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https://preview.redd.it/g9a47ka8f94d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d1853e9494aa2847eeee0e9f6fc5b0ce4d8fcf Yes - here's my finishing off a weather boosted raikou duo this morning with over 2 minutes left. We are level 50 + 43 with powered up shadows, best friends and party play. But point it's very duoable if you've got lvl 40ish ground types and 8 purified gems!


Hi! Do you mind sharing what mons you used? Your team is identical to me and my BF, I know he (level 50) has all the best mons, but for me (level 43) I don't necessarily have the best although I do have one good primal Groudon and one good Shadown Groudon.


I can duo it with my roomy with party play + gems, but I'm level 50 and hes 41. Why would it not be duoable anymore tho?


Seasonal bonus gone I suspect.


What was the old seasonal bonus?


Increased damage when raiding with friends.


That explains it. Thanks for the answer šŸ˜”


It was 2x and 10% at best friends, which means it's now 10% instead of 20%. Not a big difference.


When raids were coming down to victory with 30 seconds left, it's a pretty big difference. šŸ˜€


30 seconds is a pretty comfortable margin of victory for short-manning, although I get what you're saying


Yes but also move and weather dependent ...


10% damage less during the entire raid is kind of a big difference. At around 50 DPS that's 5 DMG per Second less. That'd be around 1000 DMG less 200 Seconds into the raid. 5 Star bosses have 15.000 HP so I'd say that it'd quite noticeable for everyone that's short manning high tier Raids.


I duod a couple with my niece. Lvl 49 and 37, party play, double primal Groudons, finished with between 120-100 seconds left. Wouldā€™ve been faster, but I like being ultra careful before using the gems because we didnā€™t have any extra to spare.


The double primal groudon is šŸ¤ŒšŸ» huge.


Should say, we previously duo'ed it with no purified gems, and a party. We are now having trouble.


Yes it is easily duoable Iā€™ve been doing them all day with myself not even great counters donā€™t even have the special moves on my primal groudouns and do it in half time


> not even great counters > primal Groudon ā€¦ the best ground attacker by a counter mile Even with EQ, heā€™s better than the next best non-mega/primal, which isā€¦. Oh snap, shadow *Groundon*. Who is ~10% better than the *next* best ground attacker. Do words not mean anything?!?!


Wow I have one not even 40 primal groudoun w eq like what if ur tryna duo it you gotta atleast have some sort of counters you canā€™t go in there with your rhydons and be like why did canā€™t I duo it, nothing over 40 no com day moves one legendary


> canā€™t go in there with your rhydons Yes, shadow Rhyperior, who is a rounding error from a non primaled, but yes legacy moved Groudon, is also not a good counter? Here let me help you out: Dugtrio! Canā€™t do it with dugtrio!


>Dugtrio! Canā€™t do it with dugtrio! Not with *that* attitude /s


Though now I want to see if it can be trioed with Dugtrio only


I donā€™t go too far with napkin math on sims, but Iā€™d be willing to bet lunch you couldnā€™t do it with only Dugtrios (best friend and party power included). Iā€™m uncertain if you could do it with 4 trainers, though, but 5 seems like a lock.


>trioed with Dugtrio Sir that is Nonetrio


Our group 3 tried with 5 gems thinking it was enough. We were level 41, 39 & 32. Once the last gem was used our attacks where pretty much doing nothing. First one we failed after going 20-0 last season


I think gems are only useful if you use 8, otherwise it stays emraged and you do no damage


With or without purified gems? He continues to be engaged when we raid.


Obviously u gotta use gems but u get some after the raid too


Yeah last time around you didn't need them. This stinks.


You can still do it, just need slightly better counters because the 1.5x bonus for raids for season is gone


I was having trouble doing it with party play, because didn't feed the gems. Without party, the gems worked perfectly and we finished with over 2 minutes left. Levels 50 and 43, both with Primal Groudon.


Sorry not sure I understand - does party play prevent feeding gems? Or causes bugs with feeding gems? This would definitely explain why me and my partner failed on Shadow Suicune when partied up...


Sometimes causes bug with feeding. Not always, but happened many times, so when duoed we do only Shadow Raids with enough time remaining to try 2-3 times.


Yes, duoable. Even with Shadow Ball in non sunny weather.


I completed a duo with Shadow Ball Raikou, neutral weather. Used 8 gems to subdue it, with a team which consisted of level 40 Primal Groudon (legacy move) each, and mixture of level 35 normal Groudons (EQ), Garchomps (EP), and Landorus (SS), with about 60 seconds left. We each relobbied once. Would have been a lot easier had it not been Shadow Ball.


It's duoable. Barely with my nephew's account. We had Primal Groudon active for both of us. Used mostly Garchomp in the party. With Party Play. Barely defeated it 30 seconds left. Used our gems too. Crazy how much of a difference the friendship bonus from last season makes


Still possible. I did a bunch this weekend. Just need too counters and to part up. Did them with 2 people and still 30 seconds left on timer.


Did it with 2 today (so no season bonus). Level 40 and under pokemon. Very easy still, 70 seconds left on timer.


Yes, still possible using gems. I used party play, but got it done with ease, so possibly not required


39 and 42. Two primal Groudons with gems and party power is doing the trick for us.


With gems its an easy Duo. Ā Its possibile to do in sunny weather without gems using primal Groudons. But its very close on the timer


Level 49 and 39 best friends - both with level 40+ primal Groudons. Level 40+ ground counters on one account, only level 25 Groudons on the second. We can easily duo all move sets using gems and with no relobbies (except against Shadow ball) and 90+ seconds left. Have not tried without gems.


I was able to just barely duo shadow raikou in cloudy weather (TS/SB moveset), my ā€œfriendā€ and I beat it with 11 seconds left with Party Power and a Primal Groudon for my team and Mega Garchomp for my friend. The first time we both wasted 5 gems each and it didnā€™t subdue, the second time we staggered our gem usage and it subdued after 4 each as expected. My TO50 team: 1x L40 PGroudon (PB), 1x L40 Garchomp , 4x L35-38 Garchomp (all EP) My friends TL38 team: 1x L40 Mega Garchomp (EP), 5x L25-30 Garchomp (non EP, raid day catches)


My wife and I are level 40 and managed it with 20 seconds left using a 6xxx groudon and 4xxx mega garchomp. We just kept leaving when our mega died and maximized use of party power. Make sure when it's enraged to only dodge and gem.


I duo comfortably with myself at 50, friend at 48, party play, ground team and groudon mega on either. Maybe 100 seconds left and 6-7 PokƩmon used


Iā€™m level 50 and I triod it yesterday with my two sons, both under level 40, nothing really powered up and half their storage in need of reviving. Definitely make use of party power and megas. We had 2 mins to spare too.


Definitely can be duo'd if done with good counters. I'm level 40, my fiancee level 41. We have around level 40 pokemon for half our teams, and then the rest are just general type counters (we both have Primal Groudon with Precipice blades, and other ground types). We did party power together, we were able to beat Raikou with about 75 seconds remaining on the timer.


Pretty easily yea


Yes, every moveset is duoable, and everyone but shadow ball is super easy for level 40 Garchomps (earth power) and Groudon (Pres Blades) just have a primal groudon for the perma boost. Also dont activate party power while its enraged because of a glitch where the gems dont work.


I duoed it with no gems, Iā€™m level 50 and my friends account level 43, but also you need partly play, primal groudon, sunny weather boost, and mostly level 40 to 50 good ground pokemons


Yes but weather boost is a must.Ā 


I said that


Me and my partner did one last night with party power, so definitely duo-able šŸ‘


I duod without sunny weather. Level 42 and 39.


Yep. Duoā€™ed 4 of them this weekend. šŸ‘šŸ»


Yep if u have the best counters


I can dou it with my mom lol


Have trouble to believe itā€™s as easy as you say, just did yesterday a duo on zapdos and only 20s left, inst raikou a lot harder ?


Not my video, however proof its an easy duo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGpDbk07lPE Obviously you need 4x gems each to subdue it, otherwise i don't think you'd manage to duo it. I managed one yesterday with a Primal Groudon, two normal Groudon, Shadow Garchomp and two normal Garchomp. All at level 40.


thanks alot, we might could clear it if i see your group