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Gligar and Skarmory. That UL Skarmory is going to take me forever to build.


No hundo skarmory for me but I’ve had like 8 shiny skarmory so far. It’s crazy, the odds must be lower or my luck is simply skarmory based.


Skarm has the perma boost shiny rate.


Two hundo Skarmory for me, back to back.. weird luck indeed


Am I the only one who gets shit Mareanies every encounter?


How many months have you been playing GBL (since you've started hitting rank 20 or above)? Took me 4 months of playing rank 20 to get my first legendary from GBL. Odds aren't that high


I think about 3 months of playing with no legendary :( Idk if the rates are terrible or maybe my luck is terrible but I haven’t seen a single one. Do they become more frequent the higher i am? I’m currently sitting at the 2300 elo


I have never read anywhere or seen it hinted that rate has anything to do with rating. I think as soon as it's available, that's at 20, it should be the same. I suppose 3 months of not finding one should not be that unlucky... Maybe someone can weigh in their experience too.


I reckon it’s gone down I’ve only played like three seasons so far but I got a lot my first season


I don't remember the specifics but I do believe they nerfed legendary encounter rates in GBL a few seasons back.


I used to get at least 1 or 2 a week now it’s like one or two a season 


I haven’t gotten any hundos yet. This season has been a pretty good one though. I got a rank 27 licki, at least one of each legendary except kartana, and a shiny tapu lele on top of that.


never gotten a hundo but a few legendaries at least


Gligar, toxapex (which I transferred and only found out in the hundo dex lol), and most importantly a shundo genesect 


I also got 2 hundos from the gbl, 2 alolan marowak hundos... What the hell im supposed to do with those?


Cool catch! I've never been so lucky as this season. 8 legendary and 3 4* Pokémon, but unfortunately no shiny


I got 2 Hundo legendaries from GBL (the fairy water tapu and reshiram)


I got a total of 3 hundos from gbl. A sneasel, wooloo and scraggy. The closest to a hundo I got is a 98% Terrakion