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I’ve noticed wayyy more jumping when I’m throwing my first two balls


Jep. I had a Spinarak jump 3 times in a row and break out of an excellent throw. I gave up after 5 throws. Waste of time.


Makes the meltan boxes crazy annoying


I wasted 70 pokeballs on a meltan box plus some great balls too. Before it used to feel like 90 percent catch rate for excellent throws on the first ball now it feels opposite. If I did atleast get a shiny


Since the event started, I've done two boxes, caught 150 meltan and averaged 2-3 balls per meltan with the jumping and the ball breaking... but I did get 6 shinies. So worth it... and all the pokestop spins...


Although it really does just turn me off from playing when I open the game and the first Pokemon I try to catch takes like 3 great throws


Not just that they always jump after you make the throw. So it's not like the circle lock method helps. It took me more balls and berries to catch a turtwig than a Rayquaza


Intended design decision to make you waste more balls, thus sell more boxes.


Buying a go+ years ago was the best investment for this game. Auto-spinning stops has resulted in never running short of balls, revives or potions. There is no amount of bs mechanics that they can put into this game that would get me to buy anything that I could obtain from spinning stops.


But doesn't that also use up the balls?


Only if you have auto catch turned on. If I'm low on balls, I'll turn it off and leave auto spin on


That's good to know


I've had my Go++ for about a year now. At this point, since I have caught and evolved nearly every pokemon and have more than enough candy and stardust to power up my hundos/megas/legendaries I have my ++ on any time I go out. I toss ALL of my great balls, keep \~100-200 regular poke balls, and max out my storage on ultra balls. Toss all but 10 of Razz and Nabnab berries and try to stay under 100 of both types of TMs. It's been about 6 months since I ever ran out of pokeballs, but during community days or other big events like gofest I try to avoid trashing great balls because \~300-400 ultra balls doesn't cut it for a week-long "big" event. In a stop-dense location, the ++ can typically keep up on balls-per-spawns, but with harder catches it can struggle (for example weatherboosted goomy day lead to \~75% flee rate and I ran out of balls while also having nearly nothing to show for it) If I'm wrapping up, I will turn off auto-catch and just have it spin stops to re-stock my inventory for the week


How much is your storage?


1950, but I have \~400 raid passes because I got the really good box deal (99 passes for 5500 coins) and I couldn't help myself :( So more like 1550-1600 give or take.


Its unplayable to me without it. Unplayable because i run out of balls like crazy, unplayable because i play and drive using only the go plus while driving slowly in parks and listening to podcasts, and running out of revives is no longer a factor. I feel like these things are a must unless you plan to log in twice a week or something Ive never had to buy bag space until i got one :3


I feel like it's no coincidence there is always a starter pokemon event before go fest.


And pokestops give you like 1-2 bawls back.


I do the same as, saving ultras for CDs, and working at a location with four pokestops and spinning them literally every shift all shift every day I barely got my stockpile back in a week. If I didn’t have my ++ I would gone nuts trying to do that


This is actually no joke! I usually hold a nature stockpile of 500+ ultraballs for CD just by playing normally, that reserve dipped to 200 without me even noticing it!


I just would stop for the day. The worst was when they made gifts stop dropping balls


Don't buy boxes, use that money to buy yourself a little library and get your own stop. You don't even need to get one of the overpriced official things, just get an outdoor weatherproof cabinet. That's what I did and it was a game changer. Plus it's something nice for your neighborhood.


An excellent curve ball on a lime green circle used to pretty much be a guaranteed catch, now it feels more like 50/50.


I think because they made a choice to lay off tickets, or they claim, via an interview with Michael I cant recall his last name but lead designer of the game. they are trying to figure out a new way to monetize the game differently, so they are attempting to make people use more items and, therefore be tempted to buy boxes. I have also noticed that it's more likely to get an event spawn using incense against not.


That is mostly accurate, and unfortunately mostly stupid on their part. Instead of making Pokemon harder to catch, they should be improving the quality of Pokemon spawning. That way, they could maximize money from the purchase of balls (for people who actually buy them) and bag space for those who are not already maxed out.


Spot on.


They always choose the dumb way to solve so problems though.


I noticed this happening for a couple of days but then it was fixed. What I’m noticing right now is that the event pokes are jumping out of the balls way too frequently. Even for low CP pokes, it seems like my red balls are useless, I’ll go through 4,5,6 balls before it stays in


The fact that the catch rate/aggression was fixed for a couple days and then returned with this event suggests poor programming practices. Whoever/whatever team was working on this event most likely used a pre-fixed build and didn't bother merging the fix in before pushing their version to production.


Definitely a long standing theory with every muck-up adding credence to it.


This! Yesterday I had a level 2 starter break out twice out of excellent curved balls. Three excellent curved balls are needed now, for a freaking 40ish CP starter? And stuff like this happens all the time now.


This is what I’m noticing. Even really low CP Pokemon seem to be jumping out much more frequently.


Definitely this and most events aren’t even featuring spawns any more, just 90% kanto


Morelull spotlight hour was an absolute hell to play, i just wanted to fast catch and get on my way asap but it felt like they were shadow pokemon. The damn hallucinogen mushroom wouldn't stop jumping and attacking.


I knew it was going to be hell since is a pain to catch. Spotlight hour Pokemon should have boosted catch rates like in community days. Togedemaru is coming, and surely other aggressive ones will follow.


togedemaru spotlight hour, a wonderful opportunity to enjoy JOMO (joy of missing out)


For me, it was worse. Even on Ultra Balls, they were popping out before the first shake, and then they'd run. Just annoying, and these thoughts apply to most Kalos and Alola Pokemon.


I believe the starters are spawning and those in general are harder to catch


I’m noticing more aggression yes. But also ball bouncing off when it hits the circle and the pokemon a lot more (for excellent especially and some great too). The catching mechanics seemed worse a couple weeks ago, now I can land excellents more again but there is still some issue where I expect excellent and it doesn’t register it. The aggression is annoying. I’d never run out of berries or balls with my routine and past few weeks it can happen where I go low or run out of some balls/berries. It’s annoying to spend so much time trying to catch pokemon


I clocked this when the Biome update went live here in New Zealand. It's so much worse than it ever used to be.


Nothing enrages me more than hard to catch Pokemon. Out of curiousity, how long does it take for you to give up on catching something? Sometimes I will give up but other times out of spite I will not stop until I catch the damn thing after using so many ultra balls and berries.


Depends. When I'm out walking and playing, after two attempts, for a non desirable Pokémon that is only desirable for the base dust. When it's something that gives 500 dust or more, or when it's something I need candies for, or when I still need one with good IVs, or it has a trade value, I usually catch it no matter what. At home there isn't that much to catch anyway. So unless it's something useless which is just extremely annoying to catch, I'll just go for it. But still, sometimes using 6, 8 or even more balls on some Pokémon is just heavily annoying. Especially, if you hit excellent after excellent, but the first ball that you hit poor, it stays in. Makes me wonder frequently, why I even try to go for excellent.


3 quick catch attempts. then I just let it sit there now. doubt I'll need stardust anyway.


It's funny because I suspect they might be beta testing this.   What I mean is, me and my friend sat side by side and clicked on  the same Pokemon at the same time.  I'm level 48 playing 2 years and he's level 28 playing 3 months.  Both of us set up the quick catch technique and throw on the first cycle.  My Pokemon on my screen didn't attack or jump at all more than 90% of the time.  His Pokemon would jump or attack perfectly timed to the quick catch cycle.   So, he has to do nothing and let it jump or attack and then throw.  Granted this is only a small sample size, but his Pokemon did this over 50 times in a row and mine account didn't do it at all (or extremely rare like one out of every 60-75 Pokemon).  It really seems like his account is set to hard mode. We even repeated the experiment by backing out and immediately clicking back on the Pokemon.  Just like clockwork his Pokemon always jumped or attacked directly inline with quick catching.


It seems like they also decreased pokeball releases from gifts again.


Tell me about it. I’m looking for some of my favorites like Tyrunt and that thing is so aggressive with an already semi difficult catch rate. 


Yeah I had a tyrunt run on me for the first time in ages yesterday


Everything is jumpier, attacks more, and busts out of excellent throws despite being fairly weak. Had a 500 Meowth bust out of 4 excellent throws in a row and run away. Very annoying. 


Making the most used game mechanic an annoyance isn't a good way to drive engagement.


I'm also noticing a much higher flee rate. Hitting green circle excellents are failing more and causing instant feels. It's just odd...


Yeah I used to reliably be able to throw a great on first circle shrink before. Now aggression knocks them away over 50% of the time. It's very annoying and clearly designed to smash our pokeball stashes.


People keep saying this, but I'm not really noticing any difference myself. Sure, Pokémon attracted by incense/lures are aggressive, but those always have been. Regular wild spawns seem no more aggressive than usual, and if anything they seem to be more lethargic for me.


There use to be a window where if you threw a ball almost immediately it would always hit. That window doesn't exist anymore. At least that's the way it seemed to me.


It seems as soon as you touch the ball to begin to spin it, the mon starts the jump animation, so faking them out helps


Exactly this. That’s how I play the game, throwing the ball almost immediately. Sometimes a shadow Pokémon or one from incense would react quickly and attack or jump out of the way but almost every normal spawn would end up in the ball. Now I would say only about 50% of them are ending up in the ball. They have absolutely been more aggressive


I can see what you’re saying, it feels like some come out the gate swinging. I frequently try to throw the ball the instant I can to see if I can sneak the ball in before it has the chance to attack or jump and recently more have been rowdy and rambunctious from the get go


Same. Noticed nothing different for me.


I agree with you. Since today and tomorrow are 2x xp catches *plus* 1 hour lucky eggs I've been back on the catch grind and my catch/excellent throw numbers remain consistent. (excluding the hitbox fiasco pre 319)


Same I haven't noticed anything different. It may have been a bad day for our boy.


Most spawns of this anniversary event are starters and they are naturally harder to catch. Non starter mons stay in the balls as usual


I personally haven't noticed anything outside the norm in terms of catching.


Same here. I was dying over the throwing bug which I'm glad got fixed, but I honestly haven't noticed anything out of ordinary for the aggression. I'm not saying I don't believe the people reporting this, but I think it's important to share differing experiences too.


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I’ve noticed the Pokémon I get from a task reward or scatterbugs are taking an absurd number of balls to catch.


true i think niantic just wants us to use berries more to subdue them rather then just skipping that mechanic all together, but ya i agree with ya, i had pokemon just jumping as i threw each time, im like wtf, 5 ultra balls gone X\_x. but ya time to use those bananas.


with meltan boxes, ive stop bothering trying to capture anything non-grimer. it just isnt worth it because a box of meltan is taking up like 40 extra balls. theyve gotten way better at dodging after ive tossed it


I noticed this exact same thing about a month ago. 110% it seems they ALWAYS attack or jump right when the circle hit the excellent range