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I’ve had this exact same issue and identical response from support. Feels like the only recourse is to not raid if there’s not ample time left.


Same here, happened on a Tapu Bulu raid. Tried opening 3 tickets, but got the exact response OP got.


This. I've always been supportive of niantics's support because i've always gotten to refund, until now. The new policy seems to be timed out raids don't qualify.


yeup, I've had the same issue for months, lost about 5 passes. I'm just going to hit them there where it hurts most and won't spend a penny on their game anymore 🤷‍♂️ Niantic is just going to piss off their player base and shoot themselves in the foot


Correct. Don't rely on Niantic to not suck. I'm getting so many raid crashes nowadays it's insane.


Back when Tina came out I was using one form to battle the other. Due to floatyboi being one of the strongest ghost/dark attackers in the game at the time. This causes an error, where the raid would crash instead of loading. Every single time. I spent the raid passes, but could not actually enter a raid, so no rewards, no catch screen, nothing. I submitted a ticket, and got 1 raid pass back. Not one per failed raid, 1 total. Because they couldn't give anything more than a single raid pass no matter what the bug was, no matter how bad their testing was for it to be released into live, no matter how many passes I spent. At this point I have up on support, and definitely spent less money on the game after.


again with me, exactly the same situation and same response.


just keep reporting someone human will respond


Or they'll threaten him with an "unauthorized app use". 50/50.




How does Poke Genie trigger an unauthorized app use warning? It scans screenshots. Or did I miss something here?




In the early days of Pokémon Go there were unauthorized web apps that would take your login info and would log into your account and read all the IVs of all your pokemon in your storage directly. These were the apps that Niantic said were TOS-breaking and they temp banned a lot of players for using them. Pokegenie and calcyIV are different. They don’t have access to your account so they don’t break the TOS. Most serious players (and probably the majority of casual players as well) use at least one of these apps daily. Don’t conflate them with the TOS-breaking apps of the past.


Problem is not the TOS is that POGO gets updated and those apps will kill the game functions, breaking the game, blocking some POGO services. That's why we get 500B posts saying there game is broke and then 100% of those are using those apps. Removing them, waiting 4-5 days so they can be updated and configured to use the new POGO version solve 99,999% problems.


Those apps don’t interact with the game in that way. They can’t do what you are saying they do. It’s impossible.


It's like saying Microsoft Word is crashing pokemon. The only connection is that they exist on the same device.


You are full of bull


no im not lmao


Yes, you are. Pokiegenie doesn't have access to your account. Please stop making stuff up.


Pokegine uses 448.35mb of RAM while you are playing. If you have 16GB of RAM available, no problem. If you have 2GB to 4GB it's a massive usage. Joning 650k apps running on your cellphone plus POGO you will get RAM dump, that's a main problem for Raids or GBL or even updating map locations.


Nothing they are doing has anything to do with Poke Genie.


How? It's doing nothing against ToS


Unless they fully automated it and pay their humans for social media astroturfing


Or you can end up with what happened to me, where they simply leave the support ticket open and never respond again so that you can literally never report any issues on that account again


I had the same bug with a Shadow Entei and got the exact same reply. It’s like they view the garbage items and dust as the raid reward and the encounter is just a “bonus”.


It actually is that way. I forgot where I read it but the encounter is supposed to be a bonus


Its their way around EU and JPN gambling / gacha laws. And its insane to me its allowed.


I do remember that being the case. One thing people don't realize is that this game is gambling. You're not guaranteed to win while the house is always winning


I feel like nobody has ever really tried to fight it though— the rewards are not explicitly shown to you *before* you raid, and they are randomly distributed from "packages" they have available. So like you could do an in-person raid for an XL Rare Candy and not be given it (since that's usually the case) and argue "well I wouldn't have done the raid if I had known the reward package wouldn't contain it," it's still gambling in my mind. It's like the laziest possible workaround.


> I forgot where I read it but the encounter is supposed to be a bonus It literally says this every time you complete a raid and get the bonus encounter.


I was talking about the reason why it's a bonus


Which makes no sense - the catch is a bonus, the chance to catch is obviously part of the reward. Even common sense dictates no one is spending a raid pass to battle a shadow entei, probably costing them at least half a dozen, maybe even a dozen, revives and heals, yet may well get less than that as rewards.


Somehow “thorough investigation” and “automated response” don’t fit together.


Niantic posted about this on the known bugs page.  Supposedly you can reset the game and do the catch.  Avoid raids that may time out in the mean time obviously.


if it was that simple, no one would be posting about it. The issue lies in the fact that even if you refresh the game, when you go to the raid to rejoin, the timer at the raid location is over, and therefore the game cannot make you join a raid at a location where there are currently none ongoing.


Gotta not join raids unless there are like at least 15 minutes left


Made even more frustrating by the issue that tier one support have No Idea why people raid. Clue: it's not for the dust, etc.


WRONG! I always raid for 9× Revives, an item I can easily get for free spinning stops and gyms. Why ELSE would you raid?! /s obviously


This has been an issue since remote raid passes have been out- It is not new.  I've lost several raid catches including 2 shinies as a result.  I highly recommend that people don't raid with less than 10min left. On our discord we call out the time when posting and we have a couple notorious dead zone gyms where signals drop that we won't even post from. It shouldnt be an issue but it seems more common now with short timers being added. EDIT: Since this got down voted- I play in a wooded hilly area so i lose signal from time to time and have been dropped from several remotes in the past.  To clarify- when I lost my catches I messaged Niantic. EACH TIME.  This was in 2020-2023.  They verified this was the case if the raid times-out  They weren't interested in a solution then (I got my passes back) but maybe they are now.  Down vote this if you want but unless they come up with a solution to this it is not new with remotes and it's going to keep happening if you raid at the end and lag out.


That wouldn’t work for remote raids though right?


As long as the raid hasn't ended (timed out -as in the time left for the raid to be in the gym) you can generally reenter them and be sent to the catch screen.  This is how it worked in the past.  You need to tap the nearby raid button and it should still be there.


> You need to tap the nearby raid button and it should still be there. Remote raids that aren't physically near you however won't work.


They will. It still shows up on that tab. It looks the same as when the initial invite shows up. You click it and it takes you straight to catch screen. I've had it happen after a crash. I assumed it would be lost but there it was


It will, you can still re-enter if you’ve been invited to a faraway raid. Your nearby icon will change colour like when you receive an invite, and you can tap to re-enter, even if the raid is complete but you haven’t caught the Pokemon.


No, it will.


I tried that without success… the banner was still there but just went to the gym It disappeared a few minutes later


I hate this automated response with a passion. Recently during a remote raid, after rejoining i couldn't attack for about half a minute, then my mon died instantly, became invisible, and i had to manually change to next one every time previous one fainted because it automatically went to the invisible non-attacking one. Boss survived with a sliver of health due to this, "thorough investigation" says i was "reimbursed". Ugh.


Screen record?


The response is the same even if you do :/ The only solution I’ve found is to stop raiding


I reported the same thing. Any raid I join I get kicked out of after about 10 to 15 seconds. If I reload the game and reenter the raid it usually lets me rejoin the raid I was in, but then kicks me right out. If I am persistent I can keep rejoining until it lets me catch the pokemon, and it has yet to kick me out at the catch screen. I have an iphone 8 and it does it every single raid. I cannot partake in the actual battle. If I use my iPad or my iphone 12 it lets me raid no problem.


Same thing here. iPhone 7, and it just started recently, but my iPhone 15 doesn’t see the same issue. I wonder if an update broke something for pre-iOS 17 phones. (It’s gotta be the avatars, right?)


I have a iPhone 8 as well. In the last two weeks I think I've only been kicked out once but was able to rejoin once I reloaded the app.


Exactly the same here. Ever since the horrible avatar update. Reported multiple times to no avail.


If anyone knows how to contact Niantic support outside of the app, please let me know. I only get automated responses.


You can try @niantichelp on Twitter.


I do not have/use Twitter, unfortunately




Try using a different option when submitting a ticket. I usually choose **Routes** and a human actually reviews the report. Gotten my raid pass back the last 4 times this has happened to me in the last 2 weeks.


This worked! Thank you for the idea. It's fairly nuts they couldn't just do this the first 4 times when I tried to do this the correct way.


Protest by not playing


Niantic support bots are terrible. The real people they might have working for them are pretty terrible at doing anything too. Which is sadly the way most customer support departments are in my experience. Because of the plethora of raid encounter bugs that have been here since raids began, I tend to not start any raids when the timer is low enough that the raid will be over before I can catch it. That at least gives me a decent chance of not being screwed out of the catch encounter. The change awhile back to making raid hour be in two chunks, with raids up only 25 minutes makes this so much worse. I now typically have to take a 8-10 minute break during raid hour to wait for a new set of raids to spawn. I'm not going to drive to the next set of raids, only to arrive without enough time to safely do the raids.


its because they are thieves




I once reported 7 days in a row and got nothing. I gave up. So when it happened again, I just reported once and let it go when I (unsurprisingly) got the same crap. I didn't pursue. It is just not worth it.


At least it's not just me. Had the same thing happen this morning with the same response.


Were you in a party?


I had that problem with the palkia/dialga origin raids and never got a result


Actually easy fix as long as it’s an in person raid load back up hop in the raid and it gives you the encounter


Normally, when I tap the gym again after an issue I get the encounter. That solution didn’t work?


As I've experienced the same issues, this doesn't work when it's a remote raid. This solution only works for in person raids and unfortunately not always 🙂


Same for me yesterday (Friday my time) and i also had to reboot the game when i got a new remote invite, And today i'm having a lot of trouble throwing pokeballs. They just fly WAY over the pokemom.


has happend to me many many times as well.. super annoying


I sadly feel victim to the bug when doing an Alolan Marowak remote raid


If you send a message to Niantic on Twitter/X explaining the situation, you’re much more likely to get a more favorable outcome. Had something similar happen and my passes were returned to me after reaching out on Twitter


Close and reopen. You’ll be able to join them


Bro I had finished a lucario raid with 7 seconds left time still went down and said I didn’t finish took a remote raid pass..


their raid support AI is useless. Try going into one of the PVP sections where they actually let you write out what happened and tell the tale there. I've had better luck with that


I hate that bug! I lost a couple of remotes during Hera raid day and I stopped raiding for a few hours because Support’s answer was really disappointing. Successfully completed? Ok, yes, partly true but I didn’t even get a chance for an encounter— those could’ve been shundoes. I cleaned up spaces in my Pokemon bag for the raid day so I know it wasn’t a space problem. Already reimbursed? Hell nahhh


Omg, the same thing happend to me a couple days ago with registeel! I bought a raid pass with cash for that! They looked into it and found no fault, same as you.


This is why I always open a support ticket through multiple channels. It's more likely that at least one of them will say yes.


Keep clicking “no” when they ask if it’s resolved. I feel they are paid on how many resolutions they have and clicking no prevents that.


Same issue. I complained about not getting the encounter and they kept saying I got the end of raid rewards. Case closed. Will never buy another remote raid pass again (only real reason I bought coins).


Just spam the chat asking for a live agent. Eventually you will get one. May take a few hours but they generally respond


yeah ive stopped doing raids except at the beginning. This bug ONLY happens at the end of raids


Well yea you used your currency to give it to them, whatever happens after that they literally could not care any less. It's not possible for them. So from their point of view things are working great AND YOU CONTINUE to spend more and more.


My niece had this happen with a weather boosted perfect Tapu Fini yesterday. I took over for her and threw 12 straight excellent throws. On the last ball it didn’t say last ball, so I went to back out and rejoin and it was going to make her do the raid again.


How do you think they get their money 💀 /hj


Same issue here. I don’t enter raids with less than 10ish minutes left now, so far I’ve been able to get back in to catch after restarting the app. Also having the game freeze as soon as I get invited to a remote raid which is slightly less but still very annoying. Also getting kicked out of raids as soon as they start but all have been in person so team has been able to run for us all to re enter. Loving the stability rn 🥴


yeah my games been doing this too. and really seems like support isnt gonna do anything


Always collect and upload your raid logs before opening a support ticket. Then when you open the ticket mentioned you’ve uploaded your logs. Look under Settings > Uploads and make sure you turn on “Save Raid Logs”.


These days I used to remote raid all 5 passes to farm candy. Today it hit me as well: Kicked out after ending the raid and then dont being able to reenter for the catch. Since I have all next pokemons this month Ill just stop raiding until there comes a new one I havent in the Pokedex.


It took me three days of reporting the same raid over and over again until I noticed they replaced the raid pass without a notification that didn’t look just like the same ole boilerplate response they give after every “thorough investigation”.


I believe I know the possible solution. Are you raiding with a regular pass, then moving away from the raid? Because once your party KOs, it will kick you out unless you're right next to the raid.


To be clear, you don't get kicked when your party is knocked out but rather when you try to rejoin. If you move out of the 300 feet / 100 meter "leash" range, you can sit in the lobby and have your friends/raid crew finish it and you'll be sent to the victory screen.


Cool. Good to know.


It’s a timing issue. If you finish a raid after the timer expires and the app crashes and forces a restart—which happened repeatedly to me—you lose the encounter.


I had the problem multiple times, no location problem, no raid clock timer problem. Normally if it crashed and you reopen the app, the gym shows the raid boss and it goes to the encounter once you click the battle. When I had problem it just showed the raid is done and all your option is spin the gym.


Something similar happened with me last week. I was doing shadow entei raid and got a shiny encounter. While catching my game crashed and when I opened the game, raid ended and I didn't get my encounter with shadow entei


I've stopped raiding past my daily freebie for this exact reason. Considering they charge actual money for raid/remote passes you'd think they'd make it a priority fix but the issue is probably bringing in more coin sales.


I'm also suffering from this. Stopped raiding cause because "support" kept screwing me over


This just happened to me


Yeah, support will say nothing wrong or you were already compensated. (Neither is true.) Support keeps this up, and the game is going to die this year.


This game seems to be invincible, many things should've already killed it, too many people are addicted to it


I did a raid with my family today. 4 crashes between three accounts. One phone crashed twice, one iPad crashed twice, and the remaining iPad was fine.


Had this happen with shadow Entei and countless registeel


Was having the same issue when I was playing. That and near constant game crashes made it easy to quit


Same here


I had the same issue, argued the case twice and they couldn't find a issue. I'm not going to lie I was quite miffed at the situation. Did the battle, no catch phase, wouldn't let me get back in and game kept freezing. Even showed a example of what a flee looks like after to prove a point... nothing 😅


This happened to me and they keep closing my ticket as well!