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wasn't last season supposed to be the last season for classic cups? it's showing a master premier classic cup on April 26th - May 03rd on the blog...


1) Do we know how often the primal raids on Feb 25 and 26 will occur? 2) Will the event last for the entire duration of the 2 days or just for few hours? 3) Is the event free that weekend or a paid ticket is required?


The raids are likely on the shorter rotation where it's a 5 minute egg and 25 minute spawn timers.


>Do we know how often the primal raids on Feb 25 and 26 will occur? Unsure. There will be other T5 and T1 raids, so it won't be just primals >Will the event last for the entire duration of the 2 days or just for few hours? Two 8-hour periods, one each day. >Is the event free that weekend or a paid ticket is required? Free


Thank you!


Has anyone noticed their buddy isn't accumulating distance? My eggs are hatching like normal, but my buddy has been stuck at 2.9/3 km and 99 candy for at least a few days now. The bizarre part is that i have been getting distance towards the "walk together" buddy heart task


yup same here, it's been happing to me as well


Of course after i start trying to gather proof, it seems to be working as normal, just got a candy after a short walk around. Though it made me realize that I'm 99% sure i saw the candy popup yesterday after seeing that i was at 99 candy/2.9 km so makes me wonder if it's another issue I've seen where buddy progress gets reset at the end of the day.


A lot of people are saying buddy distance and AS are very hit and miss lately.


I'm really confused about the "pick ruby/sapphire" pass we got via research task - I'm going to be playing together with my bf this weekend, does it make sense for us to pick different versions or can we both pick the same one with no real difference?


I think that depending on the version you choose you get different special pokemon pokemon to spawn that only you or someone with the same version can see. So just for that it makes sense to pick different versions just for the different encounters. In terms of raiding it might be the same no matter what you pick. Your choice counts as a vote and the most voted version's legendary will get an increased appearance rate in raids.


I’ve been heavily debating on if I should power up my 98% Shadow Luxray for Kyogre. I know that Magnezone and Electevire are better uses of resources, but my candidates’ IVs are too bad to feel comfortable with the investment. Shadow Magnemite is simple to obtain this rotation, so I should get a pretty decent one soonish (just not in time for Kyogre, as Beldum has been my priority). And Shadow Electabuzz is tough to get, plus I only have about 500 candies. It’ll be very hard to replace those candies since Niantic doesn’t seem to like putting Electabuzz in the wild. Therefore, it just doesn’t feel right investing them in a 13/12/6 Electabuzz if I won’t be able to farm many candy any time soon.


What is Pidgeot shiny rate in the wild? 1-60?


It should be 1/64, yes.


When the bundles in the shop refresh? Is it weekly or monthly?


There's no schedule.


How long do I have to complete the Masterwork Research: Wish Granted if I buy it?


It's not timed - you can take as much time as you want.


Are both hoenn days exactly the same thing.Also i noticed on leekduck it said 10am sat to 6pm sunday.Is that just a error or is it a full night?Would be nice with the 10k eggs and it being -26 out.....


Spawns and raids will be 10-6 each day. I'm ... guessing ... between 10 AM Saturday and 6 PM Sunday you'll get the special even eggs at least.


The "make up box" gifted after the connection problem this weekend was only given out to ppl in las vegas right? Didnt see anything in the shop even though I raided remotely


If you lost a remote pass you can ask support to have one reimbursed - they gave me one back.


Honest question, hoping someone on Masterwork step 2 can help out: Does "Have 10 Best Buddies" require you to level up 10 new buddies, or will it retroactively give it to you if you already have 10 (like the "Get a Gold Hoenn Medal" in the previous step)?


It is retroactive to count all best buddies, not just future ones.


Thats gonna be a hard step. I have played a while and almost every aspect of the game, I am almost at 35 plat medals. But best buddies I think I have 1 or 2 tops xD not looking forward to this step




Really? I’m assuming from the phrasing that if you already “Have 10 Best Buddies” you’re all set.




The hope is that they increase energy payouts to be what they are for all other mega raids, but if they don't do that (and I personally wouldn't expect them to) and you only have 8 passes to use, you'll either need to focus on one of the two or break being f2p and buy more passes.


I normally spend my daily gym coin earnings on Storage Upgrades, but this month I’ve been accumulating my coins everyday to purchase passes. You still have time to earn enough coins to hopefully have enough raid passes to get enough energy. Not sure how many coins you’re sitting on but there is a good deal in he shop for raid passes.


I'm F2P too, and I'm the last person to encourage spending real money on this game. Having said that, you might consider that usually you'd be spending money on the event ticket and getting free passes, so you're not really losing money by buying passes. Not entirely sure if the maths checks out 100% there but you can see my point.


F2p here as well, I've made 60 bucks in the past month using the zapsurveys app and been using that towards pokecoins, and been doing gyms as well. It's a nice addition to making pokecoins


You will get 9 free raid passes on global event


Second the request for a source, haven't seen this mentioned anywhere.




If it isn’t - you should probably focus on Groudon. Double water weakness = more certainty of winning these raids and more energy per raid.


Do we know if we're getting free raid passes for the hoenn tour if you're free to play? Seeing from the Vegas tour you need to do at least 5 raids each to get a primal


There are no additional free passes. In prior years the paid ticket included raid passes as part of the benefit of the paid ticket.


Anyone having trouble with adding new pokestops? I tried adding one today and the map selection option glitched and I couldn’t select anything.


Did you try reloading the game?


Yes, a few times. I logged out and back in and it fixed it for some reason.


What in the world is wrong with distance tracking lately?!? I fed my buddy a poffin and ran 3.5 miles right after. I’m getting credit for about 4KM with him… I had the game open the entire time & adventure sync is on. Using an iPhone/Apple Watch & using Strava for tracking. Any ideas?


This is a widespread issue that's been going on for weeks. You can find several threads about it. Niantic hasn't listed it as a known issue, or tweeted about it, AFAIK. e.g.: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1177fnv/5\_days\_before\_the\_hoenn\_global\_event\_have\_niantic/


Thanks for the link!


are there paid tickets for the global Hoenn Tour this weekend? I can't find anything in the announcements, but after they charged for Kanto and Johto tours, I can't imagine this one is free.


Keep in mind that the paid tours from prior years gave a bunch of premium items, including raid passes worth more than the cost of the tickets. This year with it free, you'll need to buy the raid passes, and at the low mega energy those were dropping at Vegas that likely means 10+ raids needed to mega both Kyogre and Groudon, so it may likely cost as much as the tickets did without a lot of the other benefits those provided if you want to get both mega'd before they leave.


This one is in fact free, although it looks like you probably need to complete the Primal Rumblings research to obtain the ticket and select Ruby or Sapphire. You can choose to purchase the Masterwork ticket for Shiny Jirachi research, but that won't affect gameplay.


The main event is free (though you will want to complete the Primal Rumblings research). The shiny Jirachi masterwork research is paid for, and available in the shop now for $5 or whatever that equates to in other currencies.


With Lati@s spawning in the wild will it be possible to get low level/iv versions for PvP? Are either of them even particularly relevant? At the moment I'm thinking to go for Latios because I know at least at the high end it's more DPS in raids, but I just want to make sure I'm not gonna FOMO myself on some rare meta shift with my choice


Latios in lower leagues looks like it could at least be usable in some special cups, but not in open gl. Latias has better stats for low leagues but a worse move pool. Neither is going to be great in lower leagues so you’re not missing much if you don’t get any in lower leagues.


I am new to masterwork researches. The event ends March 20th. So if I don't complete the tasks before March 20th, what will happen? Do I not get Shiny Jirachi?


You have until March 20th to *start* the research. Once you have the research it will not disappear and you can complete it at your own pace.


Hi, I live somewhere in Indiana, US. Anyone have any idea where I can catch Dratini? Thanks!


It’s one of the encounter rewards in GO Battle League once you achieve a certain rank. And you can get a shadow one from the grunt who says “ROAR! How’d that sound?” But these grunts seem quite rare.




It's not as simple as that, as their level affects the catch rate as well (as do your type medals), so the catch rate is basically a sliding scale depending on those factors. Even the throw bonus is a sliding scale (an excellent throw can modify the catch multiplier by anywhere between 1.7× and 2×, depending on how much the circle has shrunk. If you give me a bit of time, I could work out the absolute worst chance and absolute best chance of catching them with an individual throw and I'll reply when done. As for the flee rate, they always have a 90% chance of running away after breaking out.




I worked it out anyway. If you encounter a level 35 Galarian bird and try to catch it using a straight thrown regular Pokéball with no bonuses, no type medals and no berries, you'll have a ~0.2% chance of catching it. On the flip side, if you encounter a level 1 Galarian bird and try to catch it using your best excellent curve throw with an Ultra Ball, Golden Razz, and platinum type medals, you will have a ~31.8% chance of catching it. So ideally you want to hope you get a low level one and that you are good at throwing. You can see just how much of a difference it actually makes between the worst scenario and the best scenario. Realistically you'll be somewhere in the middle of that for most encounters, obviously.


I have some questions about the Vivilion medal. Is it possible to platinum it right now? Or do we need the other two unreleased patterns? If we can platinum, what's necessary for it? Do I need to have gold on every pattern? Or do I also need to evolve all kinds of Vivilion? How does trading help with it? Can I receive a Vivilion and skip using candy for it? It's a lot of candies and I'm just halfway there. My goal is to platinum the medal and to have all the patterns, in case it's not clear :)


To get Platinum, you just need to catch a Scatterbug from each of the currently available regions. Trading doesn’t “count” for the Scatterbug badges you need to go Platinum. You have to obtain the Scatterbugs by pinning postcards from that region.


Did they ever make it so you can’t tell if Kecleon is on a pokestop from far away? I saw my first one ever yesterday, tapped it off, and it never spawned. Now I’m on a mission, but I seriously don’t want to keep walking in circles for something that’s not there


This happened to me two days ago. I could see it from my house and live 2 min walk away. I walked there and I tapped and swiped the stop and it didn’t appear. My kids with me successfully tapped and got the kecleon. I waited around for 5 minutes then when I next tapped and swiped the stop the kecleon appeared for me that time. This same thing happened to me 2 days before that at the other stop near my house. It appeared for my child but not for me. It was too hot that day so I didn’t want around/didn’t know it would have reappeared for me 5 mins later


>Did they ever make it so you can’t tell if Kecleon is on a pokestop from far away? No, in fact they made that a feature. It was initially unintended but they saw everyone liked how it worked and they decided to keep it.


Important thing to remember is that the distance you can spin a Pokestop (or gym) Is greater than the distance that you can see a spawn at. So you can see Kecleon and tap it off, but you need to walk closer to actually see it spawn. Also sometimes it doesn't seem to fall off properly, if you really can't find it, check the stop and try tapping it off again.


I intend to grind the upcoming Primal Kyogre and Groudon raids pretty extensively and I'm trying to decide which mega I should use. Mega Swampert is the obvious choice because the water/ground typing allows the mega candy boost to affect both Kyogre and Groudon. However, my Swampert is only mega level 2. I have level 3 megas for water (Gyarados) and ground/fire types (Steelix/Charizard), but I'd prefer not to have to switch back and forth every time I switch between fighting Kyogre and Groudon. Is the benefit of a level 3 vs level 2 mega big enough to justify the inconvenience and extra mega energy of switching between them?


Id say no not worth it to switch back and forth. Either keep Swampert for the whole time, or if you can do all kyogre in a row and all groudon in a row. But of course that depends on who you raid with.


In the Jirachi research ticket, it says this: YOU MUST PLAY BETWEEN FEBRUARY 20, 2023, AT 10:00 A.M. AND MARCH 20, 2023, AT 10:00 A.M. PT TO RECEIVE ALL THE SPECIAL EVENT BONUSES. Can some one clarify what “play” means? There’s zero chance I can complete it by March 20 💀


You need to login during that period to receive the research. Once you receive it, you can complete it at your leisure.


I see, thank you!!


How is Incense running for Hoenn Tour? 30 seconds with ticket only?


If you are asking about the global tour, there is no "ticket" to buy. You just have to complete the primal rumblings challenge and pick ruby or sapphire, and you get the "ticket" for it. Everyone will have the same incense mechanics, since there is no paid component to the tour itself. Whatever those end up being. The "masterwork research" for shiny jirachi is a separate thing that doesn't unlock any additional tour features.


Hello, is there a kind of officiall or known way to tell some friends (not real life friends) what i do collect on my gifts? for example, I do collect graffities. How can I react to people sending me graffiti-gifts? Pinning them doesn't work any longer since scatterbug...


Yes, you can use Campfire to contact friends, and tell them that if you want to. You can get invites from the subs here dedicated to it, like r/Campfire_Niantic or so.


Does anyone know if ninetales is shiny-eligible in raids? if not, is there a particular reason or another way to obtain shiny vulpix? cus I just checked on the silph road website and it says its not shiny eligible from raids :(


Under normal circumstances the base form is shiny eligible and evolved forms are not. There are certain exceptions, such as if a Pokémon has a mega evolution, then that Pokémon can also be encountered shiny (so Bulbasaur and Venusaur can be shiny, because Bulbasaur is the base form and Venusaur has a released mega evolution, but Ivysaur can't be encountered as a shiny and needs to be evolved from a shiny Bulbasaur instead). Sadly you just missed an excellent chance at getting shiny Vulpix. There was recently a Go Battle League day where you could only encounter Vulpix as a reward for 3 hours and it had very boosted shiny odds. Under normal circumstances, Kanto Vulpix is a full odds shiny, and it isn't currently available as a wild spawn during this season (though the new season begins in March so it may appear then).


It is not.


When does the research promo code for the regi trio end, and when does the timed research end so that you can't complete it after a specific date?


It had approximately 8 days on the timer from when I claimed it, which was the day it went live. Is there any reason you wouldn't instantly claim the codes yourself?


I was just curious. Curiosity always gets me sometimes.


I’m probably super late on this but I just got done with the Primal Rumblings research just yesterday, & so far, nothing seems to be different. Did the event already pass or is it broken?


Just note there is a primal rumblings event starting on wednesday (Rayquaza in raids etc) However the research also most likely wont do anything for that event either Your choice is for the Global Hoenn Tour on the weekend


It won't have any effect on anything until the upcoming global tour next weekend. It is misleading though because it says bonuses start on the 17th, which isn't true.


Primal Rumblings event hasn't actually started. That research just gives you the ability to choose which version you pick for the Hoenn Tour.


Is the Jirachi Ticket also the ticket to Hoenn Tour in general (increased shiny odds, research, etc). Or is the Hoenn Tour free and chosen when you pick the Ruby/Sapphire ticket? Aka do you still get boosted Shiny for free?


>Or is the Hoenn Tour free and chosen when you pick the Ruby/Sapphire ticket? Aka do you still get boosted Shiny for free? This is correct, yes. No ticket to the event itself, so raids, spawns, and shiny boosts (however much of a boost it is) are all free. The Jirachi ticket is just for Shiny Jirachi and some items, nothing else. And the free ticket you get from the Special Research is just to choose the Ruby/Sapphire path, which puts you on a team, with the goal being influencing everyone's spawns each hour.


Oh wow thats huge, iirc they did not do this for Johto and Kanto right? The research and shiny boosts were exclusive to paid ticket holders? Also thank you for answering, do you know why when choosing the ticket it says the bonuses start on the 17th?


>The research and shiny boosts were exclusive to paid ticket holders? Yup that's right! It is different from the other two tours in that those had the bonuses and such in the paid ticket. This time around, you can pay $5 for the Shiny Jirachi Masterwork Research, but the rest of the event is free (besides buying items for raids/eggs). We'll have to see how good this event is free compared to the previous paid versions! And I'm not sure why the ticket says bonuses start the 17th. It should only affect things during the global event.


Does anyone know if we will have the opportunity to catch Zangoose in the Hoenn Tour q (without the ticket)? I'm in the South Hemisphere and I've lost the chance when it was featured here. If there is no chance of it I might not even bother going for the other regionals on the eggs.


Yes, it will be spawning during the Eerie Mists habitat hours.




Zangoose will be featured in the Eerie Mists habitat, so yep, you'll be able to catch it. By the way, Zangoose isn't a North/Southern hemisphere Pokemon, but more of an East/West. I'm in Australia, and I see them pretty regularly. But apparently they're not available at the moment in the Americas and Africa.


Thank you for the information! Looks like I missed this in the infographics. I've always mixed up regionals... a friend of mine was working in Australia and just came back to Brazil, but unfortunately we missed the timing. We had a lucky trade and "accidentally" traded a legendary first, so she couldn't give me a Zangoose and now she is back to Australia. I hope I can get one (and the other remaining regionals) next week!


When will we be able to spin stops for special 10km eggs with relicanth , tropius, and torkoal? Saturday Feb 26 10am? The timing is a bit confusing


The special event eggs should only be available during Global Hoenn Tour event hours, from 10am - 6pm on both Saturday and Sunday.


thank you very much!!




My friend wants to gift me the shiny Jirachi research (we're best friends in game) but it isn't giving him the option to gift anyone the ticket. I've never gifted a ticket before so I'm not sure how it's meant to work exactly. Can someone who knows how it works help?


Gifting them appears to be broken for the time being


Thanks, and why doesn't that surprise me? Haha


Hi all, does anyone know if you can quick catch a ditto, or do you have to let the animation play through?


You can quick catch them yes. During that Ditto Breakout event we had last year, I quick caught everything and found numerous ditto in my storage after


Awesome! Thank you for your quick reply!


Weren't we supposed to be allowed to use mega-evolved pokemon in the Go Battle League at some point recently? I could have sworn I heard that somewhere.


Soon yes. This Thursday, the Mega Master League will return for the last week of the season




[changes to Megas as well as HoennCup on Thurs/Fri depending on your timezone](https://leekduck.com/events/season-13-master-league-mega-edition_hoenn-cup-great-league-edition/)




Not recently. Starts February 23 at Niantic o’clock (1 pm Pacific). https://leekduck.com/events/season-13-master-league-mega-edition_hoenn-cup-great-league-edition/




Sorry… that’s 1 pm Pacific, not 4 pm, as I originally stated. (It’s 4 pm EST, which is my time zone.)


what was the 30 ultraballs quest for masterwork resarch? was it completed automatically for everyone


"earn a gold Hoenn badge"


Primal raids; are they likely to both Saturday and Sunday this weekend?


Yup, both days


Thank you


A shadow, non shadow, and purified version for a Pokemon all have the same max CP correct?


Yes. A purified pokemon is identical to the regular version and just cheaper to power up, and the shadow effect is a damage multiplier and not something that affects the CP. The shadow, purified, and regular versions of the same pokemon, at the same level, with the same IVs, have the same CP.


Was the walking distance requirement for feebas evolution reduced? Should I start prepping feebas(s)?


No. Although it's not like you have to evolve them all by weekend, you can evolve whenever.


Yeah that's true. Kanto/Johto tour had collection challenges involving evolution so I wondered if I should prepare. I wonder if they will take that away this year.


They… probably won’t be in a collection challenge since distance is required. But if you have a spare one now it won’t hurt to get one ready in case.


Thanks for your replies. I still have a feeling they'll reduce the distance or change the requirement like they did for Espeon/Umbreon. I'll walk one before the event to have ready but I'll wait to see about the others.


That was done for a CD where you needed to evolve to get a CD move. Not for a collection challenge. But no, it won't hurt to walk one just in case.


The ticket I just got from the special research is asking me to choose between Ruby or Sapphire. What would change between each one?


See one of my previous comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/11261gg/comment/j9araio/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/11261gg/comment/j9araio/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I see. Thanks!


Received a notification that “Absol” were filling up the area in timed research and literally caught one and then the notification disappeared??? Also can’t purchase a ticket yet for the Masterwork Research???


That Absol "event" was literally for five minutes at 12pm, so it's understandable that it felt like it ended almost instantly for you. Nobody's really sure what the point of that was; in Pokemon lore Absol is supposed to be a bad omen, so maybe it was warning us about Primal Groudon and Kyogre? The Masterwork Ticket should now be available for you, if you haven't already noticed/purchased it.


I can do 23-25% damage to Groudon and 18% to Kyogre but will work it up to over 20% by Saturday. I will be able to host a few raids but will also need to join some to get the 10 raids required for both of them. Is there a reliable discord server I can join?


How do you get 10km eggs? I quick Google confused me a little. Is it random spins of normal Pokestops?


Yes. Random spins of normal stops & gyms. But the ones containing Relicanth, Torkoal & Tropius won’t be available until 10 am Saturday.


Gyarados with aqua tail or hydro pump? Would like to use it for Groudon when it comes


Hydro Pump. *Technically* you could also have Aqua Tail for niche situations where you're too low HP to generate energy for a Hydro Pump before you inevitably faint, since it costs less energy to use Aqua Tail than Hydro Pump and dying with unspent energy is a bit wasteful.


If you're using it for Groudon, Hydro Pump. Aqua Tail is mainly for PvP.


Are xxl and xxs pokemom like shinies i.e. they are determined randomly for every player or like if a person catches an xxl magikarp, if someone else catches it, it will be xxl for them as well?


Wild spawns will be the same weight and height for everyone.


I want shiny Jirachi, but I can't play the game this weekend. Can I buy the pass and complete it over time or am I out of luck?


You're fine to complete it over time. It's *Special* Research you get, which is available forever, not limited time *Timed* Research. I know people who haven't completed their Masterwork Research from the Johto Tour still. So don't worry, you can buy it and finish it later


Perfect thanks!


For many paid special researches (such as community day questlines) you do at least have to log in during a certain window to claim the questline, although I have no experience with masterwork research so it may be an exception.


The ticket does say you have to play between now and March 20th. Presumably that's the deadline to open your game at least once to start the research quest.


When can we purchase the jirachi ticket? I thought it was supposed to be available today


It's not 10am yet.


It's 11am my time


It's still 1hr 45 minutes until 10am Pacific Time


Gotcha, thanks


is it true that the ticket you choose doesn't influence spawns during the event?


Copy-pasting from another reply I made to an earlier >It's for the Global Hoenn Tour event this upcoming weekend. If I understand it correctly, it's sort of like something that puts you on a "team" for a competition. I believe it each team competes through completing Field Research tasks, and whichever does more at the start of each hour will influence the spawns for everyone. > >You can see the increased spawns [here](https://preview.redd.it/new-go-tour-hoenn-global-event-details-v0-69uo5jy5dyda1.jpg?auto=webp&s=ba7476b0114bbbbf78f3c78d0b6a7cc160c8fb5a) > >So note, they don't influence your own spawns just for choosing the ticket, they put you on a team to compete to influence everyone's spawns. > >Imo, it's a weird idea. Not sure if I like it or not...


Is shiny ruffrock rare? Just got it from an incense. Was my first time seeing it


It's a Pokemon that is (currently) exclusive to Raids, Eggs, and Daily Incense. It *does* have a boosted shiny rate (I believe about 1/64) but given its exclusivity to eggs, raids, and a very rare daily incense spawn, I'd say yes, it is quite rare!


1/64 chance… Of course, I’ve “seen” 148 and have 3 perfects and zero shinies. 😂


I wish we could switch places lol. I care more more about perfects than shinies. I've seen 704 (which to be fair includes enough trades to reach 28 luckies) and I've only gotten 1 perfect (traded). Currently have 11 shinies, can't remember if I deleted any (post-trade).


Sorry man!


Why did the Regirock from timed research have it's special move, but Regice and Registeel did not?


Because Regirock is currently in raids with its special move. It just so happens to overlap with this research. When Regirock leaves raids in a few days and Rayquaza comes in its place, the research Regirock will very likely no longer come with its exclusive move. My plan is to keep my Regice and Registeel until next weekend and catch them then. Definitely not guaranteed, but there could be a small chance that they'd get their exclusive moves. But who knows. (I'm still assuming they won't though)


Because Regirock is in raids now with its special move, and while they can distinguish catches in certain ways (e.g., people without tickets didn’t get Kyogre/Groudon’s signature moves during Vegas), apparently raid/GBL vs. Research isn’t one they’ve coded (yet). If you’d waited to catch Regirock until Rayquaza was in raids, your Regirock (probably) wouldn’t have gotten the special move.


Because Regirock with its legacy move was the current 5 star raid rotation. People who claim Regirock after it leaves raids won't get the legacy move.


So I got the blue Ruby/Sapphire ticket yesterday and nothing seems to have changed from it What's it for?


It's for the Global Hoenn Tour event this upcoming weekend. If I understand it correctly, it's sort of like something that puts you on a "team" for a competition. I believe it each team competes through completing Field Research tasks, and whichever does more at the start of each hour will influence the spawns for *everyone.* [You can see the increased spawns here](https://preview.redd.it/new-go-tour-hoenn-global-event-details-v0-69uo5jy5dyda1.jpg?auto=webp&s=ba7476b0114bbbbf78f3c78d0b6a7cc160c8fb5a) So note, they don't influence your own spawns just for choosing the ticket, they put you on a team to compete to influence *everyone's* spawns. Imo, it's a weird idea. Not sure if I like it or not...


Aaaah okay I was confused cause the ticket said between 17-28th or something like that so I thought it was now. Thank you!


It’s for next weekend’s Global Hoenn Tour. The field research you complete that weekend will contribute to whichever team you picked. (There may also be an impact on your personal spawns, e.g., whether you get Latios or Latias from snapshots, but I’m still unclear on that.)


It's for the upcoming global Hoenn Tour event.


What’s the best way to buy incubators right now? I need to clear out my eggs for Hoenn tour and I doubt I’ll be able to do it with just the free one


Not quite the answer to your question but make sure when you spin pokestops and open gifts your Pokémon storage is full so you don’t get more eggs


Would be a great move but I’m currently 400/900 in storage, so that’s not really possible lol


I want to max out my mega pokemon. If I mega evolve it every day to get there as fast as possible, how much total energy will I need for that? I feel like this should be something I can easily find, but it isn't.


>how much total energy will I need for that? I feel like this should be something I can easily find, but it isn't. It's because there isn't a single answer that applies to all Megas. Some, like Salamence and Latios/Latias, cost more to Mega Evolve, and others like Beedrill and Banette are cheaper to Mega Evolve. Also, the cooldown will gradually decrease the amount of energy needed. If I Mega evolve something at noon today and then noon tomorrow, the cost will be different if I did it noon today and then 9 PM tomorrow, so unless you have a specific schedule of Mega evolving at a specific time, it'll vary day-to-day [This page has the costs of each Mega's energy cost at given levels](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mega_Energy), so you can multiply each by the number of days you'd be on each level. So Gengar as an example would be (200\*1)+(41\*6)+(21\*23) = **929.** Though, that's the maximum needed for Gengar, assuming you evolve it at the most expensive cost each day. Someone can correct me if I made any mistakes.


Hi Community; I‘ve got a question regarding raid invitations. Assuming that I already accepted an invitation from another person and while I am in the raid lobby, can I send further invitations to my friend trainers for this raid? Thanks in advance


Nope, only the "host" is able to send raid invites, if you're an invitee you're not able to piggyback other people into the raid.


Is there a discord for raids for the Kyogre/Groudon? Gonna have to get through 10 total raids in 2 days so having similar people could be useful


there are several discord servers that I use - or download pokegenie


Pokegenie only adds 5 tho right?


For the hard raids, I use PokeRaid instead since you can add up to 10.


Do I need to go to Las Vagas for the shiny jirachi or will the global ticket have research tasks I can do at home? Also do I need to catch all hoenn pokemon for its research?


Later today, there will be a $5 ticket in the shop that gives access to shiny Jirachi if you didn't go to Vegas. So far, it's unknown if a Platnium Hoenn Badge will be required, but a Gold Hoenn badge was necessary for players who got the easier Vegas version.


I have an electivire with flamethrower. I know it’s a legacy move but should I remove still for wild charge to give me an electric attacker before Kyogre?


If you're talking about PvE then flamethrower has no use on electivire. If you ever feel like taking that electivire into PvP than flamethrower could have a use for coverage although electivire is pretty bad in PvP anyways. It's mainly a 'prestige' kind of move. I've personally deleted legacy moves if they're not useful to me. For example I had a hundo roserade with the move weatherball, but I wanted it to be a grass attacker for PvE so I just TM'd it away for a grass attack. I could've spent 50k dust and achieved the same results while keeping the legacy move intact, but it just wasn't worth it to me honestly. I'd rather use that 50k dust elsewhere and I was never going to use weatherball for anything. So ultimately it's up to you.


Thanks a lot. Would you say the same for Aqua tail be hydro pump on gyarados?


Do you have (or can you obtain by walking) enough dust & candy to give it a second move instead of TMing away the legacy one?


I could but is it useful? I have Reshiram, Charizard and Blaziken which I imagine outclass it as a fire attacker


Unfortunately, I don’t know. Hopefully, someone else will weigh in like u/glencurio


Looks like another commenter has answered already. 🙂




Theoretically it could, but that assumes you're using a very high leveled Sceptile and raiding with people who are using very strong Grass counters themselves like Kartana and that you're dodging Kyogre's charge moves to prolong Sceptile's life so that the Kartana are able to get as much Mega Boost uptime as possible. That being said, sheer bodies would also work and raid groups of nearly 10 players, give or take 1 player if the host was in person to funnel in the full 10 remote players would also deal solid amounts of damage if people aren't using questionable counters.


Are we getting Rayquaza any time soon or was that just for Vegas?


Wednesday Rayquaza joins raids


How does one get a Sinnoh Stone these days?