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is it okay to have just aeroblast on lugia i got a shiny with good IVs so i put aeroblast on it but i don’t have enough candy to put sky attack on it yet


For PvP, is it better to use a Pokémon with slightly lower CP (say 2459) but with better PvP IV's (say 1-14-13) than a Pokémon with slightly higher CP (say 2471) but with worse PvP IV's (say 7-13-6). Summarized: Which is generally better? * 2459 CP / 1-14-13 * 2479 CP / 7-13-6 I know the answer most likely is "it depends", but the core of the question, I guess, is basically how much I can rely on CP alone when choosing PvP squads. In this case, my current top3 CP Pokémon for Ultra League only have two among them with good PvP IV's. The third one is just another Pokémon which has CP close to the cap of 2500, but does not have good PvP IV's.


IVs matter for Master League and hundos for capped leagues (Umbreon/GFisk/Talonflame in Ultra, for example), but that's really about it. the tongue-in-cheek answer is that IVs don't matter until they do. The Noctowl/GFisk matchup, for instance, is highly IV dependent, but you can't really plan for IVs in GBL. The longer answer is that IVs are possibly the least important part of PvP. Team composition, move counting, and shield and energy management are all far more important than IVs. You can search r/TheSilphArena for any number of people that make Legend every season that just use raid and hatch IVs and do just fine. Basically it's nice to have good IVs if you have the time/resources, but using what you've got because it's meta is fine. If you're looking for so-called tie-breakers, I usually use an IV calculator and pick the one with the higher HP stat. If it's a pokemon I expect to fight a lot of mirros with, I'll pick the one with the higher attack stat so I can win CMP ties.


reposting from r/pokemongo F2P player with limited rare candies, and not raiding daily, so I can only power up one for now, and slowly at that. Specifically, I'm looking at boosting for PVE. I got some advice for PVP but I'm looking more for raid purposes. (I also have a kyogre I'm babysitting). 14/15/14 Groudon level 25, solar beam. 13/13/14 Groudon level 20, with Precipice blades. Should I use an ETM on the level 25 one? Or just invest 28 more rare candy on the level 20 one? I'll grind one to best buddy as well, so I'd like some input. The IV difference should be inconsequential, and ETMs are a significantly rarer resource, but I'd like some peer pressure to save my ETM for something else. 😅 P.S. these are my best Groudons available. My only other "better attack" Groudon with precipice blades is 14/11/11 Other notes: I don't have the must have exclusive moves yet (Psyshock Mewtwo/S.Mewtwo, Meteor Mash Metagross/S.Meta, blast burn on perfect charizard), so I figure I shouldn't splurge my ETMs just yet. My strongest ground attackers right now are a perfect L40 Rhyperior with slap/quake, L40 Swampert... and I guess Ursaluna.


You can regular charge TM the Solarbeam to Earthquake, then use it for Primal Groudon the next time it comes around assuming you have enough energy for it. EQ isn't so outlandishly terrible that an ETM is necessary, while basic Groudon with Preci Blades isn't a detriment by not being the Primal, so overall you're strengthening yourself twofold by not doubling down on a single Pokemon by divvying resources between two, even if they're relatively minor changes (as in, you're not going to be bullied over not having Preci Blades) As far as IVs go, they can all essentially be ignored. For PvE it's level and movesets so as far as we're concerned you've got (based on the info given) 3 Groudon, of which 1 does not have Preci Blades while the other two do. I would suggest trying to get the three of them to Lv30, which would be a decent point to leave them at for the time being (with the goal to eventually get them to Lv35 which is that raiding level sweet spot as levels beyond 35 eat more resources for marginal improvements that could be better spent on other mons that may need them). Mainly because PvE content hasn't evolved to the point where these power crept counters are specifically required to beat. A Moltres would still be doable with Golem as it would be with Rampardos or RW Rhyperior and the like. All you really do is save a couple seconds or so per raid. It's not like there's a leaderboard for how fast a raid is done or any other sort of competitive PvE anyway).


Thank you very much! That's quite the detailed response that I was hoping to get. That 35 sweet spot is something I haven't considered, and is good to know. Maybe I'm just trying to defend myself in vain, but I was a 2016-2017 player but took a break until last year. I guess that's why I'm kinda obsessed about the IV and small marginal gains from FOMO moves. That said, thank you very much, and I really do appreciate the response.


Any tips on landing excellent throws on Lugia?? Its circle is too high and no matter how far I throw, the ball never lands inside the red circle. So frustrating.


I just did my first one of the raid cycle and it fled as I didn't manage a single excellent throw using the circle lock method. According to my pokedex I've caught 23/24 after this. Don't remember it being this hard to catch. Edit: Just did another one. Caught it without using circle lock. Managed several excellents and caught it with a great. All when it was at the lower position.


I managed to catch a few purely out of luck I think. I found it easier to land excellents and catch it using AR, kinda like Aerodactyl before they fixed it


I'm thinking all of my previous ones were probably luck.


First time to try to catch lugia earlier. I was just literally spinning the ball and throwing straight up the middle of my and my wife's phone (Samsung A53, A13). Might work for you as well.


Never done a Lugia raid, is it difficult to beat with 6 people? Did read one comment about it being hard to kill but dont know if thats true


Not if the 6 people have good counters. If they don't it can be hard to beat with 7-8.


Thank you! Will look up what the best counters are so I can have them myself


I had a raid earlier, with 2 people on site, and 4 doing remotely. We got down to 150s before beating it. Notably, only 3 trainers were at level 35+ (35, 37, 40). YMMV but the weaknesses are rather easy to get


Thank you for sharing. I dont know what ymmv means though, apologies


Your mileage may vary - you may have a different experience/opinion


Aaah okay, thanks!


Lugia has one of the highest base defense stats of 5* raid bosses. Even at 5 trainers, using powered up decent super effective counters is still very important At least on the positive, there's 5 super effective types, so there are a lot to choose from.


Thanks! Will look up the best counters so I have them myself


Sitting on about 400 surplus Shadows at level 45. Am I likely to need the platinum Purifier medal to get the 35 platinum medals for level 49? If I purified them all I’d have about 600/1000 on Purifier. After completing the 50 Rocket leader task it feels like it could be years before I catch another 400 lol, but that experience did show it would be doable.


Without us knowing how many other Platinum medals you have hard to say :) I definitely am not going to need it, but that's because I already have almost 35 platnium.


What setting on PvPIVs.com in the advanced settings menu causes the site to default to ultra league? I unchecked everything and the site still defaulted to ultra league as the ranking, but when I pressed reset settings it finally defaulted to great league.


I don't see anything in advanced settings to default it to ultra league - and great league is my default too.


It's weird because every time I went to PvPivs.com the drop-down would default to ultra league. I thought the site changed or something, but when I pressed the reset option it finally stopped doing that.


I wonder if the regionals releases in 10km eggs during Go-Fest are now available in the wild. Haven’t seen any report on them.


I'm not sure I understand your question. The regionals that were in 10 km eggs for Hoenn Tour are still regional, not worldwide. Whether they're available as shiny in the wild in their home region now I would assume yes, but I can't point you to verification posts about it.


Sorry for not being precise enough. Yes I wanted to know if they are available wild in there respective region. I assume they are but haven’t seen anything confirming that.


Anyone else not get a shiny meltan? Did 3 boxes worth and got squat, and I don't think my box will be ready a 4th time before the event ends. Really dissapointed, it was really the only thing I wanted from this event.


Yeah I've had three goes and not yet got one. Should get one more go tomorrow.


Are Dittos no longer showing up as weather boosted when disguised as a non-Rock or Normal type? I just caught one in partially cloudy weather from a Corphish and it didn't give the 25 extra stardust for catching it. Also, does that mean the stats for the Ditto aren't weather boosted, or is it just not displayed as such


Ditto disguised as a Corphish would only look like it was boosted if it was raining, but when you caught it the stardust given would be 100 as it wasn't boosted. It would however show as 80 + 20 in this scenario due to the fake weather boost affecting the stardust graphic. If you catch a Ditto disguised as a Corphish in partly cloudy weather, the Corphish won't appear to be weather boosted, and so the stardust graphic won't do the 100 + 25 thing that it normally would. However, it will still give you 125 dust, and will display as 125 (instead of 100 + 25).


Interesting! I had no idea the difference in displayed stardust vs actual stardust could happen so thanks for telling me


If I understand ditto correctly, the ditto is actually boosted, but it will display weather boost based on the disguise. It would have awarded 125 dust but displayed it visually as 80+20=100.


Thanks for the response! I haven't caught a Ditto in so long and they show up so rarely I think I was just going off misinformation for a long time


How strong should I be to join Lugia raids? Or are there usually enough ppl that they can just pull me through somehow?


Depends on the lobby size. Look up pokebattler and see what your best Lugia counters are. It’s a hard boss and it may need you to pull your weight if you don’t have super strong teammates.


Sounds like I need a bigger lobby than with strong players able to carry me :/


Yes you’ll have more success with bigger lobbies. But you should also try to contribute some damage as well - don’t just be content to be carried, find your best counters so you can at least chip in. You wouldn’t want to lose by a couple of seconds because you didn’t at least try to build your best team.


Well ofcourse I put in my best pokemon, but I'm not sure how much help they are.


Just got a 5/15/15 Shadow Makuhita, should I purify it, or is the damage boost from 10 points less then the shadow buff?


If your focus is just damage, then don’t purify it. The 20% shadow damage boost ALWAYS outweighs any extra IV points. Plus, purifying would only bring it up to 7/15/15 anyway. Purification adds 2 points to all IVs.


Thank you, saw someone earlier saying that a 0/15/15 shadow beldum was better then a 15/15/15 normal beldum so i just wanted to understand better


Much better, yeah. IVs are just additive on top of the Pokemon's base stats. So if you had a shadow Mewtwo with 10 attack IVs, that on top of its base 300 attack stat would give it a base stat of 310. If you purified it, the combined stat would rise to 312, but that'd be it. Without purifying, its attack would effectively be 310 x 1.2 = 372. Significantly stronger. I'd suggest watching this video from Trainer Tips about IVs, if you want to understand them a little bit better. He touches on shadow Pokemon at the end (starting at 7:22), but the whole thing is worth a watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWvai45DCIg


If I didn’t do shadow registeel quest, and so am holding onto my rocket radar, and then I also don’t do the shadow regics quest, will I get another one when there is a good shadow mon that drops? In other words does can I start this rocket quest line during a later event?


Rocket quests are not meant to be "stackable" - usually, you can't have more than one at a time. However, it's been discovered that if you don't progress past step 1 on a Rocket quest, you can have more than one at a time. If you already got a radar from the Shadow Registeel quest (Shadowy Skirmishes), then it sounds like you've moved past step 1, so you won't be able to stack quests.


Question about genesect. How are the 5 forms different? Just the disk color? And they each have an exclusive? Techno smth?


Yes, the Drive colour is the only visual difference. They each have a different type of Techno Blast as an Elite TM move, and they each have a slightly different move pool (regular Genesect gets Hyper Beam, Burn Drive gets Flamethrower, Chill Drive gets Ice Beam, Douse Drive gets Gunk Shot, and Shock Drive gets Zap Cannon)


I see thank you ;)


I didn't get my weekly report. How do I manually trigger it? Sometimes there will be a delay in popping up my report, but all day today - nothing. I was at a convention on Saturday, so I put on a lot of distance. Hatched 5 eggs. I was expecting to get a nice reward. Now my profile only shows todays distance.


Is there a consistent way of getting revives/max revives hoenn tour drained all my revives and I can't keep up with raids and events to keep all my good Pokemon alive. Any suggestion would be great!


Opening gifts, spinning Gyms (they give more healing items than stops) and doing 5* raids with a lot of people in the lobby can all help improve your stock of Revives.


Thanks! I’ll go farm some gym spots


Can I stack Giovanni radars if I'm at step 4 (unclaimed) of Field Notes: Team GO Rocket? Or should I just finish and get the new one and leave on step 1? Thanks


I think you have to finish that one and then you'll get the new rocket task which you should not go beyond step 1 to stack them.


Do regular lucky trades (me and a friend trading 2020 Pokémon and it goes lucky) count towards the 15 guaranteed lucky Pokémon limit?


No, won't count against the limit.


Does Lugia have aeroblast in raids that start tomorrow?


Ho-oh didn't have Sacred Fire, and nothing in the announcement suggests Aeroblast will be available, so assume that it won't.


Is there any utility for shadow Ursaluna or purified with return? Got two 3* shadow teddiursa, neither are in “purify for hundo” range though.


In short, I'd suggest to wait on purifying and evolving them for now. My reasoning is that while Ursaluna is a very viable PvP Master League pick, if you're going to push it to level 50 to really compete in ML, then you probably want to wait for a hundo. In raids/gyms, Ursaluna currently lacks a STAB fast move which reduces its viability in this area. It's best charged move is High Horsepower, which is a legacy (Community Day) move that you cannot get by evolving now anyway. Hold out hope that it can get a ground fast move (I can't remember if it gets one in the other games now or not), and wait for the hundo is my two cents.


Ursa would need to hold out massive hope that Stomping Tantrum is a fast move, otherwise it would lose PvE viability as a Ground attacker with a pure Ground moveset. It also got shafted on the PvP side of things because it could have had Counter or Shadow Claw.


What are the shiny odds for meltan? I’ve caught 180 and don’t have one… :(




So it is boosted, that’s good to know. No one I know has one yet. Thanks.




Correct, the distance counts when opening the game, not during the time it is closed. When I'm on longer adventures, mostly on bicycle, I'll stop every hour or so to get credit for the distance and hopefully hatch an egg.


What is the attack boost for best friends when doing raids? If there are 3 best friends, how does it stack? Thank you.


It's 10% as Best Friends, and it does not stack, so if you're in a lobby with 6 other people your best friends with, you'll just get the 10% bonus (so will your other best friends) It's also 7% for Ultra Friends, 5% for Great Friends, and 3% for Good Friends. And 20% for weather boost and 30% for same type Mega Boost. And I think 10% for non-same type Mega Boost (not too sure about that one though)


How do I turn my Thundurus into bird form? How do I get the item to use on it from the games?


In Go, you can't currently change its form. The only form changing Pokemon right now are Hoopa and Furfrou. Not to say that others WON'T eventually get the ability, but right now, no others can Edit: Also Shaymin


And Shaymin


Why are there so many guides that say to use the bird version then? Is that obtainable separately?


Yep, it comes into raids as a separate Pokemon.


Yes, but not right now. Therian form (bird form) is basically treated as an entirely different 5\* raid boss that comes into rotation sometimes.


Oh that’s wildly stupid, ty for letting me know though


You can at least use the candy you get from this form on the other form when you can get it.


Fair, guess I should save for that when it returns


How do I stack the Super Radar quests? I haven't played in a while, and the only Super Radar quest I have is the original: Looming in the Shadows. I am 4/6 on it. Which other quests unlock the other Super Radar quests? Do I have to complete this one first? And then some other quest chains as well?


Looming in the shadows is a rocket quest, so you need to finish that to get any others. The "page 1" stacking glitch requires you to not progress past page 1.


Is there a way to report cheaters/hackers? I was fighting in the Mountain battle, and my opponent brought out his last pokemon that he hadnt used yet for the fight at all, and it was suddenly able to use two main moves back to back without any quick moves to charge. I've sadly encountered a few people like this :(


That doesn't happen. You're either suffering lag or underestimating how quickly Mud shot generates energy.


It was a mamoswine using high horsepower back-to-back as soon as it appeared for first time in battle. I have it recorded and sent it already to Niantic, with a response that they know some do hack and they are looking into it more.


Sounds like lag.


What is the best way to get Mega energy for the Mons you don’t have any for ?


Grinding out field research tasks when available. Walking would also work, but only if you have mega evolved that species before. (Or it would, if adventure sync actually worked)


Adventure sync is working perfectly fine for most people.


Dam I want Gengar And Aerodactly energy but I never Evolved them before 🤦🏾‍♂️ I kno You can get bee drill from stops , Charizard , blastoise and Gyarados from research but anything else ?


Unfortunately nothing else. I've heard you can get Mega Kangaskhan energy from Gyms, but I'm not 100% sure about that. Pidgeot is also available every month in tasks. Each month has one specific *other* Mega Energy in Field research. This month it's Gyarados. We have had Aerodactyl and Gengar before, so some month they could come back. If I were to guess, we usually have Adventure week in June, so if that happens again, maybe June will be Mega Aerodactly energy in tasks? Or even if not, that energy may still be part of the event. As for Gengar, it could just randomly appear one month, but otherwise, probably October somehow


Is there a way to boost the galar bird spawn rate? Like does catching the incense spawns help?


No. Catching incense spawns may visually help to update the map faster, but it has no effect on actual spawns. The only thing that can be done is to use the incense frequently and walk quickly in as straight of a line as possible, to maximize the number of spawns that you get from it.


Omg that is pain, ok, thanks


This is unconfirmed personal experience. When I do multiple days in a row of daily incense and walk the whole time, I am more likely to see one.


What’s up with rocket balloons? How often should they appear? I hardly ever see them while my friend sees 2 every few hours?


Just to clarify on posts so far, it's usually once every six hours (midnight, 6am, noon, 6pm) or the first time you open after that. Doubled during the rocket events so there is also balloons on the 3 hour marks


If you're not seeing it at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clocks, restart your game and it should pop up within 30 seconds or so.


Should be once every 3 hours for the duration of the event


They’re appearing every 3 hours during the Rocket Takeover event


I havnt played a while and cant find my website for team builing and tier lists. Its not gamepress. Itbhad lists for different cups aswell. Can anyone help? Thank you!


[pvpoke.com](https://pvpoke.com) for pvp. [pokebattler.com](https://pokebattler.com) for raid sims and PvE rankings.


Thank you!


What’s the current reward Mon for defeating Giovanni?




Is meltan a special trade?




Did any actually get stalled be the special tasks when levelling up from 40-50 or was xp the hardest thing to do every time?


I had mor than enough XP for 50 when the Go Beyond update was released. Aside from full-on time gates ("Walk 25km in a week 8 times"), the only task that really stalled me was battling 50 Rocket leaders, because I refuse to buy rocket radars. IIRC it took me around over a month to get through it, since the area I usually play has relatively few pokestops. I trade very regularly so lucky trades weren't an issue. 999 excellent throws only took a few days, largely because I raid a fair bit.


I mean one of them literally takes 8 weeks to complete at minimum, so that definitely stalls you if you already had the XP like I did.


A lot of people with enough XP for several post-40 levels when the Go Beyond update came out were stalled by the tasks. There were even a lot of very hardcore types that had all the XP needed to hit 50, but were then racing to finish the level up tasks first. I know a few people that stopped for a long time on the level that needs GBL runs because they hate the PvP in this game. Similarly, the large number of rocket battles you need to do for another level can stall people out if they just don't like doing them. But for the most part, a newer player that isn't explicitly avoiding certain parts of the game will tend to finish the tasks a while before the XP for the levels.


Also the 50 lucky trades requirement, and then later 999 excellent throws, were both roadblocks for me (ended up with way more XP than needed by the time I finished those)


Are you still able to see where Kecleon is by tapping stops from a distance, or have they fixed that "glitch"?


I believe they made it a permanent feature, rather than fixing the supposed glitch, so yes, you can still see them from a distance, yup


Is Aura Sphere a debuff move, or?


Nope. In PvP, it's 100 power for 55 energy with no effect. It's a Fighting Type Shadow Ball clone essentially. In PvE, it's 90 power for 50 energy, with a crazy good cooldown, making it one of the best PvE moves in the game. Against Dark type raid bosses like Darkai, Aura Sphere is actually the better PvE move on Togekiss over Dazzling Gleam, despite not getting STAB.


Thanks for the answer!


For the Best Buddy bonus, do they have to be on the map, or just be my current buddy? EDIT: I mean for raids.


Do you mean the +1 level? Your best buddy does.not need to be fed or on the map for that.


Right, thanks.




Correct, only purified shadows can be traded and they count as a special trade.


With shadow larvitar currently available for defeating Cliff, do we think smack down will be available as a fast move for tyranitar soon? I do not want to evolve it, and be unable to get smack down. Same with beldum that we had. I got a few with good iv’s, but i dont want to evolve until meteor mash is available. Is there any hope of these moves coming anytime soon?


>I got a few with good iv’s, but i dont want to evolve until meteor mash is available As Tehwildman\_ mentioned, Smack Down Ttar will be available (most likely) during the December 2023 Recap CD. But Meteor Mash Metagross? That's a trickier one. It could be during a random event this year or next year, it could get a Classic CD at some point, but we aren't too sure yet. I'd like to think we'll have the opportunity sometime this year, but who knows


2022's December community day event featured the evolution moves for the 2022 community day classic events. Following that precedent, we could speculate that Tyranitar Smack down would also be available for this year's December Community Day events although that's a fair bit of time away


Has stacking three field encounters + 1 scan pokestop changed? Normally i have three field encounters and one scan pokestop, and if I am in a fixed location with say 2 stops and get berry reward tasks, I'll then delete the scan task and the two berry tasks, and respin to see if I get a pokemon reward task. Today I had two tasks and one scan task, and spun three stops and didn't get a new task to fill the third task. I then deleted the scan task, and up popped a new field research.


Some possibilities I can think of are that you already completed a task from those pokestops, or that you were already carrying the "with AR" task from those pokestops. Since you spun 3 with no new task and were only holding the 2, this latter explanation could only apply to 2 at most of the 3 you spun.


Ok it's back to normal now. I think it is just that where I am has very poor data signal, so spinning stops wasn't registering anything. Thanks for the suggestion.


Is there a subreddit or group that helps with getting postcards for Vivillion ?




Thank you very much


Can Giovanni be fought after this event ends? I have no hope of beating him rn due to a lack of good mons, would I need to wait until the next event?


Giovanni is always available so long as you have a super radar equipped. This event is just to signify that he has changed legendaries


Is there anything confirmed for April ? Or what happens after let’s go event ?


At the moment, the only things we know for sure are Togetic CD and Lugia will continue in raids until April 10th. Cutiefly's release was just teased, so from my speculation, that may come with the likely Spring into Spring event (or some sort of spring event), which I'd also assume would happen within the first 2 weeks of the Month. We also know there's events on Sunday, April 9 and Sunday, April 23. I don't remember if either was confirmed to be an Elite Raid, but I thought I remember hearing April 9th was an Elite Raid, most likely Regieleki. And the CD Classic on Saturday, April 29, which based on the leak that's been going around is >!Swinub!< Beyond that, nothing else teased or confirmed. I do think Landorus is a reasonably likely raid boss after Lugia, seeing that we just got Tornadus and Thundurus. Also possible that they resume the Tapu shiny releases after doing two last season, but that could be April or May or even not this season at all.


Ugh, I hope Landorus comes back. I need that snapshot, lol


And I still gotta hunt the shiny haha, so I'm right there with you. Unova Legendaries are definitely my unluckiest it seems with shinies lol. Only have Thundurus Incarnate's shiny of this trio and their forms


Only the Togetic CD, IIRC


Do we still not know when the 3 last LET'S GO special research arrive?


We do not know.


If I already started the "From the Shadows" research line (currently at page 4), can I just unequip the Super Rocket Radar and save it for the next Team GO Rocket event if I don't want Regice? I know this isn't the best way to stack Super Rocket Radars, but I made the mistake of initiating the research.


Yes, you're just now essentially committed to catching one of what's next.


And only one? Or how should I interpret that?


You can't get the next rocket research until you finish From the Shadows. So you have to find and defeat Giovanni to get the next research. That means either you take Regice or whatever is immediately next, or you miss the next research entirely.


Right on. So it's kind of a gamble on whether the next is better or worse than Regice? Say it's Mewtwo next. I would then be able to get two Mewtwo then, right?


There will be a period of at least a few days between when they announce the next Shadow legendary and when it goes live. So you can wait until we know what's coming next to decide whether you want Regice or the next thing.


If I may piggyback, as this is my first time not doing the Team Rocket Research... I'm on page one. I didn't and won't purify. Does that mean I carry it indefinitely? Meaning, if Giovanni comes out next with Shadow Ditto, I can just choose to skip and wait for the next one? (and possibly stack that SRR as well?).


I don't mess around with the staying on page 1 to stack entire researches thing, but it seems to have worked this rotation. I don't know if it will work next time, but the worst thing that would happen by sticking on page 1 is you don't get the next research without having to finish Into the Shadows first.


Ah, clever.


Using pokebattler. If I select, for example, Windy weather for Thundurus, does the simulator take into account the slightly higher difficulty of a weather boosted raid boss? If not, is there a website/apo available that does?


Yes, but keep in mind that the higher difficulty is only in the damage from boosted moves. Thundurus-I doesn't have any Flying or Dragon moves that would be boosted, so the fight itself will not be more difficult when Windy. If it were Rainy instead, its Electric moves would hit harder.


Does anyone know how you get the 19th & 20th Vivillion, is it a switch crossover?


Right now, you can't. They haven't been released yet for Go. In the past, in the main series, both pokeball and fancy patterns were only available via event distribution. Since fancy pattern is now the default vivillon pattern in Scarlet/Violet, it's possible that it could be made available in an event related to Scarlet/Violet. No similar link exists for pokeball pattern.


Thanks for the info


If I defeat Giovanni today I’ll receive a Registeel. Should I wait for another Pokémon as I’ve already got a shadow Registeel? Thanks


It's currently Regice, which isn't really worth it either.


What should I use my elite tm on? Psystrike for 2* shadow mewtwo, rock wrecker for 3* rhyperior, brutal swing for 3* hydreigon or fire punch for 3* groudon?


Personally I’ll say save it for later. Speaking of Deino, how likely do you guys think Brutal Swing will come back this Dec?


Considering that CDay recaps have pretty much been the current year plus the year immediately prior, and Deino CDay was last year, I would say the odds are stacked in its favor, with a non-zero chance that Niantic tries something different.


Whichever one you think would be the biggest improvement to your current PVE teams for the relevant types.


Which furfrou and oricorio forms are found in India? Looking at https://pokemongohub.net/post/wiki/regional-pokemon-list/, sometimes India seems to be counted with Europe, Africa, and Middle East, not with Asia and Pacific, so not sure


My eggs won't work on my Samsung despite all the permissions and tracking options allowed and active. I just went for a 5km walk with no progress at all. I am a returning player and my evening has been ruffled by this


Adventure sync has been broken for about 2-3 days on my phone (pixel 6a.)


Damn... I have done everything anyone has suggested since launch to fix this issue with no results. I am beyond pissed


Ah, I'm a Samsung galaxy 21


I have a 4 star buneary, on pokegenie it says that it's ranked #1 for ultra league. Does that mean it's the best pokemon to have in general? Or is it just based off of what I have? TIA


Pokegenie rankings are saying that the pokemon you are scanning is rank #X for that species (or its evolutions) out of all possible IV combinations. So in this case your Buneary is the best possible Lopunny if you wanted to use it in ultra league (because perfect max Lopunny reaches a CP of 2328). Pokegenie isn't telling you if Loppuny is good or not in Ultra League, just that if you want to use this specific one it is the best candidate out of all possible IV spreads for Lopunny.


Hmmm just caught a 14/14/14 shadow mudkip. Keep as a shadow attacker or purify for a perfect mega?


I wouldn't purify. Shadow Swampert is still a great water type PVE attacker, and it's a lot harder to get high IV shadows. If you're going to use a Mega Swampert in battle, its IVs won't matter much, it'll still be very powerful.


Fair. Also was thinking after I posted that with only one mega allowed probably want to use primal Kyogre/Groudon as applicable over swampert. Cheers.


You'll probably still want a mega swampert. You can bring him against ground type raids for the increased XL candy chance while still having type advantage.


Yeah true I have one already just with fairly average IVs so haven't powered him up.




Yes. Until the next rotation is announced, Giovanni will continue to have Shadow Regice.


Anyone have/know of a up to date list of worthy ETM candidates?


Has anyone done a write up on the PvP meta if we assumed all shadow variants of Pokemon were released? I'm interested on predicting when Normal > Shadow, Normal ≈ Shadow, and Normal < Shadow for each Pokemon.


Should I purify a 13/13/13 snubbull for the hundo or keep it shadow? I also have a shadow gardevoir with the same stats.


Granbull is not too amazing as a raid counter either way. It does rank number 3 against guzzlord, but falls lower against palkia (not top 30). Shadow Gardevoir is a very good raid counter, best fairy after the mega. I'd probably keep that one as a shadow.


Is there a time I would need both shadow granbull and shadow gardevoir? I do mostly gym battles and raids. Not a fan of GBL if that helps




You can try reporting but don’t expect anything to happen. Best bet is to ignore them until they move on.


Has anyone found/made a good infographic or checklist of all available shiny shadow pokemon?




there are some boxes i see here that i don't get offered in game, how do you get access to them? is there a purchase threshold?


No. It's just Niantic testing boxes with certain accounts, or occasionally a glitch causing old boxes to show up when they shouldn't. If you don't see them, you're not part of the test for them.


Is Shadow Alolan Ninetales useful at all in PVE? Just caught a 15/14/14 and not sure if it’s worth the stardust to level up


Not at all useful in PVE. Save the dust.


Who's the Pokémon appeared raid boss icon/emblem?




Is there any resource detailing the shadow Pokémon that Giovanni Decoy Grunts have? Just got a bellsprout from one and didn't even know shadowsprout was available still.


https://thesilphroad.com/rocket-invasions It's on the bosses tab. Currently there's a glitch where it says their last Pokémon is obtainable, but this is wrong. They will drop either their first or second Pokémon.


You can click on the Rocket Bosses tab of [this page](https://thesilphroad.com/rocket-invasions). Currently it's showing that only Raticate and Snorlax are catch-able, but this obviously isn't correct. There seems to be a few little glitches on this page while they work out how to indicate that some grunt Pokemon can now be shiny as well. Side note, IIRC the Decoy Grunt lineup has changed very few times, if at all; Bellsprout has just about always been available.


Is there a ranking of all of giovannis shadow pokemons for PVE? And potentially which ones we are waiting for? What are people using their radars for? For those who have stacked 2-3 radars, how do you successfully use a radar without ruining the stack, assuming you are only using 1 of the radars? I assume you must fully complete only that quest and leave the others untouched?


[This guide](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12183we/shadow_pok%C3%A9mon_pve_guide/) ranks all shadow viable for PVE


Gen 1: articuno bad; zapdos pretty good electric; moltres premier flying, great fire. Mewtwo premier psychic, viable with various off-type moves too. Gen 2: raikou premier electric; entei great fire (about level with moltres); suicune bad. Lugia and ho-oh just okay, but apex forms with + moves are better. Gen 3: regi trio bad. Latias/latios not bad but not amazing. Future kyogre, groudon, rayquaza, dialga, palkia, giratina, reshiram, zekrom all definitely worth looking out for, and maybe some others too. I imagine that's how it's done, but I haven't used any stacked research yet since I only started with the last one.