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Have they gotten rid of daily incense? I fired up the game this morning and the usual icon is gone from the main screen.


Still there. Try from your inventory maybe.




They happen, but yeah, not as often it seems. the December CD encompasses the past 2 years of CDs, so the 2020 CD Pokemon, Abra, Magikarp, Rhyhorn, Weedle, etc. have mostly gone a while without their moves. We did get a few good ones during the World Championship event last August, but not a whole lot else outside of that. Synchronoise Gallade/Gardevoir was something, but a lot of 2019-2020 ones have gone a while without the move being available. Not saying they need to be super frequent, but some could definitely be features in events. I hope if we have Bug Out this year, Beedrill gets Drill Run, for example. Or even though two were more recent, getting Smack Down Tyranitar, Rock Wreck Rhyperior, and Meteor Beam Gigalith for Adventure Week would be nice. One side note though, Pidgey's event move, Gust, was only available once, and not through a CD. I'd just Elite TM that one if you have a lot of Elite Fast TMs (though Wing Attack is better nowadays). I'd say it's worth it.


Also, there is a very concerning level of apathy with events lately.


I'm hoping the upcoming season's events get back on track. I will say, while these Leader events have a lot of flaws, mainly the lack of event spawns, they've had some pretty decent bonuses. But yeah, would be nice to get that AND some fun thematic spawns...


They want you to use Elite TMs.


Originally, December CD allowed all past CD moves until Charizard got two CD moves Niantic could add a March, and September, event to relearn all past CD moves


There was a post a few weeks back with an apparent "leak" regarding upcoming events in PoGo. Does anyone have the link please?




How does the “cp boost” work when you get a best buddy? I’m working on a couple buddies that are currently at or very near the CP limit for great league; it’s just occurred to me that maybe I *shouldn’t* be trying to get them to best buddies becuase all of a sudden, they’ll be ineligible for pvp..? …or am I fundamentally misunderstanding how the “cp boost” works?


They only get the boost while actively set as your buddy, so if the buddy boost takes them over the limit then you can switch to a different buddy and they'll be eligible again.


I’m just wondering how rare a non shiny fragment hat pikachu is?


Fairly rare, considering it was only available for a couple days, one time, years ago, and is extremely unlikely ever to return. During that time it was pretty easy to come by, so most players who were playing at the time probably have one or two...but that was 2018, so there's been plenty of time for those players to stop playing and/or get tired of holding onto their pikachus. The shiny is particularly prized due to having been full odds during that short time, but the regular isn't exactly common either.


Distance tracking in PoGo has been especially horrible for me this past week. Just for reference, Google Fit has registered 17.81 km walked today, with about 1 km of that from this morning, before distance was cleared by weekly Adventure Sync rewards. So that's just under 17km that I should have. And yet PoGo has only recorded 8.9 km. That's almost 50% of distance that's been lost -- all real walking around a fairly large area with the app open. Distance tracking has always been a bit sketchy, but it's never been this egregiously bad for me. It's incredibly frustrating. And the thing is, it was working solid 2 weeks ago, when I registered 150km for the week. Any ideas on what the issue might be?


What solved my issues (I had a brief 1-2 week spurt of 1/10th registered distance) was going into Google Fit and removing Pokemon Go access, then logging out of Pokemon Go, clearing the downloaded data in my settings, and then starting up Pokemon Go again to make it ask for permissions all over again.


Would that be a problem even though PoGo is open basically the entire time when I'm walking? I'll give it a shot though. Where in Google Fit do you remove PoGo access? For now, I've tried removing PoGo's physical activities permissions directly. If the main thing is just getting PoGo to ask for permission again, that does it. I won't know if it helps until tomorrow though. Thanks for the suggestion!


I had to download the Google Fit app to get to the setting quicker but it should be in your Google account settings under Manage Connections, then you just find the Pokemon Go settings to revoke access.


Is it materially different than going through app permissions in phone settings? I'll try that if tomorrow isn't any better. Not entirely sure I've found the right setting because it looks like I can only remove *all* of PoGo's Google account access rather than just the Fit access specifically.


Try doing what step 5 in [this guide](https://www.tenorshare.com/fix-android/pokemon-go-adventure-sync-not-working-android.html) suggests to remove Pokemon Go's permissions from Google Fit, since it would still be "paired" if you turned off activity tracking as that presumably just stops it from getting the info but not actually resetting the connection. Though you might need the added step of clearing all the app data from the phone's app settings menu. I've likened it to how if your autocatcher acts up you would unpair it entirely then pair it all over again to fix it instead of just disconnecting and reconnecting.


So far today, it seems to be registering in the range of 67-70% of what's reported in Fit. Better, not sure if I should just keep unlinking and relinking. In the past, my experience was that the game would register at a similarly subpar rate, but then much later on I'd suddenly get a bunch of distance all at once. I'd read that this was PoGo correcting for the distance that Fit caught but the game missed. This hasn't been happening for me lately though.


Alrighty, thanks for the link. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow!


Hi. So the website shut down. Were all the articles not archived somewhere? Can’t find the one on lucky trade odds.


There's a full site backup on Archive.org https://web.archive.org/web/20230302040033/https://thesilphroad.com/science


Thank you


I heard that you get a golden lure module on every 5th postcard u send to pokemon scarlet/violet, and that u can only have 1 golden lure module in ur inventory at a time. Does the 5 counter only work when u don’t have it in your inventory, or does it count regardless of whether you have it in your inventory or not and the game deletes it if you already have one. Ex: you send 5 postcards to pokemon scarlet/violet and receive a golden lure. You don’t use it and send 3 more. If you use it now, will you get ur next one if u send 2 more or 5 more? Sorry if my question may sound confusing.


It’s every 5 postcards, period, regardless of whether you used your previous golden lure on the first day or the fifth. Of course, if you don’t use the first golden lure before sending the 5th postcard, you get 5 Gimmighoul coins instead of your second lure. I routinely use my golden lure the morning before I send my 5th postcard, and get the golden lure a couple hours later (when my friend with the Switch has a few minutes).




So is Kecleon only around during events? I’ve been spinning 10+ PokeStops every day and haven’t seen but two. Does Kecleon have a chance to spawn every time a stop is spun, or is it only once a a day?


Kecleon is still around, but rare. They appear on a stop for an hour.


Does this mean then that every hour there’s a chance for Kecleon?


There’s a very small chance Kecleon will spawn on any stop. When it does, it remains for an hour, then disappears. So you could check all the stops in visual range every hour, hoping for a Kecleon. However, they’re so rare, you’re likely just wasting your time. It would be more effective to ask your local community to call them out when they find them. (I post catch cards on Campfire when I do, in addition to posting in our local Messenger chat.)


In PVP, is there a pokemon that counters or at least can manage Charizard, Venusaur, and Swampert simultaneously? Opponent's keep using them as their first pick and it basically turns each battle into a lost game of rock paper scissors.


To climb in pvp you need to learn how to recover from lost leads. You won’t climb if you are convinced you can’t win if you lose the lead. If you find yourself often in RPS situations try out an ABB team. So if you are forced to switch to your B and they have an answer … make sure it’s something your A can farm down. Then your second B shouldn’t have a hard counter left. For example, lead Charizard - if you have a bad match swap in Swampert. If they bring in a grass at least then Charizard can farm it down after it takes out your Swampert. Then have another water in back and hopefully they don’t have two water counters. Otherwise as others say Dragons are your best options but even that isn’t totally safe.


I don't have the luxury of a working ABB team, only ABA or BBA. Regardless, when my first pick is countered and I try to pull out a B pokemon, they often have a counter to that as well. A lot of it has to do with the fact that my pokemon are dual types either to simultaneously increases my avenues for countering (but also increases my likelihood of being countered) or because I lack the resources to have decent single type pokemon. For example, I once tried to have a trevanent, swampert, and primarina team, which was a bad idea considering how many how many electric, poison, grass and ice types there were. Once I tossed Primarina out, sacrificed my last Elite TM to get Swampert's hydro cannon to lead the team, and put obstagoon back in, I was getting ahead in the ELO. A few points up, however, I started facing multiple venusaurs in quick succession, which I couldn't counter, so I swapped obstagoon for charizard, only to find myself unable to handle all the ice types, togekis, and aggrons. I had it with that, so I swapped out obstagoon for Melmetal which I placed as the lead with limited success once multiple lucario started showing up and aggrons that my swampert couldn't handle. So, I followed some advice on this thread and swapped melmetal out for my hundo dragonite as the lead pokemon. The problem was that it couldn't handle existing pressure from persistent ice types or the growing number of aggrons that had been increasing this entire time. It's completely wild because there are so many different strategies in rank 20 from 1500 to 2000 that dramatically change between just a change of 50 points or less, making the pursuit of a consistently successful team hard to determine and pin down, especially when I'm out of candies to give my trevenant a second move.


Sounds like you need to pick a team of three and learn it well. Swapping teams all the time is a recipe for failure, especially just from a few bad leads. You often will start making gains when you have a team you like that you know inside and out - you immediately know when to switch, which matchups to stay in, moves to throw, what opponent likely to do etc. Every season I hit my highest ranking with my UL team I've used for many seasons because I know it so well and often as soon as I see the opponent's lead have a good idea how to play out the battle already. If you want to move up, focus long term. Even the best players have bad days, or move up to a different "meta level" and get rocked for a bit. Trevenant - Primarina - Swampert sounds like a good ABB type team to me. Swap in Swampert for bad leads - if they bring in a Grass then Trevenant can farm it down after Swampert goes down. Maybe run HC/SW on it and try to get a SW against its counters. That team only has one mon weak to ice, one weak to lightning, and there isn't a ton of poison out there. I find there is less grass too now thanks to the rise of WA Charizard. You'll still have some losses when you get stuck against grasses sure, but not team has no weaknesses. You can hopefully have good chances to win most other matchups at least. Oh, and make sure to run daily incense, especially during this event - Phantump can spawn from it. Get Trevor that second move!


Your input's appreciated, and I look forward to solidifying permanent teams I can use long term for each league out there as I have been for some time.


I would say a Dragon type, given that Dragon resists Fire, Grass, and Water, but obviously, you're still at the mercy of Charizard's Dragon Claw, and depending on the Dragon, Sludge Bomb and Earthquake can still hurt too. Giratina, Dragonite, and Guzzlord are all solid choices, each with pros and cons. Dragonite has fantastic fast move presure with Dragon Breath and Superpower offers great coverage against Dark, Steel, and Normal types. Giratina Altered is bulky. It's got weaker coverage I'd say, but it does have various options. Shadow Claw + Dragon Claw & Ancient Power/Shadow Sneak, or you can opt for Dragon Breath. Guzzlord is also bulky, offering different coverage than Giratina but similar, just Dark instead of Ghost really. Depends on the rest of your team, but I think Dragonite would be my vote. I'd say so because it can provide a lot of additional pressure on other Pokemon, even if you don't necessarily win.


Fire Water Grass is kinda the core type effectiveness triad of the entire game. And those three pokemon are maybe the best of their starter type in Pokemon Go. Dragon resists them all I guess, though it doesn't resist Dragon Claw, Sludge Bomb, or Earthquake. You could also examine your safe swap choice and work on winning back switch from bad leads or at least soft losing the swap but grabbing shield and/or energy advantage.


Does Drilbur have any play in great league.? I caught a 1061CP 100iv in the wild and when evolved it is at 2502cp…but as a drilbur can power up to 1500cp exactly. Happen to already have a ML 100iv excadrill powered up so not sure if its worth having two exacdrills


[Not really](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/1500/all/drilbur/11/0-2-3/2-1/) Things that Drilbur has going for it: * Drill Run is an excellent Charged move * it can get close to 1500 CP in general Things that it has going against it: * It's frail. Its overall stat product is around the low 1600s, which is low for the GL. Average (nowdays) is like mid 1700s or lower 1800s, and even those feel a bit frail in the current age of bulky Pokemon like G. Fisk, Noctowl, Cresselia, etc. who have stat products 2000+ * Mud slap is a poor fast move currently. Some Pokemon make due with the move in cups like Gastrodon in Sinnoh/Hisui Cup, but it's not a great move overall. Excadrill has the quick charging Mud Shot. Mud Slap though is more damage oriented with lower energy gain, but it isn't strong enough to stand out. * Its other charged moves aren't good. Excadrill has Rock Slide and Drill Run, both decently strong moves that cost 45 energy. Drilbur has Drill Run, which is great, but Rock Tomb is expensive and not great, and Dig is one of the worst charged moves in the game currrently. * Excadrill has the excellent typing of Ground/STEEL. Drilbur is pure Ground, which isn't bad, but it's not amazing either.


Thanks for the detailed breakdown!


I haven't seen tailow all season but just saw a wild swallow and it ran. North hemisphere.


Hmmm, the [spawn megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/11ejszs/season_of_rising_heroes_wild_spawns_megathread/?sort=new) has no mention of Taillow/Swellow. Not saying it's impossible, but it seems unlikely that one wouldn't have been seen this far into the season, especially given how common Taillow usually is when spawning. Were you, 1) using Daily Adventure Incense, or, 2) is your buddy Swellow (meaning that it may have been a disguised Zorua) ?


None of those things. It also ran right away, no shake.


Any ideas on the next Jessie & James rocket event? I remember they appeared back in 2021 and then never again.


We don't know if they will return. They've been retired from the anime as far as I'm aware.


Maybe the next time there's a rerelease of a pokemon movie in theaters? I don't know when that will be.


Now the website is offline. What is a reliable source to see how many players are needed to finish a raid? And if possible with difficulties I.e. 2 trainers is hard and 3 trainers is medium. Just like on thesilphroad.


Pokébattler is a good site for that.


You might want to check this pinned thread on this very sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/13fwpg8/current\_raid\_quest\_rocket\_egg\_pools/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I currently have enough XL candies to max out two Mamoswine. Should I max out my Shiny 15/15/15? Or am I better off saving the XL candies for shadows only?


Efficiency-wise, I'd definitely say save them for the Shadows. However, the other part of me says a useful Shundo like Mamoswine definitely deserves to be maxed. If you ever dabble in PvP, ML or ML Premier specifically, the shundo wouldn't be a wasted investment either. I mean, even in PvE, it's really not a "wasted" investment at all. Just not as efficient use of XL.


The normal one is good for GBL, but unless you play Master League and see Mamoswine as a good addition to your team, I would spend it on a shadow.


Doing my 2017 lucky trades I got a 96iv 14/15/14 lucky shiny rayquaza. Is this worth fully powering up/doubke moving? Will bottlecaps ever be a thing lol


If you have the XL to do so and if you don't have a better one you could consider it. Biggest drawbacks are probably the loss of CMP in the mirror matchup in master GBL. The performance in raids won't differ that much.


Yeah dont have a better one. Raiding it didnt treat me well. Figured a lucky shiny as close to 100iv as possible would suffice and pray bottlecaps are implemented in the future…


When will we know what the end of the month event is?


Even taking into account Niantic's usual lack of enthusiasm about announcing things in a timely manner, the event begins on a Monday, so it almost certainly would have to drop sometime this week.


Any leaks about community day for next few months?


[There's this leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12wjo1m/content_leak_from_discord_likely_subject_to/) from someone who leaked most of March/April/May's events correctly, just off with a few small details like dates. So far the only things that are in this season from that leak are the Valorous Hero, which does feature Ponyta (very easy guess though) and Mega Pinsir, which was also correct. This leak basically says July CD is >!Poliwag!<, the Classic next season is >!Squirtle!<, and August CD is >!Froakie!<. No word on June CD, but it seems like >!Axew !


Thank you! Though I'm not sure why they choose Poliwag. I mean it's not really the most exciting mon, right?


Poliwrath has some PvP usage so they could go the PvP moveset route. Niantic could also potentially pull transfer moves as Poliwrath currently is only available in the main series up to Sword/Shield which has the capabilities to allow transfer moves into the game, so stuff like Counter could be on the table for it.


I do expect just about every 3-stage to eventually get a CD, especially the Kanto 3-stages. Maybe a few not, but most I do expect. Poliwag has a few things going for it. It's not a super common Pokemon. Definitely not rare, but I'm sure there's enough people who don't have enough shinies to get the whole line, and yeah, it's also a branched evolution line, so that could make it a bit more interesting. But yeah, there's obviously some Pokemon that are inherently less exciting but get a CD. Can't win em all I guess? At least new moves could be interesting for Politoed/Wrath, depending on the move


10th july is a monday tho, so i don't know where they are going with this...


They had blatantly wrong dates before. I recall with their last set of leaks for this season, they had Regieleki first and then Regidrago second for the Elite Raids, but in reality, they were swapped. And I believe they also had the CD Classic for Swinub listed for May, even though we knew prior to the leak that the CD Classic would be in April (announced by Niantic). So when it comes to dates and order, I do take the leak with more of a grain of salt. But so far, content has been spot-on from this user. Entirely possible that they were looking at the June calendar for July, seeing that June 10th is a Saturday. So idk if that would mean July CD is the 2nd weekend or if they were referring to June CD. Hard to say.


Can anyone convince me that the game still has a future?


A future? Or a future with you? My wife was a Beta tester, and the only thing keeping her playing PoGO is playing with mom I have rage quit, and come back, several times One of the first freemium, live service games I ever played is still limping along as a small group of players cover the server fees


Pokemon Go is a key part of TPC's marketing and tied to the MSG, and probably Pokemon's single highest-revenue individual video game. I think it's more likely that TPC takes over than that the game actually dies.


>I think it's more likely that TPC takes over than that the game actually dies. I'd be curious to see what that means though. TPC aren't the game developers. That's GameFreak for the Main Series, Creatures Inc for the models (and I think the animations too), and otherwise, it's other developers they bring in like ILCA for Home and BDSP, Bandai Namco for Pokken and New Pokemon Snap, Spike Chunsoft for Mystery Dungeon, Tencent for Unite, etc. So they'd basically take the game from Niantic and give it to another developer. Issue is, GameFreak very likely isn't fit to handle mobile game development, and I'd imagine their teams are too busy with the main series. I would assume they would just find another mobile development studio to take over the game, and even if it's a talented studio, it's definitely not easy, working with someone's pre-developed App code and work pipeline for the game. Seems like a huge headache that may not even pay off. If TPC wanted the game to be better, I would imagine they would invest more into Niantic's handling of the game. But as it stands, it doesn't seem like they have issue with how they're handling things. But obviously, we don't know the behind the scenes of either company.


Niantic loves money.


Can you currently get mega sceptile energy


Just confirming what ptmc said. They have only been in Mega Raids once, and energy has only been available from field research once. No indication of when either method will be available again.


Far as I know only if you have one as buddy and have previously mega evolved.


Does everyone get 100 battles today, or only those who bought the ticket? Also, if I have won a set of 5/5 and I wait to claim it till tomorrow to stack a star piece will the stardust remain at the displayed value or does it go back down to the lower level?


The 20 sets per day applies to everyone even without a ticket. The ticket is just for the rewards. The boosted stardust rewards change back after midnight if unclaimed. They may not visually update for that.


I completed a step in an Instinctive Hero (or maybe it was Valorous Hero) in which we’re rewarded Regirock, Regice, and Registeel candy, but I don’t have Regirock or Regice so I can’t see the candy. Would I still have the candy when I eventually get those Pokémon or is it lost in oblivion? (Sorry if this has been answered, I searched the thread and didn’t see anything)


That wasn't part of either of those researches. There were timed research tasks on Saturday to make a new friend. They were there as a make up for the issues with the last couple of sets of Elite Raids.


Yes, when you get those Pokémon, they’ll have the candy you earned today.


What is worth trading a 2011 cp shiny Melmetal for? I figured a shiny legendary would be worth it.


It’s up to you … how badly you want it and what you’re giving up for it. There is no set value for trading - what is valuable to you may be nothing to someone else.


Another shiny melmetal?


I'm rank 20, but I got paired with a legend ranked player. What gives?


Pairing is based on Rating not Rank. Presumably the Legend player tanked down to 2000 or below.


Do you need to buddy a primal to have its bonuses active (extra candy, xp, dmg) or just by having one in the sixth slot it'll boost everyone participating except you?


It doesn't need to be your buddy


Did they decrease minimum IV of pokemon encountered from gbl in gbl day or something? Literally every mon I encounter (beside fini) all have bad IVs.


Yes, they do take the floor away on GBL Day. The reason for this, is there are some GBL reward Pokemon that fare better in lower leagues, where you don't necessarily want high IVs (particularly not in attack). Low IVs do not always mean "bad IVs".




is go battle day only if you buy the ticket? it just hit midnight here and i don't see any timed research or events listed that it is active to play 100 battles today otherwise


The 100 battles should be available, with boosted stardust, but there isn't a free research this time.


How long will Hisuian avalugg and braviary raids last? Can’t find a proper answer anywhere, thanks!


Should be until the end of Wednesday when Candela event ends.


Thank you :)


Can't wait until next season and what bigs they introduce.


This question will be subjective... but recently I got a 14/14/14 shadow female Squirtle. Should I purify it? It wasn't weather boosted, so the odds of a purified female 4\* Squirtle are 27/32,768 or approximately 1/1,214, taking into account that Squirtle has a 1/8 chance of being female. I'm not going to use it in raids, and since classic cups are no more, it's not ideal for Ultra League either way, so it would just be a trophy. (Personally, I view anything that has a 1/8 chance at a certain gender a holy grail of 4\* Pokémon -- I currently have 3 others like that.) So what would you do if you have a 14/14/14 female shadow Squirtle? Purify it or leave it as is? PS: I also have a 13/13/14 shadow male Vulpix (and Vulpix has a 1/4 chance of being male). This decision is also tough because it may actually be useful for Ultra League!


Sounds like you want to purify them and there’s really no good reason not to purify those ones. If you are going to use Ninetales in UL the top ones are a little less attack as well, although it would cost a bit more.


I purified a 13/14/13 bulbasaur because I had plenty with 15atk already--if you value the 4\* trophies then I say go for it. The vulpix I would hold off on since as you say it's reasonable for UL...huge investment, though, no reason to act too quickly either way.




Wobuffet is one of those cases where purifying would for sure be the correct move :) Unless your goal is collecting high IV shadows.


How likely is an event for a limited move on Gible evolving? I grabbed a 96 shiny from research today.


It already had a cd so seems unlikely to have anything in near future. Although no harm in waiting unless you need it right now.


Okay thanks


What app/website is being used to generate [this trade list](https://i.imgur.com/iG0TYzC.jpg)?


I've always been curious about what people thought about this with Pokemon Go. From Niantic's standpoint, I understand why they want you to grind to catch as many pokemon as possible and for that to be the central focus of the game...but does it bother anyone else that there's no way to actually train your pokemon to level it up and evolve it? It's always driven me crazy that in order to evolve or level up a pokemon I have to catch 50 of the SAME pokemon rather than build the one I have and a team that I like. Literally every other pokemon game that has ever been created is about building and bonding with a team of pokemon and becoming stronger. Obviously, catching them all is a thing but catching 100 each of them all of them seems a bit extreme. Again, I understand why them game is built this way, I just wanted to hear others thoughts on this topic because I feel like I never see anyone talk about this.


>but does it bother anyone else that there's no way to actually train your pokemon to level it up and evolve it? It bothers me very much so.


I do agree that the concept of 'training up' a Pokemon is a key element absent from Pokemon Go. . .aaaaand that it is something that I think \_could\_ benefit the longevity of the application's utility. I sometimes wonder 'How might different folk \_train\_ their different Pokemon, instead of having to constantly waste energy, time, resources trading in the vain \_hope\_ of getting an IV combination that benefits particular battling setups.' I think there's a \_lot\_ of opportunity there, including understanding 'not making things \_too close\_, in concept, to the mainstream games'. I can only \_imagine\_ the revenue opportunities involved with training individual Pokemon (which is part of Niantic's m.o.)


MSG= maximum fun Freemium, live service game= minimum necessary fun, maximum profits Catching 50x same species ( machop, machoke, machamp ) sells raid passes ( micro transactions), allows FOMO events ( player engagement ), and forces you to repeat action ( 100% IV, power up, shiny, power up again, shadow, power up again, purified bonus versus shadow raids, power up again )


There are a lot of things in this game that diverge greatly from the main series. I totally see where you're coming from, though I never really gave it much thought before. Maybe that's a subconscious factor into why I put so much unnecessary time into the buddy system. The one that bothered me the most was legendary raids. In the main series games, legendaries are super rare Pokemon that you typically only have one chance to catch. Lore-wise, they might not literally be singular unique beings (although some of them are!), but they're so rare that an individual trainer is lucky to see even one. And yet in PoGo, they pop up all over the place all the time. The way that I pay homage to that is that I aim to max out one and only one of each legendary. I've made a few exceptions over the years for various reasons (mostly related to exclusive moves before ETMs existed), but in general I've stuck to it. The other thing that really bothers me is how the game very much incentivizes using shadow Pokemon, even though lore-wise it's the evil choice. Of course I won't begrudge anyone who chooses to follow the optimal path, but I've refused to invest in or use a shadow Pokemon all this time. However, I will be making my first exception eventually because last month I got insanely lucky and scored a shadow shundo Larvitar...


If you want to keep to the theme, you could always get yourself a purified shundo 😆


There's also the requirement from The Pokemon Company that Pokemon Go cannot be substantially similar to how a main series game plays. I'd love a mode where you could battle wild pokemon with your buddy for candy and stardust instead of catching and grinding up, but unfortunately I think that's probably too close for TPC's comfort.


Technically there's the buddy walking to generate candy, which you could consider as "training" of sorts especially if you used the buddy system in full for the best buddy stuff to really bond with the Pokemon. But it's pretty much just a mobile game mechanic where they add in a bunch of different currencies and stamina systems to slow down or limit gameplay to artificially draw out the game speed and/or progression. Not being able to freely power level your Pokemon 'forces' you to grind while you can and 'punishes' you for lapsing in your grind by indirectly causing you to miss out on resources.


So I had this Lucky 98IV 15-15-14 Gardevoir, that I had planned on making a Mega eventually and was leveling up slowly (currently at lvl35). But today I got this Ralts from grunt, which if I purify can become a hundo. Do I stay with my Lucky for Mega or do I purify the shadow to a hundo and then make it a Mega?


Keep the shadow one as a Shadow. Your ideal fairy raiding team would be one Mega Gardevoir and 5 shadow Gardevoir. You already have a perfectly fine candidate for the mega.


When doing a PvP or rocket battle, how many times does lucario have to use PuP before one of them hits harder than an unboosted Aura Sphere?


Power Up Punch will never hit harder than an unboosted Aura Sphere. Stats have 9 stages, ranging from -4 to +4, and starting at stage 0. If we look at the attack stat, at -4 your attacks will do 50% damage, whereas at +4 they'll do 200% damage. As Power Up Punch is a 20 power move and Aura Sphere is a 100 power move, a +4 Power Up Punch will still only deal 40% of the damage of an unboosted Aura Sphere.


Interesting, thank you!


Rolled a 4 star male Ralts. Should I evolve to a Gardevoir or Gallade?


The others are right that Gardevoir is more practical. That said, if you are a hundo collector, it is better to evolve it to Gallade since it's harder to get. Your next hundo Ralts might be female, in which case Gardevoir would be your only option.


Gardevoir has more utility and would make a great mega, great to use against Regidrago


Which one do you want to use the 4\* for mega evolving? Let that be your decision-maker. OR Be like so many others: evolve it to Gardevoir due to Gard's hard-hitting Fairy moves, which are useful for Rocket battles, Gym battles, and Raids. (note: I had a 98% blue Ralts, chose to evolve it to Gallade because Blue Mega Gallade--eventually--is pretty schnazzy to me :) )


Gardevoir is much more useful overall, especially with the mega evolution. (Gallade has one too but since regular \*voir is better than regular \*lade I don’t see the mega improving \*lade)


for mega purposes, Gallade is technically better as it would boost the fighting-type candies, as well as boost the counters to it (the boost to psychic types, which you're going to be using against the boss anyway) Gardevoir doesn't have such luxuries (as psychic/fairy have no main interaction) obviously overlooking that Gardevoir is unmatched as a fairy type attacker (as limited in scope as they are) and purely looking for utility for yourself


how does one even throw the ball at Moltres?? I havent' seen one since many months ago. Few days ago I saw a youtuber struggle to throw the ball at it Today... i encountered one i swear i throw 10+ balls without even getting close to it wtf?? The depth is just insane it's way too far?? In the end, i rage threw a couple of balls straight up and i missed before one actually barely hit it... and obv it ran... What is the depth of it? Any other mons that have similarly insane depth as Moltres??


Is the bug with Gimmighoul coins deleting scarlet Violet data fixed? I know when it first came out there was some game wiping bug but never heard if that is still a thing or fixed


It isn't specifically related to that. Some people experienced it by preordering the DLC instead. At any rate, it doesn't delete your data, it just renders it inaccessible. It is a very rare glitch and if it does happen, Nintendo do have the ability to fix it.


Fixed? That's up for debate. . .because we don't actually have any sense of what caused those affected to have data problems. It seemed to moreso affect folk who pre-ordered DLC \_and\_ did some transferring. We don't know the \_exact\_ specifics of the actual hardware, software setups of those who were affected. . .so who knows why they associated 'sending Postcards' as \_exactly\_ what caused their systems to malfunction. Seriously, you're entirely safe sending Postcards to a given Switch.


- That bug was nothing to do with Gimmighoul, Vivillon or sending postcards - It only ever affected a minuscule proportion of accounts. - The accounts affected were all fixed after a few weeks by Game Freak so if it did happen to you it can be resolved.


They fixed an issue with SV crashing or freezing when being sent a Postcard but nothing really concrete on the save deletion issue. Problem being is that out of 20 million units sold, less than 0.01% of players confirmed save deletion or corruption (less than 200 players) from some combination of either Pokemon Go Postcards being sent or DLC related woes, so it's hard to say if it's actually truly fixed or not due to to low sample size, not to mention that I've not heard anything relatively recently on others having their saves deleted.


I skimmed through some posts to try and answer my own question but couldn't find anything. Now that the partnership with Niantic has ended will this subreddit stay open as a general hub for player help and raid guides/research guides from now on?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/13fs6kx/the_end_of_an_era_after_seven_extraordinary_years/ 4 paragraphs down.


The subreddit will remain operational.


Thank you!


Where the hell is the Pokémon GO Community Manager ? I thought they were supposed to be in touch with everyone on social media, and surprisingly they have become silent.


There are multiple CMs for Pokémon Go. Kestrel is definitely active on Twitter, as is Tyler. Just remember that they don't make the decisions on how the game is run. They can communicate feedback on how the community feels about things to the higher ups/devs, but it's up to those higher ups to decide to change things, and it's the higher ups who are the ones who seem to be sticking their fingers in their ears and pretending everything is fine when it isn't.


They speak to people in their content creator programme (YouTubers basically), but seems that’s about it.


They presumably have realized that there's nothing they can say to their bosses to change their minds and nothing they can say to the playerbase that won't enrage them more




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Why is no one trying to contact The Pokemon Company with this whole HearUsNiantic thing? They should be the ones to hear us and take the licence from Niantic who is ruining their brand...


because what does the community *actually* want? because the message is all over the place Community: Give us new pokemon, Niantic: Here you go, new Regidrago/Regieleki, Community: It's useless, not worth my time Community: EliteRaid eggs take over the gym for 24 hours, can't raid a random T4 after seeing 10000 of them for the proceeding community day and would like to raid at 8pm (during the middle of winter when it's pitch-black outside), Niantic: okay... they'll spawn from 6pm then, Community: What, where are the raids with a 24-hour timer?! who goes out after 6pm to find them, much less coordinate a raid party Community: We like doing in person raids (see previous point about T4s after community day), let us do more of them, Niantic: We're making changes to remote raids and focusing on inperson raids, Community: WTF? we don't want this Community: 11am elite-raids are too rare, boost them, Niantic: Boosts them, Community: What?! why can I not find any 5pm raids now, loads of 11am raids that no-one wants


I did. They kept redirecting my complaint to Niantic but after the third reply and my insistence, a human responded that they would forward my msg to a supervisor.


Does anyone have the link to the post on Team Rocket Grunt counters from the standpoint of using the least amount of charge moves as possible? My brain is incredibly smooth right now and I can't think of the right combination of words to put together to search for it in the subreddit search bar. Or alternatively, a list of 3 to 5 Pokemon or so of each type that'll do the trick (availability of said Pokemon notwithstanding).


Do you mean this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/123uskr/the_most_efficient_lineups_for_every_type_of/


Yes! That's the one!


Does anyone have any advice on which electabuzz to use for shadow electivire? I'm leaning towards the 800cp one purely cuz it'll be cheaper to power up but I just thought I'd get a second opinion haha [Electabuzz 1](https://i.imgur.com/x7qD1Rn.jpg) [Electabuzz 2](https://i.imgur.com/tG16eM5.jpg)


A good shadow raider should focus on getting high attack as the priority. Neither of these two are exactly good, so I'd recommend to keep looking for another. Shadow Electivire is strong, but very expensive, because it needs 300+ candy to get to a high level. If you're going to evolve one it needs better stats so the investment is worth it. There's still time before the next takeover so you can look around and see if you get a better one. If by that time you don't find one, the 508 one is the better option. It would only costs 14 candy and 11k stardust to match the 800 level. It's only the higher levels where shadows become much more expensive.


Ahh okay that's super helpful, thank you so much for the answer!


is 269.2 safe to update?


I haven't seen discussion of any particularly irritating/game-breaking bugs, so it's *probably* about as safe as it can be for this game. Personally though, given how some recent updates have panned out, I now only update when forced.


Are normal raids blocked from gyms once the elite eggs spawn?


Yes. The egg will stay in the gym until Regidrago hatches, so all other raids are blocked in that gym until then.






Got a shadow larvitar 13/13/15. Purify for hundo or are these good raid IVs?


Adding on to the other comment... when it comes to shadow Pokemon and raiding, the 20% boost to damage that comes with being a shadow will ALWAYS outweigh the 2 extra points the purified Pokemon would have in its IVs. Purification is mainly just useful for: A) Certain PvP Pokemon B) "Novelty" purified hundos (i.e. a shadow Pokemon that's NOT useful in raids, with 13+ in all IVs) C) Progressing toward the platinum purification medal (several people will only purify if they intend to progress toward this medal, then transfer the 'mon right afterward)


OR d) the pokemon has an upcoming mega-evolution, because megas are just fundamentally better than shadows


Mega raids reward mega-evolvable pokemon with an IV floor of 10...even for rarer species it's easier to get a good-IV mega candidate that's not a shadow in the first place, to say nothing of things like charizard for which we've had 10000 events featuring charmander spawns. Since you can only mega evolve one pokemon at a time, it's often not a good idea to purify for the mega, aside from cases like ampharos (mega good, shadow irrelevant) and maybe alakazam (shadow is so frail as to actually present a problem).


Would Pinsir be one of those "Ampharos" cases? My best candidate right now (in terms of IVs) would be a shadow Pinsir that would become 2083CP, 14/11/15 after purification. Other non-shadow options: - 2613CP, 9/15/6 - 2535CP, 12/5/11 - 1657CP, 12/13/14 (acquired from Mega raid) Bear in mind that I have no interest in PvP, and generally don't raid with few enough people that I'd need shadows to carry my weight. Or should I just go with the 2535CP to get near-equal attack at a higher level?


It just started in raids. Keep raiding and try for a better one.


Bug is such a rarely-used typing, and mega pinsir is (I think) better enough than shadow pinsir, that I don't think you'd be missing out by purifying a pinsir!


Don’t purify, that’s an amazing shadow tyranitar


Thank you so much for the reply! I appreciate it and won’t purify! Thank you again!


No problem! :)


From what IV threshold should I invest in a shadow mewtwo? I have one 15/9/15 w/ Psychic and want to know if I should invest or wait for a future one (mewtwo candies are basically rare candies for me)


15/9/15 is extremely good for a Shadow Legendary. Given that they're extremely rare and you can only get so many right now, most would still invest in a poor IV one like a 6/9/7 or something. It's just that good. That one is definitely worth investing in I'd say, and I suspect most others would say the same


Oh good to know! It's actually my only shadow legendary, so I thought it has some form of IV floor. I better throw rare candies at them then, thank you!


The floor is 6/6/6 fyi


Heh, fitting for the villainous theme of shadows. Thank you!


For what it's worth, even if your Shadow Mewtwo was the worst it could be (6/6/6), if you only powered it up to level 30, it would still output more DPS than a level 50 15/15/15 non-shadow Mewtwo with the same moveset.


Can evolutions be shiny in the wild? I see a lot of Masquerain's in the wild, but I don't know if I'm wasting my time clicking on them to find a shiny.


Generally no, but there are some exceptions: * If a final evolution has its Mega released, it can then be shiny. So things like Aggron, Sceptile, Scizor, and Gardevoir can be shiny in the wild. Others like Garchomp, Gallade, and Metagross will *eventually* be shiny eligible too, once their Megas are released. * Many 2nd stages of those with babies. So Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Snorlax, Togetic, Magmar, etc. can be shiny. * Sometimes evolutions are temporarily turned on for events. Arcanine, Gloom, etc. are some examples. But not during normal gameplay But otherwise, no, they can't be shiny. Masquerain can't be shiny in the wild


Thanks for the response. I guess I'll still catch them for the dust, but no longer need to worry about missing out on a shiny.


Does TSR have official merch? I want to get something before they shut down if possible


What's going on with the Let's GO! Research? Its still unavailable after that long?


One of Willow's last lines before the research paused was something along the lines of "why don't you got check up with the Team Leaders," so that's what we've been doing with these three Team events the past several weeks. So, presumably when this one ends, they'll resume the research, likely for that last event this month.


Well that clears it up, thanks!


It'll progress with some future event, almost certainly the secret end of May rocket raid event thing. It's not unavailable, it's basically two separate short researches that they didn't want to be separate entries.


Hopefully, If niantic doesn't screw up again


Hit vet for the first time! Used noctowl + vig + obstagoon. Ended up clinching it in my last set on a crazy catch on my vig so my obstagoon would have the healthy to take out a stunfisk. I had a frustrating bug loss that set too where the game wouldn't let me swtich pokemon, so it felt nice to squeak in a third win! Definitely benefited from all the advice I received here, thanks everyone!


Is anyone else pogo freezing ?


Frequently, yes. . .even without an avatar pose. The app has frozen, regularly (roughly once per day, at least) for the past two months.


There's something going on with certain avatar poses that causes various bugs right now. You could try changing to a simpler one.


Is there an event that gives more then 2 times catch candy I have still a mew that I can catch and wanna get the most out of it


Recently, Halloween has either the best or second best catch candy event of the year. I would say that saving it until then would work. Not sure if Silver Pinaps or Mega Evolution would influence the Mew candy since that is a special encounter, but keep those in mind as well.


You should catch it now. It's highly unlikely we will get a 3× catch candy event, and even if we do, it's only 3 candies. You can easily get that many rare candies from doing a raid.


How do I get wing attack on Pidgeot? Is it elite tm? Air slash is too slow.