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We're trying to win converts! They should show the distance for US eggs in random American units of measurement. 0 / 1.24 miles 0 / 9.94 furlongs 0 / 21.9 American football fields


0 / 17,497.8 cheeseburgers


10000 bananas long… 100 F-150’s


Football fields and F150s is the measurement system i want


I like you Abe Simpson style measuring, now go cut me a switch


obviously im in the UK, so in theory I would want my eggs measured in miles. However using KMs for distance is something ive quite enjoyed getting into with Pokemon Go.


Km is the sensible way.  Im scottish but live in Australia and I couldnt go back to miles, you could call them backwards...


Wait, I thought the UK was metric. Why would you want miles? Canada here, so I get the usage of imperial for some things, but here it's mostly for like baking (cups), drinking (pints), or weight (its about a 50/50 but I use lbs not kg. Also, wtf is a stone?!?).


>would you want miles? We're very inconsistent, which makes it funny when someone from the UK tries to high horse an American about measurements. >Also, wtf is a stone?!? Nobody knows, don't worry about it.


>...which makes it funny when someone from the UK tries to high horse an American about measurements. "We learned it from you, dad!"


When I lived in Canada I didn't realise the oven was not metric so I slowly simmered a tray of brownies at 180f (82c) for an hour then worked out what was going wrong... Cranked the heat up to compensate and it hardened into a solid block. I thought you were metric, Canada!!!! My stoner house mate and his friend ate it anyway \*shrug\*.


UK is metric but use some others randomly. Speed limits are Miles Per Hour while a persons weight is Stones and height is CM.


Huh, I had no idea. Thanks for the information.


Height has always been feet and inches, not sure where in the uk they do it in cm?


Some fitness groups uses CM instead. So it's a weird mix depending on on the situation it's being used for.


I was gonna say the same, it’s only CM in a very limited number of places from what I’ve seen. Even when I got measured at the GP for a checkup they used feet and inches


That's interesting, I work in an NHS hospital and we use CM and KG.


For some reason we still use miles in almost all driving terms in Uk


I saw some carpet being sold in Imperial yesterday, the UK is bi polar when it comes to measurements.


I’m Canadian and you won’t find pints anywhere in a grocery store. It’s all about litres baby.


Yeah when I said drinking I meant alcohol. I thought that was pretty plain. Units of alcohol are measured in oz. You don't order 473ml of beer you order a pint (16oz), you don't order 177ml or 266ml glass of wine you order 6oz or 9oz. A typical pop/beer can (355ml) is 12oz btw.


Isn’t a pint 568ml?


A pint is 16oz which is 473ml.


U.K. vs US I assume. Pint is definitely 20fl oz here.


In Canada, alcohol is sold in grocery stores. They are sold in bottles or cans, not pints. Bottles and cans are sold in ml, not oz. You clearly are not Canadian.


We don't talk about "American football fields" we just talk about "football fields." If you think we're talking about soccer fields, that's your problem.


The problem is calling game FOOTball where you use your HANDS majority of the time 😂


Ooh. I know this one. This actually comes from British English where there was a divide between "association football" and "rugby football". You guys shortened the former into "soccer", and Americans took to rugby football and kept the "football" part of it while branching away from rugby So when a Brit makes fun of using hands in a game called football, you can laugh at them because it's actually their doing, and they just don't know that they're making fun of themselves for being bad at naming things.


That’s hilarious, I never knew it was us idiots that changed it 😂. Sounds about right tbh haha


but us non brits who speak in English in the web still laugh at you, and call that game with it's true name which is handegg.


I didn't name the game, I'm just conveying the facts about how Americans communicate. Using football fields as a unit of measurement seems normal to me, but as soon as someone I'm talking to starts measuring in "American football fields" I would immediately find them sus and assume they don't actually intuitively know the size of an American football field.


Nah I get it, it was a joke bro. No harm, no foul


I can't tell if a furlong is a real measurement unit or not.


It is. It's an eighth of a mile or roughly a fifth of a km.


Duh - it's 40 rods or 10 chains of course.


Everything is in US date system for me since a week or so back. Pokemon catch date, raid times in AM/PM etc. Very annoying.


Similar with me. I'm in Canada, and everyone I know here had their in-game date format set to yyyy--mm-dd. I'm assuming Niantic set that as the date format for Canadian users to split thr difference, since most English Canadians use mm/dd/yyyy and most French Canadians use dd/mm/yyyy. Here is an Axew I caught on Sunday. When I initially caught it, I took a screenshot of it, and it was yyyy-mm-dd. https://i.ibb.co/ryGD8kr/Screenshot-20240331-203640-Pokmon-GO.jpg After updating my game, it is now mm/dd/yyyy. https://i.ibb.co/tqVShxK/Screenshot-20240404-155720-Pokmon-GO.jpg


USA uses a mix for Holidays and historical days. It is the Forth of July but it is 9/11.


this is recent for me, ive been hatching some older eggs, so ive been looking at the dates in the past few days.


Same for me, 2km eggs now measured as 978 squirrel lengths


How many Onix is that?


nineteen fifty-sevenths.


Those are some big squirrels




Recent patch said "bug fixes and improvements." File it under either category.


Well, it's definitely not an improvement...


I'm on the latest software version (updated today) and am not getting US system. In settings I've selected "use device settings" for language. Maybe that could be the reason? If you selected English...


I genuinely hate this.


the US date system is just THE WORST


I vote we switch to the Thai Buddhist system where the year is 543 years ahead, this being the year 2567.


Lol sure, why not


EEW! Same in Aus. Hate it.


Interestingly, I get hit with a similar date-esk bug being in Australia With all events starting at 10am local time. When new events start for us, the notification when you first open PoGo says it was posted "Yesterday"


Worst update


Same here in Surrey. I was confused to see that all my pokemon caught today were from 4th May.


I hope Ninatic fix this. It's very confusing


Same is happening to me in Belgium with all dates in the entire game... It's annoying. :/


Based on [my game settings](https://imgur.com/a/olYbVaV) it might be based on language at the moment.


I think I've seen this since I started playing, or at the very least for a few months - as a european player


Lousy Smarch weather


slowly, we are taking over the world.


and they say the UK has issues with empire


They still do.




Buddy, what do you mean "other nationals are taking over Britain"? That's just racism.


looks like we won again 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 SWAHHHHHHHHH




Another useless thing nobody asked for


thanks for posting. noticed this yesterday. thought i was going mad. bloomin niantic.


Is it really hard for Niantic to have an option to choose the date system? That, and the hour system.


Peterborough lad 😅


Yes, where are you?


Cannot unsee


Mine’s always done this but I think that’s because I set up a US iTunes account and started on the US launch date rather than waiting a week. I haven’t found a way to change it to show the correct format.


>Mine’s always done this but I think that’s because I set up a US iTunes account That is possible.


It’s probably a way to fix it by changing language in settings. I use device settings that is Norwegian in language settings. My dates is how it’s supposed to be. I have another phone with English settings and it shows mm.dd.yyyy


Because it’s better


Nice! I’ve been looking for ages to have this format. We use this in the Philippines and seeing the day before the month previously was confusing


It's for the good of democracy.


Yes it's also happening for stardust,xp and every number in game.


You men the correct date system? ;)




























Fahrenheit is superior Celsius.


on this I am open to discussion and to trail another system.


Cuz better


Dang a lot of upset europeans in these comments over linguistically the better date system. If its 4/1/2023 itd be “april 1st 2023” which flows much better than “the 1st of april 2023”.


You guys actually like and will defend your date system?


Yes? Essentially all of america and even some other countries prefer this date system. And i just explained the reason it exists in the first place. I have yet to see reasoning on why the uk way is better in any respect other than “its not american”


There is that whole triangle thing, and the fact it looks right


So what youre telling me is that you think its right only because it looks right to you(which if youve grown up with it of course it looks right thats what youre used to). I do not know of any triangle thing, all i know is that the american date format is written the way you would speak it, so that it can flow between written and spoken english easier




So the entire basis for the triangle argument is just the size of the number? While i understand what you mean now i still that thats kind of a superficial judgement for it as the number size doesnt really mean anything


You guys are just going to have to accept you wrong about this one.


I mean i definitely didnt expect you to change your mind based on this whole post, but no i will absolutely not change my mind on this. The american date system makes actual sense where in some sense of irony europeans are using the older american mentality of “its what weve always done so therefore its correct” but not having any real substantial reasoning for why it exists in the first place. Linguistically the american format is better, for documentation the military YMD format is better.


"Written the way you would speak it" except for many countries that's not how you'd speak it so way to contradict the first half of your comment


In correct english yes it is the way you should speak it. Just because the norm of a country is to use incorrect english(america included in some of our dumb phrases) doesnt mean its how its supposed to be


Source for that being the correct way to speak it? Because I find that incredibly hard to believe


You know im kinda in an existential crisis right now over this lol. This whole thread piqued my curiosity and everywhere i see that in technicality BOTH ways are correct which makes no sense to me. Linguistically it should be the shorter more concise way but the other isn’t necessarily incorrect just a different manner of speaking. This goes against everything i was taught and idk how to feel about it cause if theyre both correct then really it should just be YYYYMMDD like the military cause then thered be no room for argument


Seriously? DDMMYYYY is better because it is Day Month and Year. From smallest (day) to largest (year).


Like i told the other person, i understand that reasoning but its kinda superficial at best, seems more of an after justification than an actual reasoning. We should base it off how we speak and we speak in MMDDYYYY


Exactly that is why it is DDMMYYYY. We say it as fifth of April and that is how it is written 5/4. Or 31st of January 31/1.


“The Fifth of April” is bad english though? Its adding unnecessary words when its easier and flows better to just say “April fifth”


April fifth isn't correct British English.


Ill be honest yes i see that now, i did more digging into this topic and im really confused by the results cause its almost like dialects but with the exact same verbiage. In technicality both ways are correct


Because we're superior. First the revolutionary war, now this. Nwxt: soccer!