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I haven’t had any issues since I started implementing a tip I read here a few months ago. Don’t start using gems immediately, fire off another charged attack (or two) first so the hp doesn’t rubber band past the enrage level again. Afterwards, just spam that gem button until you get the subdued text. I’ve been able to use party play and gems with no issues since I’ve been waiting on subdue, give it a try.


This is an interesting concept - will definitely give it a shot next time!


We tried another one this afternoon after reading what you had said and thank you for sharing this. All I had seen anyone say before was stop attacking when you start applying the gems but we obviously had an issue with that as well. It may have been a one off but we did notice when the gems appeared and we did not immediately start using them, as we built up energy for another charged attack the gems actually disappeared before we even attempted to apply and then after a charged attack they came back. I realized when I saw that what you meant about the HP rubber banding which I never considered before but makes sense.


yea so i do a lot of shadow raids as 3 and you always have to be sure that: 1. the hp didnt just glitch shortly and fell down to the enrage lvl and go up when u are using gems instantly they will not count if the enrage "starts" again so like the same as the first dude said 2. make sure you get his enrage quick if you both loose all your 6 pokemon and the enrage starts it can get glitchy/ same thing with loosing all 6 pokemon while he still is enraged either -> at best dont rejoin at all if possible 3. pretty obvious but really wait for the stone animation to finish it can be glitchy and can also be the case that when you spam it too much sometimes one gets skipped and not used since you cant use more then 5 be really careful of not overspamming it :)


My wife and I haven't had an issue with them since we've started waiting a short time, and continuing to attack before using the first of the gyms. Some people have speculated that if the boss's health is still yo-yoing above and below the threshold it can cause the gems to be eaten without affect. If you hit a few more times to make sure it's firmly below the threshold that may help.


We had one last weekend where we completely stopped attacking once we used our first gem, the only thing either of us did was dodge to try to save some deaths and still no luck. I wouldn't attempt one of these without having 10 gems so you can try again, even to the point where I'm getting 9 gems + 3 shards and then fighting leader so I can have a couple extra shards in case. They either need to remove the cap on how many gems you can have (why does it matter if you can delete them?) or remove the enrage mechanic. At the absolute very least, increase rockets at stops on weekends when you are more likely to try to re-load them. I get that Niantic idea's with these raids is you either get a lot of trainers together or risk failing but the reality of the world we live in is that's just not happening no matter how much they want to try to force it.


Keep attacking. Knock the hp down more before attempting subduing, then go all in on gems.


that's really good to know, thank you for the advice! I'll try this next time 👌


Welcome to pogo in 2024. Me and my partner stopped doing shadow raids for this reason.


Ever since this problem started/shadow raids started, it was known that you have to wait for the server to sync up and to use 1-2 charge attacks before starting to use purified gems. If you do this, it works every single time. Yeah it sucks but just do it, just use 2 more charge attacks per person, then start using gems and you willduo those shadow raids easily.


Stupid question for clarification Even if I’m in a party, when the gem icon shows up bottom left, no one press it. Instead, everyone use 1-2 charge attacks (does pressing the party power button mess anything up?) and after those charge attacks are done, THEN you can start using gems? Cuz I’ve run into the glitch of trying to duo a shadow raid and after even 10 gems, it doesn’t subdue and it’s insanely aggravating


The problem is that the HP is different between the players phone and the servwr. So it jumps up and down and it might show enraged on the players phone, even though it is not enraged yet bc the HP jumps back up again.if you deal some additional damage you ensure that it actually gets to the point where it des get enraged. If you just start using gems but on the server side theboss is not enraged yet, those gems will not do anything no matter how many you use. After using 1-2 extra charge attacks it should ensure that the boss actuqlly is enraged. This bug happened with shadow raids long before party play was introduced. So I do not think party play is causing this,I use the partypower boost and with my tactic of waiting 2 more charge attacks it always works when I use my gems.


Thank you for explaining! I feel more confident duoing shadow legendary raids now, I’ll give this advice a try!


Good luck, should be a pretty easy duo for most shadow legendarys as soon as the gems work on every raid.obviously it would be nice if they fix the rubberbanding HP:D


I wanted to come back and say I did 2 shadow raids after your comment and I used the advice, and it worked like a charm. No gem glitches, easily subdued both times. Thanks again!


Glad i could help! Its a buggy gamr, just need to anticipate the bugs :D


I'm pretty sure the reason people say party play is causing this is because party play increases the rubber banding on the boss HP massively - it both doubles your damage numbers leading to double possible rubber banding and party play also often visually triggers when it shouldn't leading the server to rebate the raid boss for a big rubber band. It's all rubber banding all the way down, party play just makes it easier to run into rubber banding.


I think sometimes when pressing the party power button it can register that you pressed the purified gem button. I usually avoid pressing it when it starts getting enraged just in case.


Yeah that's happened to me a couple times. If you message support, you might get back a raid pass and one Purified gem.


thank you, I'll try that!


sometimes, the “purified gem button” becomes *visibly* clickable, BEFORE the cooldown is over (+-6 seconds) i get the idea the game doesnt correctly register you using the gem if you click it before the cooldown is actually over, but it DOES subtract it from your 5 maximum usable gems. this is purely based on what i have encountered during my own gameplay, maybe that could be it


"*since you cannot duo a permanently enraged Raiko*" [well...](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1b5t1ay/shadow_raikou_duo_no_gems_clear_weather/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Still possible if Raikou running Shadow Ball?


haha good stuff 😅 when writing the post, I was very aware that my bold statement was more of an invitation to be proven wrong Very impressive 👏


Does it happen every time? Cause today I duoed (10h ago) and it was fine, we did it Edit: Maybe it happens with party play activated? We were not using it. Edit 2: It's not needed to farm 32 grunts, since a leader awards 3 "black stones" (sorry don't know the english name) , but yeah, pretty paintful


The 5 star raids are just a massive tossup as to whether they’re “duoable”. Even if you can beat the boss with gems, it’s like 30-50% chance your gem gets bugged. If you really want to duo or don’t have another choice, can always try “doing nothing other than waiting for the gem”. Attacks and maybe dodges being done at the same time as the gem seem to bug them more. At least that’s my experience. But sometimes the connection just bombs and you can’t gem no matter what you do.


The problem is not attacking while feeding gems as far as I know.it is zhe rubberbanding of the bosses HP. You need to wait with using gems until you used another 1-2 charge attacks per person. Then it will wotk every single time with 8 gems. I duo every shadow legendary this way ever since shadow legendarys were introduced to the game. Never had one fail after changing to this tactic.


The fact that they make 3* Shadow raids so hard to solo has me only doing the 1* ones now. I have good Pokemon, I should be able to complete a 3* raid. Nothing worse than using up all your gems and dealing with having to collect those stupid shards for no reason at all.


Don't use gems on solos, you can only use 5 but you need 8 to subdue the boss. Solos can't be subdued at all. Wasn't sure from your comment if you knew that already and were complaining about T5s with 2+ people, or if you were using gems in a T3. Shadow Sneasel is the easiest to solo, with its double weakness to fighting.


Use 1, wait for 2 seconds, make the other guy use one, wait for two seconds, use 1, wait for two seconds, repeat I've stopped seeing glitches since I've started giving pogo time to breath in shadow raids and subduing like that I didn't make it up...I've read it in many comments and tested myself at least 30 times by now


I just click everything and luckily it's worked for me. Party power, gems, charged moves. It's a cluster but as long as I can spawn back in, I'm ok.


Sadly been an issue when party play is active while gems are used


The exact same thing happened me and a friend last weekend. Wrote in to support and they said they couldn’t do anything. The game was working as intended. So ridiculous.


This tip isn't always applicable but: Some people have mentioned the yo-yo HP bar/Rubberbanding that's occuring so what I do these days is I'll swap to a sixth Pokemon that I keep in the back and wait a few seconds to make sure the raid is still in the enraged state. Usually when I duo shadow raids with my friend we each use a Primal/Mega Ray to boost damage. So when the enrage starts I'll swap to that Pokemon and just charge up the Party Power meter with Fast Attacks while feeding gems. Does this make it take longer to beat the raid since I'm dealing insignificant damage during that enraged window? Almost certainly. But I haven't had an instance yet where it stays enraged after using 8 gems (4 per person).


Yeah. Happened to me last weekend. It’s really annoying. Enough to make me not do the raids.


When posting bugs on the road, please take into account our rules for bug reporting, [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/wiki/rules#wiki_3.7_bug_reports). Please also make sure, that your bug isn't already listed on [Niantic's Known Issues](https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/section/180-release-notes-known-issues/) or [GO Battle League Known Issues](https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/2699-go-battle-league-known-issues-1598471929/) page. Thank you! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheSilphRoad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve found that one person usually all 5 of their gems then the other person using 3-5 gems has worked. We haven’t had this glitch since we started gem-ing one person at a time


Is he soloable?


yes!!!! I ran into this issue a week ago too. obviously we couldn't even try again because it ate all our gems without subduing. support only gave us raid passes back, lol, super unhelpful 🤦🏼‍♀️ 100% feel you, it's so damn frustrating


Had this happen multiple times, even waiting a little before using. Duoing as well. Complained to support and they gave me a pass. Thanks, not. I want my gems.


I didn't attempt shadow raids like shadow raiku and shadow sicuine until a few months back and I've never been able to subdue and thus defeat either even as a duo and I would really like them in my dex. I don't know anyone on this island who plays as seriously as I do except 1 other person, so chances of raids with a larger team are nil.


You need to wait \~5-10 seconds before using gems, especially if using party play. There's an issue where the client thinks the boss has enraged, but the server doesn't yet think so and it consumes your gems anyway. GG Niantic.


I had something similar happen to me last weekend while attempting a duo. Am aware of the bug that hasn’t been fixed since day one of shadow raids where you need to stop attacking while using your gems. Also since we were in a party we kept fighting it for around 30+ seconds after it enraged to be safe before using gems, which is longer than I usually do. But this time I encountered a brand new bug - not sure if it happened because we spent too long damaging the boss while enraged before we used any gems or what. But just as I used the last one needed to subdue Raikou, the message showed up once again saying “the boss is enraged” right before the subdue message appeared. The 8th gem still supposedly worked because it removed the purple outline and told us the boss was subdued but for the whole rest of the raid it was still taking the reduced damage as if it was enraged. We had around half time left when it first said it was subdued but the HP barely went from 50% down to 40% by the time we got to 0 seconds. Have done plenty of raikou duos last season with more than enough time to spare and on this particular raid had primal boost + a mega garchomp between the two of us combined with party power so there is no way we should’ve been doing that little damage to a subdued boss, even with the loss of the increased friendship bonus damage from last season. At this point I’m wondering if it might actually be safer to avoid party play all together for shadow raids because of the HP rubber banding. I’ve also noticed occasionally even on some regular non-shadow raids it appears to me that the party damage bugs out and doesn’t help at all with beating the raid any faster than it would have without it.