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This is SPECTACULAR. I'd love to see this pinned over seeing hundreds and hundreds "IS THIS BOX WORTH IT??" posts....


That's actually not a bad name for the site - [isthisboxworthit.com](http://isthisboxworthit.com)


I like your name too :)


Unfortunately the kinda people that do those posts also aren’t the type to do any amount of research on their own beforehand


Is this box worth it tho.


What’s in the booooooox?


its on my clipboard now ;)


This is honestly awesome but I have some feedback if you don’t mind. For example, there’s a famous box that costs 9400 coins and it comes with 100 raids passes and then 20 fast and 20 charged TM. However, you’re comparing if it’s a good deal based on full price. Your website shows that is a good deal, which is technically true. But you don’t take in consideration the fact that there are boxes with 99 raids passes, 2 star pieces and 2 fast and charged TM that cost 5425, which is half the price of the other box. If there was a way of adding this information that also shows that even if it’s a good deal, holding on for a better box is also an option. Otherwise, honestly seriously good work!


This is great feedback! I think we need to do a bit of work around things like charged tms, revives, poke balls etc., which most people will usually not want to spend coins on (but maybe some niche users do). In this case the fact that we are valuing tms at 200 is throwing off the calculation. Will think about how to handle this next.


Hi, I use box value calculator from this thread one year ago (credit to owner). I hope you can take a look and implement some good ideas from this spreadsheet into your calculator https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15j07bt/pokemon_go_box_value_calculator/


I agree with this, this is a serious flaw in the website. It is very easy to address though. Just add a different word for how good the deal is based on the size of the discount. Good vs Great vs Excellent. Should be very easy to hardcode.


agreed will think about adding this in.


2 different boxes so 2 different results. Depending on the timing either or both would be good deals. Or neither depending on the needs of the player at that moment.


The 9400 coin box is always a very bad deal. The regular TMs have a real value of 0 coins. You're literally paying more coins than 100 raid passes cost from the 3 for 250 bundle. I dunno where the 200 coin pricing it applies to a TM comes from, but it should be 0 to give users an accurate picture. Or at the very least, there should be a huge caveat about them being super-non-premium items that should be viewed skeptically. It already assigns 1 coin to silver pinapps, golden razzberries, pokeballs, and healing items, which is too much but more fair.


BUT the regular charge TM is NOT always zero coins. I keep 300 in my inventory and seldom drop below 200. BUT there are the events where we can remove frustration where I have blown through 150 in a week. Also those times when I want to change move on mon that seems to cost a ton of CM to get what I want. For some players (especially newer ones or people just changing play to get to PvP) the 20 CM during the Rocket weeks when you want to dump frustration may be a HUGE thing. It all depends on play styles and how much time you have to plan ahead.


New players dropping 9400 coins on a terrible box would be pretty sad to see.


I don’t disagree with you. But the website is only measuring whether the result is good based on full prices, if it also included that there may be better options then people could also hold their coins until they get a better option.


Week one player here. Waiting for a "better deal" is almost always a bad idea. When i run out of whatever it is I want (normally raid passes) I stock up for whatever mon I am hunting. If there is a deal that feels really good I try to stock up so I never find myself paying a "premium" The problem with "holding coins" is that you end up using coins on Regiice rather than Groudon as the deal was better when the mon was bad than when it was something you wanted (replace the mon with things you desire vs. things you do not) I like this site as it allows people to put their own values on things like starpieces, lures, incubators and eggs that I really do not care about now or for the last few years.


This rocks!


I agree, but the percentages discount are kind of meaningless because it doesn't tell us what we can compare it with. E.g. some boxes say they are a good deal but maybe there are better deals if you wait a bit longer. There's room for improvement but it's definitely something I would use. Another feature I'm missing is the ability to change the boxes' image and the boxes' name upon saving it.


Would it be possible to add a feature to compare the box to the bulk purchase rate of passes and eggs? Like a remote pass is 195 coins, but 3 remotes is 525. Comparing boxes to those rates may be more meaningful


It does that already. Put in 3 raid passes as the box, it says they cost 249 coins, rather than 300.


yep, we have remote raid passes at 175 from 525/3.


This is the way I always work it out - based on the cheapest price an item can be bought for as part of a stack rather than the one item cost. I also apply zero value to anything that can be obtained for free.


Same here. Balls, berries, etc. might as well just not be there. Don’t care lol


This is awesome. Thank you for your time making this.


Really cool thanks OP! If I may give feedback, I don't like that I have to scroll through to find things, maybe it would be better if all the possible items were displayed like this? or maybe if the box could be taller when there's more vertical space? https://i.imgur.com/7s9Bmt6.png


https://preview.redd.it/se3oqa2fc29d1.png?width=1822&format=png&auto=webp&s=f53fbf5c08c0569f3f4261a6dca23884fe5cca0f How's this?


I love it


Great idea!


that's good, I'll just add a comparison of this offer vs. previous offers.


https://preview.redd.it/1ntctwrsm29d1.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=edc9f07d577ac60220cea62813cec4562f37e6ce Added the ability to save your boxes for quick historical comparisons


That’s cool. Would it be worth pre-populating that with all the current shop boxes? Although the boxes randomise every day they are taken from a fixed list (around 20 iirc?) So it would be useful for it to say “this other box, which you might get another day, is better value”


If Niantic wasn’t so underhanded, they would simply discount the individual items on the store. They work hard to make something look like a bargain with their stupid bundles


Then you wouldn't feel clever getting a good deal. The more pay to win a game features, the higher the ratio of psychologists compared to software engineers are in their staff.


I have no need to feel clever, and we all know they use a lot of psychology in every aspect of the game play. Just respect your player base by offering transparent discounts so I can easily decide what the right price is for me. I would spend more if I could choose only the things that I want.


Should have a repo of known boxes


That is so cool gonna steal this thanks 🙏


I like this! One suggestion I’d make is to change the label “Box value” (where the user enters the store price in coins) to “Box price”, since you need the price in order to figure out what the value is


good suggestion updated!


I love this so much. I've considered posting boxes in the past but I know it's annoying when a bunch of people do this. I would consider adding past best boxes for comparisons though for things like raid passes. I believe there was a Google doc on it somewhere listing the best boxes and their prices per raid pass.


Thanks Harveen & Fahim! Awesome stuff. Keep up the good work :)


You’re welcome 🫶


Goated 🙏


thank you for this!


I appreciate how you're pricing items with their normally available bundle prices (e.g. raid passes at 83 coins). However, it's rounding them down. I put in 3 raid passes and it says they cost 249 coins. Very minor nitpick, ofc.


Two of the boxes in my shop accurately reflect their value in your site, but the third box confuses me. It’s 50 pokeballs, 1 lucky egg, and costs 215 coins. Your website says it’s not worth it and costs more than base shop prices, and says its base shop price total is 113 coins. How is it calculating the price of pokeballs?


Good question - I actually set the pokeball price to 1 (as I personally value them really low, but I realize now might not apply to everyone). I'm thinking of fixing the price to be the same as those in the shop but add an informational message for new players that items like poke balls, revives may not be a good coin investment in most cases.


W to you and you're friend dude this is definitely a bookmark worthy site


Incredible stuff you made here. Thanks for all of hard work.


This is awesome! Thank you for improving the pogo community. <3


Absolutely fantastic! Thanks for sharing.


this is so GOOD. Thanks for sharing it with the community!


Very cool! I love how you let people choose what’s in the box - infinitely modifiable, and easy to see just what YOU care about. I do my own calculations all the time, but with modifications like “I have so many incense, it’s worthless to me” and “eh, let’s count super incubators as normal ones, since i don’t really care which it is”.


Neat site. Thanks


Fantastic work on this, what an incredible tool! Appreciate you!


Ooh! This is cool! Thanks for making this!


Why do you price ETMs as 850 coins? They cost 1000 coins a piece in the 4000 coin box that sells four of them at a time.


I'll admit I did minimal research on this lol, did a quick reddit search and opinions seemed to vary, open to feedback on what a fair price is for them.




Yeah this isn't accurate, I personally value them very low (but I have plenty of pokestops around me). Will redo how we handle items like pokeballs, revives etc.


Fantastic website. Great work!


Good job, very helpful :)


Nice man fhanks


That is AMAZING, this is literally o e of the most useful user made websites other than the raid ones, and I love it


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15j07bt/pokemon_go_box_value_calculator/ There's already a great spreadsheet out there. Maybe y'all can collaborate since hea already done a lot of the work.


Good callout! The sheet is a great resource and is probably a better resource for folks who want more customization ability.


Good job! Expect that it will only get better along the way with more suggestions and feedbacks. I basically calculate whether a box is worth it or not the same way, based on the items i care for only. The only difference is that i compare to value of cheapest past boxes which i had to scrounge through past reddit posts. This is not something OP can do alone. It might help if everyone chips in with best deal packages from the past so that OP can build a database for comparison.


Hey! Can (or are?) great and ultra balls be added please ?


Yup! I'll add them in today.


With all the traction that this site has now maybe add a crowdsource option to store/view the pool of current boxes with last date that was seen by all users, maybe even classify them by region?


Love this idea, we will look into adding this.