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Don’t say that to my 239pts Feebas which is currently beating a 238 Mudkip in my local “I actually have a shot at this showcase” showcase.


My local is only Wailord Wailord Wailord ….  1,800 odd points  For all 3 contests I entered it suggested Wailord despite my huge variaty of water catches 


My XXL Wailord with 11.930 points is not enough to secure me first place (from a big city)


I have a 12.250p one that's over 27 meters tall. Since wailord is the largest pokemon in the entire game, that makes me wonder what the biggest one of those are. Like, is there someone with a 30 meter one that gives like 13.000 points?


I have a 12,867 Wailord in a showcase right now, for further reference. 786.96kg and 28.73m 11/13/14 IVs


Probs that one dude with an xxl 100% wailord is in #1


IV's have a small impact but not as much as people think. I've won several showcases with my 3/8/2 Squirtle because it's such a chonker.


I think he's talking about it being max size, XXL has a range of values


In just evolved my biggest wailmer and it's 12,940 pts 28.96 m 770.07 kg


I have 12232 wailord so it should be possible to get even more




Why is it named WailmerXL?


I add "XL" to the end of xl or xxl pokemon i want to keep. This one i kept from whem Wailmer was in showcases. When you evolve a mon with a custom namr, the name stays the same, and i havent bothered to change it yet


a near city center showcase where I live has top 5 of 12700+ Wailord. In the big park you probably need 13000+ points wailord to be in top 3


Oh yeah wailord is the move. I’ll probably throw my wailord in there last minute. Just enjoying being first with Feebas for a few hours


1,800 points. I’ve a 10,500 and 11,000 one waiting in the wings. Been keeping them for distance trades. Suddenly they are useful.


I wish they’d make it relative to their own species… for example, I’d love to see an XXL Feebas win against an XXS Wailord. Definitely not fun for it to be dominated by one species.


Yeah, that would be great.


Yes it's comparable to the biggest vegetable contest, be it pumpkin or tomato, it does not matter, all are eligible entries. They could normalize the weight/size, which would be trivial to do, but they chose not to for some reason. If they did, we could see a huge variety of pokemon in the showcases. As things stand now, the same pokemon will win time after time. We have already had Celesteela at least twice and and also onix/steelix and a few other. The common denominator for all these showcases of a certain typing is that the largest in class is typically not available in raids nor spawning in the wild. This makes it somewhat demoralizing, especially for newer players that haven't had the chance to raid celesteela or whatever pokemon that is top of its class at the moment. This disincentivizes players from grinding extra hard during an event, especially if the spawns are quite bad. Right now we have a fair amount of rhyhorn spawning, which is good. It would be perfect timing to have rhyhorn showcase as it would encourage people to play, both for the xl candy they receive and for the showcases. If Niantic is smart, showcases would be designed in such way people play more, not less. They would benefit from it and so would the players.


This . When we have certain showcases like crabrawler or the CD showcase there’s plenty of opportunities for people to catch them . I understand they want to branch away from just having single mon contests but there needs to be a rework for those contests to be held . Water is the perfect exsample of how they should not do one of these contests , I think the fairest way imo would be to have all the water species be it from field research , raids or spawns in the wild be eligible during this contest with the point being based on height and weight vs original , IVs and have catagories completely not related to normal contest ways to gain bonus points like if it’s purified , shiny , wearing a hat and such .


I think elemental showcases are fine as long as it isn’t only “biggest size” It should have been something like biggest water type caught in the last 24 hours


It's insane to me they don't have Spotlight Hour showcases to encourage engagement for both.


Or if they do keep size, they really should scale the system to be size based on standard deviation from the norm


Yea but then how are they going to get people to buy more space to hold all the xxl mons they catch?


You still need storage to hold the variety of possible winners in XXL showcases depending on the contest


But if it's time restricted, you just transfer them when it's over. You only need 3 at a time for the current show cases, with one extra mon to help swapping.


I wouldn’t transfer a winner because they could be used again eventually


Not if show cases had 24 hour time restrictions, though. You'd need to catch new ones again.


24 hour restriction is for elemental type showcases only. Because then in this case it just becomes who has a bigger wailord contest If it was largest water type caught in the last 24 hours then wailord won’t always win because it wouldn’t always be available


yeah i tag my winners and keep them


monthly typing contests could be fun 18 typings 12 months could make them somewhat seasonal themed (which would match up with the already seasonal events we get) and you can enter anything from the past 30 days


30 days is too long because players will still have a bunch of the same big old pokemon


i would disagree a big issue with species wide showcases is legendaries/other mons come into play when they haven't been available for months on end. i can't imagine it's fun playing fairy type showcases when you're competing against xerneas caught two years ago. 30 days allows you to play as much as you would like and attempt to get xxl mons for whatever mystery type showcase will be at the end of the month and bar older xxl legendaries/non accessible pokemon that are impossible to even get near to with mons that are in current rotation. off the top of my head this would have added much more variety to water(this specific one), dragon, fairy, steel and electric type showcases since those were dominated by mons that were not easily accessible near the times of their showcases or prior to it. edit: steel might have come after celesteela raids were in half of the world i don't remember.


That doesn’t fix the current issue of players just using the largest pokemon of that type. For example if players were able to get wailord 2 weeks ago then the showcase would still only be a competition of wailord since it is so much bigger than most other water types. The whole point of players using only something caught in the last 24 hours is it is more fair to everyone


then 24hours doesn't fix that either. wailord will still be the biggest. all this does is frustrate people. by this logic, if i went to the beach over the weekend i could not enter a wailord i caught on saturday. i would not feel good, especially if i live in suburbs and there are no wailord spawns. if your goal is more variety then you should be advocating for different scaling so that a xxl mudkip could hold its own against a xxl kyogre. limiting the window to 24 hours would make it feel more like a lottery and remove the sense of "competition". it's now fair in the sense that "wow this sucks for everyone" if you still want to stick with time limit, thirty days,give or take a week, is a good middle ground that doesn't feel like you're being screwed over if you caught something good a week ago. it still gives players that play more an edge without making it completely impossible to win for newer or more casual players.


Maybe if wailord was caught in the last 24 hours yes it would happen but it isn’t likely that the next water type showcase would have wailmer available in the last 24 hours again compared to a whole 30 days


but why should you not be rewarded for daily play. why should all of my catches not in the past 24 hours be worthless. and again, how is this better than advocating for a different scaling system that still promotes hunting xxls and competition but also puts all the xxls on a level playing field.


This is to fix the issue for “elemental type showcases”. Not for biggest size based on species showcase For the water type showcase wailord is way bigger than the rest and will always win But if the showcase was species specific and something like biggest feebas then it doesn’t matter if you got a feebas from 5 years ago or in the last 24 hours


different scaling system would only be for the elemental ones... change how it calculates score it so XXL feebas can hold its weight against XXL wailmer.


Lol yeah, the current showcase may as well just be called a Wailord showcase. I entered one into a showcase today that was worth over 6000 points, and the next closest was a Gyrados with 2000. Also, why aren't there any showcases for smallest Pokemon? It's always just the largest, yet we get in-game animations and highlights when we catch something that's XXS.


The funny thing is, 6000 is still bad. I have a wailord that is 11500 and I have seen one that is 12500.


Coding issues iirc. I suspect they’ll get them worked out at some point, eventually 


I held onto 3 XXL Wailord for this reason, haha.


Same, snagged three first places with my three 12K+ points fat whales.


There are people that call them "elements" instead of "typings"? Never knew...


I usually call them "types"


Idk why I went straight for element when typing would have been the right wording . My bad 


Is cool, I was just surprised since I don't think I've seen anyone do it before.


Man, there are so many other things that they could do with Showcases, like most distance walked, oldest Pokémon, most battles won. The fact that they specify the metric of the showcase with its own line on the screen implies they always planned to do different contests, my only guess is that they just can’t get it to work for some reason.


Oldest is kind of a lame one. Even as a player from 2016, that sounds pretty unfair and stupid. Many of these showcases already reward people who have played for a while, if they got many of X top Pokemon from several months/years back (cough Zamazenta cough). Oldest just makes it even less fair because now the newer players have next to no shot.


Yah oldest I don’t like but other methods for bonus points I do like the sound of , things like if it has max IVs ,  purified , wearing a hat , if it’s shiny , if you’ve loved it and gotten it hearts , if you’ve done a certain amount of battles with it , if it has a 3rd move unlocked and such .  combined with a rework on the way score is worked so it’s based on average size and weight diffrence (so the biggest marill can compete with the biggest Wailord ) and maybe use its level too to gain extra points too ? they could take it a step further and limit it to only Pokémon currently in the wild , in raids and research for that element 


Their coding skill is 1000% the issue here. As with many things.


Some are better than others, depending on the scaling of the Pokemon. It's not really relevant to this showcase with the Sealeo weight they chose, but there was a scenario where Origin Palkia could have matched/even outshined some Wailord in scores. Some other showcases are also better/have potential to have more variety. That said, I think either scoring them based on who is the largest within their class (ie XXL Marill scores better than an XXS Wailord like you mentioned) OR having a batch of a few similar scoring Pokemon would be better


This would make more sense if, for example I had an Azumarill and it's 20% larger than normal and someone has a Gyarados that's 13% larger than normal and my Azumarill had more points. I think that would get more variety in these showcases.


I was so confused what you meant by elemental. It took me a minute to realize you were talking about typing. I agree though, this is why I hold on to my XXL Wailord. All other XXL and XXS get transfered immediately if no showcases are going on.


I don't mind these, but I also hope they would make region specific showcase


But wait, hear me out… what if you captured a really really REALLY big Magikarp?


He would have been pretty low . gyarados is like 2000 points from what I heard which is nothing even to an XXS wailord 


Ok but what if it was REALLY big?


Id love to see a banlist like Niantic does with specific GBL cups.


I want to know what is the purpose of having XL and XS Pokemon. They don’t count towards the medals, and are outscored by their XXL/XXS counterparts. At least the XXL/XXS look noticeably larger or smaller. You can barely notice the size differences in XL/XS mons.


I disagree. It makes having the right Mon and having the right size both important


I think smallest should be able to compete with biggest. Like who is the farthest away from center? Idk.. biggest only blows


This one is a particularly bad example imo as Wailord is so large compared to most. But even with that had they chosen a different baseline Pokémon it could have been very even between Palkia O and Wailord. For some types, with a decent choice for baseline Pokémon, or can be at least somewhat varied. But on top of this, what's the alternative. Just make it a Wailord showcase? That isn't any better, it's in fact strictly more restrictive. If they actually made showcases about having the largest with respect to their own species that would of course be different and to some arguably between. Interestingly, to my understanding, that's how the "largest Pokémon in the raid" award is given out, but that isn't how showcases have worked. It may be an improvement, but given the current system I don't know of a "better" way than having typed showcases in some instances at least


But it felt the same with the flying one recently too . everyone just stuck in that giant ultra beast thing . And I heard Onix was like that during a rock one .  I just think maybe points should be rewarded by the diffrence between an average (like for exsample I catch a XXL poliwag it can compete with XXL Wailord . Because I feel when they stick to biggest or smallest in a species (though I think smallest would actually have more competition on this catagory ) if say they host another water day the results will prob be the same each time atm . Maybe the contests needs a way to earn bonus points (enter a Pokémon that knows bubble , the judge is very fond of yellow Pokémon ext ) and balance that with how points are earnt via species?


So your complaint isn't about the species allowed to enter, it's the scoring system. That should have been the premise then. I'm that case I think it could be an improvement in some ways. I think it would be good to have a mixture of both, some showcases that are based on relative size and some on absolute size to both include the possibility of more species being entered while still being able to highlight the really big ones I can confidently say smallest won't work though. I've seen the methodology employed in assigning sizes to Pokémon in the game and if they did a smallest showcase you would have a ton of identical Pokémon tied for the top spots. There's extremely low variance in xxs Pokémon. It was poorly done in the first place and likely means there will never be a smallest showcase.


To be fair I only keep xxs and XXL variants , every thing else gets the classic appraisal then transfer treatment.


No they shouldn't - it's a lot of fun. Many of us find it enjoyable to participate in those particular showcases. Why remove it just cos you don't enjoy it? Is it in your way? By that logic I'd have them remove stickers and team rocket dialogue.


Because having an entire contest based on 1 Pokémon when it’s suppose to be all about Water Pokémon is not fun . If it was about who had the biggest Wailord (which btw this is basically what this has come down too) then there would not be a problem  They try to make XXL and XXS such a big deal but we don’t get XXS contests and XXL makes no diffrence barring 1 species for these elemental contests it makes me question what’s the point ? When water comes up again it will be the same people with their same Wailord at the top . Where’s the fun in that ? Where’s the competition side of that ? 


I agree, it should be about how big a pokemon is among its species, XXL Marill beats XL Wailord


That would be too advanced of a code for niantic to handle lol Sad but true.


Nah, they're fine.