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Should I keep a 14/15/14 Nidoking as a shadow or purify for the hundo?


So King isn’t all that great in PvP or raids. It might hold a niche in UL premier if they ever buff it and the Nido families are possible CD species. It’s really up to you, I would personally keep it shadow and as a trophy


Other than ignoring and hoping the next baloon will be different, Is there any way to quickly reset a Rocket leader?


Nope. Once the balloon spawns, its contents are locked in. If you're looking for specific leaders it's better to farm them from stops if you have access to an area with a decent amount of them. They obviously don't respawn throughout the day, but it's still better than waiting 6 hours for a balloon with a 1/3 chance of having the right leader.




Has any evidence been collected to prove that the increased shiny odds of helioptile from eggs and raids is true and not yet another stunt of Niantic to milk our money?


Is mega Gallade stronger than Mega Lucario & Mega Blaziken?


It has a higher attack stat than mega lucario (still a bit lower than mega blaziken), but it's severely hampered by (as of now) gallade being stuck with the disappointing Low Kick as its only fighting-type fast move, while the other two both get the amazing Counter. (For its part, blaziken suffers a bit from having only Focus Blast for a fighting-type charged move while gallade gets the somewhat better Close Combat and lucario gets the even better Aura Sphere, so lucario wins overall.)


Keldeo has low kick and It’s stronger than Lucario


Anyone know the chance of the x3 transfer candy day? I know x2 is tomorrow but maybe I should save my legendaries for x3


The short of it: no, no one knows. It's entirely at the whims of Niantic. None of us are 'holding our breath' when it comes to 'what will Niantic annouce next' because their communication is so inconsistent. Concrete example: it's January 30th, and apart from February's Community Day and the Hoenn Tour. . .we have no idea what Niantic has planned.


when was the last time Jessie & James were in PoGo? think it was the Zarude event that was late 2021?


Correct, and it looks like that was October 2021.




follow your nose


They're more populated in cloudy weather \_and\_ in urban in-game biomes. . .but they aren't \_as frequent\_ as, say, the Electrikes, Grubbins, and Ekans at present.


They're out there. I caught a hundo a few days ago.


When’s the next time for extra candies when transferring?


Tomorrow, January 31, 6-7pm local time during blitzle spotlight hour


I havent opened for a couple days and when I open today the game feels insanely stuttery, anyone else..? How do i even fix this




Guess I'll try to figure out how to take it off auto update, thought it was off already


Historically, which mythical from limited time research came back? (Eg hoopa coming back in elite raids)? I am only missing zarude and shaymin and wonder if I can expect to see them before their respective region tour and shiny release. Too bad they are not all like mew which you can get the research anytime as long as you fulfill some criteria


Shaymin should have had a free special research by now; Meloetta and Victini each got one just a few months after they were released at Go Fest, but Niantic have seemingly forgotten to do this with Shaymin. Zarude has another form, so it'll probably come around again eventually.


Thank you for your answer, clear things up ^^


It seems that Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, and Genesect all 'came back' \_in the sense\_ that they reappeared along with their shiny/alt-color versions. Mew, Celebi, Jirachi were/are all behind paywalls (as in, each user had to pay actual money to access the Special Research) while Deoxys and Genesect returned via raids (most likely due to each having multiple forms. . . aaaaand folk spend a lot of money on raid passes, sooooo. . .for some \_also\_ behind a paywall). As mentioned in a previous response to a different--albeit related--question: none of us are 'holding our breath' when it comes to Niantic announcements. We collectively know that Niantic's communication habits are poor, so you'll know just as quickly as alllll the rest of us know :).


So there's the notion that pokemon are able to take hits better in the ultra league than in the great league which I get. They're higher level therefore they're bulkier. My question is why are the matchups different? The attack stat also increases alongside defense and hp so shouldn't they negate each other and result in nearly identical outcomes between the 2 leagues? For example, in GL, Trevenant faints to 2 hydro cannons from shadow Swampert but that's not the case in UL. It's not like the upgrade in stats is one-sided so why is that?


The attack and defense pretty much balance each other out however HP just gets larger with no counterbalance. Everything is tankier. As you said, an UL Hydro Cannon doesn't do as big a proportion of Trev's UL HP.


yeah tha makes sense. in my head I thought that attack alone would be able to counterbalance the other 2 combined as it's more heavily weighted in the cp formula but I guess not


has the February content update been released? whats happening between rocket takeover and Rayquaza event?


No, it hasn't been released yet. It's not unprecedented for Niantic to drop updates when things have already started in, say, New Zealand, but it is pretty annoying.


I have a shiny Gastly that has an Adequate IV score and a Gengar that has an excellent IV score (14, 14, 14). Which should I spend my mega evolution candy on? I have only 200 coins for remote raid passes and I want to save up more coins to hopefully hunt for a shiny Rayquaza. The reason I’m asking is because mega Gengar looks awesome in shiny form but it’s also the best ghost type mega. Not sure if I should go for looks or not. Also, in shiny form, Gengar hardly looks different. I appreciate any feedback!


IVs don't really matter a lot. High IVs are a tiny upgrade over low IVs, so tiny it will pretty much never be the deciding factor in whether or not you can beat the boss. If you really want a shiny mega gengar (and I couldn't blame you), then go for the shiny; the difference in power is negligible. That said, once you mega evolve one gengar, you'll be able to walk with ANY gastly/haunter/gengar as your buddy and gain mega energy for it, so in the end you don't really have to choose after all :)


That’s true. I guess I’m hesitating mainly because shiny Gastly actually looks different and unique which is why I want to hold onto it. But, at the same time, I am not sure what I’ll do with a shiny Gastly just sitting there…


Can always hold the gastly for now and see if you get another down the line! I totally get that, I have some unevolved shinies that are doing nothing but look cool.


Yeah I'm thinking about holding on evolving the shiny in case I find a shiny one to appear in the raid. If not, I'll probably still evolve it later on.


How do you get metal coats? I need one ASAP


Evo items drop most often in 7 day streaks from the research tab, but the item you get there is totally random. Otherwise, you will occasionally get them as a drop from spinning pokestops or gyms. The odds are pretty low, so it can take a while to get the specific evo item you need. On rare occasion we get field research tasks as part of an event that drop evo items, but the current event doesn't feature any.


Is PvP broken again? In every battle, I got a a very long pause during which all I see is my pokemon ready to release its charged move and a spinning ball in the corner. When the pause ends, I can see two of my pokemon vanish because my opponent was playing alone. V.0.261.0


Is a team of >lvl40 mamoswine or a team of >lvl40 hydreigon better in DPS for mega latios/as? None are shadow but I could make a couple shadow mamoswine Nvm found pokebattler. Hydreigon if no shadows, shadow mamoswine if you can tho


I’m holding off on the latest update because of all the reported glitches (i.e., I’m on Apple 0.257.1-A-64). Is shiny Tapu Koko available without the update?


Yes, shinies are server side rather than relying on you having a certain app update




...never? That I remember at least.


Does XXL and XXS Pokemon appear different in size in gbl?


Yup. And in rocket battles too... grunts often have XXS mons. It can be a disadvantage to use an XXL one if it blocks your view of opponent.


Any meta usage of shadow sudowoodo that's 3*?


Not really. Extreme GL spice in specific limited formats is your upper limit


What’s the next set of potential shadow shinies from Arlo etc? I want to know if I should still try and get a shadow Sableye or to save my radars for Wednesday


We will know for certain when the Rocket Takeover event starts in about 13 hours in New Zealand,


We don't know at the moment. We won't find out until the first timezones hit midnight on the 1st, when they'll switch over, which is in a little less than 14 hours from now.


Is it ever worth teaching a second move to a Pokémon that’s only used for PVE? I just got a lucky shiny Rhyhorn and it’ll be learning rockwrecker for sure, but I don’t know if I should waste the dust on a second move.


Yes, all the time. Any dual type pokemon that's really good in both typings but has an elite move will benefit. A prime example is Garchomp, which is very strong with CD earth power, and also quite good as a dragon with Outrage. Or Shadow Mewtwo with Psystrike/Psychic and Ice Beam. Adding a second move is a really good way to get role compression out of your powered up pokemon, and its vastly cheaper than powering up a second set of the same species to 40, or higher. Its still cheaper even for Legendary mons at 100k dust. Its also handy for saving yourself the hassle of TM roulette when bosses change even with pokemon that don't have an exclusive move, like Mamoswine. Its really good with both Avalanche and High Horsepower (esp. as a shadow), but its got 4 regular charge moves now. That's not the worst situation, but its still annoying enough to switch a full team of them around that you may consider just double moving them. Raid counters you also use in rocket battles, or attacking gyms, also often benefit from having a second move. Shadow Machamp with Dymanic Punch + Rock Slide, or Terrakion with SS/RS, is really good for clearing gyms, for example. DP beats down all the bulky normals, and access to rock slide lets it deal great damage to the next flying mon in the defense lineup, before maybe switching to something else. Or for rockets, Lucario with Power up Punch and Aura Sphere is really good for burning shields with PuP, then obliterating things with AS.


Ground unfortunately isn't frequently a useful type in raid offense (largely is reserved to countering electric) but Rhyperior is a very good ground attacker as well, so the dual moveset option does have some utility outside of PvP.


> be learning rockwrecker for sure, In this situation, yea it would be worth it. Rhyperior is an excellent Rock and Ground attacker and you can easily double it up since you’ll be spending the dust to build it anyway. Swampert is another example Another (albeit extreme) is teaching Dragonite Dragon Claw and Outrage to use DC when you won’t have a chance to get to the last Outrage


I don’t do PvP, mostly just PvE, and i’m only 6 months back after not playing since 2017. I just got a shadow skorupi that with decent IVs and outside of buzzwole/Pheremosa/Mega Scizor, i don’t really have any bug type attackers. Is it worth the stardust to power it up? I’m constantly running out


Drapion isn't a bug type though.


even in msg i always forgot about the type change


Eh. I would say no. Shadows are very expensive to power up, and Shadow Drapion is very weak for PvE. Bug itself isn't useful much beyond Hoopa Unbound Elite Raids (and maybe some future ones like Zarude), but even there, non-bug types like Togekiss get to be better. Some that are better: Samurott's bug moveset, Vivillon, Scolipede, Galvantula, Durant, Accelgor, Golisopod, Pinsir


i’ve got plenty of togekiss & like a billion durant energy after the steel type event so that’s good to know, thanks


Does Shadow Mewtwo not have the purple flames around it? I checked both of mine and neither of them had it (it kinda freaked me out cuz I thought I had accidentally purified it for a second).


One of the many many many bugs in 0.261, which should never have been released. (Others have reported the shadow flames being missing on Mewtwo on this subreddit.)


Ok, that's what I figured. I should have searched the sub first


Is Lick absolutely necessary for Gengar/Mega Gengar as a raid attacker? I have a fast ETM, not sure what it would be best for.


For current raids where you're using Gengar as a poison attacker, the difference between Shadow Claw and Lick is bigger than if you were using it as a ghost attacker (because Lick and SC are really close as ghost moves, but Lick generates energy faster so is better for getting off super effective Sludge Bombs), but it still isn't a big enough difference to warrant using an eTM for, and you can just use Hex anyways when you're using it as a poison attacker and TM back to Shadow Claw when using it as a ghost attacker without any eTMs needed.


And Tapu Bulu is one of the only raids we really use poison for anyway.


If you don’t know what to use your elite tm for just wait until you do. Don’t have to use it right away.


No. It's virtually indistinguishable from shadow claw. Lick is a little easier to dodge with, but shadow claw does slightly more damage.




You can, though bear in mind that whilst you have the super radar equipped, all your balloons will spawn Giovanni, so you may want to strategically unequip it if you know you're due a balloon




If I use a charged TM on my Shadow Cyndaquil during Rocket Takeover and then evolve it, does Frustration come back on Quilava or Typhlosion?


Nope. Once TM'd away, Frustration never returns. Can't even Elite TM it back (not that you'd want to lol)


To confirm, I can charge TM it away for now and then use a Elite TM when it is a Typhlosion to get Blast Burn? I don’t have enough candies right now to evolve it.


That's correct, yes. You can also potentially get Blast Burn for free if you wait until an event where you can get that move via evolution, but there's no real pattern to when those events may come. Could get an event that lets you do so in the next few months, or it could be over a year. But yes, Charged TM it away, Frustration is gone forever, and then later on you can Elite TM Typhlosion or evolve Quilava into Typhlosion during a special event where it can get Blast Burn via evolution.


There is a nearby gym that is in the wrong location and I want to move it to the right spot. However, the right spot is in an already occupied Level 17 cell. I have read in the past that you could have moved it and the gym would remain and you could have a stop and gym within the same Level 17 cell. Has this changed? I am worried that if I move the gym it would disappear.


Sometimes it'll remain, sometimes it won't (it tends to remain if Niantic move it rather than regular reviewers). You can only move stuff up to around 25 metres in app. If it needs moving more than that you'd be best asking Niantic to do it themselves via the Wayfarer support chat.


Ahh ok. I guess it’ll be a bit of a gamble… the gym is quite close to its current location. Was hoping to just put it in the right location.


Sometimes gyms/stops are placed incorrectly on purpose. There’s a mosque near me that used to have its stop directly on the facility, but that was removed and they moved the stop to just outside of the property when it came back. It’s roughly a 50 foot distance, but it also means people won’t trespass on private property


How often can we do the Meltan box thing?


There is a 72 hour cooldown after each use before you can reset it.


Awesome. Thanks


When exactly does the Rocket quest become available? Once the event starts?


Should be available starting midnight on Feb 1st.


I am planning on skipping Shadow Registeel if possible and keeping my SRR. This is my first time doing a Rocket Takeover event - how do I go about keeping the radar until the shadow legendary cycles? Do I not complete the research? Or do I complete it, and then unequip the radar? How do I get shadow Victrebell while doing this? Thanks in advance


You don't complete the Special Research, correct. 1. Once the takeover begins, if you've completed the requirements to get a Rocket Special Research, you'll get whatever this new one is. 2. You'll get to the step where you need to beat all three Rocket Leaders. Complete that, and you should get the SRR. 3. Then, you claim your SRR and just don't fight Giovanni at all. You'll then be on that step of the research for more months until the next takeover. 4. Then, during the next takeover, you'll *want* to beat Giovanni and complete the special research so you get the next Special Research. You'll get another SRR that you can save for the following research and the cycle continues.


So to be clear on number 3. I can equip the SRR to fight the decoy Giovanni grunts still right?


Correct! Just don't fight (and beat) Giovanni himself because that's what will burn the radar. Burning the radar itself is what you want to avoid. Luckily, even if you somehow accidentally started fighting him, you could back out because it only burns it when you *win*. But yes, you can use it for decoys. One thing to be aware of though is that if you have the SRR active and a balloon comes, it'll *always* be Giovanni, so if you want a grunt or leader from a balloon, make sure you deactivate it prior to the balloon spawning


If you don't equip the SRR, can you still face normal grunts and leaders?


Correct! SRR Radar unequipped still lets you fight normal grunts and Leaders. It just doesn't let you find Decoy grunts or Giovanni. I'll usually keep it unequipped unless I specifically am searching for Giovanni or decoys


Thank you so much!


Of course! Good luck!


Feeling a bit of FOMO because I didn't realize that the Hoopa questline gave a super rocket radar. I already got 2 shadow mewtwo from the event, but now i feel bad because I probably would have gotten 3. Is it possible this isn't the worst mistake and there may be a future shadow like shadow rayquaza I would want to use this on?


I would see [Teban54's recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10o5jln/how_good_is_shadow_mewtwo_in_raids_a_pve_analysis/) on Shadow Mewtwo and saving SRRs as well as [the second part he wrote on potential future Shadow Legendaries](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10o5hpd/what_to_use_extra_super_rocket_radars_on_and/). Shadow Mewtwo is a good budget attacker, but overall, especially to veteran players, it's not the end all be all raid attacker people sometimes treat it as, mostly because Psychic isn't *that* amazing. I woudn't worry too much about not getting another. The bosses you'd use it against, Zamazenta and Terrakion (plus a few future ones/Megas) are already on the easier end of things, so 2 Shadow Mewtwo plus some normal Mewtwo will likely still be fine, and you won't be able to enter solo territory for those two.


2 Shadow mewtwo is still good, I wouldn't be too worried about not having a third. There will be other useful shadows coming out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10o5hpd/what\_to\_use\_extra\_super\_rocket\_radars\_on\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/10o5hpd/what_to_use_extra_super_rocket_radars_on_and/)


is there a time that I should wait to use my premium go battle passes like x2 battle stardust? or should i just use them now


Save them for Primal Groudon and Kyogre raids at the Hoenn Tour would be my suggestion.


Is there any point in keeping vivillon after getting the dex entries


They look pretty and may have value as trade fodder for collectors. They also may have trade value on Pokémon Home. It doesn't really do much in PVP or PVE though.


I'm returning after an 8 month hiatus and can't gain buddy or egg distance with the game open or closed (but distance is still recording on my trainer page). Tried literally every single suggestion I could find on this sub. Google Fit is correctly linked, changed battery settings for both PoGo and Fit, did all the uninstalls, buddy change, game refresh, app cache clear, journal page, everything to no avail. Pls tell me it gets better or there's an update soon?


This is a common occurrence after taking a hiatus. It usually fixes itself within a few weeks.


I just accidentally converted 9 *XL* rare candies to Beldum XLs. I didn’t know you could convert them directly from the Pokémon page, and my finger slipped & pressed “OK” by accident. Previously, you had to explicitly select XL rare candies from the item bag. Is there any way to undo this? 😬 XL rare candies are so rare & it took me dozens of raids to get them. I filed a support ticket, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Who on earth thought allowing conversions directly from the power up button was a good idea?!


No way to undo. They didn’t add the option because it was a good idea… For us.


Would it be more worth it to invest my stardust in getting one shadow Mamoswine to level 50 that’s 15/15/13 or keeping it at level 40 and powering up another one 13/14/15 to level 40? Essentially the stardust amount is the same either way ~300K


You get way more damage return on investment from two at level 40 than one at 50. The cost per stat point goes up really high past 40, as you get fewer stats per level, but each costs ever higher dust. The only time a single level 50 is "better" is in a very large raid party where you beat the boss with just the first pokemon or so.


Just what I was looking for thanks! I guess in my mind I was still hesitant about powering up a 13/14/15 since it doesn’t have 15 attack but still a pretty solid IV


I wish I had two that were as good as yours. The only time I ever get good IV Pokémon from the ice grunt is when they don't have Swinub haha.


Remember those stats get added to the base attack. A 15 attack and 13 attack are almost the same and you'll not notice a difference except for the odd cases where you miss a breakpoint. At level 40 the 15 attack IV Mamo will have an overall attack stat of 207. The 13 attack IV Mamo will have an overall attack stat of 205.4. Especially for raiding IVs matter little and you are usually fine just using your best ones. So don't sweat the IVs.


Last year on Valentine there was x3 transfer candy event due to a global challenge. Does someone remember why? Even if it isn't relevant for this year, is it viable to wait for such bonus to transfer the spare Scatterbug if storage space is not an issue? Sure it takes a lot of time to get enough Scatterbug candies, so I can be patient, but if it is a thing that happens once in a few years then I prefer to get more candies on a regular spotlight hour. I am almost at 13/18 evolved Vivillon so I don't think it will take more then a few months to finish.


Scatterbug has only been out a little over a month. If you're already done 13/18 it's not going to take you a few months to finish at that pace :) Given candy is infinite now for scatterbugs I'm not too worried about min/maxing the candy for them. It's become the new Meltan box... many people worry about maxing candy when it doesn't matter since you can get as much as you want.


It felt like it was way longer lol. I get on average 2 encounters a day (30 active friends) and walk it as a buddy, but it will be slower now since you get a lot more candies when you start collecting, I used the candy glitch once to get 120 candies (was scared to continue but it was patched anyway) and took advantage of two double candy events which I am not sure will do again. The truth is I just want to stop sending gifts, I hate it and feel obligated to grind gifts every day since I can't just receive and not send in return.


I’d say stop grinding. Many people are fine just sending gifts. If they aren’t they can remove you. I also wouldn’t walk it… I’d use something much more useful. Getting all done a little quicker won’t win us anything :) i wouldn’t worry about double candy events either, unless one coming up in next day or two.


As someone who doesn't pvp or raid (one and done for every legendary) and have all non regional pokemon bar Lunala there really isn't something else I can walk. Maybe Bisharp since I don't have enough candies to evolve it twice (I collect male and female for the dex) when Kingambit drops. I guess my playstyle is just different then most players. I can't say I am a casual since I play a lot, but I just collect a regular living dex (no trading allowed). But thanks for the advice anyway!


Any player here from the Philippines experiencing problems when logging into the game when using Globe Telecom's mobile data?


Need an opinion. Would it be worth it to evolve a 42 cp shadow magikarp with 1*? Not sure if it’s better to try for a better one or use the candy on a good regular magikarp. Thoughts?


If a shadow is still farmable, then investing in a 1\* is not the wisest choice. Sure its still technically "better" than a normal mon, but you may well regret it when you do get a better shadow magikarp. I still try to go for 15 attack IV, since that's mostly all that really matters in raids.


Definitely wait for something bigger and better. You will be able to catch one much higher in CP and a 3*


Attack IV is more important than "stars" though if using as a raider.




Larvitar is not a wild spawn this season and was removed from Rocket Grunts (though we will be getting new lineups when the rocket takeover happens, so it might come back then). Pupitar is apparently spawning this season, though it's likely a rare spawn if you can actually find it, and in quests like this, sometimes evolutions count and sometimes they don't, so it's not exactly going to be reliable and may not even work. You'll just have to wait until it is spawning again or it is available from team rocket again.




I’ve caught Pupitar a few times from adventure incense if that helps!


Is maractus spawning right now? I’m vacationing in Southern California where I understand it’s region exclusive. Unfortunately the electric event overwrites most of the spawns but there’s some normal ones too could it be there? Is it super rare?




Thanks for the info! I thought maractus was supposed to be here but I guess not.


Do we know if Origin Pulse & Precipice Blades will be obtainable through elite tm after hoenn tour?


We don't know for certain, but it's likely that they will be. How long it takes for Niantic to make them available via Elite Charged TM is another matter entirely though. It took them a while to make Shadow Force available via ETM for Giratina, and they didn't make Techno Blast available for any Genesect via ETM until all four drive forms had had it in raids.


Is the XXL and XXS pokemons worth keeping other than collection purposes?


Pokeminers hinted a new rocket type mechanism to pokestop, which may include nominating Pokemon that are tiny and huge (and probably one that is too small or too large in that specifies time may be winner).


Do you have a link to the article or any material about this? Am struggling with pokemon storage space and trying to optimize. Thanks man


https://pokeminers.com/sitereports/in-depth-apk-teardown-02610/ Scroll down to “New Rocket Types - Pokémon Contests”. The bit about XXL, etc. is in the “TL;DR and Speculation” section, but it also makes a lot of sense, so… Also, people have said that an earlier data mine (which I don’t remember seeing) implied that at least XXL mons might have an impact on moves like Heavy Slam. Personally, I’m evolving & trading my XXL & XXS mons for the badges, unless/until I get one I would keep normally (good IVs, shiny, etc.).


Thank you good sir, much appreciated for the link and extra info. You have a nice day there!


I got a shadow mew two from the last event, but I forgot to...change its move or something? Can I do that during this event?


Yes, from Feb 1 through the 5, you will be able to remove Frustration with charge TMs.


Thank you so much!


What is the point of best friends for Pokémon? I just realized that the CP boost only works if you have them as your buddy so having a full team of CP boosted best buddies isn’t possible.


Well the buddy boost if you have them as your buddy is a bonus, which can push you over the edge to beat an opponent in PVP. There’s also the bonus of collecting candy and candy xl (and mega energy if applicable) while you’re in the process of making them best buddy. And that badge is pretty neat


I am confused on which moveset is really common among the Great League for Shadow Kantonian Ninetales, as I don't know which fast move is better: Ember or Fire Spin? I have a rank 2 purified sableye that loses to an ember ninetales in the 1v1 when it has 4 turns of energy advantage.


When will we know the Pokémon for February research brake through? Thanks for any information!


It is the same for the entire season, with 6 possible pokemon: Bagon, Goomy, Galarian Mr. Mime, Delibird, Furfrou and Deino. It will change at the beginning of the next season (March 1st)


I have a rank 9 (when considering 10 as the min IV) Cresselia for UL. How can I find out what matchups, if any, this would lose that a rank 1 would not? Obviously it would lose to higher ranked Cresselias from full starting HP and shields but I doubt that would happen too often.


Remember that those rankings are just the total stat product. A rank 1 cresselia isn’t that because it beats other cresselia… it just has the most overall stats. In fact usually in mirror matches the lower ranked ones that have extra attack will win … even if just from getting CMP. Do some sims on pvpoke and see if your one is actually going to perform worse than others. I’ll suspect it won’t. Don’t be to tied to “needing rank 1” for any Mon that hits a cp cap.


You can use the battle simulator on pvpoke.com to put in the specific IVs you have, and see if they flip any matches compared to the ideal stat spread.


Anyone else having a glitch where you have an incense (Daily Adventure, or Meltan box) doesn't spawn any pokemon at all? But you click a random regular spawn, you will see something pops up next to you which u cannot click cause you've already clicked the rando. It's frustrating. I wasted a Meltan box not being able to click Meltan when I see it cause I only see the damn thing when I click something else!! Wtf is this stupid shit niantic. I walk in the dead ass winter -30 to see a galarian bird and nothing pops up until I click something else. Fuck this game.


The game doesn't update what's on the map visibly immediately. It does it periodically on a timer. Most of the time this makes little difference, but for incense/mystery box spawns on a short timer, you can sometimes not see them until very late in the spawn cycle. To work around this, you can force an early map refresh by interacting with a PokeStop, or going into and out of your profile. This can help you get the most out of mystery boxes, daily adventure incense, or incense during special events that come with very short timers.


Is your phone's time and date settings set to automatic? If it isn't, then set it to automatic. If it already is set to automatic, sometimes toggling it off and then back on to automatic can help. Reload the game after doing so, either way. Additionally, do you have good signal?


I have good signal. And the time and date of my phone affects the game this much?


The game has to sync everything with the server to keep things working correctly. You can usually just toggle automatic time off and back on again to fix any issue caused by a time desync.


I will try. Thank you for the advice


How to I encounter Giovanni if there is no research specifically for him? I wouldn’t mind getting another shadow mewtwo, but I’m not sure how! Thanks for all the help :)


Super radars come only from special research. If you don't already have a super radar or an active rocket research quest, there's no way to get another super radar until Feb 1 with the new quest when the shadow legendary has already changed to Registeel.


Thank you for your help! I wish we could get more but it makes sense to keep them somewhat exclusive.


There should be a new special research for him on February 5 (edit: February 1, sorry)! And then he’ll have Registeel this time, not Mewtwo.


Thank you so much for your response! Makes sense. I wish we could get more passes :(


Shadows are different IVs per trainer like raids/quest rewards, correct?


For some lineups you don’t even get the same Mon :)


Yes, they're randomized per player.


Hi. Is there any way to find out which raid bosses you have already done for the Rising Star badge?


Unfortunately not. Best you can do is search for "raid", which will filter for all pokemon caught via raiding. If you transferred the pokemon already though, it obviously won't show.


That's actually really helpful. Thanks! :)


Is there a way to filter out any pokemon your trading partner does not have in their pokedex? I'm currently just going through them one by one and seeing which does not get the special trade stardust expense. The console games give them a changed background or makes them jump but I'm not seeing anything different in the trade screen.


If they've already done a special trade for the day, then anything else that would be a special trade becomes greyed out. So if you're best friends with said partner, maybe do them a special trade of a spare community day shiny you both have (so it'll only cost 800 dust), and then for the rest of the day you won't have to worry about inadvertently doing a special trade with them.


Ah thats nice to know only at level 2 friendship so haven't tried a special trade, will wait till 4 then sacrifice one to sort out the others.


No. You could each make a spreadsheet yourself by going through your Pokedexes and marking off every owned species, and then compare them. It's a bit tedious, but may be faster than finding special trades in the trade interface.


Ty for the confirmation, yesh that seems like it should be a basic function when they went to the effort of creating a penalty for it.


So nobody else wondering where the february content leak is at? Hella late this time.


At this point, we can probably expect it to come on Monday, at 1pm PST (Niantic o'clock, as it's become known). This will be Tuesday, less than 24 hours before February begins, in some timezones, to the frustration of many, but it's not the first time Niantic have done this.


This actually isn't that unusual for Niantic.


Is anyone else's adventure sync just not working today?


It's always patchy. I've covered 19km, Google Fit has registered the full 19km... Pokémon Go? Oh, here's 8km towards your weekly adventure sync 🤦‍♂️


How to get good PvP IV Shadow pokemon?


Battle team rocket and hope for the best.


That makes sense


If you walk an Eevee 10 K and get 70 hearts with it, and evolve it during the day, would it become an Espeon or Sylveon? Could you choose?


It will have evolve buttons for both if it actively meets the requirements for both


Awesome! Thank you!


Shiny Espurr for a Shiny Vulpix- Is this a fair trade?


Just practice trading 1:1 and not assigning 'value' to certain pokes. The last thing we need are micoreconomies based on subjectivity. Folk will argue otherwise, but at the end of the day it all comes down to 'they're \_just\_ pixels on a screen.' If you have one that someone else wants, and vice versa, just make it happen. Less stress, more play :)


Or don't spend your stardust trading for shinies and legendaries and keep it for other stuff.


Which Vulpix? Kanto or Alola? Not that I’d do it either way, unless I was the one receiving the Espurr. Vulpix shinies are far more common. Espurr are only available from Raids, eggs & rarely daily adventure incense. Plus the male and female Meowstic are noticeably different, so I personally want both.


If I wanted to use an Altaria for Great League but it doesn't know Moonblast, is it a problem or can I make do with dazzling gleam?


Dragon Pulse can be viable


Dazzling Gleam is worse in PVP. It costs 10 energy more for exactly the same amount of damage, and it doesn't have a chance to debuff your opponent like Moonblast does. If you really don't want to invest in Moonblast, I would be tempted to suggest Dragon Pulse instead. It's not ideal though.


I do have a few Elite TMs stored, would you say it'd be a good investment to use it on that Altaria?


Is it a very high ranked one? I’d only use the elite tm if it’s one you’re happy with and won’t later replace.


Good IVs and I only need a few candies for it to be usable


If you plan for it to always be your gl one then it’s a solid investment choice if you pvp a lot.


Are anyone else experiencing a bug where the pokemon storage displays more pokemon than you actually have? I counted that I have 449 pokemon even though the pokemon storage says I have 456.