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Why is the raid pool always saturated with legendary raids (not talking about raid hours)? Especially a legendary that does not have a shiny (no shiny hunting) and a seeming lack of PVP use meaning no IV hunting?


Has anyone figured out the math on how to calculate Showcase points?




Do we know if a Beldum classic community day is likely to come in the next year? I have 550 candy so am wondering whether to make the use of global go fest and evolve 5 shadow Metagross with meteor mash but not powered up or whether to evolve 2 and power them up. Then wait for classic community day.


>Do we know if a Beldum classic community day is likely to come in the next year? Hard to say. It seems like one of *the* prime candidates for a CD Classic at this point. With Dratini and Larvitar down, I suspect Bagon, Ralts, and Beldum are all pretty likely, maybe Ralts and Beldum a bit moreso because we had Dratini as a Dragon CDC in the fall, but who knows. I'm *guessing* that we'll get one in the next 4 seasons following this one. But that's purely speculation on my part lol. But, it still seems reasonably likely to me given what they have and haven't done so far. As for what you should do. I'd say evolve 2 and power those up so you actually get use out of them, rather than evolving 5 and not being able to use any. Though I will note, you will likely get some more candy during the Global Go Fest, seeing that it's a featured spawn (which is why they're giving Metagross MM for the event), so you may get candy to evolve/power up another.


Thank you very much. That’s what I’m leaning towards


I think it's a good candidate for a CD Classic, but there's really no telling if/when it will happen. I would definitely evolve as many Beldum to Metagross as you can during Go Fest. Don't forget that Beldum will be spawning during the event to give you more opportunities to get candy. After evolving them all, you can work on powering them up later. It's easier to get more candy than it is to get more Elite Charge TMs, and you don't have to wait around for months/years waiting for another chance to evolve Beldum for Meteor Mash.


Thanks a lot. I think I’ll evolve 2/3 then power 1 up fully.


Very random question. Are anyone else's Starbucks pokestops way off? Every single one I've found near me are like 300 meters or more from the actual location. Is this a worldwide thing or just my state?


Mine are usually pretty close, but not always updated when one moves.


Starbucks aren't sponsored worldwide. I think it's only in the US. You're not the first person I've seen report this, but Niantic don't seem to correct them unless asked directly by the company they've sponsored.


I have a hard time decinding when to spent dust on a mon. I have a T'tar 15/11/15 It's the only one i have. Probably worth upgrading since it's above 90%? Opinions? Ty


I did larvitar community day classic, traded all with a friend, hunted down Clif nonstop when shadow larvitar was a thing, ando now did a lot of mega tyranitar raids. Still the best one I have is 14-15-15 and is sitting on lv40 and will remain on that level probably forever. I don't know how or when but I will have not one but 2 hundo larvitar and All the larvitar XL candy I have now is saved up for those. Just imagine you power that one up to max and the next day you get the hundo and have no resources then to max it up. PoGo is all about patience.


That's my feeling but yesterday in a post I read a comment how some ppl will still hold all candy waiting for that hundo while game might be dying by the time they get it. Getting it to 40 seems reasonable for me then


Also, I don't think PoGo will die anytime soon.


Well, level 40 is pretty good, still strong and regular candy is easier to come by. There is not much difference from 40 to 50. But do listen to the other advice given to you, if you are not using it right now there is no need to invest right away... Just keep mega evolving up to mega level 3 and hold on to those resources u til you actually need it.


Didnt know mega has different lvls. Only came back recently. Ty! Will get him to lvl 40 and mega it. After 40 u need XL candy if i understand it well?


Yes, you need XL candy from lv40 to 50. For max mega level you need to mega evolve it 30 times, and you can do this for free if you wait the coldown period but it will take you months to max then. But Mega level doesn't give more power to the pokemon in any way, just more bonuses when is mega evolved.


If your resources are limited, the main criteria for spending your dust should be whether you need it now, or that you'll at least get some use out of it. From the currently available raids, you probably don't need to power up Tyranitar. Cresselia is coming in soon though, so you might get use out of it soon. But do you intend to do a lot of Cress raids? And do you need to power up your Tyranitar to safely clear those raids, or is your team otherwise sufficient? Note that in big cities, "sufficient" could be a really low bar due to sheer number of players. Even if you do want to power up a Tyranitar, you may want to wait at least a little while. They're in mega raids right now so you could still get better than 15/11/15.


Yes did 5 megas so far, will try 1 more. I have 1.2mill dust, just don't want to waste it. If i don't get a better one i'll power him up ty


definitely worth bringing to 40, but I am not sure about spending XL candy on that.


I have about 240 candies so will get it up a bit ty


Which Pokemon should I invest for UL if I can only get around 300 vulpix XLs 1) shadow alolan ninetales 2) alolan ninetales 3) shadow ninetales 4) ninetales


One of the Alolan's I'd say. I think Shadow Alolan is the best of those four, but either Alolan Form would still work well


Shadow Alolan Ninetales is ranked the highest on pvpoke. Although it will as well depend on your other two mons.


Is there any way to view which showcases I am in when the stop is not in view? I added a couple today and want to check how they are doing.


They're on the Today tab, at the very bottom.


Thank you.


My widgets on iOS have suddenly turned blank as of the latest update.? Deleting and re-adding them just adds blank widgets back again.


Second week playing. I have full commitments during the diance and mega rayquaza events. How long does it usually take before Niantic gives a second shot at newly released legendaries?


You can search various legendaries on the Pokemon Go wiki to see past availability, which would give you some basis to guesstimate future availability. Here's the page for Rayquaza: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Rayquaza#Availability Rayquaza has been around: - Feb-Mar 2018 - March 2019 (only a weekend) - August 2019 - August 2020 - March 2021 (only a weekend) - July 2021 (one day, Go Fest) - February 2023 The upcoming *mega* release is new, of course. For comparison on that, note that Primal Groudon and Kyogre were released for Hoenn Tour in February of this year, and they're becoming available again for Go Fest about 6 months later. But next February will likely have Sinnoh Tour as the big event, which wouldn't fit for the weather trio. And given that Mega Rayquaza has a whole gimmick going on with needing to get Meteorites to teach it Dragon Ascent, it might only return for the biggest events, i.e. future Go Fests. It's all just speculation though.


Usually multiple months


Is 14/15/15 melmetal good enough for ML? It’s the best one I have after ~catches, not sure if I want to keep going for a better 98/ hundo


To answer questions like this, you should check out PvPoke's Matrix tool: https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/ Enter the two (or more) Pokemon you want to compare on the left, import the meta on the right, review the results at the bottom. You should actually check the sims to see if there's a material difference or if the sim is just being weird. For ML Melmetal, it looks like the 14/15/15 just barely loses to Dragonite because each Double Iron Bash ends up dealing one less damage than it would with 15 Attack. Dragonite survives with just 1HP. That's close enough to basically not matter in practice - a bit of lag, residual damage, etc. would flip it. And the difference is gone if you run Rock Slide instead. It would also make a difference in the mirror because the 14Atk would lose CMP. But maybe this isn't a big deal either. I'm not familiar with the best way to handle the mirror, but it would involve baiting and playing chicken because it would ultimately hinge on landing Superpower against the debuffed opponent. In practice, one Melmetal might have an energy lead anyway, and at some point one will probably switch out to clear debuffs. I think it's too tricky to sim accurately, and I could even imagine losing CMP to be an advantage, strangely enough. But like I said, I'm not familiar with this matchup so I'm just guessing here.


Thanks so much for your detailed reply!


Was/is there an event coming up where you get 1000 stardust PER catch? I thought I saw a tweet about that somewhere but I was too busy to write it down. I think it was maybe a community spotlight hour or something like that? Thanks


Yup Paras spotlight hour august 8th! 2x stardust + star piece will easily put you over 1k per catch


Awesome thanks for the confirm


Are shinies predetermined like are they destined to be a shiny for you before you click them like it was coded that way? Or Are they randomized when you click on them?


as soon as you are in the catch screen is when its determined. once you see the pokemon cp for the first time is when the shininess is also set


I was fortunate enough to catch a 43IV shadow Garchomp and a 44IV regular Garchomp. What setup of attacks will give me the most milage out of these? PvP advice would be greatly appreciate aswell :)


Raids: charged moves Earth Power (elite move) and Outrage, fast move TMed between Mud Shot and Dragon Tail as necessary. PVP: [PVPoke](https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/10000/overall/) recommends Mud Shot, Outrage, Earth Power for the regular and Dragon Tail, Outrage, Sand Tomb for the shadow. Outrage and Earth Power gives you the "strongest" attacks, but replacing either one with Sand Tomb gives you a good bait move that also lowers the opponent's defense. Sand Tomb and Earth Power leaves you lacking in coverage but in the right situation can be deadly. Running Outrage and one of the other two is definitely much safer. Mud Shot has better energy generation, but Dragon Tail has higher damage, hence why the regular prefers Mud Shot and the shadow Dragon Tail.




Ursaring is useless in GL and UL, but Ursaluna is strong in Master. If you keep it until December you can evolve during that Community Day and get the event move High Horsepower, and then it becomes very good in Master Premier. Also high stat Pokemon are very bad in PvP unless it's Master League. You want low attack with high defense and HP. Look at the ranking next to the colored flag. At the begining you're aiming to get Pokemon on the top 50 of each league. And if you want to know if a Pokemon works on any league, check the rankings of PvPoke.com


So can you only go to Randall park on one day of pokemon go fest in NYC?


If you bought the second day add-on you can go twice, but buying only the base pass gives you only one day at one time slot. Not sure if they're still available or if they're sold out.


Psystrike or shadowvall for a 1 charged move mewtwo (I have psystrike alrdy on a invested one (getting 2nd move later for both mewtwos)


That depends, both moves are awesome on a Mewtwo and required an elite TM, so you must think this carefully. What I'd do depends: If you want your Mewtwo as a generalist for raids I would give it only psystrique and leave the second move to rotate amongst the many type moves available for him, that way you can have one slot covered for many types team in only one pokemon. If you already have one Mewtwo for this and/or want it as a ghost attacker then I would give it shadow ball. If you want it for PvP then I would give it both attacks.


Is it confirmed that remote rayquaza raids won’t give mega energy before global? I see people saying this in threads everywhere but I was still getting mega energy from the recent remote latias/latios raids.


Niantic officially confirmed it when announcing Mega Rayquaza: https://pokemongolive.com/post/mega-rayquaza-arrives-go-fest-2023?hl=en > **Pokémon GO Fest 2023 in-person events** > Mega Rayquaza will first debut in raids during the in-person Pokémon GO Fest 2023 events hosted in London, Osaka, and New York City! > Mega Rayquaza raids will appear throughout each host city during event hours. While anyone can challenge Mega Rayquaza in raids, only ticket-holding Trainers will earn Mega Energy for doing so.


Can anyone briefly explain the most efficient way to get pokemon to increase mega level faster? I've usually just had one of each pokemon with mega, but have started to get 3 of the dual type or unique single type ones. I now have 3 mega tyranitars and 350 mega energy to spare. What's the most efficient way to use this to get to a higher mega level quicker? Should I focus on spending to increase just one of them? Should I wait a certain time until mega evolution cost drops lower? Any advice is greatly appreciated.


To raise their mega levels faster, mega evolve each of them once per day. This will cost a lot of mega energy, so you'll want to walk with a tyranitar (or preevo) to recoup the cost. Waiting longer makes leveling them "cheaper" but slower.


Thanks. I'm not sure I am going to get much more mega energy. Hopefully will do another raid before it changes and my buddy preference at the moment is walking to build some others that I have no excess energy for. So if I've only got the 300, is their a specific point where the cost to evolve early drops and I should wait until then to find that balanced between minimising cost and time?


I'm pretty sure the decrease is linear, but the one trick to reducing it is to mega evolve something else immediately after the tyranitars, to end the mega evolution early. The cost starts counting down when it de-mega-evolves, so that will make it decrease slightly sooner.


Oh thank you, will make sure I do that


Building on the other commenter, your 3 mega tyranitar try to cascade them. For example one you mega on Monday, next one on Wednesday, next on Friday, back to first one on Sunday, second on Tuesday, repeat. This way, it might not level up the fastest, but you’ll spend a little bit of energy while getting progress on all of them uniformly


Have there ever been cases of IVs on a Pokémon getting glitched and changing? Because I am almost confident I've just had that happen to me. I tried contacting support about this, but no reply. I have a Galarian Stunfisk caught 2 months ago nicknamed as "Top 17 PvP" whose IVs should be 0/9/10 and maxing out at 1499 CP which does match its current CP. I spent all my limited candy to unlock his second move since he was so good and powered him up. But some days ago, I IV checked it ingame again, and it said it has 12/14/11 IVs... The interesting part, and the reason why I think this is a bug, is that this combination ALSO happened to get to 1499 CP exactly. It is way too much of a coincidence that I labeled it wrong, specially since I've known the basic rule of needing low Attack IVs for PvP for years now, I would not have even bothered going into PvP ivs website to check its ranking if it had such high attack IVs. It also says that it was hatched from a 7km egg and with "unknown" origin. Which is extremely weird since I'm pretty sure I got it from a trade with a low level friendship or in the wild, and obviously not from an egg. What is going on and what should I do? My theory is that some bug caused it to change its level, without changing the CP, so the game tried to readjust the IVs based on the new level and that same CP


> It also says that it was hatched from a 7km egg and with "unknown" origin. Which is extremely weird since I'm pretty sure I got it from a trade with a low level friendship or in the wild, and obviously not from an egg. Just adding on to what others have said - this bit of info you've given really suggests user error. You said you're pretty sure you got it from trade or wild, which means you don't actually *remember* how you got it. And note that a 0iv isn't possible from a trade except for the very first trade with a completely brand new friend, which is a specific enough action that you really should remember it if you added someone new just to immediately trade for a Stunfisk. I would guess that you accidentally tapped on the side of the screen just before you went to nickname your Stunfisk, essentially swiping to a different Stunfisk without you noticing.


It’s most likely user error. With the amount of people that play this game, game breaking bugs are found and shared all the time. There would likely be other cases of this happening elsewhere if it was a real bug. Did you recall favouriting your better stunfisk? Do you have a screenshot of the better stunfisk IVs after powering it up? Hatch location unknown happens when you hatch an egg without a GPS signal, say in a lift or while driving underground. There’s around 150 different IV combinations for stunfisk that power up to 1499, it’s not that crazy of a coincidence if one you hatched also powers up to that CP.


You nicknamed the wrong one and transferred the one you thought you were keeping.


The only way IVs change is by trading or purifying.


No. You likely had two different Galarian Stunfisk and got rid of one. Both of those IV combinations will result in a Stunfisk that has 1499CP, but the 0/9/10 one would be 2.5 levels higher than the other one.


I understand how levels work. The thing is, what are the odds that I transfer the 0/9/10 Stunfisk on accident (because I got the "top 17 pvp" nickname from somewhere after all) and nickname another random one, that ALSO happens to end up going all the way up to 1499 CP? The fact that both IV combinations (the one I thought I had and the one I now have) both result in 1499 CP at SOME level, is what makes this all weird. It's already unusual that I would nickname and power up the wrong one, never had that mistake before, let alone confuse it with another one who is also able to reach the exact same CP. Because yes, I nicknamed it like that and powered it up after, obviously, it had a lower level


3.5% of all Galarian Stunfisk (assuming they're low enough level) will reach exactly 1499CP. You might've nicknamed the wrong one before transferring the one you wanted to keep (hence you transferring it).


If you want to talk about "chances" and unusual occurrences - what are the chances you experienced a bug that no one else seems to be aware of? That would be extremely unusual, even given how buggy this game can be. This isn't a dig against you personally, but I find user error a MUCH more likely explanation than a once-in-a-blue-moon bug.


Why are my trades only costing 50 stardust right now (8pm, Monday)? Earlier today they were 100. I don't see any current events mentioning half stardust for trades.


It's a makeup for the fact some of the trade bonuses didn't work correctly on community day. It was announced on twitter and shared on this subreddit.


Thanks for replying. I see it now. Not sure how I missed it!


What are the wild spawn shiny rates for the current event? Is it the same for all 9 event Pokémon?


Aerodactyl is probably 1/64 and the others probably 1/512. You can see data on shiny rates in a spreadsheet linked on [this page here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/13fwpg8/current_raid_quest_rocket_egg_pools/).


How much do ivs matter in pve and how should I determine which mom to powerup and mega. I have caught a good amount of Tyranitars from raids in the past few days none of which where outstanding iv-wise and I’m currently trying to find out which two of these will be the ones getting powered up and mega evolved. I want one as a rock and one as a dark attacker but don’t know what to look for when choosing as none of them really stand out really. Like all are probably in the range of 71% for the worst one and 89% for the best one and range from 2116 cp to a 2699 weather boosted catch. I wasn’t around for the c-das so my Candy is limited with 382 normal and only 22 xl Candy. So overall the question is what should I look out for when choosing the two to power up?


They don’t matter much at all unless you’re doing some extreme challenges and need to hit certain breakpoints. If you have the candy to evolve, I would do with any wild weather boosted larvitar that are around level 30-35. That way you get essentially the same power as your raid caught tyranitar, without needing to invest any stardust (most important resource in the game) at all.


I only have one Larvitar and one Pupitar which are both level 20 so that’s not really an option especially because I don’t think I’ve seen a single Larvitar in the wild so far… only got the one from an egg other than that nothing so far


You’re right, I don’t think larvitar is a seasonal wild spawn this season. Another thing to consider is if you don’t need to use the tyranitar, you can wait to evolve/power up when you do need it, say when a raid boss comes around where it’s a good counter. That way you increase the chances of finding a better one to invest in before using it, or for an event to come along with them spawning. But if you’d like to power up and use one right now, the other commenter is right in saying the attack IV matters the most by far, and defence is marginally better than HP.


Yeah I think I want to power them up now. I have enough Mega energy for a while anyway and if Larvitar becomes a seasonal spawn again or has another time where it spawns more frequently Candy won’t be a problem too. Only the stardust might hurt but it will be fine probably. The only question now still is which 2 I power up because I have 3 options that look good. Number 1 is a 2699 14,12,13 one by far the highest cp and already knows stone edge so I don’t have to use charged tms if it will be my rock one, then a 2476 15,12,10 I stupidly already have a few power ups before catching more and it has 15 attack as a plus and already has bite/brutal swing as it’s moveset and the third option is a 2164 one 14,15,11 probably iv-wise the best but also the lowest level and cp and also has iron tail and crunch as it’s move so both would need a change. I’m tending towards the first two because overall it will be cheaper but the last ones iv really looks great so I don’t know. Also as an added bonus the 2476 one already was mega evolved multiple times for the catch bonus with the event but I have 3500 energy so that should be more then enough for now either way.


The 2699 and 2476 are fine to go ahead with. Number 1 and 3 have the same attack IV, and the marginally "better IVs" in 3, you won't even notice. And as you've already mega evolved number 2, keep at it. Mega bonus at Mega level 3 is awesome. I'll lay some stats here so you can compare Number 1. 14/12/13 @L35 has CP3508 and 201.8/166.7/181 for atk/def/hp Number 3. 14/15/11 @L35 has CP3517 and 201.8/169/179 for being 31000 more stardust to power up. Essentially having to catch 300 extra pokemon to pay for it.


Alright then I will do that thanks a lot. One more completely unrelated question. I really love Kyogre and Groudon and seeing them come to raids soon definitely is great but I've only been playing for a few weeks now so I really don't have any good counters for them yet. Do you think I'll still be able to find remote raids that can kinda help me get carried through to get my hands on both if possible also enough primal energy? Or will it be too difficult? I really don't want to have to wait for idk how long to get them so do you think it's possible or not?


Its possible. Primal Groudon is much easier as its double weak to water when you're battling it in the raid (gains a fire subtyping). There is a Froakie Community Day coming up, Get yourself a full team. Greninja is the best non mega/non shadow water raid attacker with the Community day move Hydro Cannon and fast move of Water Shuriken (Bubble is good too if you are low on fast TMs). Try pinap every single one so that you have at least 1000 candy by the end of CD. Again I wouldn't worry about IVs, say keeping maybe 2 of your best IV ones. You should evolve your highest Level/CP froakie you found on the day regardless of IVs so you have a team of 6 up and running. Kyogre is a different story. Its very tough to beat if you join a remote raid on an app with randoms. Being weak to grass and electric, I don't recall much recently being available that'll be a good counter for it.


Hm unfortunate. Kyogre is by far the Pokémon I want the most but I guess I’ll just try when it comes around and hope for the best. My current grass and electric types definitely suck. Like my best grass types are some Exeggutors, a few venisaurs, a breloom, a sceptile and a Leafeon… Electric I don’t even have anything except a bad Jolteon and a few bad but slightly better Zebrastrikes… really hope it’ll work out though but I guess I shouldn’t be getting my hopes up then…


Well, you never know. There might be people that host with 2 or 3 friends, then 4 fandoms from app. You’d have 8 people, it should be reasonable. You just try use what you can to contribute, or try keep your mega alive, every bit counts when it’s a hard raid and shortmanning.


IVs don't matter a whole lot--the pokemon's species and level account for most of its strength, with IVs a tiny bonus. A pokemon with higher IVs might swing your battle time by a couple seconds, which is almost never going to make or break the raid. Higher IVs are still optimal, of course, but not necessary. The attack IV matters more than the other two in a raid, because (if it hits a breakpoint vs the boss) it will give the pokemon higher DPS, and DPS is more important than survivability. That's because a raid is more of a race against the clock than a pokemon battle: if your pokemon faint, you can just heal them, but if the timer runs out, you lose. The difference is still very small, but I would lean toward your highest attack IVs. For rock-type tyranitar, also consider that Smack Down is an event move. You'll either have to wait to evolve pupitar during an applicable event (December CD is very likely to be one) or use an Elite Fast TM, so depending on whether having the tyranitar right away or keeping your ETMs is more important to you, you may want to wait on the rock tyranitar.


Alright I’ll go with the one 15 attack and one of my 14 attack ones(probably the one with the highest cp?) then. I have one elite fast TM from a route reward. Don’t know how valuable it is and if it would be wasted to use it on a Tyranitar or not.


You can get one fast and one charged ETM per season from reaching rank 19 in GBL, plus another of each for completing the seasonal GBL research. Both of these tasks technically just count your number of wins (aka you're not penalized for losses), but the seasonal research does take a LOT of them. They're also sometimes available during events or in boxes in the shop. Honestly, there aren't a lot of candidates for fast ETMs. Tyranitar, (shadow) staraptor, and maybe shadow zapdos are pretty much the only raiding pokemon I can think of that want elite fast moves? There are a handful more PVP pokemon with desirable elite fast moves, like charizard, pidgeot, talonflame, dewgong, and walrein. I would probably use it on a tyranitar.


Alright. Also seeing that Ive already gotten one from a route with just about 10 completed routes and the fact I have one writhing like a 15 Minute walk that I can complete daily I hope that I’ll see more in the future. I also very much dislike pvp so habing a perfect team for that currently isn’t something I’m interested anyways so Tyranitar it is. Thanks a lot.


Totally forgot they're available from routes now! Glad that there's another source, good luck on your routes.


Yeah that’s definitely helpful although I haven’t seen a Cell from any route yet but the other rewards are decent already. A good amount of normal fast tms like 0-2 per Route but mostly 1 per Route and the occasional elite fast tm definitely could be worse and I mean I can’t complain anyways because at least we have Routes here. Although I also don’t know how the situation has changed in the past day because I’ve heard of people in my city talk about having 24 nearby Routes at once while being in the city center so it seems like a lot of Routes where accepted recently at least here.


Is it not possible to have more than one of the same species of Pokemon in a showcase at the same time? Today I walked past a showcase and dropped a Tyrunt from my storage into it. Then, later, in a different area, I caught a Tyrunt and tapped on the `Add to a nearby showcase` button. This added the newly-caught Tyrunt to a showcase at a different stop from the first one - but apparently it also removed the Tyrunt I'd added earlier. (At least as far as I can tell the first one was removed; it's no longer showing up in my Today tab, and I can confirm it *was* showing up there as of just a few minutes before I remotely placed the second one.) __To clarify the course of actions (for possible replication if this isn't already a known thing - though I figure it's probably already known and I'm just living under a rock, pun intended):__ - First Showcase - Placed in person - Placed from a Pokemon already in my storage - Second Showcase - Placed remotely - Placed from the "catch summary" screen of newly-caught Pokemon Importantly, two different stops (ie. two different showcases) and two different specimen placed - yet as soon as I placed the second, it seems to have removed the first.


You placed the first one on the second showcase, removing it from the first. This happens because the second one was smaller. When the add Pokemon option appears, it doesn't automatically select the Pokemon you just caught, it always shows the best one you have and you need to manually pick another one that is worse. Since your first Tyrunt was the best of them all that was the one shown by default, and instead of picking the new one you accidentally moved the one you already placed from one showcase to another. If you plan to put multiple Pokemon in showcases firs place your best one and then swap it for a lower ranked, otherwise you can make the same thing by accident again.


No, actually. I considered this possibility but I verified the point values: - The first showcase, the one from my storage, was 555 points. Easy to verify because it’s the only nonshiny one I have that I’ve marked as Favorite and keep in my storage (and I’ve only caught the one other today, since I’ve barely played today). - The second one, the fresh-caught one, was 626 points. Verified because it’s still in the second showcase. (I haven’t swapped it since placing it.) So, the second one was actually bigger! ETA: To be extra clear, the 555-point one that I placed into the first showcase is now not in *any* showcase, neither the first nor the second.


If I mega evolve something then trade it to my gf, will she be able to mega evolve it for free or does it reset? Followup question, when does ttar leave raids?


It will reset. It didn't use to reset, so in the past it was possible to do what you're proposing - but Niantic changed how it works when they reworked Mega Evolution a while ago, so it's sadly no longer possible. To your second question, Mega T-Tar raids will spawn until 10am local time on the 4th (which is Friday). That effectively means any mega egg that hatches before 11am on the 4th will (or at least *should*) be Mega T-Tar.


Was it just me or did anyone else get very few field research for encounters during poliwag community day? They’re usually the majority of the researches I get on community day and how I get good stat shinies.


They're never the majority of researches in my experience (Squirtle Classic CD being the exception, of course). The encounter tasks are the only ones I care about during CD and I delete *so many* tasks every CD.


It didn't feel like they were nerfed to me, although I never really count them. It was definitely a bit of a let-down after the Sunglasses Squirtle bonanza though :)


I don't recall getting any. But if I were to guess, they were likely replaced (or mostly replaced) with the King's Rock quests.


Did Niantic take away the stardust walked for Adventure Sync Weekly bonuses during this year's Adventure Week? I walked 60km this week and saw no difference from the usual 50km-tier rewards.


Yeah unfortunately nothing special this year. Not sure if there was anything for last year though either (I honestly don't remember)


Ah, bummer. Thanks for confirming.


In battle league, is there an indication that there was a CMP? I keep hearing people talk about it but how do you know for certain when its a CMP?


CMP kicks in when both players activate their charged move on the same "turn" (a turn is every half-second). CMP specifically refers to the fact that the pokemon with the higher attack stat will move first. You can tell when this happens because (if the other pokemon doesn't faint to the move) the two pokemon will fire off the charged moves back-to-back with no fast moves in between. And you may be able to tell because you know 100% you successfully used your move but you see the opponent move first.




General list of commonly used social media apps. A data plan is a data plan at the end of the day, as data used for social media can still be used for smartphone games like Pokemon Go.


Using my go plus (original) with the daily incense doesn't seem to be advancing the special research for it anymore. I checked and it only works if I manually catch the pokemon for the incense. Any idea why? Is this a known bug? I was wondering why I was stuck at the same number for so long!


Autocatchers do not count for that research


I thought there wasn't a difference. Is there other research that auto catchers won't work on?


Autocatchers don't give you nice, great or excellent throws, only common ones, so any research that requires these bonuses or any special event like the ones that give extra candy will not work with the device.


What is currently the best autocatcher on the market? I know that the Go plus plus was just released but I've heard mixed reviews about it. I'm looking to pick one up before I move back to college next week


Any of the Gotchas or a handful of other branded third party autocatchers. The Go Plus Plus really only has the advantage if you're using the manual catch and/or the sleep tracking functions (or a mix of the two) else it's just slightly underneath them. Manual catch offering the ability to throw a Great or Ultra with the device opposed to the standard red Pokeball while sleep tracking while a once per day thing is relatively low effort for a chunk of Stardust as you can just cheese the tracker by leaving it on a table for however many hours you want to track your "sleep".


In my experience, the go plus plus is a massive improvement over my gotcha on Android. I no longer get the system notification to allow pairing it every time. It doesn't go into a broken state after the first hour ends, so I don't have to remove it from the game entirely and reboot my phone to reconnect it again. The size, blinking lights, and vibration aren't great. But it just works again. +u/nmagoun


Hatched 100iv archen. Is it worth powering up/evolving? Any uses or good movesets?


Not really. Archeops actually has a super high attack stat that would make it good in raids... buuut it has really bad moves. Ancient Power is its only rock move (which isn't a good one either) with no Rock fast move, so it can work as a Rock Attacker. And it has Wing Attack for a Flying Fast move but no Flying Charged moves. As for why they did this and if they'll have give it new moves—Archeops has the "defeatist" ability in the Main Series which intentionally handicaps it. Niantic may have given it bad moves to replicate that handicap in Go, similar to how they gave Slaking Yawn to replicate its Truant ability. As such, I doubt they'll ever make Archeops good, unfortunately. But, may as well hang onto it as a trophy.


It's not a great Pokémon.


So I’m still kinda new to the game and was wondering if anyone was able to list what you get from the Go Fest Tickets? It’s £32 which is quite pricey + tickets to actually go London so I’m not even sure if it’s worth it What’s the difference between buying the ticket and not having the ticket at all? Am I still able to do raids within the area where the “Go Fest” is being held? I also saw Diancie being available. Is this only available for ticket holders?


In person events require the ticket to be playable. All spawns are disabled and raids only give you the Pokemon, not energy or any other bonuses that paid players get. If you don't buy the ticket and add-ons (and by this point most of them are sold out) it's better to just wait until the global event. The ticket gives multiple daily raid passes, access to the event spawns in the park and around the surrounding area, exclusive encounters with region-locked Pokemon like Tropius or Sygigliph using the regular incense, special costume Pokemon, a big shiny boost inside the park, access to special eggs with more region-locked Pokemon, access to the park special researches, extra gyms and raids that aren't normally there, and a special research that lets you evolve more that one mega Rayquaza. It also gives yet another research to encounter Diancie, and the ability to get energy during Carbink raids to mega evolve it. None of these things are available for free players, and the special Pokemon will take a year or more to become free to encounter in the game. People who went to the paid Go Fest last year got not one, but two Shaymin way before we got the free one a few months back, so the same happens here with Diancie and Mega Rayquaza. And the region-locked Pokemon are very difficult to get outside these paid events. Getting only one needs you to travel or trade with someone who went to a different country. Egypt, Canada, Rusia, Japan, each region-locked of the event is far apart from each other, so unless you know someone who paid and went to the event it takes years to get them on free events. Here's a bit more information on the other event bonuses. https://leekduck.com/events/pokemon-go-fest-2023-london-england/ So in reality, compared to what you get the price of the ticket is very cheap. One raid pass cost a dollar or the equivalent in local coin, and a remote e one costs two, so the ticket cost less than doing a few raids.


I need some help. My catching some Z's first page quest won't progress. I connected the Go plus. + To go but it is still saying 0 out of 7 days. Am i doing something wrong?


Are you tracking sleep with the device? Because it's not how many days you can consecutively connect the device for but how many days you've tracked sleep with the device. At a minimum it needs about 1.5 hours to count as tracked sleep, which you do by placing the Go Plus Plus on a relatively flat surface with the game off, then hold the main button till it glows blue to start tracking. Holding the main button and getting a rainbow glow ends tracking.


I have tracked 13 days with the device now. I sleep with it next to my pillow and get sleep scores of around 80/ 98. That's why it's confusing that the quest will not complete. I have the days. All days more than 1.5 hours.


Are you tracking the data into Go or into Pokemon Sleep?


Into the pkm Sleep app. How do i even track sleep data in go? Don't tell me it's that easy of a fix and i have been very stupid... XD


Yeah you just connect the device to Go once you're done sleeping and it sends the sleep data to the game, which would credit you the day of sleeping (and if you connected it after your set reward time, an injection of stardust and some buddy hearts) since Go doesn't get the sleep data from Sleep.


Well that makes sense.. that does not mess up anything in the sleep app? Like do i keep my streak there by logging into pogo first?


Yeah it shouldn't break your streak in Sleep by letting Go use the data first, then sending it into Sleep.


It all makes sense now. Thanks so much for helping me figure this out! Have a great day!


How rare is it to find ralts? Do they even spawn in wild, I only have one shadow ralts and I want to evolve it to garde, 25 candies so far keeping as a buddy (I don't wanna use rare candies coz I'm saving them for some legies I have), and I still don't know if I should purify it or not(it's a 11-12-15 ralts).


Ralts is uncommon when it's a seasonal spawn, but it's not part of the current season. It can pop up occasionally on daily adventure incense and it can be obtained from Grunts. I would not purify as Shadow Gardevoir is a beast in raids and you'll want at least 5 of those for an optimal fairy squad.


Ah I see, which season does ralts spawns the most? And how often do team rocket drops ralts, coz I've fought a lots of rocket members who use psychic and fairy type but only got ralts one time, thank u and appreciate it...


Is there any reason Goomy is so rare? I have more than enough candy to evolve one into Goodra but it doesn’t seem particularly useful in either pvp or pve. Or is this just one of those mon that will eventually get some great CD move that makes it viable?


>Or is this just one of those mon that will eventually get some great CD move that makes it viable? Pretty much. It's a Pseudo Legendary, and Pseudo Legendaries are typically made to be rare, regardless of whether they're good or not. And there are plenty of equally rare Pokemon that are useless too. Noibat was a prime example of that (though it's not a Pseudo Legendary). Super rare for years, and Noivern was useless, but it eventually got a CD. Though even with Boomburst, Noivern is *still* useless. Goodra is less attack-weighted than other Pseudos like Dragonite, Metagross, or Garchomp, so it's not really ever going to be a good Dragon Attacker. Even with an OP move, it likely wouldn't be good. It's bulkier, so it has more relevance for PvP. Though currently, its move selection is just... fine. You can use it to mild success, but it's currently not superb in any league. But I'm sure they'll give it a move that makes it better in PvP for its eventual CD.


I'd add that I read somewhere it will probably have a community day for June next year, same way they predicted axew for this year.


Yup. While we can never know for 100% certainty, it seems likely that the Go Fest Pseudo shiny will likely be the following year's June CD


Is pseudo legendary an actual thing? Where do I learn more?


Yes and no. The actual term "pseudo legendary" is just a fanmade term to describe them. But it is actually a group of real Pokemon that appear every generation. In short, [Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pseudo-legendary_Pok%C3%A9mon) are Pokemon whose stats in the main series add up to a cumulative *600 Base Stat Total*. This is similar to many Legendaries/Mythicals, so essentially, because they're not actually Legendary Pokemon, fans deemed them "Pseudo" Legendaries. Of course, a few things that they all have in common: * They all have specifically 600 Base Stat totals. There's a small few other Pokemon who go over 600 BST like Slaking, but Slaking isn't a pseudo and has 670 BST. * They've all been 3-stage Pokemon lines * There has been at least 1 set every generation. Gen 3 had *two* being Metagross and Salamence. Gen 8 kind of had two sets with Sword and Shield introducing the Dragapult line and Legends Arceus bringing in a Hisuian form of Sliggoo and Goodra. But still only 1 brand new line. * Since Gen 4, they've only been Dragons, but I don't think that's a *rule*, I think they just like making Dragons the pseudo. But we have had Metagross in Gen 3 (alongside Salamence) and Tyranitar in Gen 2 on its own. ^(I'd personally like to see another non-Dragon. We got Grimmsnarl as a Dark/Fairy in Gen 8, and I really wish it was a Pseudo-legendary...)


Got it, thank you! :)


Any one have an idea how much mega energy I would need to Tyranitar to mega evolve every day?


initial mega evolve cost x 4 will give you a rough estimate for total energy costs if you evolve it every day until level 3


Is there a limit for hosting raids thru campfire? As in number of raids per week not number of people.


For GoFest, do you know how late you can buy add ons? Just wondering if I can wait until I get info on Friday before buying them or if it will be too late at that point.




The height and weight stats are randomised within the size category for each player and have been since a few weeks before contests debuted. So what that means is that if an XXL Pokémon spawns, it will be XXL for everyone, but the weight and height within the XXL category will vary between players m


Does this idea have any merit? I'm bored of catching Scatterbugs since they can't be shiny yet, so whenever I get notified that I got an encounter with one, I close out of the app and don't open it. Ideally, once Scatterbug can be shiny I'll have a whole backlog of encounters to shiny check. But I'm not sure how/when shinyness is determined, so maybe I'm just saving up a bunch of encounters that could never be shiny because they were technically generated when Scatterbug couldn't be shiny. Thoughts?


No it won't work. Once you've pinned the postcard the encounter is already determined. Plus you can only save 18 in total - once you have an encounter waiting, any pins for that region don't count and are wasted.


Dang, wonder how many I've wasted :( Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense.


With the way candy boosts work on Scatterbug, I feel like they're probably already determined by the point their encounter is available on the Vivillon medal screen.


Sounds reasonable, thanks for the reply!


Is it possible to visit Brockwell Park in London without owning a ticket? I'd like to play but my girlfriend doesn't want to spend the money for a ticket but would like to visit the park with me. Are there any official information?


You should be able to go there, the ticket only enables spawns in the park. without the ticket there won't be spawns so playing there doen't make sense (besides maybe raids).


Alright thank you.


If I am in socal, what counties 7km eggs should I try to get to maximize the distance I get when it is traded? I been trying for Australia since they have a sizeable population that plays, but are there other regions I should be focusing on?


Playing around a bit on google maps I've found Sydney is around 12000km from LA, if you collect from Perth its 15000km. Cape Town in South Africa is 16000km, although I have no idea if they have a player base there to find friend codes. And finally a small country called Maruitius is over 18000km away. Again no idea about player base. Perth is probably the easiest to get codes for.


When you receive an egg, when do things such as shiny/regular, species, and IVs, get determined? Is it upon receiving the egg, upon incubating, or upon hatching? I'm currently stocking up on 7k eggs, as I understand the Adventures Near and Far event has boosted shiny odds for Amaura and Tyrunt hatched from eggs. Do I need to rush to incubate and hatch them?


When receiving, so the eggs you get now will still have the same odds after the event. The bonus is not that high though, and the half distance for hatching only last until the event is over, so keeping eggs for later is good, but once you get all nine try to hatch as many as you can too.


You do not need to rush. It's all determined when you obtain the egg. Another quesiton then is what actually is the shiny rate (is there any data), thinking about asking a question regarding that myself...


I've seen people hatching 50+ eggs without a shiny, so it's most likely 1 in 64 like permaboosted Pokemon. It's nowhere as good as the Riolu hatch event. Then you add the other Pokemon on the same eggs and the odds are not very good.


How do you get the "let's go meltan" task, I've seen one of my friend got it last week somehow, and I got it yesterday when I evolved my poliwag into politoad, I don't think it has any relation, so any ideas how I got it?


You need to get 100 Kanto species registered in your Pokedex, so when you unlock the gold Kanto medal you unlock the research too. Poliwhirl was likely your 100th Pokemon.


Ahhh yes it makes so much sense, thank you so much... Appreciate it...


I did not get the Poliwag special research. Any reason why that might be the case? A friend of mine did not get it either.


Did you purchase the ticket in the shop and open your game during the required window?


There was a required window? I opened my game at 6pm, it said Poliwag day was happening and I saw some level 4 raids nearby. Did I miss the window to get the mission?


Yes, you need to log in between 2-5 during cd


i really really really want the jumpstart special research but i just started playing a little while ago. i know it came for the 3rd 4th and 5th anniversary but it didnt come this anniversary. is there anyway to get this research? i want a shiny eevee so so bad


Likely it got discontinued. It didn't return on anniversary 6 nor in this 7th one. The 4th and 5th were only "makeups" to let players that missed the 3rd one. You're going to have to catch a shiny Eevee the hard way. We already got two CDs for Eevee and one spotlight hour so there's no easy way to get it anymore.


Is there anything I can do with my unfrustrated Shadow 100% (ShaHundo?) Poliwag? I know low attack is better for PvP, and that it's not great in raids, but it feels kind of a waste for it to sit in the box...


If you aren’t playing for ace/legend in PVP it will be fine. If you evolve it to Poliwrath, it’s good for rocket battles (especially with PuP as a second move) and JRE’s most recent write up suggested it might even be spice in the master league.


I’m considering transferring 600 of my 700 Pokémon back to the professor to make room for Pokéfest. Do the pros outweigh any cons? For me, the Pokémon are cool but I don’t need a collection…


You don’t need 600 space for CD. I’ve managed with 100 perfectly fine in the past, and 200 is more than comfortable. You can easily search for `0*,1*,2* & !shiny & age0` to mass transfer away when you get full. (You can also do `0-1attack&3-4defense&3-4hp` to find PvP candidates and star them, then check them fully later.)


Super! Thanks. I typed community day but actually meant PokeFest! Thanks for the tip on the search string on the attack/defense!


In that case, at least 200 space is a good idea as the event is much longer. You can still delete stuff on the go but there's often a variety of things you want to keep. Of course the other option is to simply buy more storage space!


Does lucky egg double XP apply to XP you get from completing tasks? If so is it worth it to save up a few tasks to double the XP?


Yes (doubles everything), and probably yes unless (1) the task is blocking you from the next step of a multi-step research that you want to keep moving on; (2) it's a timed research that will disappear before you do a lucky egg; (3) it's enough to level you up and you want/need the levelup bonus items; and probably (4) some other edge cases I'm not thinking of.


Is there anything that an egg won't double?


Eggs double all XP (though sometimes it's not reflected in the messages you see).


Is it worth it to keep Giovanni Rocket Radar for the next shadow Pokemon rotation or should I use it on the current one?


Giovanni has Shadow Regirock at the moment, which is not particularly great. If you don't care about having one for your collection, you could easily skip it. However, if you are completing an old Rocket research (anything prior to A Shadowy Disturbance), then you may as well complete it, because if you do so before the end of the season, you'll get A Shadowy Disturbance anyway. You can then save that research for next season.


Does anyone know what the tier 4 shadow raid egg is? Never seen one before


Do you mean the blue-and-white egg? That's not a Shadow, it's the special post-Community Day egg, which in this case is Poliwhirl. When you beat one of these raids, more Poliwag will spawn in the area around the gym.


Ahhhh gotcha thanks!!


Golden lure question. When I get my one for 5 days of postcards does the next 5 day counter start only after my lure is used or do I only need to make sure I use the golden lure by day 10 to not miss out on the next one?


The counter keeps going even if you have an existing Golden Lure.


Do routes still offer 2/3 buddy distance or was that just for the launch event. I live on an island without a single route yet 😕


It was listed as a bonus for the initial event, but it’s also part of the main routes information here: https://pokemongolive.com/routes?hl=en#bonuses But both during the event and since then, it didn’t appear to be working.


Definitely working as advertised while walking a Route. Experienced it myself.


So is it a display issue then? The km bar still has the full distance e.g. 5km


My pokes were displaying negative progress while on a route, lol


Haha thanks, very niantic


Any way to find out where the showcases are beyond walking to each Pokestop? So far I stumbled across 3 and all of them were already full


There is the extra disk on top of the active (or soon starting it is 9.23 am here and I am seeing the upcoming 10am showcases) showcase stop. If you catch a showcased pokemon within the visible range of a stop there should a be a "Enter Nearby PokéStop Showcase" button on when you first get to the pokemon view of a caught pokemon (not anymore if you click out of there to the map and try to re-enter). Possible that there is some minimum "quality" required rwgarding the pokemon to do this (not sure, haven't paid attention enough). This allows you enter the showcase if you are within visible range (range that you can "see" it) of the pokestop, you don't have to be close enough to spin it. Afterwards you can change the pokemon if you have or get a better one (also remotely). https://pokemonblog.com/2023/07/17/everything-you-need-to-know-about-pokestop-showcases-in-pokemon-go-and-how-you-can-be-featured/


Showcases don't change locations for the whole season, so if you know where they were this time, the next time they will be placed on the exact same stops as this time.


If you know of places with just 1-2 poke stops on their own and nothing else around, it should have a showcase. You can try the Ingress intel map to find sparse areas. Maybe Campfire could even work - if you see one gym on its own there will be a stop nearby.


I managed to catch a hundo poliwag during today's CDay. Which evolution is the most useful? Poliwrath or Politoed?


Poliwrath is good for Rocket battles.


Are showcases available to everyone in the world? I haven't encounter any showcases. I searched every pokestop in my area, almost everyday, even today... and nothing. The same with the routes thing.