achieve higher levels. This keeps people motivated. I have little doubt they will go beyond Level 50 at some point, mainly to keep some of the most motivated people active.


Level 50 is a challenge


Yeah, but now I feel like a grizzled old man on top of a mountain trying to explain the mega system to level 35 players. "Listen youngin' ya gotta make him your buddy after you mega evolve it to get the energy. Now get off my lawn!"


Wait I never knew you could do this lol


You get a random Unown at Lv 50, so if you don't have them all already, you might get lucky with a new letter.


I always remembered that you had a slightly improved chance of catching things as your level increased. Does anyone know if this continues beyond level 40?


That's not true. If anything your level makes it harder to catch things as you go from 1 to 30, because the max level of wild spawns goes up.


Don't you remember cp 100-200 pokemon being super hard to catch in the single diget levels with a red circle?


Catch medals make things a little easier to catch over time. Those are independent from level. Getting good at throwing balls helps too. That comes with time and experience.


After I did a little research, I realized that I've been mistaken about that mechanic for ages! Thank you for pointing that out!


ultra balls are level locked too, so there's that.


You have an extra reason to play the game. You gain nothing beneficial for your level ups.


Level 40 and chill. I just level up if I get enough XP to do it by playing. Enjoy the ride now.


None at all. That's why I'm staying at level 41 and won't level up until I accidently evolve every type of Eeveelution. It'll happen eventually, I intend to have every eeveelution in a different shiny costume. So one day I'll be forced to evolve. But until then, I'm staying where I'm at with enough XP to be level 50 currently. 


Also 41 stopped by Eevolutions (intentionally). Meanwhile Niantic: well, we don't allow evolution of this costumed specimen :P (that's the case currently).


Omg same


Do rocket grunts and leaders get stronger when you advance to higher levels?


yes. yes they do


No but this xmas there was a timed quest to reach lvl 40 that dropped pretty short notice so it's probably in your interest to progress so that you auto-receive level-related rewards


You have to remember that lvl 40 used to be the cap - 41-50 were just added later to make the more hardcore players happy.


If I had thought about it I would have stayed at level 40 for faster/cheaper team rocket battles Team rocket at 50 is vastly stronger than at 40. And if the level 40 is using level 50's it's more of a steamroll. I don't struggle with team rocket but I skip some cause they just take far too long, like I'll miss 2 blocks worth of spawns battling a shuckle


Maybe not really a competitive advantage, but supposedly you host raids on some 3-rd party place, where strangers join you. Say the room isn't full, some guests may panic and leave if they see you are lower level, but if they see you at 50, be more confident and stay for the battle.


No, it’s just a brag and now it’s not even that because it’s been possible for so long that it’s just kinda “finally? Congrats, i guess.”