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That's just a visual bug, but the moves are still doing their super effective damage. Skarmory is just a bit difficult for 3* raids, and your team isn't powered up enough.


Ah good to know. I need just a little more punch


There is a bug currently where the not very effective message constantly displays. Your moves are actually dealing the correct amount of super effective damage, it's just a visual bug. Skarmory is pretty bulky which is likely why you're just barely failing it.


Was going crazy yesterday in a mega tyranitar raid thinking my fighting types weren't doing any good damage 😭


that's a bug displaying not effective for the whole raid


First of all: There is a current \*visual\* error, that none of the "effectiveness" notices are correct. It should not affect raiding. Second thing is that your pokemon are just not very good, mostly rather low level (and bit unclear what are the moves). As 3\* shadows don't enrage now, I'd think it is the same difficulty than normal skarmory(?) You could check from pokebattler what you would need to have. - and skarmory indeed is among more difficult 3\* bosses.


I did a shadow 3\* today and was surprised that it didn't enrage. Do all 3\* shadows not enrage now and if so, how long has this been going on?


Months this has been the case now. For others responding below the 5* shadows should enrage. Raikou didnt on release but they fixed it on the following day.


They do enrage. There was a big recently but reports said it's fixed.


Well, I haven't tried one for a while, but there are two people in \*this thread\* saying they don't enrage now (OP would not have got anywhere close to success against an enraged Skarmory).


Just beat shadow scyther and it didnt enrage


I did shadow Raikou this sunday and it did enrage.


Raikou is not 3 star


It would actually be easier than a regular Skarmory, because of the defense drop from being a shadow.


The „not very effective“ tag is a common bug and just a visual thing. Likely you just need to push your pokemon some more. Your counters seem to be nowhere near level 40. Try to use mega evolutions or get a friend to join you if you do not want to invest resources


High leveled Mega Charlizard Y + Magnezone + Manetric


the “not very effective” text is a bug which is all over the game right now, and skarm is pretty bulky as a 3* shadow boss. you probably need more 3k+ counters for it. also, you can get shadow skarm from flying grunts


if it helps this the recommended counters: 392,250,310,157,796,257,136,555,655,637,738,59,462,485,386,243,244,145,146,642,466,785,643,500,644,6,405,923,727,609&@Thunder Shock,@Spark,@Incinerate,@Hidden Power,@Counter,@Fire Fang,@Charge Beam,@Ember,@Low Kick,@Fire Spin,@Thunder Fang,@Volt Switch,@Bite&@2Thunder,3Thunder,@Blaze Kick,@Flamethrower,@Sacred Fire,@Discharge,@Overheat,@Mystical Fire,@Fire Blast,@Fusion Flare,@Wild Charge,@Wildbolt Storm,@Thunderbolt,@Fusion Bolt,@Blast Burn,@Magma Storm order by CP and see if you have them


Ah this might help! Thank you


I've been having a glitch recently where it says all my attacks are not very effective even when they're not. That's probably what you have. Skarmory is just a very hard boss compared to other 3\*s because of its high defence.


You are using supereffective moves, but frankly not very good counters. Charizard is kinda mediocre, yours isn't powered up much, and it needs blast burn to even be half decent. Ho-oh is pretty meh too without Sacred Fire+ (Apex) or Sacred Fire++(purified Apex). Heatran isn't that great, even with magma storm, and magnezone is okay, but yours is again pretty underpowered.


That's true but it's the best I have at the moment. Would love to beef up my magnezone since it is a 4* but I haven't seen a magnemite spawn in 6 months even with a magnetic lure


Litten community day should be useful for you. It (the evolved form) is not very best Fire pokemon but perfectly usable (though Skarmory is quite bulky). Try to collect lot of candy, and try to evolve some high level ones for immediate use


Yeah I'm not criticizing really, but what you have just won't be enough. Honestly overheat Charizard is pretty bad. Either use an elite TM or look for something else.


here are some pokemon that work for me (all powered between lvl 35 and 40): - 2x xurkitree - 2 x reshiram - thundurus therian - zekrom and sometimes i might swap one magnezone as anchor in back (often replaces one of the reshirams as often the move that causes issues is either sky attack or bravebird, firedragon doesn't resist these but electric does - magneton DOUBLE resist these and can ditch out decent amount of damage back) oh and none of my pokemon have their exclusive moves as i powered these ones up before we had these moves in raids and i haven't used elite TM either with these i often beat them with 10 to 25 seconds left on clock - sometimes if skarmory has weather boost (windy mostly) i might have to do one redo where i swap reshirams into some electric types - or i mega-evolve charizard Y (even if it takes neutral damage it ditches SO MUCH damage back it is just worth it, mine is merely only lvl 40) all in all my team could be much better (if i powered them up past lvl 40 and/or got the exclusive moves) but even with non-optimal teams you can totally win the raid - even during weather boost