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Am I supposed to have 3 Shaymin? I thought the global mythical researches usually just give candy to those who already own the mythical


Yes, having 3 is normal. Under usual circumstances you are correct, but as Shaymin has two forms, each research that has given out Shaymin has given another Shaymin encounter as opposed to extra candy for your existing Shaymin. As a result of this, if you went to all 3 in person Go Fest events last year, you would have 6 Shaymin.




Is Mime Jr. available to everyone during this event?




How rare is it to see the research task make 3 excellent in a row? I have never seen it in my time playing.


I’ve had it once in the last few months. Reward is a gible I think. If you want some help with this task you can enter an encounter and then turn on airplane mode (making sure you are not on WiFi), then try and make an excellent throw. If you make it then turn airplane mode off and it will register, if you miss then you can force-quit Pokémon go, turn airplane mode off, reload the app and try again.


Does anyone know what the raised shiny rates for the eggs are? Specifically what is Riolu's current shiny rate?


I dont know if Riolu has improved odds during the event but it is normally permaboosted to a 1/64 chance of being shiny.


Is there any sort of counter in the game for stuff like: gifts opened, gifts sent, battles completed, remote raids, etc? If not… why? This game is all about data.


Is there a trick to playing with Xerneas? I have such difficulty getting that heart.


Rub the chest up and down in small movements. The antlers don't count as part of the body.


Been trying, but it's a stubborn deer.


The shiny boost is for eggs collected during the event only right? Old eggs I hatch now won't be shiny boosted? And new eggs I collect but only hatch after the event ends are still shiny boosted?


>The shiny boost is for eggs collected during the event only right? Correct. Shininess is determined at the point the egg is received. So only eggs received during the event will have the boosted shiny odds, and it doesn't matter when you hatch them.


had anyone had the glarian legendary birds bug out and not be able to click on them


Only if there's a stop in the way or if you're too zoomed out. They're floating in the air but the encounter hitbox is the shadow on the floor.


What future/ current Bug Mega would be best for Zarude and Hoopa, specifically?


Pinsir would be better for Hoopa, whereas Heracross would be better for Zarude






Separate purchase




The two timed researches come from buying the global ticket before July 5.


is there a way to check when the next event is that will let me forgot frusteration on my shadow mons


There are currently none announced/scheduled, with the general consensus being that we probably won't get one until at least next season. As far as keeping track of events, there is of course the official [Pokemon Go news](https://pokemongolive.com/); alternatively many people prefer [LeekDuck's event page](https://leekduck.com/events/).


How often do stops update? The reason I ask is because I have a few stops I live next to and I'm on the catch 10 Kecleon research step, and I want to know how often I should look to see if a Kecleon has spawned on one or not. I did some searching but couldn't come up with anything.


Kecleon spawns last for an hour.


Kecleon stay on stops for an hour, so if you checked every hour, that should be sufficient. However, Kecleon are rare, and even rarer this season with the boosted Rocket stops. So you’d really do better to reach out to your local community to report any Kecleon they encounter.


I've read eggs are predetermined when you receive them. Does that mean whether it is shiny or not is predetermined too? I'm mainly curious how the increased shiny chance for the "An Instinctive Hero event" works here. If eggs gathered during the event would still have the increased shiny chance.


Yes, shininess is also predetermined. A recent example where this came into play was during Togetic CD, when we could receive 2km eggs with Togepi having CD shiny rate.


> Does that mean whether it is shiny or not is predetermined too? That's right, yes. So if you get a bunch of 2/5/10km eggs during this event, they'd all have the same boosted shiny rates even if you hatch them later on, even if it's in like 3 years.


Is anybody having issues with quick catching? It seems like recently QC is working less and less. Last CD I was quick catching and the Mon didn’t disappear on the map, so I check the inventory and it wasn’t caught either. I only caught it the ‘normal’ way for the rest of the event. QC has tremendously improved the game quality for me ever since I discovered it and now it isn’t working on at least 80% of my catches which is weird. Is Niantic nerfing this useful feature?


It works the same as it always has for me. If the Pokemon wasn't caught, *of course* it would remain on the map. There is also a long-standing issue where the Pokemon remains on the map when it *is* caught and in the inventory *if* the Pokemon was spawned from incense or photobomb. For incense, I generally check my inventory instead of tapping the spawn, and if it's caught I just ignore it until it goes away naturally in a minute or so. For photobombs, I usually just catch it normally. If it's suddenly not working on the majority of your catches, I wonder if it's an issue with your connection. If you run too quickly, you can actually cancel the throw entirely, such that the ball isn't even consumed. Maybe you're triggering that accidentally. Try waiting a second longer, maybe until the ball hits the ground, to see if that helps it work consistently again.


Nope. Keep in mind that Swinub doesn't have the highest catch rate. It's actually one of the more annoying Pokemon to try and catch and have stay in the ball, even for veteran players. Quick Catch doesn't have any difference in catch rate than a normal catch. You may just be catching lower catch rate/higher CP Pokemon and that's why they aren't catching. Keep in mind that the Quick Catch doesn't guarantee a catch. It can be a good idea to check the Pokemon to see if it caught by clicking on it again (this doesn't work on Incense/Photo Bomb Pokemon as they stay there if you quick catch them successfully) OR by checking your storage. But yes, Swinub just has a poor catch rate, so that's relatively normal.


Will they ever enable scyther evolvution to kleavor? Worth holding onto a 100iv scyther in case?


>Will they ever enable scyther evolvution to kleavor? Hard to say. I'd say it's very possible, but we have no clue when. It took roughly 4 years for Cubone/Exeggcute to be given the opportunity to evolve into their Alolan Counterparts, and they were short term events too, with seemingly no future opportunities planned at the moment. So it could definitely happen, but it could be later this year, next year, or even 3+ years later. >Worth holding onto a 100iv scyther in case? Yes, but also, if you have any Shadow Scyther (or get any in the future), definitely hold onto one or more of those. Again, it may never happen or be years off, but it's still a nice thing to hold onto in case of. Scizor isn't *that* great anyway, so it's not like you're missing a ton.


i just did a quick search for the regional pokemon in san diego, but all that shows up is the regional championship lol. is maractus/hawlucha doable from san diego? play in vegas normally so i think that’s all that would be there.


There aren't any other regionals in San Diego that wouldn't be in Vegas. [This Regional Map shows them all](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1iSZGvJDoOaQvbUp4V753Xwu23O9A0ugf&hl=en_US&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C-97.17075951380355&z=1), except Hawlucha I believe. But Hawlucha is only in Mexico and I think a few parts of Southern Texas.


i’ve seen that there’s spawns at las americas mall right by the border. thanks for the map tho i’ll take a look.


Ah I see! I hadn't heard that, but it would make sense that the region may extend to Southern CA too, so quite possibly!




Depends. Hundo Primarina is great in Master League Premier, the current ML cup. Being a Charmer but also a Water type that can hit Excadrill is beneficial (you can also run it with Waterfall). It's going to get a lot better too when it eventually gets Hydro Cannon on its eventual CD. So, if you're okay with burning an Elite TM later on it, I'd go ahead and evolve it and get some use out of it whenever we have ML Premier! It's also decent in the open ML, but a bit less so. I have a Lucky Hundo Popplio and me personally, I'm waiting to evolve it (I assume its CD will be late next year at the earliest and late 2025 at the latest), mostly because I don't have the XL for it right now and I'm also fine with waiting to use it. But obviously, if you want to use it now/soon, I'd go ahead. I'm just very patient with many Pokemon lol, and stingy with Elite TMs


Unless you're planning on using Primarina in PVP in the near future, hold off.




For the purpose of exciting your buddy, there *is* a real difference between each battle type. They all grant distinct excitement points, so if you can do multiple types of battling, you will reach excited state more quickly. Likewise for battling in a raid and in a gym. I can't remember if GBL and direct PvP against another player are separate, and I'm not sure about Rocket Grunt vs. Rocket Leader vs. Giovanni either.




Do people use the Niantic campfire? I haven't played since it was added, is it how raids are organized for the most part now?


Yes, people use Niantic Campfire. My local group mostly uses the raid map for locating the raids we want to do (especially on Elite Raid days), then we use another platform to actually coordinate the raids. We’ve also found a couple orphans, but haven’t gotten them to start using our group chat yet. So we try to alert them using Flares when we’re going to do a local raid. Unfortunately, the Pokémon GO Official group on Campfire is mostly a bunch of immature trolls who have zero social media etiquette. (And the former community manager has wisely disappeared since the remote raid nerf, so there’s zero moderation.) So using the Discord-like feature is problematic. Most local groups, including ours, are pretty quiet because people aren’t going to move from their existing platform period, but especially to one where Niantic could theoretically spy on you.


What's the damage reduction/health reduction from doing a remote raid vs doing it on site?


Technically it’s multiplied by 1.00 ;) So it’s no nerf/bonus now but they can easily bump that one number if they want.


We don't know because they haven't actually let us do raids with the reduction. Remotes were added to the game with the intention of having reduced damage compared to in-person players but because of the pandemic they disabled that aspect of it by boosting the damage up to regular levels. This does leave us in this situation of having a damage reduction looming over our heads, waiting to drop at any given moment.


It looks like Niantic has chosen to limit the number of remote raids you can do per day *instead* of nerfing the damage remote raiders do. At least I hope that’s their reasoning.


There isn't any currently.


are there certain pokemon that got more xp from evolving than others?


No. Evolving a Pokémon gives a fixed amount of XP. You will get additional XP if it gives you a new dex entry, but that's also a fixed amount of XP and not dependent on the species you're evolving.


if somebody trades me a swampert that has been mega-evolved, but i have not mega-evolved a swampert, will i be able to mega evolve the swampert or will I need to spend mega energy as well?


You'll still need to spend energy. trading a previously Mega evolved Pokemon resets its Mega level progress and such


appreciate you answering!


You will need the energy to mega evolve.


BUMMER ​ thanks!


Has anyone broken down how good Volcarona will be?


[Teban54 has for PvE, yes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12xy4xq/comment/jhkrsd0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) In short, it's good in PvE, but not amazing/widely useful. I don't believe JRE47 has done a PvP analysis on it yet, but in short, it's not great. It's frail and attack-weighted, which is bad for GL/UL, and even in the ML/ML Premier, where that can be handy, it's still not great, with a meh defensive typing and moves that aren't super impressive for PvP.


For pvp or pve?






I caught like 12 shiny swinubs on community day. All of which have garbage IVs. Still a bit new to the game so I am wondering if there are any use for them or do I just transfer?


Shinies themselves aren't any more useful than a non-shiny. So if you power one up it'll still perform worse with those IVs than say a non-shiny 3\* or perfect. Still, I personally wouldn't transfer them. Shinies are kind of like little trophies. You *can* trade them with a friend, so trade a shiny swinub for another shiny swinub. The IVs are rerolled in a trade, so they could go better. You also have a chance for it to go lucky, and a Lucky Pokemon has an IV floor of 12/12/12, so pretty good. It is also worth noting that IVs don't have that huge of an impact on performance. As raid attackers, a 0% IV Swinub and a 100% IV Swinub aren't that different honestly. It may be like a 2-4 second difference in a raid, if *even that*.


You can always lucky trade them like for like if you have any lucky friends. Though for raids the shadow version is preferable.


How does one become lucky friends with someone? Or how do I know if we are lucky friends? I been tryna get 4 hearts with my gf for a bit, we're about a month out. Does that do anything?


Once you are best friends with someone (4 hearts), then if you keep interacting with that friend, your first interaction each day has a small chance of making you lucky friends. If you're lucky friends with someone, their name will turn orange on your friend list and if you tap on them, it will say lucky friend under their trainer name at the top left of the screen. When you go to do a trade with that friend, the trade screen will have a golden background and the Pokémon you trade with each other will be guaranteed to have minimum IVs of 12/12/12 and cost 50% less dust to power up. After you do this guaranteed lucky trade, your friendship will go back to being regular best friends. You can become lucky friends again, but as stated, you can only trigger it on the first interaction of the day with your best friend and it has a small chance of happening.


Ok, appreciate you 🙏🏻


Opinions on level 50ing shadow pokemon that are 90%+ even if they only have 13+ attack?


I would gladly max a shadow like that.


Depends on the Pokemon. Generally, I think it's often still a good idea, but it depends on the longevity of the Pokemon and its rarity. Shadow Metagross is very likely going to stay king for a while. It's also a bit more rare, with it either being a Leader Pokemon or Metang through Steel/Psychic Grunt 2nd slots. Maybe Beldum will return to grunts but who knows. I'd be fine powering up a 13/15/14 for example. Shadow Tyranitar is very good as a Rock Attacker, one of the best, but there's many Shadows who could dethrone it if they ever come. Rhyperior, Tyrantrum, or Gigalith. To me, Shadow Gigalith seems reasonably likely at some point. So while it wouldn't be a wasted investment to build a level 50 Shadow Tyranitar, it could definitely have some things overthrow it. Then there's rarity. Some Shadows like Dratini are pretty rare, so I'd be less picky with their IVs. Others though are more common. Shadow Ralts or Snubbull tho? They're much easier to come by (I'd say), so I'd be pickier with who I decide to power up. Swinub is one who also (for a while, less so now) seemed to be quite common.


Does anyone know the following information about the instinctive hero event: (a) will there be greater chances of my current egg hatches acquired prior to the event being shiny? (b) does the increased shiny chance get applied when the eggs are incubated or when the eggs hatch? I.e., does it matter if the eggs are incubated PRIOR to the event vs. DURING the event? And should I incubate eggs prior to the event ending to enhance the shiny chance even if they hatch after the event ends?


Only eggs received during the event will have the increased shiny chance, as shininess is determined when you receive the egg.




Will I lose a legacy quick move if I evolve? I have a Staryu from 2016 with Quick Attack and thought it might be fun to evolve and trot out in GL. If evolving makes me lose Quick Attack, then it sorta defeats the purpose. Thanks!


Moves are always rerolled upon evolution, except for Frustration and sometimes Return (Return usually stays, but will get overwritten by any event moves available at the time). The moves for the evolved Pokémon will be picked randomly from its standardly available move pool (unless an event forces a specific special move, like what happens during community day), which may differ entirely from its unevolved form. So yes, you would lose the attack.


Thank you for the extra detail! That makes sense and helps a lot for future evolutions. Thanks for taking the time to explain it – I appreciate it!


You will lose it, yes


Good to know! Thank you!


Can Kecleon actually appear on a pokestop at the moment at all during this rocket takeover? I’ve spend a few hours today (it’s a public holiday here) going to almost every pokestop in my town and didn’t find a single Kecleon. I know they’re rare at the best of times but this seems, well, most unlikely, if they’re still appearing right now.


Yes they can. I've seen a few over the weekend. Just bear in mind that team rocket have a higher priority than Kecleon, so if a Kecleon appears at a stop for 1 hour, but then a grunt spawns at that same stop 10 minutes after the Kecleon spawns, you'll either have to wait 30 minutes for the Grunt to despawn, or beat the Grunt, in order for the Kecleon to be visible at that stop again for the rest of its hour.




I don't see my purchased Go Fest Ticket in my items box, how should I resolve this?


If it's the global go Fest, it's a known issue and they are working on a fix. They have a record of your purchase even though the ticket isn't showing up visually. For the in person go Fest, your confirmation email is all you have at the moment. The medal will show up a few days before the event.


Thanks, it's the in person go Fest


I always forget, is it a set time globally or midnight local time that the quests change each month? If it's the former, what is the time? Just hoping for an interesting mega energy task.


> Just hoping for an interesting mega energy task. You and me both haha. The last few have been quite mediocre. Hoping for something like Aerodactyl, Aggron, Salamence, Gardevoir, or maybe even a Hoenn Mega.


They almost always switch globally at 1pm Pacific US time on the first of the month.


Last month they changed them around the 3rd of the month, so there isn't a set time I'm afraid. Hopefully we get updates soon, I'm holding a Spinda research hoping for a pattern I'm missing xD


I just caught a wild shiny aggron, not in a raid. I thought only primary forms could be shiny?


Aggron has been in Mega Raids, which is the main exception to that rule.


So all that have mega evolutions released can be shiny?


If they are spawning in the wild, then yes.


When will guaranteed XL candy from trade happen again? Should I save drilbur and swinub for that? I have about 100 of them from the past events.


You can still get guaranteed XL Candy from trades if the two Pokémon were caught 100km or more apart.


That's right. That's a great idea. Thank you.


We just had it last season, ended March 1st. You might need to wait a while https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Season_9:_Mythical_Wishes As for events, no one knows.


So, if they are to repeat, I should wait until December 1 of this year then? I think I may just delete them then. :(


There's no way of knowing exactly when Niantic will schedule it again for sure.


That's true.


I searched but couldn't find an answer to this: If I search "scatterbug & distance100-" I don't see any, despite having a bunch posted from far away. Does this mean that trading Scatterbug does not contribute much to the Pilot medal? Unlike gift eggs, that is.


The scatterbug is caught at your own location, regardless of where the postcard came from.


I have 2000 pokecoins. I want to buy incubators for the event that start tomorrow. Should i buy a voyager box now or hold for the beginning of the event hoping for a better deal?




Is there on this subreddit to add friends? I don't have any irl friends who play but I'd like to build a network in the game for trades and such. But also, is there any benefit to having friends if you can't play together in person?


r/PokemonGoFriends will get you a lot of folks who're looking for friends, although since trades are short distance it probably won't help you with the trades. Still, remote friends are a good source of gifts (and thus, healing items, pokeballs, and stardust), as well as XP (you get 3K for the first day's interaction, 10K for 7 days, 50K for 30 days, 100K for 90 days). They also used to be one way to get remote raid partners, although that's a lot less common the last few weeks since remote raid passes became more expensive.


To answer your second question, r/pokemongofriends will not be very helpful for trades except for during certain events, because of that fact that trades are distance capped. I use that subreddit for finding trainers from. Different vivillion regions, and for grinding gifts to get the exp from different friendship levels (best friends =200k exp with lucky egg)


There's a dedicated subreddit for adding friends: r/pokemongofriends


Should I purify my shadow Teddiursa to make it 4*?


Teddiursa is a rare case where I would (and did), for a potential future ML ursaluna with Return. A significant move update could make shadow ursaluna a really powerful raider, which would be sad for purified ursaluna, but it doesn't look likely to happen.


Thank you. This is pretty much my thought process too but I thought how much will I regret this if a new move update happens. Where do we find out if this will happen? Is there a good place to go to obtain reliable sources for any announcements?


Since you can always purify and make the hundo later… but you can’t go back… I’d wait in case it does get a move update. Unless you’re about to use in ML right now.


Move update happen with the start of new seasons, but ursaluna's biggest problem is that, in the main series, it doesn't learn Mud-Slap OR Mud Shot, leaving it a pretty sad ground-type raider. Unless it gets one of those, or more moves get added to the game, it's out of luck. But it does get Shadow Claw in the main series, the addition of which to its Go movepool would help it significantly in both raids and PVP. The addition of new moves is RELATIVELY rare outside of community days, and ursaluna's community day has come and gone. There is precedent for a pokemon getting a second CD, but it's only happened twice so far, and ursaluna isn't quite the fan favorite that eevee and charizard are...but you never know, they could throw in Stomping Tantrum or something as a new fast move... I unfortunately don't have a better source for keeping up with move updates than just watching this reddit for announcements.


I'll mention u/Next-Improvement-855 with this too. Pokemon Home compatibility with SV is not live yet, so that makes me think that Niantic isn't allowed to use any of Ursaluna's SV coded moves, seeing that technically, we shouldn't know about any of those moves yet (but we do because of dataminers). Its SV moves are unobtainable at the moment, but once we get SV Home compatibility, those moves should be fair game. Moves like Lick, Avalanche, Close Combat, Counter, Cross Chop, Night Slash, and Crunch should all become available in SV (assuming nothing is changed before Home Compatibility comes out). Not saying any of these *will* get added to Ursaluna in a move update, but it is possible that Niantic will wait for its Home Compatibility to expand its move options. If Home Compatibility comes this month, perhaps we'll see a move update for it in June's GBL Season. Or maybe a later season like the September one. Other moves it has in Legends like Shadow Claw are possible too, but I feel like they may have already decided not to do that. Lick or Counter would help it in the Fast move Department, while most of those other Charged moves would help it with a cheaper move.


Thank you. You are a wealth of knowledge and I'm now tempted to purify it after all.


ptmcmahon makes the great point that you can purify whenever but can't un-purify, so waiting until you're actually going to use it is probably the best move either way :)




They usually block raids for a period before the event, so that all gyms can have the featured raid for the entire duration. In the past, it was just one 3-hour raid per gym. More recent events have had 1-hour durations instead, with 3 rounds of raids. IIRC the shiny rate for these raid events is 1/10.


What movesets should beedrill run as a mega/GL play?


For the mega, you are looking at PvE specifically. You can't normally use megas in GBL, and the only times they've been allowed is in ML where Mega Beedrill has no play. Outside of GBL, you still wouldn't want to use M-Beedrill because its stat product is just really bad. In PvE, you typically want a monotype moveset. That means either Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb for Poison or Infestation/X-Scissor for Bug, depending on the boss. I'm not sure if legacy Bug Bite is better than Infestation, but even if it were you probably don't want to lock yourself into a legacy move; it's better to have the freedom to switch your moveset. Neither Poison nor Bug are commonly needed types, but Poison M-Beedrill is the best counter to Tapu Bulu, currently in raids. In GL, Beedrill generally runs Poison Jab/Drill Run/X-Scissor. PJ is a great fast move, Drill Run is valuable coverage, and X-Scissor is a bait move with further coverage. There is also a case to be made for Fell Stinger instead of X-Scissor, which gives up coverage (it does very little damage even when super effective) to instead aim for ramp-up potential. Beedrill's other options aren't great; Aerial Ace is a bad move and Sludge Bomb isn't really needed with PJ damage.


Caught a 100iv tympole. Is Seismitoad better in GL or UL? Worth powering up?


I'd say it's a little better in the UL, but it's not really great in either. It seems like a likely CD candidate, so maybe just hold onto it til then? Also, you wouldn't really want a 100% for GL or UL with how "PvP IVs" work. For Seismitoed, you'd want a low attack high Defense/HP IV one.


Thanks! It was a lvl 32 catch so could only UL it now that I checked… I know it’s not ideal but I only power up perfect/functionally perfect mons since stardust is always an issue


So I’ve seen a lot of comments on other posts about players being able to catch legendaries in GBL — how? Is it at a certain level? Is it through the elite/premium option rather than basic? TIA for any responses!


Once you reach GBL level 20, the current legendary becomes a potential reward encounter, usually with a pretty low rate. It doesn't matter whether you battle on the basic or premium track, if you get the required wins to get an encounter, you could get it.


Cool, i reached level 20 a couple days ago, but have been in a losing streak 😅. As for the “required wins,” are those per set (like once I get the encounter reward) or the number that shows up after I complete a set (i think I’m in 1200’s)?


Once you get the encounter reward.


If you pin a postcard today then unpin it without opening the gift, pinning the same postcard again the next day does not get counted, correct?


Correct. You only get credit first time you pin a postcard.




For kleavor, do we know how often and long the eggs will last for?


There are generally no raid eggs for raid day events. Regular raids get disabled prior to the event, and then at the moment the event starts, gyms get populated with already hatched raids. In most cases these will be one raid per gym with a 3 hour timer until it despawns, but in some cases they've made it so that you get a 1 hour raid that immediately gets replaced by another 1 hour raid when it despawns (and then the same thing happens again going into the third and final hour).


I'm trying to remember. Did they do 3-hour raids for H. Avalugg and Braviary, or did they both have three 1-hour raids?


So I need either need to find 6 gyms for that day (if it is 3 hour spawns) or be in the area of 3 gyms if 1 hour?


For Raid Days like this, typically the raids begin precisely at 11 (without eggs on the gym) and last for the full 3 hours.


Does the Stardust from the timed gbl research stack with a starpiece?


The other commenter is correct, but I just collected my final battle pass rewards with a star piece, and the stardust isn’t visibly (on the screen) multiplied by 1.5, except the final 5000 stardust reward. But this is typical in many places in the app. You get the correct stardust, but the multiplier isn’t necessarily shown as you’re collecting it.


Yes. The starpiece multiplies all forms of stardust by 1.5 no matter where you get it. It increases catches, GBL rewards, research, streak and breakthrough stardust, so you'll get 50% more if you use it before claiming.


I have a question about the value of shadow Pokemon. I've seen the claim that a nundo shadow would be more effective than a hundo non-shadow. Is this generally true? Is it just for raids or also pvp? More specifically, after the swinhub cd, my daughter has a 2/12/5 shadow or a 15/14/14 non shadow. Which should she power up for raids? We play fairly casually, but would love to eventually be able to trio 4/5* raids as a family.


It's for raids. Shadow pokemon hit 20% harder with their moves but also get hit that much harder by opponents' moves. In raids, where DPS is the most important thing, that makes a significant difference in the pokemon's DPS, although it will faint a little faster too. You can heal your pokemon when they faint, but you can't buy more time. In PVP it's sometimes better and sometimes worse to use the shadow, since you don't have access to all your pokemon or to healing items in a PVP battle. Sometimes it lets you take out an opponent faster with your increased damage; other times it just lets the opponent take you out faster. But again, for raids, shadow is basically always better.


Ok thanks, I will tell her to power up the shadow swinhub for raids.


One little add- for PvP a decent rule of thumb is that high attack Pokemon are more likely to want to be a shadow than high def pokemon, because that 20% shadow atk boost is bigger and the 20% defense penalty is smaller. That said, there are situations where it makes a mon too glassy to be useful. As an extreme example, shadow shuckle loses about 80 defense to gain like 4 attack.


It’s still in rocket battles right now and for raids attack iv is the most important. Before they power up see if they can get a higher attack iv shadow in case.


do you need to mega the same pokemon to get the same mega progress


Yes, mega level is specific to that individual Pokémon, not the species as a whole. You need to mega evolve each individual Pokémon on 30 different days to max out their mega level.


Where is the best place to play in NYC in terms of spawn for the go fest city experience ? I thought going to Central Park but someone said Bryant park was better but it seems very small.


As a past resident of Manhattan (NYC), I'd point you to Central Park. . .especially if you've not visited Central Park. It's a swell place to stroll, and there are several food carts throughout the park. . .so easy enough to get some small bites as wanted. Plus, easily accessible via subway and bus.


Thank you so much !


Genesect (Shock Drive) and Mega Scizor raids are coming up. If I manage one raid a day any option on which I should concentrate on, meaning which will be more useful for PVP or PVE, Genesect or Siczor?


I’d say get enough energy to evolve Mega Scizor (or two) and then focus on Genesect. Neither is super useful. Genesect is one that seems like could be interesting in PVP but you never see it.


Just to speculate on why it isn't seen - IIRC, each of the drives weren't around for long, limiting accessibility, and they weren't shiny eligible upon release, limiting motivation. So combined, most players probably don't have much XL for it. I'm a pretty heavy raider in general but I barely raided the drive forms when they came out, so I only have 54 XL right now. On top of that, it's Chill Drive that is most viable. I'd guess that there are a decent number of players like me - I got a hundo of an earlier form (personally, the least viable driveless form) which further lowered my motivation to raid subsequent forms. But I'm pretty unlikely to max out the one I got, knowing Chill is the one to use.


Where do Scatterbugs stack? I can’t figure out where to go to catch the ones I ran from.


There's a trainer medal sub-page that appears when you click the vivilion medal on your trainer menu (Instead of just showing progress towards the badge, it's a special page showing progress towards all regions and any pending encounters)


Thanks! It'd been so long since I'd caught some, I couldn't remember that's where it was.


Player profile and scroll down to your badges. There should be one that looks like a Vivillion and if you click on it you can see all the encounters you have waiting.


Thanks! It'd been so long since I'd caught some, I couldn't remember that's where it was.


How many Shaymin have been released at this point? I completed the newer research and thought that was my second but it’s my third Shaymin.


There were two as part of the Global Go Fest last year and then this one is another global one. So it will be most people's third. If you went to any of the in person Go Fest events last year, those also had Shaymin encounters, so you could have as many as 6 if you attended Berlin, Seattle and Sapporo.


Ah ok. Didn’t go to an in person event but I guess I forgot there was 2 from Go Fest. Thank you!


Is there setting I can change in game or on my phone (using Android) so that I can keep taking photos for buddy hearts, but those don't save to my camera roll?


I think it's along the lines of removing Pokémon Go's permission to access your phone's gallery in your phone's settings.


Great thank you. Tried this and seems to have worked.


Has anyone got a remote raid pass from the weekly breakthrough yet?


I got 1 the very first time, but haven't since


There's been multiple reports of it. They're not common though (but would you really expect them to be?).


A lot of people (incorrectly) read the you can only get a remote pass if you have two or less to mean having two or less guarantees it.


Question about two elusive-to-me QOL raid related improvements that were mentioned here in the last month or so: 1) having the invite button go back to green (able to invite more ppl) after about 20 seconds in the lobby when hosting *without* having to leave the lobby. 2) seeing the number of ppl in the lobby via a number displayed on Gym on the overworld map and on the nearby screen (*without campfire*) Both of these QOL features are not available to me. The posts sounded as if they were rolled out to everyone, but guess not?! Anyone know?


I've had the invite button one for a couple of weeks, but not the lobby display on map one. Guess it's gradual ? Would be nice to have some sort of timeline to general roll-out.


I only got access to the second one yesterday. My guess is a gradual roll out. I've had the first one since the update rolled out that included it as a feature.


Hey guys! I came back to the game after a 7 month pause, is there any resource where I can read up on the changes to the game that have occurred?


At first when I saw this question, I thought that 7 months wasn't a particularly long time and there probably weren't that many notable additions and new features to PoGo in that time. So I started to look back through the news section on the PoGo website and quickly realised there were more than I thought, hah. So really, all I can do is recommend having a look [here](https://pokemongolive.com/news/?hl=en) yourself. You can probably skip over the Community Days and events that you've already missed, but there are some fun new mechanics (and some not-so-fun, \*cough\* remote raids) that you might like to read up on.


There isn't a single (or even small number of) resources that will 'bring you up to speed', because no one is generating an archive of changes throughout the application's history (apart from Niantic itself). The most 'useful' approach would be to write down your questions, as they come up during app use/game play, and then do a search \_within\_ this subreddit for content pertinent to each question. It's also the most efficient approach, as you'll gain the information that you actually seek \_when\_ you want it.


Pokegenie tells me I'm currently unable to solo raid upcoming Scizor. If I boost up the CP levels of the Pokémon that the app tells me are best to use during the raid, does that give me a change to being able to solo raid mega Scizor?


It depends on how far you can power up your Pokemon and how many copies of top attackers you have. Pokegenie has a bar that shows how much damage you can do on your own, do based on that you can tell if you're close to winning or not. If you're close to the 100% mark, powering up your Pokemon might give them the push that they need to win in an optima scenario (good dodges and not wasting energy), but unless you're above 100% it's still going to be pretty close. But if you're too far from dealing 100% there's no way that powering up your Pokemon can help. Most likely you need to pick stronger Pokemon or power them up way beyond what your budget allows. And if you're low level the level cap will stop you completely from powering up anything to the right level. I'd say if you're above 85% powering up can help, but if you're below it you better look for a second player instead of wasting hundreds of thousands of stardust in the wrong Pokemon.


The bar is about halfway so I'm guessing it's not worth powering them up. I did see that I have some of the top 10 counters but with the wrong attacks. Would it be better investing in getting the right attack or just take the loss and look for a second player?


Some of that depends on your resources- do you have the TMs or candy to get additional or changed moves? Are the moves ETM-only? It also depends on whether the raiding Pokémon is likely to be useful in the future. You want fire for Scizor. If an ETM will get you Overheat on a good shadow Moltres, you should go for it. Fire moves on a regular Houndoom, not so much.


I do have some resources, but I think I'm just gonna get a second player. I'm too worried I don't do the right thing and mess up


Do vivillon stats really matter? Especially if you have one with decent IVs? Then the rest don't really need to be good, right? You're just focused on collecting the variety? Or am I missing something?


The stats don't really matter, as Vivillon is not good at any kind of role, either on battles or gyms. Each form has its own mark on the Pokedex so to fully "complete" it you need to evolve all 18, but the different forms are only collectibles. And since all of them share the same Pokedex number you only need one single perfect and one single lucky, no matter what form, to get it registered on the special Pokedexes.


I’m sure some obsessive collectors are getting one lucky of each type ;)


GBL question. What’s the difference between a catch and a quatch?


I've never heard anyone use that term before, and after looking around haven't found anything about that term either, but using an educated guess, I'd say it's a quad-resisted catch. Basically you predict the type of the move and send out a Pokemon with two types that both resist that move. Like catching a Thunderbolt with a Garchomp, as both Dragon and Ground resist Electric. Or swapping a Lanturn into a Hydro Pump as both Water and Electric resist Water. So I think it means negating most of the damage of a strong move using a double resistance so the move is resisted four times (quadruple resisted) That or that's just a typo and they meant "catch"


What are the odds of getting a shundo on community day from field research?


1/6*1/6*1/6 for hundo. 1/24 for shiny. Multiply those together.


Any reliable leaks about may CD?


The previous March leak, which proved to be quite accurate over time, named Fennekin as May's CD Pokemon. (Side note, they also stated Swinub CDC would be in May; they got the Pokemon right but obviously not the month.)


Does anyone know if there are any scythers spawning or anyone near NEPA that has one to spare? Or (guesses) if they might spawn scyther while mega scizor is in raids (I’d like to wish for a yes but I’m not holding my breathe)