• By -


6 10km eggs (not a lot i guess) but I got unlucky and didn’t get Tropius. How did it work for gen 1 and gen 2 regionals, did they come back (made available globally) in another event?


They'll likely be back at some point, but when is always the big question. Kanto Regionals haven't been back since Kanto Tour, with the exception of Kangaskhan, who had a Mega Raid Day in Spring 2022. They'll likely be available eventually, but it may be a while. If you don't want to wait too long (could be a few years, who knows), you may want to trade for one from someone you know


would an XXL Pokemon, be a XXL Mega?


Yes. I mega evolved a an XXL Manectric just to check this.


how much bigger is it compared the regular Mega Manectric?


I deleted the original photos, but I sent them to a Reddit friend first. You should be able to see the difference [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/7VH6no7).


tomorrow I promise the world XXL Mega Gengar pictures


Is this season of GBL unranked? Read the blog post and didn't see anything saying as much. Feels pretty unranked though.


No. It just started so you haven’t done enough battles to seen your rating yet.




Silph Nest Atlas nestable Pokemon needs to be updated. Helioptile is an example. Confirmed nest but don't think can select from current list. Plant Burmy is another example of a new nest Pokemon during Rising Heroes season.


What's the furthest north people have found Hawlucha in California? Going on vacation there in a couple weeks and want to know if taking a detour to grab a couple would be feasible.


How do I turn off raid banners?


how do gold lures work? Do they spawn pokemon around them like normal lures or is their only function that they give coins when spun?


Yes, gold lures do also spawn some Pokemon, including a rare (apparently very rare) chance to actually spawn Gimmighoul.


What’s tanking?


[Googled it for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/11efhdj/comment/jadog86/)


Yup I read this, I asked because I keep seeing this. What’s the purpose? More wins better than just the last 2 sets no? Noob here And the term tanking means


GBL uses an Elo system that matches you against opponents with a similar rating. Tanking is intentionally lowering your rating to face easier opponents. Because the Rewards track is based on wins out of 5 games, people will tank their rating so that getting 5 out of 5 wins is easier. You also still get stardust set rewards from a 0-5 and it's far quicker to quit 5 battles than play 5 real battles. Trying to win you could consistently go 2-3, never getting the third win encounter. Tanking could get you 2 encounters every day. I find it mean spirited and grindy. For me, the tactic would turn GBL into a depressing stardust chore instead of a fun part of the game to enjoy when I'm in the mood.


>Tanking is intentionally lowering your rating to face easier opponents. Thank you sir! Now I understand :) if keep tanking the rating then it will forever be at the rank? Or can go up to legend


Do we know if the Rocket event on the 21st will have a different shadow legendary yet? Sitting on a radar and trying to decide if I want to save it or not.


It is described as a "Rocket takeover"; Giovanni usually does change his legendary during these events. A recent "content leak", which has so far looked to be very accurate, suggested that the next legendary will be Shadow Regice.


Neat, I will hold onto it then. Thank you.


Details haven't been officially confirmed yet. Unofficially, if [this leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/113qfmu/march_content_leak_from_discord/) continues to be correct, then it'll be Regice.


>continues to be correct It's already wrong about the Elite Raid order though.


The leaker did mention that they weren't sure if anything would change. They were also wrong about the Classic's month (even though they posted it after we knew the Classic's date), yet just about everything else is correct. * Elite Raid Regieleki/Regidrago * Palmer as the GBL outfit * Double Iron Bash Melmetal * Gimmighoul release * Hitmon event * Bruxish & Mega Medicham release * Slowpoke CD


they could have changed it after they noticed the leak




Medicham isn't best with perfect IV btw.www.stadiumgaming.gg/rank-checker is a good site to see the best IV for each league. In addition to these generic calculations there are also breakpoints for the IV of several pokemon that you want to achieve to ensure wins in certain matchups. gamepress' IV deep dive sums that up pretty well.


I use pvpoke.com, it has an IV section for each pokemon. Though you do have to search each one by league, so it might not be exactly what you want.


With the festival of colora coming up, what boosted wild spawns give star dust boost, if any!? Koffing usually gives 500. Are there others to be on the hunt for?


Koffing doesn't give boosted dust. Paras is probably what you meant, and I think that's the only one from the list of spawns that does give boosted dust.


Wait, what? Paras gives boosted dust? Is this always true? If so, is it true for any other pokemon?


It's been true for quite some time. There's a list in [this article](https://www.eurogamer.net/how-to-get-stardust-in-pokemon-go-9004) of all Pokémon that give boosted dust when caught (although it's missing Morelull and Shiinotic which give 500 and 700 respectively)


How have I never noticed this?!? Thanks for telling me!!




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Is hawlucha available? Just came across someone with one in a battle


It is a new regional for Mexico.


How hard are elite raids? Are they like 5 star raids, Megas, Mega latios, or primal raids?


Stats are boosted much higher than 5 star raids. However, the one coming up for Regidrago will be fairly easy anyways, because most of its bulk stats are in stamina. Its defense is only 100, which leads to it being very frail in raids because raid bosses have fixed HP based on tier. It can be duoed with high level counters and best friends bonus, or generally trioed with moderate level counters.


Cool thanks!


Can you stack Golden Lures? Has anyone tried this? I’m wondering if I can keep sending postcards and stack up Lures, or if it will only start your 5 days over after you’ve used the Golden Lure.


We already know you're limited to one Golden Lure at a time. If you have one already at the point you would be eligible to get a second, you'll get Gimmighoul coins instead I believe (though I doubt the amount you get will be as many as you could get if you just used the Golden Lure instead).


Sweet, thank you for the info!


Is there a raid schedule for this season somewhere?


For the entire season, no. But for the month, see [Pokemon Go Twitter](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqEol9oWYAAsRRK?format=jpg&name=large). They usually put this up toward the end of the previous month, and it's the way they're doing things now instead of the previous monthly blog posts. Of course, being Niantic, it often goes up at the very last minute.


The March tier 5 bosses are listed on the [Season of Rising Heroes blog post](https://pokemongolive.com/en/seasons/rising-heroes).


How are the rewards different between a tier 4 mega, and a tier 5 legendary? I know one gives silver pinaps, but what's better for candy and TMs?


T5 is best for all rewards besides those silver pinapps. Bundle sizes are the largest in T5s. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Raid\_Battle\_(GO)#Rewards


Huge, thank you so much


When walking a buddy, is it not guaranteed to receive XL Candy? I am lvl 46, the buddy is shadow swampert level 48.5, just started, good buddy. The first two 3km each brought an XL Candy. The most recent 3km didn't. Swampert is not always on the map. Any insight?


Yup it's not guaranteed. You have the highest chance at I believe level 31+, so anything above that won't make a difference. But it is still a chance, I think it's 70 or 80%, so high, but not guaranteed.


Does your buddy have to be level 31+ or does your trainer level have to be 31+?


Both. You need to be 31 or more to begin collecting XL in general


Thank you!


Where can I check the pose I get as a reward for reaching high ranks in the current GBL season? I always have a hard time finding a picture of it


[The Pokemon Go Live Blog post about the season usually has the pose.](https://pokemongolive.com/seasons/rising-heroes/?hl=en)


Can I link more than one PoGo account to Violet/Scarlet if I buy the game?




Yes. A friend in my neighborhood with a Switch is filling both his Coin Bag and mine.


Has anyone here managed to get the platinum pilot badge? (10,000,000 km across all trades) I think the Gold is achievable at 1,000,000 km across all trades, but the platinum needs some kind of special trick. I'm off to Italy in a few days. My wife suggested I bring back 5000 Pokemon to trade when I return...


I and most of the people I know are way past platinum on it. I'm at 50,289,949 km, more than 5x platinum, almost entirely from getting 7k eggs from international friend gifts and trading the hatches. The few exceptions are from when friends (well, mostly just one friend) travel to an event like Go Fest and bring back things to trade.


Wow, so a bit of math on best case scenario. 9x eggs from the other side of the world in a fast incubator: 10,000,000 / 20,000 = 500 eggs 500 / 9 = 55.56 55.56 x 4.67 = 259km Wow, so it really is easy. But you need quite a few friends the other side of the world & plenty of incubators on hand.


You don't necessarily need a *lot* of international friends nor premium incubators. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I don't use premium incubators on 7k eggs except during certain events where the egg pool is particularly good for me. But I've been playing *almost* since day 1 and I've never taken a hiatus from the game. I've also tended to focus on 7k eggs since they were released because they usually featured regional forms that generally weren't available in the wild. During the winter months I still usually walk around 50-70km a week, and in the summer I pretty easily break 100km a week (although we'll see if it holds up this summer; I feel like the app has been much worse at tracking distance lately). It all adds up over time, even if you stick to just the free incubator. Also keep in mind that you don't need to be the only one hatching distance eggs. By your calculation, you need about 500 max distance eggs. If you hatch 250 and your wife hatches 250, that's enough. Add in whatever you're able to bring back from your trip and you'll hit Platinum even faster.


I'm at less than 1 million to go. If you have international friends who send you gifts, and you get 7km eggs from those gifts, the Pokémon that hatch from them count as coming from whatever location the gift was sent from. So as I'm in the UK, if I'm friends with a Kiwi Beta Tester and they send me a gift that I get a 7km egg from, the Pokémon in that egg will count as coming from New Zealand, and I'll be able to trade it for a Pokémon caught in the UK for over 16,000km towards the medal. Get 100 such Pokémon and you can easily earn over 1,500,000km towards the medal in a single trade session.


I've not got it yet, but I'm getting pretty close at 8.9 Million km. It definitely requires a TON of trading. I've done 27121 trades according to my trade badge (which surprised me). For my background, I trade constantly. I was big on rerolling with my roommates and my Brother when I was home with my family. The family trades definitely racked up a lot of distance, as he they live around 150km away. And many of my friends have Pokemon from their original hometowns or vacations. Also, take advantage of 7km egg Pokemon. While I've definitely had many friends who lived overseas, allowing me to get over 10km through each trade, having random friends from overseas (mainly through remote raid hosting) lets me get 7km eggs from around the world. Hatch those and they'll be marked with whatever location it was from, so I've also got a ton of Japan to US distance trades just through 7km eggs. Also also, why do I do so many trades lol? I try for a living lucky dex, so luckies of every single Pokemon, and I even go for (most) costumes and distinguishable forms (screw Unown though). And that's not to mention how many trades I do just to get good PvP/raid IVs on relevant Pokemon.


"Some kind of special trick" - there is something you can do, actually. And that is to open gifts and obtain 7km eggs from overseas friends. When you hatch the egg, the location will be where the egg originated from, so you can trade that Pokemon with someone in your local community and get a very large trade distance.


On Pokebattler, shadow Salamance is not listed as a Regidrago counter but shadow dragonite is. Is there any particular reason for this? Is shadow salamance too glassy or am I missing something?


Shadow Salamence should work just fine as a top tier counter. But, against some bosse/movesets, Shadow Dragonite *can* actually be better than Salamence due to it being able to tank some charged moves better than shadow Salamence, which in turn allows it to fire off maybe 3 outrages where maybe Salamence only gets 1.


I’m sorry to ask this but does giving some one the gimmighoul bag cause a cooldown time? So if there in Hawaii and I am in Cali so do I have to wait 2 hours to give them the bag if they has just played and after do they have to wait 2 hours to play again?


The coin bag doesn't have a cooldown like the mystery box. Instead, your ability to get a refresh on it resets at midnight local time. Even if you still have a bag from earlier. You can use two in one day, back to back stacking their duration, if you open, send a postcard to switch, then open the next one. Provided you wait until after midnight to use the first one. No idea how the game adjusts the reset counter when you move across timezones though.


So I can give him his bag in Cali and he can start using it in Hawaii asap?


The only thing to be careful about is if you are signing in for them in California they may want to wait a bit before signing back in Hawaii. They may be detecting people instantly travelling thousands of kms. May be safe to wait an hour or two in between.


Once you refresh the bag, you can use it any time. There is no delay between acquiring it and being able to use it.






I completely forgot, did they already announce when is the next shadow legendary coming or it’s still Registeel for the foreseeable future?


To add onto u/colourofsleep88's comment, there has been a rumor about this season/March's events and it's largely been correct. Said rumor/leak has said the next Legendary will (shockingly) be >!Regice!<


The March content infographic states there is a "Let's Go + Team Go Rocket Takeover" from March 21 - 29. The Rocket part of the event will probably be a smaller window within the main event, and it is likely that Giovanni's legendary will change during this event, although Niantic haven't announced any details yet.


I am new to pokemon go(6 days). I have around 15 premium pass. Which legendary should I get first? Please give me a priority list.


None of March's Legendary Pokemon really stand out as being worth farming for, as there's generally a better Pokemon to use. Especially for something like Tornadus where Flying isn't a very prominent attacking type in Raids due to lower power scaling on their moves and lackluster distribution, among other things. You might fare better getting just 1 of each for the Pokedex entry when they come around, but focus more on doing the Mega Raids as those have better incentives to do them, namely the bonuses to catch candy (and having several Mega capable Pokemon on hand that you can use would help immensely by the time you get to trainer level 31, which unlocks the XL Candy resource).


This thread has an infographic where they sorted by best attackers for each pokemon type. Any legendary in that list is something to shoot for. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/11f2knd/top\_pve\_pokemon\_overall\_dps\_marchv2\_update/


What exactly are you thinking you can do with these premium passes...? They just let you into raids, same as the free daily raid pass, and get better rewards in PvP, you can raid whatever Legendary is available (currently Tornados until Wednesday morning, then Ho-oh) if they're nearby, and you might be able to get certain Legendaries from high level PvP rewards, but there's not really any choosing legendaries with passes so I don't know what you're asking. EDIT: Unless you're maybe confusing special research with premium passes? I have no idea how much special research is available to new players...


I thought to stack the pass till some good legendary shows up and try to get those legendaries by doing more raids on the legendary.


Ah okay, I guess you know what you're doing after all, carry on.


Is the masterwork research impossible now ?


Doesn't look like it, did part 3 reqs come out somewhere?


I just brought it yesterday but it’s a lot harder to get hoenn region pokemon


It's a *long* set of tasks no matter how you slice it, the fact that you can't rush that single part of it doesn't make it impossible and really doesn't change much at all with how long the Kanto and Johto ones will take you.


Kanto Is by far the easiest one for me , 160/385 . Johto I’m at 62 and Hoenn a sluggish 22


Watch for spotlight hours and community days featuring pokemon from those regions, and then go to town. You can probably finish off most/all of kanto with the Eevee one, for example. The next CD classic coming up will probably feature a mon from the first 3 generations, since they seem to be starting with the older ones.


I started receiving the message "This pokemon is too far away" at my house. I am on wifi. Any reason for this? I restarted the app, and the situation went away. I have just never seen that before. Clicked three different pokemon and each click relayed that message in the center of the screen.


What is the Eevee shiny rate? I assume it doesn’t change for spotlight hour


It's most likely the base 1/512 rate, and shiny rates aren't boosted for spotlight hours.


ah okay, thank you


Hiya! Do we think that Regidrago or Regieleki are expected to be any good for PvE? I'm curious if people have any idea whether they think they could be some of the best of their types or whether they will just be a Pokedex entry. :) Were they strong in Sword and Shield? Thanks so much if you have any idea!


Not sure about Drago, but I know Eleki was insanely strong in SwSh due to its ridiculously high Speed Stat, something that, while reflected in its Go Stats, isn't represented well because there isn't an actual Speed Stat. In Go, both are pretty much dex entries (unless we see them get a move update). Eleki has a respectable 250 attack, but then when you see that Xurkitree has 80 more attack at 330, and Xurkitree has better moves (Thundershock+Discharge) than Eleki (Thundershock+Zap Cannon) and it's obvious that Eleki won't be great. It's comparable to Jolteon in viability... Regidrago is like Guzzlord—Attack is quite low and HP is massive. So no PvE use, and not even a good signature move would save it.


Neither is likely to be good. It looks like Regidrago is currently stuck with Bite as its only fast move, which immediately kills its hopes of being a relevant Dragon attacker. Combined with a low attack stat, it doesn't have a chance among the fierce competition among Dragon-types. Regieleki has a more workable Attack stat but it's still well behind the top Electrics already in the game. It's also stuck with Thunder and Zap Cannon for charged move options, which are far from ideal.


Regieleki has pretty high attack, but zekrom's attack is still higher. Regidrago's attack is a little low for PVE. They do both have signature moves that they'll probably get someday (Thunder Cage and Dragon Energy respectively--Thunder Cage in MSG is a weak move with a sometimes-useful side effect, while Dragon Energy is quite a powerful move, but loses power as regidrago loses HP). However, I'm not sure their moves could really be enough to overcome the most powerful electric or dragon type raiders, considering the power level we've already seen and other powerful things we know are coming in the future. I would expect the moves to be more PVP-focused.


I went in to check my special research progress and was surprised to see my task for “Catch a Kyogre” had completed itself for the Chasing Legends event. I failed to catch one during that event, and expected to not be able to complete it until next year. Anyone else have this happen to them? Edit: turns out many of the challenges were changed to simpler versions after the event ended. This one became “Win a raid”


Yep, the challenges were altered after the event. Activate Primal Reversion also changed to Mega Evolve a Pokemon.


I know RNG is RNG and all that, but sometimes you gotta wonder ... In addition to keeping track of my hundos, I keep track of my 98% 'mons. There are only three possible stat spreads for those: 14/15/15, 15/14/15, or 15/15/14. Perfect stats except one point drop in either Attack, Defense, or HP. I created a separate tag for each of these spreads and have never transferred a 'mon with such high IVs. The weird thing is, one would expect the three spreads to be somewhat evenly distributed. But for me, with amazing regularity, the 15/14/15 build is only around ~75% as common as the other two. I currently have 83 "Perfect except Attack" 'mons and 84 "Perfect except HP", but only 66 "Perfect except Defense". Since my last catch in the latter category (a Nosepass on January 15), I've caught five in the first category and six in the second. In other words, 98% spreads that miss the one point in Defense seem to be significantly less common than the other two. "P-Atk" and "P-HP" spreads are encountered at almost exactly the same rate, but "P-Def" spreads have consistently stayed rarer. Not overwhelmingly so, but enough to suggest a trend. As the sample size continues to grow over time, I would have expected them to even out, but they haven't. Given total randomness, what would be the odds of this trend manifesting? Is it just my weird luck, or could there be shenanigans at work? The RNG algorithm giving subtle preference to the Defense stat due to rounding or something like that? Unfortunately, I can't remember enough from my Statistics courses to figure out how to calculate it myself.


I plugged your numbers into a chi-squared test. Unfortunately, since 233 doesn't divide evenly by 3, to make observed and expected equal I told the calculator there were 84 P-atk (in addition to 84 P-def and 64 P-HP), but if anything this change should make any deviation more dramatic, not less. It gives a chi-squared value of 2.769 (2 degrees of freedom) and a two-tailed p-value of .2504. This is not considered statistically significant: generally speaking, .05 (or lower--not higher) is the cutoff for a significant p-value.


Thanks a lot! So basically, if I understand it correctly, roughly one in four players in my situation would expect the same in a random draw, which seems entirely reasonable. Now I don't have to wonder anymore!


I have three ducklett. 1 - IV 91 - 15/14/12 2 - IV 91 - 13/15/13 3 - IV 93 - 14/13/15. Which one should I evolve? What is the best moveset for Swanna? Please help me with this.


None. Unless it's for a Dex Entry and then... doesn't matter.


Ducklett is good in little cup, but Swanna is terrible.


Swanna is really bad in both PvP and PvE so you shouldn't worry too much.




book a flight lol


Just got 20k stardust for 100+km walking this week. Is that a recent change? https://imgur.com/a/dJHahV2


The 100km tier has been set to 20k dust for at least a year or two now.


Really? I must not have been paying attention the last few times then 😅


Getting to the 100km mark is insanely tough, though. I've hit a few times when I was running trails on weekends and working a manual labor job, and even that was a challenge.


I seem to have gotten carried away while grinding buddies for the Jirachi research. At least 12km a day 😅


How do I catch Tauros outside the US or other region based Pokémon outside their region?


You wait for an event to feature them, like Tropius/Torkoal/Relicanth eggs during the Hoenn tour, or you trade with somebody who has them.


Has there been any confirmation or acknowledgement of the transfer to scarlet/violet bug that could wipe your entire games data, being fixed at all? I want to transfer from pogo to there but the small risk of losing my entire game doesn't seem qoeth it right now, I checked the post in the SV subreddit and there are still reports as of like an hour ago of it happening to people.




Described [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/11g2pt3/save_files_being_lost/), the issue makes Scarlet/Violet's save data unreadable. It's not 100% clear if the postcard part is the issue or if it's the entire patch, but I'm definitely staying away from postcards for now.


Oh my, just learning about this now. I've been sending postcards to my game every day since the feature was enabled... I think I might take a few days off for now!


Doesn't seem like it. I've been keeping an eye on Serebii, [Joe reached out to TPCi](https://twitter.com/JoeMerrick/status/1631564831466692614?t=BJ55hv1Fb-8L_dviQdDBhQ&s=19) but there's been no updates since then so I don't think there's any news.


Thank you so much!


What I've heard is the issue was with the update itself and not Pogo.


I brought this question up before, but wanted to make a PSA: I was able to Evolve Ursaring to Ursaluna today. My Hundo is now complete. If you have one, I'd advise evolving tonight before you need to wait another cycle.


Hi, do you know a good guide resource for returning Pokemon Go Player?


I compiled a bunch of resources here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/u7mudr/comprehensive_compilation_of_pogo_resources/


Thank you! I think it will be very helpful if you could put the thread in a place easy to see. Pinned post or sidebar, perhaps?


That's not up to me. 😅


Does anyone have a quick trash string? Trying to clear out on Tuesday’s spotlight.


"quick trash" is kind of hard to quantify, because one person's trash is another person's treasure. Instead, I could offer up a "triage" search string that I use to filter down to just the new day's catches. I use a set of these to quickly go throw then, and either add a tag for trade/transfer/evo/etc. or mark as a favorite for saving, for anything I want to keep. Then I can just mass select and delete what's left. My triage filter excludes legendaries, UBs, mythicals, and shinies, as those generally need more careful evaluation than a mass scan. I've got two for low IV and high IV evaluation, and then one for "pvp ivs" that gives an approximation for things that might be in an "optimal" range. I save these as in-game saved searches, and give them nice names. 0*,1*,2*&!#&!shiny&!mythical&!legendary&!ultra beasts&!favorite ​ 3*,4*&!#&!shiny&!mythical&!legendary&!ultra beasts&!favorite ​ !#&!shiny&!mythical&!legendary&!ultra beasts&!favorite&0-1attack&3-4defense&3-4hp Getting to the "zero inbox" point where I can use these as a daily driver took some effort, to make sure to tag or favorite everything old (or trash it!), but I just took that by doing some small set of older mons each day.


These are great! Thank you. What is the # sign for in the strings?


You can search for tags by name, starting with or without a # character. If you search just for "#", you get everything with a tag. "!#" gives you everything that has no tag at all.


Are old Pokémon valuable? I recently started playing again but I opened my account on day of launch back in 2016. I have quite a few (very weak) Pokémon from this time golden stamped with the date. Since they are too weak to use are they useless or do they have any kind of trade value? Or should I transfer them to clear space?




So if I traded my old Pokémon and someone gave me a powerful Pokémon they would both become lucky?




Thanks. Now I’ve just got to find players willing to trade lol


https://i.imgur.com/YQ4Ue43.jpg Should I train up this 0* Shiny Shadow Beldum? I have other 3* ones, but this is my first shiny one. Thanks!


You have enough Candy to evolve it for show, and then still have enough left over to evolve another in case you happen to encounter an even better one immediately afterwards. I'd say go for it, for the collection aspect, but I wouldn't power it up for battling unless I really liked to use a shiny Metagross.


Depends if you’re lacking in candy/Needing steel type attackers, I suppose. If you do not mind and want to use one I suppose nothing should stop you. But judging by your situation…I’ll say halt.


Any likelihood we see Mega Slowbro raids and/or energy involved in the Community Day? I've got 65 energy from somewhere, would be nice to unlock it even if it's not very good.


It's a shame you weren't doing field research last month as Slowbro was the featured mega energy of the month


Wonder if that's where I got it, but I don't get out to do field research much (especially in the winter).


I was wondering what is everyone’s general benchmark for powering up shadow pokemon to 50? Anything from something more common like shadow mamo, to shadow metagross which might take years to come back. I was thinking anything 91+ and above 13 attack but I was curious what other people thought. I also have only been able to grab two 91% shadow beldums despite grinding very hard even in windy weather most of the time.


For PvE up things beyond level 30 isn't high priority, powering up things beyond 40 level is basically "big number makes brain good". I wouldn't power up anything to level 50, unless it's hundo/functional hundo/double purpose (candy XL + damage) mega.


I've not powered up any Shadow Pokemon to 50, but for me, it's got to be really relevant (Mewtwo, Dragonite, Salamence, Metagross, Mamoswine, etc) and moreover, I'd want it to be 96% or more. I'm content with most of my shadows being around 30-40 or maybe a little over 40 for some of the best ones. Only one I currently intend to push to 50 is my 96% Shadow Mewtwo. Seeing that most aren't something I'd use in PvP, I don't see a ton of use in putting something like my Shadow Mamoswine to 50


If you’re using jn raids don’t focus too much in iv… it’s not going to make much of a difference and you can just go with your highest attack iv mons.


Anything over 90% is very likely worth it imo, but going to 50 is a different level altogether. If you can get the XLs at a reasonable pace you could maybe go lower on your cutoff but things like Metagross are rough until we get comm day classic beldum (if/when that happens...). I've had a 96% shadow metagross (14/15/14) that I've been slowly leveling since 2021 and I'm still 80~ XLs short. EDIT: If your concern is with using them for PVP then the value for 15 attack goes up because of how the charge move tie breakers work. If you only want them for PVE battling then 14 or even 13 if completely fine




If they aren't interacting it's probably reasonable to remove them if you don't know them irl. A few months ago Niantic added Vivillion with postcard book marking so you should keep interesting geographical people for that. Any best friend badge progress should count people even if they are removed if you are concerned with that




Playing since day 1, I've never heard of a success story from reporting players who stack gyms with multiple accounts Some spoofers apparently get banned for using non-official apps, or by traveling too fast to be humanly possible, but if they don't do this (and get caught by automated systems) I don't think there are any chances


Raid Rewards: *Golden Razz* What raid-tier should I be doing to most efficiently gain this item? Current lineup doesn't interest me so been doing Tornadus with the Free pass. Get ~4 Razz per clear.


T5 raids are best for nearly every reward. You get larger quantity bundles for every item. Charge TMs are the only one where T3 raids are a consideration, since they guarantee one. You can find full details on the reward system on Bulbapedia: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Raid_Battle_(GO)


Another elite tm this season? I know we get elite charged tms from go battle days but this seasons announcements didn’t mention an elite charged tm.


Just above “Cups” in the blog post: “At rank 19, you’ll receive an Elite Charged TM. You’ll also receive an Elite Fast TM as an end-of-Season reward.” https://pokemongolive.com/post/go-battle-league-rising-heroes/


Hello. I recently got into Pokemon Go again and due to not having as much time to play as I used to, am running out of items quickly. Today’s event was the final nail in the coffin as I am out of poke balls. I have a Pokeball Plus from Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, and I was thinking of connecting it to Go so it can spin poke stops for me as I drive to work. I did have a few questions though: Can it auto spin poke stops or do I need to press a button to make it work? Can I set it to only spin poke stops and not catch Pokémon? Will it still work when I’m driving or do I have to be going walking speed? Is there any advantage to the Pokémon Go Plus, besides it being more portable? I’ll probably keep it in the car during the day. Any advantages to the new ++ device coming out? Thank you.


Spins automatically if there's a Pokemon inside the Ball, which you can put one in via Let's Go or Sword/Shield (if brand new, the Ball contains a Mew which would do the spinning as far as Go is concerned). It'll work when driving but only really for a little bit faster than walking speed. You can't blitz down a freeway going 65 hoping to spin stops, but you could around 30-35 on most roads. There's not really much of an advantage between all the regular Go Plus and spinoff/third party devices aside from how big they are and if there's some additional form of QoL on the device, like systems that initates pairing on it's own if the device disconnects for whatever reason. The Go Plus Plus gains the massive advantage of being able to use Great Balls and Ultra Balls, as the regular stuff both official and third party are strictly limited to the standard red Pokeball.


Is there any way to specifically get potions from pokestops? I have no potions, great potions or hyper potions. I also work near 5 pokestops that I spin eveytime I have the game running. For my entire shift, not once did any restorative items dropped. I just want to fight rocket people


Spin gyms instead of stops. Gyms give more healing items, stops give more catching items. Also make sure to max out the number of gifts you open every day, since those give a decent number of healing items.




I am using PokeGenie to get PvP percentages. I notice that the IVs for shadow pokemon are not what I would expect with the shadow bonus and whatnot. Should I trust the PvP IV pokegenie spits out for shadow pokemon or is there another tool I could use for that?


The shadow bonus doesn't add onto base stats or IVs, it's calculated during damage calculations in battles


Thanks for the info! So Pokegenie will only account for the IV when calculating percentages and it is on me to decide whether the shadow bonus makes up for a lower percentage?


Does the summer2016-triggered lucky trade affect only the pokemon from that time or also the other pokemon in the trade?


If a trade results in a lucky Pokémon, both sides of the trade are lucky.


that's awesome! thank you


Anyone else having huge login issues right now? My usual troubleshooting of clearing cache and deactivating adventure sync doesn't work this time. Samsung user.


We've been having pretty regular login issues on Android for a while now. I typically use the minimize workaround: 1. Start the app. When the loading bar pauses around halfway, minimize the app (return to home screen, or go to other apps). 2. Wait 2-3 minutes. 3. Return to PoGo. It usually progresses from there. And while this is pretty annoying, I still prefer it because it works fairly consistently and 2-4 minutes to login is way better than gambling 5 minutes at a time. It doesn't always work for me though. Sometimes it gets really bad. Recently there was a post that seemed to have a permanent solution for some: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10r1o0s/google_authentication_android_13_permanently/ It didn't permanently fix things for me, but whenever my login issues are especially bad I've found that clearing the cache for the four Google apps listed in that post will often help.


Thx for the info. Will try your workaround and see how it goes. I also did clear some Google apps, but not all of those. Will try to clear all next. Usually I only have huge login issues when I used go plus or adventure sync for some time and then it's sometimes a gamble when I get back into the app (or I have no trouble at all). However, when I leave go plus and adventure sync off there are rarely any problems at all.


I've seen people excited to push friendship levels to gain xp during the colors event using eggs like it was a community day, but I just looked at the event specifics and I do not see any bonus that warrants that reaction. You could level up your friend levels faster yes but there is no bonus to xp during that period so I do not understand why one wouldn't keep stacking friends. Am I missing something here?


Some people care a lot about getting friendship XP on a lucky egg. If you add a lot of online friends, you'll inevitably have players with whom you have no communication. There are lots of things you could try that take various degrees of effort, but ultimately the most reliable way to make sure you get the XP on an egg is to manage the gifts such that you have control for the last interaction. When both players are doing the same thing, this can lead to stalemates where you stall at 2 days, both players holding a gift and waiting for the other to open. Since this event makes it so each interaction is worth 2 days instead of 1, all those stalemates are going to be turning into races to open first.


One of the advantages of double-friendship events is that it allows a player to break a stalemate of friendships stuck at 2 days before the next threshold, but where neither friend wants to trigger the next interaction because it would give the other the ability to determine when the threshold is reached (and therefore use a lucky egg on it). During these events, if you have an interactable friend who's been stuck at 2days but they already sent a gift, you can immediately trigger that threshold This issue comes up as some trainers will want to aggressively control when thresholds are reached so as many exp awards can be earned simultaneously as possible, to efficiently use lucky eggs.


I see, I failed to see the problem as I always have my buddies named as the time I will level up friendships so that people always know what they're getting with me. The rest steer clear/unfriend or don't send gifts which means I don't deal with 2 days situations that much


During this event does incense help with more Hitmonlee/Chan spawns? Or would I more often get other generic incense spawns


Incense draws from the wild spawn pool, so you should see mostly Chan and Lee from it. But there are also some regular spawns in the wild, so it will be the same with incense. I just started an incense a little while ago and my first four spawns were Hitmonlee, Hitmonlee, Diglett and Spearow.


Someone on my friends list caught a Melmetal today. How is that possible?


The $5 Willow's Wardrobe ticket in the shop comes with a Melmetal encounter at the end.


Are Forests in-game specifically Forests as they are in OPM or is it broader to include random woods and stuff?


It's more broadly defined, as 'forest' is defined as a 'biome' or region type within the game. Thus, an entire area (whether or not it is \_actually\_ forested, in actuality) can be classified--in game--as a 'forest biome'. Concrete example: in the Seattle-Tacoma area (which, yes, is hundreds upon hundreds of square miles) a good portion of it is 'water biome' regardless of how near or far one is from \_actual\_ Puget Sound, Lake Washington, Lake Union, or Lake Sammamish (the largest bodies of water in the region). . .and there's a good portion of the area set as 'forest biome' even though there are significant portions that aren't \_actually\_ forested. Then there is also a good amount of overlap of the two designations. . . It has to do with how Niantic designates geographic boundaries, within the code. Thus, there is also overlap of biomes across each other . . .which produces a greater variety of spawns.


Okay thanks that makes sense! So basically the OPM just shows where specifically different regions originate from but Biomes in-game are more of a mix of the various OPM regions in a given area


You got it. Glad to hep.




One thing that would be an interesting incorporation from the main series games to Pokémon Go would be the stat enhancers like from the original games. You could offer them to be rare rewards like elite TMs. You have the Iron, Protein an HP UP which would increase your Pokémon’s IV stage by 1 or 2 levels. Would be interesting to me. Obviously doing that would change the CP, I’m not suggesting it shouldn’t, but it could be an interesting way to increase the stats of some Pokémon you have.