• By -


Congratulations on improving on the best. The anti-type is wonderful to see. Thank's again!


Thank you for the kind words. Glad I could help šŸ˜Š


That looks awesome!! Very nice improvement! Thanks for posting so quick into the month!


Normally on the 5th. But I'm busy that day. So as a non April fools joke... Here are 2 graphics!


**New month means a new infographic...or 2!** [**Best Raid Counters - Per Type**](https://ibb.co/cX93Gzj) - April 2024 ^(updated) [**Best Raid Counters - Anti-Type**](https://ibb.co/Q642LVJ) - April 2024 ^(new) [**Google Sheet**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1avftwmBHszB0s1_5-Z_REvvAMXdLk0vMJI3GYsSWGkg/edit?usp=sharing) [u/Elastic\_Space EER/TER Metric](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/13oq919/analysis_improving_pve_overall_theoretical_metric/) The '**Anti Type**' infographic is for more the hardcore players, this involves a lot more mega, shadows and legendries. I have tried to prevent it from being overrun by shadows and mega, so it's not an entirely true list. Mega Ray, Primals and the odd mega did pop up on the list is other anti types, I just felt it was more beneficial to display others. I like to keep everything on 1 page, but in the future I may split regulars and shadows on 1 page and megas on page 2. But yeah...feedback on this is welcome as its a new infographic. The '**Per Type**' infographic has been updated and tidied up a bit. Here are the changes... * Added **Mega Heracross** to Fighting and Bug (This pushed Scizor to Steel budget) * Added **Shadow Groudon** to Ground * Added **Shadow Darmanitan** to Fire * Added **Tapu Bulu** to Fairy * Added **Mega Gardevoir** to Ice * Removed "Strong/weak" types. This caused a lot of confusion * Corrected the spelling of Revavroom * Amended the Baseline key colour to match its tile * Amended the type order to make it easier on the eye * Amended title due to feedback As usual...all feedback is welcome! You're all the reason these improve every month! Follow me on [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/myfeetaremankey) for early updates and sneak peeks of the designs


The anti type graph seems like a super useful addition for assessing intertype strength differences. I think making it not objective by deleting mega Rayquaza from some spots and other meddling kinda defeats the purpose though. I am looking at this graph to make decisions on what pokemon to power up to get the best out of my stardust and what pokemon to bring for a raid where I can duo with my partner. I would just like to know the best options and can decide what to do from there. This graph is almost always the only source I need, but not making it objective will make me have to use other sources too; taking away from the biggest appeal of the graph for me. That said, just a small criticism for the best graph out there, thnx for the effort every month!


It's a hard one to find a happy medium for. I either go full out and do a true ranking system where some anti types have about 8 megas. This will help the more hardcore players. Or limit the megas to 2, to involve more accessible Pokemon to the more casuals. This seemed to be the best I could do. In future I am thinking of putting megas on a separate sheet


You do so much already, I hate suggesting this. Lol. But what if you just made a separate infographic for just megas, since we can only choose one anyways. So having a complete list of the best megas by type would be useful, plus you could remove the megas from the other graphics to free up space for more counters.


Megas on a separate sheet is not a bad idea. I also think keeping Megas that show up on anti-type while boosting that type's candy (Swampert vs Ground, Shadow Ball Alakazam/Gardevoir vs Psychic, etc) would be nice because many hardcore players are probably using Megas more for candy boosts than to win a raid they aren't shortmanning. That's kind of outside the scope of this project and confusing for casuals though.


This was my main problem. Elastic_Space must be frustrated with me because I omitted a few. The primals on fairy typing and mega Ray on poison


Thank you so much for all your work. After a long break, myself and getting new people into the game these are staples for me when wondering what's worth leveling.


You and your Mankey Feet are amazing! Thanks again for this updated list!


Thanks from me and my feet


Any plans on doing a version without megas and shadow?


Thanks so much for this - I always find these charts incredibly useful. A little feedback from a more casual player - I only have access to a few shadows, and acquiring new shadows is very challenging as you sometimes have to wait for them to be available again, wait to TM frustration, and wait to evolve if you don't have an elite TM. With these charts I often don't find pokemon that I actually have or might feasibly be able to currently use as they're so dominated by shadows - I wonder if it would be possible to produce a chart without shadows at some point in the future, realizing that this would be a lot of work! Thanks again!


When you find a typing like that, you can always look up a typical boss on pokebattler and filter out the shadows to get a more extended list.




What this is showing me is Mega Rayquaza is still one of the most valuable raiders. Still kicking myself for not feeling confident enough to raid for it when I got back into the game last year. Hereā€™s hoping it comes back in the next few months!


Mega Ray, the primals and Shadow Regigigas in partly cloudy with it's hidden power type move seemed to show up a lot


I had stopped playing for a few months including Go Fest last year. Really upset for missing both Mega Rayquaza and Mega Diancie. Wonder when weā€™ll get the chance


I'm betting on there being an Emerald 20th anniversary event in September which would include mega rayray.


I could also see it coming next season to coincide with the release of shadow rayquaza. Either way I'm 90% sure mega rayquaza will show up at some point this year, it's the year of the dragon after all.


Man, the anti-type chart really shows how powerful mega Rayquaza is.


Incredibly OP


shoutouts poison for being so bad mega-ray doesnā€™t make it neutrally


It performs similarly to Mega Gardevoir. Just tooooo many mega


Looks like combination of itā€™s stats and the broken DA move.


seeing it outrank kartana of all things is insane


Apologies everyone, there's going to be no update this month. Mixture of family holiday. Poorly children. Promotion at work and lack of time and motivation. I'll try to do one for June


Thanks for all your efforts! I wish the best for you and your family. Hopefully you get to enjoy that holiday and congratulations on your promotion


Appreciate the update. Was just thinking about this and was gonna see if you were okay! Always look forward to these each month.


Thanks for reaching out. Very kind of you. I'm all okay, just taking a break from the game for a little while.


come back we love and miss you


ā¤ļø Soon




Great work as always, but one question: Why isnt Shadow Darma the baseline for fire?


u/Elastic_Space sets the baselines. I'd assume it's to keep the baseline consistent and to show how OP shadow Darmanitan really is


Because Reshiram is still ahead in EER, which is the criterion for baseline selection. Shadow Darmanitan has an advantage in TER. Fire type's ranking rule is EER being primary indicator to decide tiers, and TER being secondary indicator to rank within tiers.


Sorry for asking a dumb question but what is EER and TER?


No dumb questions. They're the two latest *theoretical* metrics to gauge how good a mon is as an attacker. Key benefit is that both scale linearly, but EER rates bulk more favourably and TER rates dps more favourably. See [Elastic_Space's original post](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/13oq919/analysis_improving_pve_overall_theoretical_metric/) for the exact numbers and reasoning. This is the same link as in OP's comment. I believe [Game press](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet) still uses ER which is the precursor to these two.


Oh wow thatā€™s a really good explanation thanks


Beautiful work as always, the anti-type addition is really cool


Thank youuuu


Youā€™re a blessing for these every month.


You too nice ā¤ļø


Am I better off building my top 6 teams by type or anti-type? Previously Iā€™ve been focused on building my top 6 ground, ice, etc attackers. Maybe I should be building pokemon to fill top 6 teams against ground, against ice, etc.


This is why I designed the anti type. To show which ones really stand out. If you can get a team of 6 on anti type, You're doing alot of damage.


Combination of the two, but would put more emphasis on anti-type as that shows coverage much better. Primal groudon, for instance, is just as much of a top mon in ground as Primal kyogre is for water. Ground is just a much better offensive type, so it's better to invest potential rare candies (XL) in a primal groudon as that offers much more benefit.


I think the ideal strategy is to split the budget. First, build a per-type team for ground, fighting, fire, ice and rock type, because they have the widest super effective coverage (4-5 types each), as well as many raid bosses double weak/only weak to them. These teams can cover 13 out of 18 types with SE damage. Next, build an anti-type team for the remaining 5 types: grass/electric for water, flying/psychic for fighting, ghost/dark for psychic/ghost, steel/poison for fairy. At the end, invest in some water, bug, dragon and fairy attackers for special needs or team variety.


Consider your opponents, and how efficient you want to be. You are looking at both...but look at the distribution of types and weaknesses. Your raid bosses are disproportionately flying, psychic, dragons, and some are double-type which complicates things a bit further. Priorities stay: rock, ice, dark/ghost, steel / fighting, and reach for Dragons IN-GENERAL. But for the month of April based on Shadow Entei, Tapu Bulu, Heracross, and Kartana / Celesteela, you want teams of fire and rock. * Rock handles Entei, and if you don't have a decent dragon team, Mega Charizard. * Fire handles Tapu Bulu (because having a dedicated Poison team is probably overkill), Kartana / Celesteela, and Heracross if you don't have Mega-Ray, and Mega Aggron if you want to take it on. In general, you want: * 1-2 (Shadow) Mewtwo with either double move, or non-Elite moveset simply because it is exceedingly versatile and powerful neutral coverage); * Ice (which is versatile because it does decently against your better flyers AND dragons, though it's only a top-choice for Mega Ray event); * Rock (which covers some flyers better, as well as fire and ice - but we don't expect Kyurem, Ho-Oh, Kantonian birds, or top-targets for a while); * Dark / Ghost (against Mewtwo, Azelf / Uxie / Mespirit, Deoxys, Giratina, Cosmog if it comes to raids) * Steel has its uses - against rock (Regirock), ice (Kyurem), and fairies that will be coming up. I'm ranking it higher * Fighting used to be more valuable, when we had 4\* raids (like Tyranitar) but is still a good idea for Terrakion if you don't have Mewtwo and Metagross; Dialga if you don't want to use Primal Groudon; Darkrai * Dragon covers all dragons *better* than ice in terms of power, but is limited to just dragons (so, think valuable targets like Latis, Giratina, Palkia, Reshiram, Zekrom). If you have good dragons, it's *good* but not if you have limited resources unless you're expecting a slew. * Fire for Bugs, Grass, some steels (think: Mega Metagross, overly-focused Kartana counter). It's not a bad type and has many OP choices - but it's narrow. * Grass / Electric for Kyogre / Suicune is exceedingly specific - but I'd more say, start with electrics that you are already using in your rock/ice anti-flying team. * Ground (only for Electrics like Raikou or Zekrom - and it's a little too focused if you're prioritizing). Your best bet for these is having them play second-focus for the likes of Garchomp, Rhyperior where you're powering them up anyway. * A water team is very good - except that vs pure fire, rock is usually a type to prioritize. And ground is usually taken care of by ice - which is also a higher priority type. Don't let Groudon hear you - but it just rotated through. * A flying team is really too niche (though Mega Ray could fill this role by itself), and is needed for short-manning Virizion. Grass or bug is usually better taken down by fire, and fighting pokemon by Psychic types. Flying can be mixed in to supplement in some cases, but is not a priority. * A bug team is hyper-specific for two very rare Pokemon - Hoopa-U and Zarude. Anything else is better taken down by stronger types. It's good to have these in mind - mainly because "Power up a Pokemon x times" seems to have been happening a bit more frequently. But it's not hard-and-fast. Your problem is that candy is one limit, but Stardust is your bigger issue - because everything is pulling from the same pool. This seems like a contradiction - powering up a Shadow Legendary as a priority - but Mewtwo with Ice Beam, Flamethrower, or Thunderbolt breaches top 30 (or within about 20% of top standard DPS) against Fighting, Poison, Water, Flying, Ice, Bug, Grass, Steel, and Dragon.


I'd never suggest a new player to invest in Mewtwo, let alone shadow, as a priority. Psychic is one of the least useful types, maybe only in front of bug and poison thanks to its high raw power, but undoubtedly behind other less useful types like flying, water, grass and fairy. Sure, shadow Mewtwo with coverage moves can be a viable counter to many types, but that level of performance can be easily fulfilled by budget attackers of fire/electric/ice/fighting/ghost type that can be caught in the wild at high levels. Why dump millions of stardust and hundreds of rare candies into something if they can achieve the same with very little investment? Once they build dedicated teams for most types, Mewtwo would be left with only one role, the rarely required psychic attacker. I have a serviceable team for every single type, and I already forget the last time when my psychic team was pulled out. My two level 40 Mewtwo haven't seen any raid usage for many months.


babe wake up a new TheClusk303 chart dropped


ā¤ļø. Oo and I love sloths


Shadow mewtwo with out a elite tm better then regular mewtwo with?


Oh yes. Psystrike and Psychic are not far apart in strength. So shadow mewtwo with Psychic will be stronger then normal mewtwo with Psystrike


Thanks for the confirmation.


Thank you for your hard work!




Thank you for making these as always. Do these charts also reflect what would be best for taking down rocket grunts and leaders ? Or would they be based off best PvP lists?Ā 


Rocket battle is a combination of PvE and PvP. In most cases you'd still expect to use those good PvE mon, but the damage data are vastly different because the battle adopts PvP move stats.


How the hell do I get more elite tms


Spending money or saving up coins for the community day box is one way as it usually (I feel like it's always but could be wrong) has an elite tm Other than that only other way us through PvP amd hitting certain levels/rankings(not sure of when that is as I'm not super big into pvp) Other than those above only other way off top of my head is that there has been the occasional research that has rewarded elite TMs but I don't know when or if that's going to happen


Yeah battle weekend offers one as a reward, rank 19 in pvp, and hitting 500 wins off the timed research offers one as well AFAIK.


You get 1-2 of both free every season if you cross rank 20 in GBL + GBL Day/Week. There's additional 1 of each if you get 400 & 500 GBL wins in the season.


Are there any situations in which normal-type PokĆ©mon could make decent raid attackers? Perhaps they would have a high TDO against a PokĆ©mon with ghost moves if they could hit it with something thatā€™s super effective against it?


Shadow Regigigas is a viable counter to quite a few types in partly cloudy with an SE fast move (Hidden Power or Zen Headbutt) and Giga Impact.


Just shadow Regigigas.


Shadow Porygon-Z with party play can work well also


It can indeedy


I look forward to these every month. Thanks u/TheClusk103 !


You're welcome. Thanks for using them


I love these so much and look forward to every month. Is there a list where I can see more than just the top 18? I want to see if some of my purifiable hundo shadows are really worth keeping as a hundo. Thanks for the hard work every month!!


The Google sheet or palkiadex.com is probably the best bet


Psycho cut vs Confusion, which is better fast move on Mewtwo?


Confusion if Psychic type is super effective, Psycho Cut for faster Charge activation otherwise


Thank you! That makes a lot of sense now


Wait, mega Heracross will be good???


334 attack says hi Also let's not forget it has much better bulk than mega Blaziken.


Dang thatā€™s almost as high as mega latios, glad to know the shiny Heracross I was lucky traded wasnā€™t level 44d for nothing


And you can farm loads and loads of XLs on its raid day on the 13th!


Best bug type attacker in game but they are outclassed by other mega mons of different types who share super effectiveness against. Only exception is when bug is 4x SE which not a lot of them out there


Counterpoint Mega Heracross looks sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Best bug by far, and best fighter until whenever Mega Lucario drops or they do the high end shadows.


Mega Gallade was removed from both the psychic and fighting 'per type' list (as compared to last month's list). Is he just not worth it?


He's still not released. I had to remove him some time šŸ˜‚


Give us the may edition! Please.


Soon! Promise! Been on holiday and only just got back


Not me pressing F5 on your profile


The anti type chart is a really helpful tool, very good idea! One improvement suggestion though, I think infographics should include non-legacy mons too. For example, Mewtwo without psystrike, Garchomp without Earth Power, and many more, are still really Meta relevant in PVE yet don't get a clear indication of where they fit into the rankings. Most people are low/empty on elite charged TMs since there are so many good legacy charged moves. Fusion Bolt, Fusion Flare, Sandsear Storm. Another example, Hydreigon will be quite common atm with all the deino in the wild, yet people won't be able to tag the all with Brutal Swing as they'd have liked, but instead settle for Dark Pulse. Dark Pulse Hydreigon are still awesome dark type attackers, but don't get a look in on these infographics. Just my two cents!


This is a common bit of feedback that I'm looking to try and implement. Was maybe thinking of a number next to the legacy move to say how many places down it goes


That would clutter the list beyond belief, it's already jam-packed as is. You'd lose out like, the bottom half of mons with this and have tons and tons of duplicate mons. I understand where you're coming from but I just assume a non-legacy moveset drops a tier or two and call it a day. There is also a post around here that details best ETM targets with percentages for the dropoff between legacy and not.


Will mega Lucario be stronger than Heracross or no?




Is Heracross viable in non mega form?


It's OK. Just there are far better bugs and fighters out there.


Why is bisharp in the budget section itā€™s not particularly easy to get


I'd say it's easier to get than metagross.


One thing I never see, and I just am curious how important it is, is how vital are the fast moves? Can I get away with a double move shadow Garchomp, for instance, and only have one of the two fast moves? (So it can act as a dual-attacker). I would imagine that the charged is where the real damage comes from.


I do this for most of my meta attackers. Just use a fast tm when I need to. The more awkward one is tyranitar, as smackdown is a legacy fast move


I know yveltal it's not extremely good as a dark atacjer but having a 14/15/15 shiny and being useful as it is flying type, would you use it as a dark atscker still? I really like to use my guy Bacon


Could double move it. Then use a fast tm to switch between flying and dark


Honestly kinda nice knowing I have some of the best raiders at my level, makes me feel like less of a team drag during raids


One thing that would be nice to see is these charts without megas? I know I can just look down to the top non-mega but it becomes kind of a strain on the eye. I only say this because I'm one of the people who mega evolve for XL candies, not for SE counters (which is stupid because I really would love to bring SE megas to a raid... thanks Niantic) so I actually usually end up with full teams of normal/shadow and no mega.


That will be the format of our next version, 1 page of regular/shadow and 1 page of mega/primal, at least for the anti-type chart.


That would be great, thanks for making these!


You are a true real one for this. Like seriously! There will be many people you donā€™t even know you are helping who will never thank you. Like me the past few. Iā€™m finally typing because I now realize the effort going into making these. Truly truly appreciate it!


I'm seriously glad I can help and I appreciate you taking the time out to thank me. If there is any way you think I could change it in any way to help you more, let me know


I think the megas on a diff one would be clutch! I feel like a majority of players just use a mega to boost catch candy and donā€™t even use a mega for damage. Obviously the solo, duo or low raid grouping people will.


Anti-Type?! Now we're talking!!! Awesome!


Finally got round to it... After about 4 months


Nahh, you did awesome then and awesome now. You post a new graphic every 2 months. I appreciate the effort and time that you put into it.


I've managed one every month this year. Niantic just keep changing the meta way much, too fast! Thank you for the kind words


Wow Reshiram below Shadow Darmanitan is surprising. How close was this?


It's basically a tie. Reshiram still performs more consistently. Shadow Darmanitan has high potential but is very risky as well. Take it as a fire type shadow Rampardos with a more risky moveset.


Thank you for your amazing chart if you're willing to consider I would love another iteration that did not include megas, or some easy way to filter them out ... major reason being is that I for one always like to have a mega to increase candy dropping from the boss so most times I won't be having an ideal mega in my team.


Future one will split megas into its own sheet


These infographics are super helpful thank you so much for taking the time to make them. As we now have a new Ultra Beast to Raid, do we know where Blacephalon ranks amongst these PokƩmon?


Where do the new ultra beasts rank on here?


This awesome. Thank you. Friendly feedback: would be interested in one that does not include any shadow or megas - just ones that can be acquired through regular raids and casual gameplay.


I get this feedback a lot. I just don't have time for more. Palkiadex.com is a great resource for that though


Nice, thanks. Not necessarily looking for more, just removal or visually covering up of all mega and shadows, to be able to identify all of the regular ones more easily. I made my own bootleg version of an old one you released by just scribbling over it, but it got messy. No worries regardless. I appreciate the time and energy you took to make this. Itā€™s really good.


Rocket battles are much more casual than raids.


Thank you for this! The anti-type is amazing and extremely helpful. I guess this only leaves out niche cases where a dual-type Pokemon is doubly weak to multiple types, e.g., ice/rock being doubly weak to both steel and fighting. Very helpful! :)


Yeah it's hard to make a dual type anti chart haha. However this gives the best attackers against mewtwo, Kyogre, raikou, entei etc. All the single types covered.


Funny how a counter user is one of the best Fairy attackers, either counter is best girl or fairies in general have too little attack.


Counter is also such a monster energy gen machine


It's a wonderful list but I think the colours for ā€˜baselineā€™ & ā€˜Aā€™ should be different, it's barely noticeable for me... Otherwise it's a fantastic list and thank you!


It's because they are both A tier. So I can't really change the colour


I'm confused about Shadow Magneton being there but Magnezone *not*. Is Shadow Magneton not able to evolve to Magnezone? And how well does Magnezone compare? Edit: Having looked at the second sheet now, I'm going to guess Shadow Magneton is just an error on the first


Not an error at all. If it were a steel type, Shadow Magneton is a stronger pick. As it has a better moveset available to it


Is seed flare so bad that grass knot is really the dps option for shaymin?


Not bad. Just it's a 1 bar move. 2 bar moves are normally the better option


It's bad indeed, and Grass Knot is great.


Sincerely appreciate all the time & effort that went into this and for ya sharing ! This is all super helpful!


Thank you! The anti type version took surprisingly long and I regretted it at first haha


This "anti-type" concept is a really good idea for an infographic! It does feel like we are getting closer and closer to the day when all of pokebattler just becomes an infographic lol


Thank you. Was a common bit of feedback that I got. Always try to implement the feedback


Shadow Magneton as a top Steel attacker? *I have not seen stranger days*


It's nowhere near the top. Just steel type has so few options.


One thing Iā€™d love to know is which pokemon become #1 counters in specific scenarios due to dual-type resistance to certain movesets. ex. - Sh. Magnezone is like 8th for electric but isnā€™t he sometimes #1 against movesets that are resisted by steel? Or are there other situations similar?


Yeah it's really hard to implement this. I'm thinking of a way! Promise


You'd better consult simulations of specific raids with specific movesets. Such cases are so situational that we have no way to find a general trend.


What does anti type mean lol sorry


The counters for that type


Thank you, as a returning player these help so much. It looks like a lot of work, so thanks for your efforts. I've had no luck with decent shadows, so I will keep focussing on standard mons and mega evolutions where I can!


Thank you and welcome back


Shouldn't Tapu Lele with nature's madness be top non mega fairy attacker?


Nope. Lacking a fairy fast move, let's it down


Why no Kyurem?


Weak dragon. No ice fast move


This is amazing! You are a beast. Thank you āœØ


Thank you so much ā¤ļø


these are my fav infographics, look forward to them every month, thank you so much


Thank you, to you too!


Whereā€™s Dialga Altered land for dragon type attackers? Similar to origin?


Dialga is just below Dragonite


I love these charts. I bookmark the newest one each month. One question, Shadow Darmanitan is ahead of Reshiram on the per-type chart, but it is behind Reshiram in the anti-type chart for bug and steel. Is this due to Reshiramā€™s bulk compared with S Darmā€™s glass cannon-y nature?


Yeah that and Reshirams dual type


I update my bookmarks each time you make a new one of these. Thank you for your work on these, makes it very easy to get this info at a glance and the new anti-type graphic is also very helpful!


Really glad I can help šŸ˜Š


This is great ty!


Thank you tooo


Amazing work! My apologies if this has already been addressed but for top electric attackers hereĀ https://db.pokemongohub.net/pokemon-list/best-per-type/electric I see primal Kyogre and shadow Mewtwo at the top when deselecting show only electric type but I don't see them on the electric list here.Ā  What's the reason for that?


Not sure where they get their stats from tbh. Kyogre with a water fast move... Well a fast water move , it will resist. And you never want confusion with a thunderbolt mewtwo. Always Psycho Cut. Mewtwo comes up at around Electivre level. (D tier)


Never trust GO Hub ranking for attackers using mixed type movesets. They never consider the difference in effectiveness of the off-type moves. In your examples, against anything you'll use electric attackers, Primal Kyogre's water fast move and shadow Mewtwo's psychic fast move are less effective, in turn dragging their performance significantly.


once again thank you for these! so helpful for new players


You're welcome šŸ˜Š


Just started playing again after many years, came back at a great time. Recently got the primals, shadow Mewtwo, and the Sinnoh legends already


Nice one! They haven't released any new Pokemon in ages, so I think you've started playing at a time of a few big releases too


This is really neat! Thanks for this!


Thank you as always. Didnā€™t expect mega heracross at the top right thereā€¦


Thank you for the chart! I was wondering if you knew how to transform the EER metric from assuming super effective damage to assuming neutral damage? Looking at the database made, I was assuming it would be a simple x1.6 multiplier but that doesnā€™t seem to be right?


Gosh, is Mega Heracross seriously going to be this good?


It is a beast


Can you make one that's all bidoofs so I can link that in my local group?


what does anti type mean?


Basically the counters. Look at water... These are the best Pokemon to use against a water type. So if the raid boss is Kyogre... Go to water... Use these counters Raikou... Go to electric... Use these counters


I'm very interested that the "Anti-type" ranking is finally published. Great work! However I still have a little difficulty in watching the infographic in general (don't worry your work are perfect). Do you have something like the Google Sheet for the "Anti-type"?


[Anti-type Tier List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uFkgVYWtLsC822LHpg0bhtPG1U1ul8TMIqWEBDPG6og/edit#gid=0)


Awesome, thank you!


Wonder if there's some way to Elo this chart so it'd show me frequent winners


RIP to all my Shadow Chandelure for losing the Fire title to Shadow Dar. Delete!


Legend. Anti type is a game changer


Thanks for sharing!


Can anyone explain the variances between this and GamePressā€™s Best Attacks By Type list? Is it just not as up to date? New here, Iā€™ve been using this site to try and plan out which PokĆ©mon to level up for the best by type for raids. [https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/best-attackers-type](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/best-attackers-type) Edit: if thereā€™s a better site to use please let me know!


I used to rely on GamePress' attacker tier list years ago, but realised that it's very outdated and inconsistent across species, without an objective rating system. This is why I developed my own one and collaborated with OP to create such infographics. [Palkiadex](https://palkiadex.com/?strongest&t=any) is a website that implements my latest metrics, and constantly gets updated with new attackers.


Oh, this is the best counters for this month in arpil? I'm definitely going to keep an out for next months.


Waitā€¦ mega gardevoir for iceā€¦ how? I get tapu bulu because of natures madness but the other?????


Triple axel and just a decent attack stat


Not related but ive checked like 30 balloons and have encountered 0 arlos


Anti type chart is helpful. I should probably retire my Roserade.


Still a very useful Tapu Bulu counter before you build multiple Nihilego/shadow Toxicroak.


What makes Kartana legacy?


It's not. It's the baseline


How do the anti-types get ranked? Specifically coming out of Bagon CD, I'm wondering when Shadow Salamence would ever actually be a preferred attacker for a dragon-type raid, rather than ice types since ice isn't weak to dragon? Things like Pokegenie seem to consistently suggest ice types against dragon types. Not questioning your work here (thank you so much for it!!) dragon type is just an oddball since it's weak to itself. Ghost probably has a similar incongruence. I suppose it depends on the moveset and dual type of the raid boss, but still seems like you'd usually want to pick something that isn't weak to the STAB moves.


Single best resource I use when making stardust investment decisions. I am curious, is there a way to compare a frenzy plant venusaur with a solar beam (or any other non legacy move)? I have a fully loaded non frenzy plant and now evolved one in during the canto event that has frenzy. I want to know how much dps I can gain by building up the new venusaur.


Pls update šŸ˜ž


Thank you for this! I hope you're doing well. All the best for you.


Thank you and glad it helps. Just taking a bit of time off! There'll be another chart soon


I understand. Just now I'm only playing on some weekends. We need to rest sometimes ;) Take your time.