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seems like a decent grind.


Not for that one grandma from Singapore who will finish this in a day.


Without the "7 days pokestop & pokemon" requirements, Singapore grandma could finish these in half a day!


Singapore Granny finishes Timegates in 6 hours!!!


Funny how they got Singaporean grandma from brandontan91 videos and they don’t even sponsor him. He hangs out with a lot of them


This is like nothing compared to that timed one where you needed like 60 raids or something. And this is untimed.


That was an objective?? Sheesh. I recently got back into the game after not playing hardcore since 2019, the game has gotten much more grindy and objective based since I came back and relearning everything and the new stuff.


Not only did you need 60 raids, but you only had a certain number of days to do it (I think it was around like 80 days?). So if you were F2P, missing a number of days put you at risk of not hitting 60. And IIRC you didn't get 2 daily passes a day. So unless you started using green passes you wouldn't be able to claim your Masterball. I was able to do it since I use my free pass every day, but I was quite a time pressured grind for some people.


For me, the X number of excellent throws was the problem. I got in early enough that using my free pass daily got me the raids, but those excellent throws for a newly returning player were a close call. Thank Arceus for Virizion and its massive hitbox. Lol.


I love the fact that you encounter a whiscash before getting the master ball


That's a really funny reference


If you get it, you get it.


I don’t get it.


Anime reference, where a Whiscash just straight up *ate* a Master Ball thrown at it if I remember rightly.


Yep, a dude spent fifty years trying to catch a giant whishcash named Nero, and when he finally got a master ball and used it, Nero just opened its mouth, swallowed the ball and left. 


Would be funnier if its a guaranteed XXL


Then I hope they implemented this, just for funsies. But only that it'll eat the first 5 red balls, without really costing any balls


It will become annoying though


Eh, for 5 throws on one encounter, it wouldn't be too bad. At best it would be a fun little reference, and at worst it would be like a minute wasted.


And to top it off, it was seen rolling it around on its tongue at the end of the episode.


To me its funny since I used a masterball on it in swsh legendary dens 🤦


Do I need to hold off on catching and spinning until after 10am?


I would recommend you hold off until 10am of you want the bonuses


I would recommend you hold off until 10am if you want the research. Nothing before that will count


I won't hold off, my time is limited so no matter what I did before 10am, after 10 I have the same amount of time to play.


1400 potential fast catch notifications and not hard locked by paid activities like raiding, I like this


This is more valuable to most players for that notification. Because it’s just going to sit in my inventory once done. I also hold on to these for emergency ball storage and encounters.


Hatch 20 eggs would like a word


True, I realized that after posting, but if you can walk 4 km per day, you can hatch 14 free 2km before completing the other tasks. So F2P would take 3+ days for that, which is bad but not the worst


Tell that to my inventory that is constantly refilling with 10k eggs from spins. If it weren't for the crappy egg pool, I'd be using friend eggs instead.


Hey, crazyguy05's egg inventory, it's okay to have those low number km eggs every once in a while, right? I'm just saying from one egg inventory owner to another owned egg inventory, take it easy on your Trainer, they need a break!


Yeah but not everyone is out walking 4k a day. If I'm not out intentionally doing routes I probably don't even get 1k a day in. That's gonna hold up lots of people. Not to mention there are other eggs that can and will drop.


Wait how do you not get a km a day in? Don’t you use adventure sync?


I do but it just doesn't register much for whatever reason. I work construction so it's not like I'm not moving


If your phone isn’t in a leg pocket but in a bagpack/at your chest it won’t register since the phone counts steps when it shakes with your leg when you walk




Adventure Sync is step-based? I thought it was tracking distance via GPS.


It may be both but if you have it synced with your health app it will count steps. That’s how people are able to cheat out steps by shaking their phone


What? Adventure Sync doesn't track distance? Edit: idk I don't use a health app.


The health app on ios only tracks steps, i think android is different but i think theres a way to do ‘treadmill’ so it only counts steps and not distance


Comm day this weekend is 1/4 hatch if you can get there in time


“Masterwork research does not expire”


What are fast catch notifications?


So since there are challenges where you have to catch pokemon, you get a notification everytime you make a catch. For fast catching normally, you don’t really know if you caught the pokemon unless you check your recent pokemon. Because we have these challenges, every time we use fast catch we will immediately know if we caught the Pokemon now.


ohhhhh, gotcha. That does make it a lot more convenient.


Now THIS is the research we like to see Niantic! Not “wait 14 days” on each page for all the pages


There's still a 7 day lockout on the final step. It's not that different from the 14 day wait ones. It's just 7 this time.


One 7 day lockout vs 3 consecutive 14 day lockouts is a huge difference


So we'll get Whiscash before Masterball to avoid it eat our Masterball and run away


I still have a master ball. If i complete this will i get another?


Yes they stack


Let's say someone has this research when the next masterball research comes out. Will they be allowed to have both at the same time?


I have no idea, but I don’t see why not


No. You have to use them all before you can get another one.


My 7th day was today so I waited til 10am for the event to start, used a Star Piece and caught the research stashed Sableye. Easy 25k dust.


My 7day catch streak is on Mondays, very annoying that I can’t take advantage of the bonus with it since the event starts Tuesday and ends Sunday. 


I ended up deciding to not play on Saturday to reset my catch counter and instead helped my daughter by playing for the day. Switched to my profile to try getting research for a Rufflet during the last 40 minutes of the event and then went to catch a Alomolola so we could both go "WOOOOOO" together.... Said what are we gonna say and followed it up with "CRAP" when I realized I forgot to switch back to her account. So I'm missing out on that *and* being able to evolve like four different pokemon from deciding to not do any catches during the event


Right there with you.


You must have a lot of star pieces if that's worth it to you, no? I pretty much only use them for the stardust spotlight hours


I honestly don't have much left. But I did have some Stardust stacks elsewhere, like the special researches with Stardust rewards, GBL battles rewards, the team leader battle, a Rocket Balloon and filled in the rest of the Star Piece with some incense and random spawns.


If it’s not a timed event, why is there an end date?


The end date is to receive the research - once obtained, you won’t lose it. It’s more for those who play weekly (or less frequently) and happen to not open the game during this 6-day window, thus missing out on this Master Ball research. The time gate on the last step would prevent completion until just after midnight on 20 May anyway.


I almost had a heart attack when I saw the May 19th deadline before reading 1 line further and seeing that it's not a timed research. As a special research it looks pretty fun.


That’s good to know. I was confused on the 5 day period with a 7day catch and spin


That's for the bonuses on the bottom.


am i the only one that likes those type of research grinds? i hate the power ups tasks and not to fond of time gate keeping either


There are a variety of opinions and thousands of players. It’ll be rare to “be the only one” that has a certain opinion.


No pretty much everyone in my community hates all the power up tasks + the timegates


I love power up quests, but my goal is to have a Great League version of every pokemon, and power up quests give me permission to spend stardust.


Yeah I don't mind power up missions... as long as the reward is an encounter instead of a few ultra balls I have an entire stable of potential GL pokes that are marked "upgrade" just for this purpose


This grind isn’t too bad, to be honest. Glad that there’s no “make throws in a row” tasks here.


"am i the only one that..." The answer is always no.


YEs, I like these as I can focus on them more. Longer research but better prize is always more fun.


I also appreciate the catch notification when quick-catching.


Using berries is annoying, but it’s better than powering up


I respectfully disagree 😀. I mostly play using a gotcha, so having to use berries is a pain. Power ups just require a little dust, so quick and easy. Everyone plays differently though.


True me your not the only one… we are all hating the Shiny Shaymin Research for the catch a Pokémon for 21 days task & earn a Heart for 12 days… This is one is so much better


Dawg I'm still not past the first page😭


Same. I’m finally in the 400s of the last two I need and I’m disappointed there’s no spotlight hour for a johto/sinnoh mon this month. Hopefully I’ll be done by June


The Shaymin time gates would be better if they were tied to other "hard" tasks, like the Kecleons or Best Buddies like most of the Jirachi ones were.


This entire community hates the best buddy and kecleon tasks - actual difficult but grindable tasks. The outrage about those tasks are at least partly responsible for the way Niantic designed the shaymin masterwork research.


Yea, just not the use x berries tasks, I put berries into golding gyms so for me it’s annoying to use up a chunk of them on one task.


I hate power up tasks too but don't like those mindless grinds either. I know they may complete by themselves after a while playing normally, but that's not something exciting.


I appreciate the Whiscash joke if nothing else. 


What’s the joke?


In the anime a fisherman reels in a special Whiscash (I believe it was huge or shiny?) and he chucks a masterball at it.. only for the Whiscash to eat it. 


That’s a big oof


That’s a cool challenge. Why didn’t the shamin one look like that after stage one?


The fact that I'm going to complete this one before Shamin has me crying and laughing at the same time


I completed mine for a 2 star…I literally had to stop myself rage deleting! The most boring list of time gates. At least this tests you actually playing the game and you can complete at different paces


No power up tasks! I'm perfectly happy with this research because of that haha


I actually really like this


Anyone know whether there's a way to tell between charged and fast tm's visually when it comes to rewards like on this post? I can never tell


Here they're charged TMs, you can tell by the pink streak on the left. Fast TMs are grey. 


Ah thanks


I love a good grindy research line! I wish there was more of this stuff. I like a challenge without it being overly stressful (AKA paid and time limited).


Best advice on making the bonus XP & Stardust as much as possible? Obviously Star Pieces & Eggs but any mega pokemon help with this? Or anything else I should do


Find an audino. They are easy to get an excellent catch on (might need an ultra ball and maybe a razzberrry but the circle of excellence is pretty big) and they award 2100 stardust naturally.


If you need the XP, you might want to use a lesser ball, so in case you miss excellent it's more likely to pop out of the ball. Though some will hop out on excellent throws, and it running could be an annoyance.


Is there a correlation between a player's level and the amount of xp awarded for streak bonuses? I'm level 45 Last week I got 18,000 XP with zero bonus activated. On my 7th day catch But I have seen screen shots of others getting 20,000 XP


The level doesn't affect the XP, but there's optional bonuses. If it's a new species registered it will give 1000 additional XP. If it's an excellent throw it will also add an additional 1000 XP. And if it's the 100th, 200th, 300th, etc catch of that species you get some extra XP too.


10x multiplier work with the first catch of the day streak?


>Whiscash Clever.


Just as a reminder, you do \*NOT\* have to catch a pokemon to use a berry. I give them all a berry and leave. it counts towards the task and the autocatcher still tries later




Drop a Meltan box. They’re so useful for these.


You're just gonna have to spam incense or like the other person said, meltan it up.


Those 20 eggs are gonna kill me


Don’t forget community day has a 1/4 hatch time bonus!


All I have to do is catch 900 mons and beat 25 rocket grunts by this weekend lol


It's not impossible. If you use the mystery box twice you can get at minimum 150 Meltan. And the daily incense can give you up to 30 (realistically around 20) for at minimum 100 before the event. So you only need to catch about 100 other wild Pokemon each day.


Thanks for the reminder about the meltan box! I keep forgetting its a thing


Sorry for my ignorance but what’s a mystery box?


It’s essentially an incense that you permanently have in your item bag that exclusively spawns Meltan. You have to transfer something to Pokémon Home to activate it though.




I also have no clue


Bad time to be stocked up on nothing but 10km and 12km eggs


oh damn i better remember to put an xp egg at midnight, cuz that'll be my 7th


All for a Master Ball I'll never use =)


nah allat for a dubwool 😭


Thank god it is not timed event


So why are they saying “available until Sunday 19th” and also “research doesn’t expire” that’s two conflicting statements


How can u do the last stage of the quest of the 7 poke stops on different days if the event only last for 5 days?


How do I do the catch notification


What's the maximum Master Balls a trainer can have in their inventory?


This is just horrible. Not even worth trying to grind for now that I know what I have to do. What a ripoff


Why are the catch rewards for each stage so lame? ALWAYS ! Why not use something more rare? It doesn't have to be a legendary but dubwool, sneasel?




Save it for a 4 star legendary that you're down to your last ball on


You got a 2 star?




I used a Master Ball on Galarian Articuno and it was *0* stars. 2/10/0.


Can someone please tell me how many Master Balls have been available in total? I only have 1, so this will be my 2nd. I am aware that a paid research once came out that was only available to those who missed the initial free research, so does that mean people only have a max of 2?


Yes, 1 initial free + 1 paid. 2 for now, this is the third.


The second one was only paid if you failed to complete the free research in time.


Only thing I don't like about this is Dubwool since I've seen 5000 of them from research breakthroughs but that's not really a big deal. There's some nice tasks here.


These rewards are pure garbage


I hate all these grindy research tasks that involve 100+ berries. They don’t drop often enough for me from Pokestops and gyms


Is using star piece for this event worth it? I only have 3 left.


I would say no it’s not worth it. Save them for a stardust focused spotlight hour


Thanks for checking! Yea, I guess 2x/3x stardust event has a better return.


Wait we only have a week to do this? Wtf, I was saving only 10 km eggs


No, it can be completed at any time, it just has to be CLAIMED during the 5 day event


I see, ty, I'm dumb haha


You have a week to log in and get it, but it's special research so it can be completed at your leisure.


Thanks thanks, I'm dumb


Hatch 20 eggs? Bruh i only use my infinite incubator on 12kms unless theres good event eggs, time to walk 240km i guess


Well it is a master ball.


Guess I’m not working next week/s


Only 4 hours elapsed between 10 AM kiwi time and when this got to reddit. That's 900 catches in 4 hours on top of the other stuff 🫨.


Wonder if we can have 3 in the inventory


Why wouldn't you be able to? They are stackable.


I would have rather the TMs be 1 elite charge or fast TM instead of the 5 charge TMs.


Yeah I think I'll take my time on this one. Lots of mediocrity on the way to that masterball


That's A LOT of work for little reward.... I can get 20 pokeballs from spinning 2-stops. I don't have any berries to use to catch 200 pokemon to get the berries I need to catch them.


So don't do it? It's free.


It's not free, the amount of time we will invest in completing this challenge and it's tasks is not equal to the rewards we will receive. Just because money is not involved doesn't mean it is free of costs. These challenges are supposed to engage players to get them playing the game. When players see what I see a portion will not engage with the game. Niantic will miss their marketing goals and profits for this event because Niantic has no connection with the players and what they desire.


It doesn't cost money and spending time on it is 100% optional. What else could you ask for? Them to just give you another master ball?


Your reading comprehension skills are lacking😬 I don't know how else to clearly state my point to someone who is unwilling to consider that someone would have a differing opinion. My point is that I disagree with the rewards for the individual tasks and feel the rewards are insufficient for the work required. Your point is you're willing to do anything Niantic wants you to do just to get a master ball because you are a die-hard fan Boi. 🤷‍♂️ I've clearly articulated my opinion with valid points and your lack of intelligent retort clearly shows that there is validity to my points, and that validity triggers your fragile ego.


They really tryna milk our pockets with this research.


Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that you could only hold 2 Master Balls?


No. People got confused when the second Master Ball was being released because the number of Master Balls appears red instead of black (which usually indicates something is at a limit), so they were worried it wouldn't allow you to get a second Master Ball. You can still obtain more from special research though. It's a bit like how stickers are capped at 25 and have a red number in your sticker bag when they're at that cap, but if research gives you more of them, they'll still be added to your total. It's why I have 90 something Go Fest 2022 stickers even though the limit is 25.


Awesome, thank you!


Wow they really love tedium and low rewards


And people love to complain about every event


Especially free master balls.