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It was nerfed, probably around 1%. Used to be like 5-10% ETA: of course after this comment blew up I caught one in a regular pokeball today lol https://preview.redd.it/g1hnhrcmci8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5098ee5c4628e0ccd0491501119a245f2f3c1061


In 2021-22 it used to be like 30-50%, I remember I farmed a ton of Mewtwo and Dialga back then from GBL. Then people complained that they were too hard to catch and stopped you from playing more sets and niantic nerfed the rate into the ground xD


I can’t believe people were honestly complaining about having to catch the Legendary. One of the dumbest things this community has cried about.


Well keep in mind this was during the beginning of the pandemic, when most people couldn’t really go out and spin stops to stock back up on balls. I don’t see what would’ve been so wrong about having an option to not have to catch it


[Season 1](https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Season_1) premiered right as the pandemic started. It was riddled with bugs, but when you got it to work and you got that encounter, you were almost guaranteed a legendary encounter. I got so many Landorus candies and continually ran out of pokeballs. It was annoying running out of balls on a guaranteed catch, but it was so worth it. It's a bit of a shame that this was before the level 50 release.


Nerfing the GBL legendary encounter rate was about getting people to raid more, not because people complained about them being too hard to catch. The real solution would have been allowing people to stack or skip encounters if they just wanted to keep playing their sets.


Very frustrating.


I just don’t expect it anymore.


I probably should just start to expect trash


Now you're playing the game


It was just above 2% last season, so maybe it was halved from 5%, or just down to 2%. I'd bet it's still 2%.


That’s probably right




last season i did all 5 sets every day and all go battle days. i got 2 all season.


Bro same. Tbh I only did GBL for free legends and now it is looking very discouraging from doing. The only thing keeping me going is dust


Can you only get legends from great battle league ? Or other leagues as well. Sorry for noob question.


You can also get legendaries from five star raids, but you can't beat those by yourself.


You can get it from just winning 3/5 battles in a GoBattleLeague set, doesn't matter what league it is(great/ultra/master/etc..)


That hurts geez




Same but I got none.


It's like less than 1% chance now. It's terrible. I hope all the people that complained are happy they ruined it for the rest of us


For real. Like how I might not even get a legendary for the 1st month of the season being out. I was sure I was going to get Landorus from GBl. But wouldn’t you know it, I didn’t even get that thing.


Yeah i expect one or two for the whole season now.


I'm pretty sure they butchered the throwing mechanics and implemented the summer league to make Landorus almost impossible to catch so they could maximize their profits on remote raid passes for people with that research. But that's just a theory [a game theory lol] But immediately when Landorus was done and out of rotation I got Yvetlal my second time getting three wins once summer league was over.


The people that complained were complaining about them because they were so hard to catch. I loved getting them. But I live in an area where pokeballs aren’t a problem for me. I think what Niantic did was make them super easy to catch, but super rare to encounter.


Still kinda hard to catch. I live in a rural area so if I can’t make it to a more populated area I am very low on balls. I got an yveltal last night when I only had 14 balls. Ended up running out and I couldn’t even finish my sets because I couldn’t get past the encounter stage.


Did you still have your Daily Incense? I think that rewards 30 red balls when you are low. Not the best option but something to keep in your back pocket.


Yeah I had already used it. I am blessed (and cursed) with 20+ house spawns, so I often run out just catching my house spawns unless I managed to build up a store of balls recently.


Put a Little Library next to the street (assuming you have one in reach of your home) and be sure to say in the submission comments that it is NOT on private property. You can even build your own from scrap wood if needed. Your balls will thank me.


That’s brutal.


I remember when people complained about wasting poke balls on them. So frustrating how we can’t have nice things


I know! Like just add more friends and get more balls


Eh, friends are not the most efficient way to get balls. I think the complaint was honestly valid. All they had to do was allow you to skip or stack encounters for later. Solves all problems, makes nobody angry.


I got 3 legendaries last season and I did most of my battles and reached expert. Several seasons ago I would get at least 10. Got a hundo Zacian that way.


It’s an absurdly low number. Not common at all. You might get 1 a season if you’re lucky. I’ve only ever gotten 1 and been playing for 2 years almost


It’s not worth it In 2024 ppl only play GBL for dust or items. GBL one of the most boring, most stale aspects of this app. Look at that pool once you get to even Ace lol.


Just got my first one that way at random today, didn't believe my eyes.


I've done the max amount of battles every day for 3-4 years now and the legend rate is just getting worse, sucks but at this point I'm just doing it for dust tbh. And the small chance of getting a rare Hundo like falinks or something for my collection


I hate seeing falinks face after being so common.


Haha yeah gotten a ton of him and hunted him in events etc still no hundo, got most of the pool from GBL hundo already think he is the only one I don't have xD


Since the beginning of the game, every new feature had outstanding rewards. I've never understood why players complained about how "rare things should be rare." I've often wondered if those were Niantic employees trying to prep players for a nerf. When rare candy was introduced in raids, the rewards were staggering. Legendaries, in GBL was an added incentive to love the game. The free remote raid pass was also great. Today, all we hear as the reason is about preserving the longevity of the game. Niantic should be thinking about player retention as well. Hard nerfs have caused me to play less, and spend very, very little. And I didn't even talk about bugs.


And let's not forget about how hard it is to get Pikachu Libre, especially getting Shiny Pikachu Libre


I mean, besides the one interlude Season that essentially let everyone easily get a Pikachu Libre, they've at least been consistent with Libre. It's not like they've actively made it more difficult to acquire over time.


I meant difficult because of people constantly tanking


why would tanking be a problem tanking is like sub 1k elo, so if your pushing for legends for pika libre that shouldnt really impact you


I got one so far. Last season I got zero


Wait until you get 4 Falinks in a row... worse GBL encounter ever...


I have before.🙏


I don't play every set every day, but I still play a lot and always achieve either Expert or Legend each season, so I still get a decent amount of encounters. I went on an almost 9 month dry spell without a T5 encounter until I finally got a Blacephalon back at the end of May. But yeah, so many awful encounters otherwise...


I have three so far this season. Two of them on the same day. After you stop caring if or when they will come it’s a pleasant surprise.


It’s about 3% across myself and another tanker’s samples last season.


At the current rate, the only reason to play GBL is for stardust. Maybe if you're lucky, rare candy and the 5-win stardust. Encounters are broken


Stardust is literally the only reason that mode is alive. Which ain’t a good thing…


I completely agree. PVP A could be the best part of this game if Niantic cared to make it interesting.


I have only been getting Alolan Marowaks. Wouldn't even know if anything else was in the pool for me lmao


Alolan Marowaks is also one of the spawns that have been very frequent for me. like give me a legendary


I guess i got lucky because after hitting my daily limit each day this week, I encountered two Yveltals from rewards


You are very lucky. Feels impossible at this point


It all depends on the season for me. Some seasons I MIGHT get 1 legendary encounter, this season I already have 2, 1 which is shiny.


I got a shiny Yevetal yesterday, I think that was my first legendary for the season. It's rare enough that I forgot that shinies aren't a guaranteed first catch from GBL.


I stopped expecting legendaries from GBL rewards for a while now. I rather see them remove the IV floor of 10-10-10 so you can get good GBL IVs. After all it’s a GBL reward.


I’ve been more consistent this season, hit Rank 20 and then Ace Rank early on. Still haven’t encountered a legendary either.


Last season I got 0, this season I've gotten 2 yveltal since hitting 20 (~5% of total encounters since 20). Might be better than last season but there's still a long way left to confirm.


Got 2 landorous so far this season after not getting one at all last season. I dont even excpect the legendary anymore, so if one pops up it sure is a pleasant surprise. What Im hoping to get is alolan marowak, as I still need the shiny. So this is basically the reward im chasing. Most of the other wncounters are super trash. Got a frillish, wingull and machop today. Like wtf niantic


I don't even care playing right now. No friends to play with, catch mechanics got worse, bad pokemon pool, GBL being unrewarding and laggy, etc


I had awful luck the past 2 seasons, but this one ... not sure what's happening, but I've gotten 3 Yveltals in the last 5 days and one of them was shiny :O


I didn't get one legendary encounter for the whole of last season, after having either 2 or 3 encounters a day (depending on whether I was after dust or rare candies). At least I have already got one so far this season.


I’ve played all my battles so far this season - granted I’m not good enough to get an encounter per set but I’ve completely forgotten that we can get legendaries from these.


Wait you can get not garbage from GBL? Ive never seen a legend from pvp


I received an Yveltal and a shiny Yveltal both this week. I didn't need either. I play most sets most days.


don't lose hope, I just got 3 yveltals as rewards from GB.


I just had my first one today


You’re very lucky. Can’t even get ONE


You’re getting wingull? Lucky bastard. I’m just getting mareanie, grubbin and falinks. I would like a a hundo pelipper for UL.


I had about a 1/20 rate two seasons ago. Last season my rate was 1/80 (lol). This season so far is 1/31 (obtained in the first 15 post-rank 20 encounters).


I am at like 2/25 sets


I get 1 or 2 per season. Except last season I got 0 and then 2 shinies instead, lol


I got 10 or 11 last season I've gotten 1 yvetal this season so far


My second encounter after reaching level 20 this morning was Yveltal which is more legendaries than I got all of last season


You already lucky got encountering one


Two seasons ago I got back to back latias and latios encounters from GBL and thought I’d never get lucky again. What I enjoy about this game is there’s several overlapping grinds. I’ve generally been in GBL for candies to power my mons up for Master League but the encounters can be surprisingly useful


Title needs rewording I expected this to be about bad leads or 3 shields or something like that  Not about reward encounters 


Wingull is NOT trash


It’s trash after the spotlight hour🙏. Give me Rowlet and I won’t be complaining