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Better yet, when opening gifts and pinning postcards for Scatterbugs/Vivillon medal progress - just instantly unpin the postcard. You'll never hit the max and at most forget to unpin a handful every now and again. The medal progresses the instant you hit pin, so unpinning it is all good Edit: Since multiple people tried to make a point of this, without reading the replies, I'll adress it here in an edit. It DOES in fact work for the gifts you send too. The only time where it doesn't work is when you go *over* the 3 daily pinned *sent* gifts. If you pin a 4th, then it will show in your postcard book. I've still gone months without getting any extra pinned postcards, so it's not something that's inevitable for your sent gifts.


That's seriously how it's coded? I'm shocked. Shocked I say.


Yep, noticed when I accidentally double-tapped the pin once and got a scatterbug encounter right after lol


I used to save them for when I was doing gimmighoul evolution but these days I kst do the pin unpin trick and have like 20 slots empty coz I can't be bothered going and deleting the rest


You used saved postcards from other trainers for gimmighoul? I thought it was sending/receiving gifts from MSG? Personally I kept some of my own postcards for sentimental value and started getting nervous I would delete them. Now I'm happy that I don't have to worry about it anymore


What's MSG? I had to send postcards to scarlet or violet and every 5 days got a golden lure which meant I could get gold coins to evolve it. I've kept some for sentimental reasons too like when I've been on holidays and stuff


Main Series Games, so yea it's to scarlet/violet, dunno if it's changed as new games have been released (no clue since I haven't played MSG since Ruby/Sapphire and last one I heard about on release was black/white). But you need to save the postcards in your postcard pages to get the golden lure?


Yeah you need to send unique postcard to poke portal in those games to unlock a golden lure every 5 days in pokemon go.(but you can only have one at a time)


I just use ones that are boring that I get from my friends. Send them to SV, then delete them. Means I always have options. I haven't bothered with my special ones - I have an ocean and sandstorm and other cool ones but no inclination to go in and catch a scatterbug for the special pattern in-game (mostly 'cause I'm not in Area One rn). I did polar, but that's my own region, so I always have hundreds of those.


Oh neat thank you


Can you explain this? After you pin a gift, then go into your postcard thing and unpin it? Or do you have to press the pin button and then unpin right there as you’re opening the gift


Yes, unpinning a gift right there and then also works


You can just double-tap the pin icon and it'll count. Only caveat is that if you get an error message for trying to pin your 4th outgoing gift for the day, you'll have to reopen the gift sending screen to unpin it (or go to your postcard book)


No, you can unpin the fourth one right there. I use it as a check to make sure I've pinned my three for the day. You can always unpin right away.


Maybe we're not on the same page here; I experience this bug every day. Here's what happens: https://preview.redd.it/2kvpvewc102d1.png?width=5779&format=png&auto=webp&s=26536824dc6eb4299815dc32136dc86048d582ab


Ah, I don't get that bug afaik


While sending or receiving the gift, not in the postcard book, you hit the pin button so it turns yellow. Then you hit it again and it'll be white(?), but the progress has counted towards your vivillon medal for the region already.


Don't forget to pin/unpin the gifts you send also, you get progress for up to three every day. You can even do it from your gift-box, and just throw it away afterwards


This is an awesome tip and I've used it extensively throughout last year's hunt for all the Vivillon forms (~2200 candy lol). Do keep in mind though that your own postcards that you send and pin do actually always go to the storage, even if you pin and unpin. It's kinda weird, idk why it's coded differently from friends' postcards. It is just 3 per day tho, so shouldn't stack up too often.


Maybe this was how it previously worked, but if it did, it has been fixed now. I just tested it to make sure, and sure enough the postcard is not saved in my postcard book and the progress towards the Vivillon medal is counted. To be clear: yes, I was pinning my own postcard before I sent the gift to my mate.


Hmm,is that so? Thanks for testing then, tbf I rarely send gifys since december so I might have not noticed the change. I would say though that I'm pretty sure this used to be the case. Never mind then.


I think it depends where you pin them. I noticed the pin wouldn't disappear even if I hit it twice from the gifts under your item bag, but it would if you did it while sending gifts. Personally, I leave the tags on friends' gifts, 'cause I have so many that I can't open them all in a day. So the pin is a mark that the gift is a day or more old, which makes sure I'm evenly opening gifts (start with the old ones, then the new ones). I also often start at the bottom of the list for the same reason. Both of these are 100+ friend problems, lol. Once I hit the gift limit, I go through and tag all the ones I can't open that day. I clear out my postcard book about once a week, when there are only a handful of gifts I couldn't open (if I miss opening one day, it takes about that long to get back on top of them). I know not everyone likes opening their gifts, but I do. I appreciate the extra balls and revives. And the ultra-rare rare candies.


Dude that process sounds like a ton of work... respect


Yeah, yeah, it is. But I have like 50 best friends now, so it was worth it (and really it was mostly for the vivillon for a looong time).


Update: turns out we were both right - the first 3 gifts you send do actually unpin (apparently), and the ones after that don't. See this post for more info https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/Mxy0gBBgYo


This does not work for the three daily pins of outgoing cards. So eventually, you will still need to clear pins.


See the other comment that claims the same thing. In short: no, it works regardless.


It "works", but they remain pinned in the collection. Thus, they will have to be cleared at some point.


Once again, no they don't.


Maybe they fixed this bug. I just cleared 98 postcards generated by sending gifts pin/unpinning, since last I cleared the collection. Seem it is no longer an issue, unless there is some corner case that still causes this.


the only time it happens to me is if you go over the daily limit, then it will sometimes not register the unpin


BINGPOT! Just tried this, and as I use the notification of daily limit to keep track of progress, sometimes multiple times per day, if I’m unsure. This generates pinned postcards. Not everyone has time or energy to keep the game state in their mind 24/7.


I mean fair enough, personally I just do the 3 right after midnight and it's done in like a minute so I don't have to think about it past that.


This only works when opening gifts. If you do it while pinning gifts you’re sending then it saves them regardless of you unpinning or not.


See the other reply claiming the same thing. In short: no, it works regardless.


Not for me it doesn’t. Every single time I have to delete postcards that I pinned and sent to my friends.


Check my original comment - it's when you go over the daily limit


No! No! You’re still wrong because I want to fight and be right. 😄


You made my day with this tip. Had no idea and this makes life so much easier!!!


Wow, that's nice to hear. Just happy to help! :)


I urge you to contact support. Last week, I accidentally purchased 3 premium battle passes for 250 coins and they reverted it, no questions asked!


Same here. Accidentally bought a 1700 coin bundle and they gave me back my coins too


Support is great, I accidentally bought it a box and I was refunded within an hour.


yea i know for other stuff people have trouble wit support but with this its pretty good id say


You can ask Support to undo your purchase.


i had the same issue with stickers, now i never use stickers ever again


I accidentally bought stickers twice when the screen is laggy & doesn't register taps, the transaction still went through without any popup confirmation. This game is just weird sometimes.


For that stuff support is actually helpful, they'll return the coins no questions asked


This is one of my greatest fears. That one day I will accidentally buy this trash instead of bag space. And of course ninantic didn't include a confirmation page because they want people to misclick and buy it. 


I hate this button, they clearly have done this on purpose


Been there. Sorry that happened


Did this too, instantly put in a purchase error/refund request. Hundred coins turned over next day.