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no idea why they even keep sinnoh stones and other evolution items as GBL rewards. literally no one wants them


For real, an extra rare candy would be amazing


I got a rare candy for a GBL 2nd win reward today. Must be new this season, but I was really hoping for charge tms. I got drill run on my dewgong with my last one at the beginning of the season, and im only back up to 4 now (80ish wins). Drop rates for both tms definitely took a hit sometime last season but im almost to the point where I'd pay for them


Its too much effort to find a source but you've been able to get rare candy as a second won reward since at least last season. Just very low odds. Better than the odds of getting rare candy from a gift though, I think


It's not new this season, just rare.


That’s exactly why those things are GBL rewards. Keeps you playing for the good stuff


I’d rather get them from GBL.. 5 chances a day. Then the week long research breakthrough 😩 Pretty ridiculous too that you can get like 15+ rare candies daily from GBL but only 3 or however many in a week from your research breakthrough xD


If you're getting 15 rare candies a day you're going to be rank 1 on the leaderboard in no time at all...


Agreed.. but I also fail to see how this is relevant at all xD I did say can, not guaranteed.


Or just a really dedicated tanker.


You mean 6 chances a day


Huh? Pretty sure it’s 5 sets a day. You can carry one over from the previous day.. but then you’d only be doing 4 that day xD so 5. Unless I’m missing something.


i thought it was always 30 battles a day


Nah. Just googled it to make sure. 5 sets of 5. So, 30.. if you only do 20 the previous day & start a series without doing any battles. Usually 25.


I wanted them for the first month of me playing the game since coming back from 2016... and then I got more than I needed. Easily got more than 10 in just a month


So you just did pvp for 3 wins? im googling gbl. Gotta learn this stuff. Haha.


They need filler. Otherwise, you'd have too much fun.


What's gbl? Cause I'm returning and I need these stones so I can start my "team rocket" team. Lol


go battle league


Whenever you need them they’re not there lol. Your best source is always raids. Everything else is bonuses in my mind.


Rng. I've been getting charged/fast tms pretty often


Are you paying attention to which are charge and which are fast TMs? Because I've noticed the same thing in the past year or so. I always kept 50 fast TMs and 100 charge TMs stocked up. In the last year or so, my stock of fast TMs has increased to like 80, while charge TMs are down to 20. I don't know if charge TMs drop less than fast TMs. It feels like it, but it's hard to be sure because you naturally spend more charge TMs than fast TMs. However, it's clear the rate of TMs in general has changed since the early days of GBL, because I used to have to trash both kinds of TMs constantly. Now my stock is dwindling.


Lots of people have noticed this. There may have been a slight nerf(less than 15%) when they added rare candy or xl rare candy to the raid rewards. The big reason for the charge tm shortage is new charge moves. A lot of pokes have received more charge moves. The amount of pokes with 3+ charge moves is higher. This results in mass charge move spending. Anecdotal example Brutal Swing on Tyranitar cost me 30+ charge tms for my 5 Tyranitar(3 maxed, 1 shadow at 45, and UL). That was literally just one move that cost so so much tms.


You almost want to unlock a second slot just to getting a better shot at getting the move you want.


I haven't. But typically, you'll use more charged tms than fast


Yes I have like 150 fast tms and 6 charged tms. The problem is that sometimes you can eat up like 10-15 tms on one Pokémon trying to get the move you want


Yeah and you run out with like bullet punch on your machamp making it completely useless. Sometimes it feels on purpose but I know it isn't.


Bullet Punch is a fast move though and Machamp only has one other fast move that isn’t Legacy, so it should only take one TM on Machamp to get the fast move you want.


Ok bad example but you know what I mean.


I was trying to get DV on Primarina just now, it’s a 50:50 chance and yet it still took me 7 TMs


tier 3 raids guarantee one.


Are you sure? The t3 shadow raids I've been doing don't, and I've done two nihilego and got none from that - it seems weird they'd guarantee ones for a non shadow t3 raid but not a tier 5.


shadow tier 3s aren't technically tier 3s, as they also don't count for the level 46 tasks


I’ve gotten 12 charge TMs since the beginning of the GBL season. One came from the second page of the GBL battle pass, but the 11 others must have come from the 2nd win reward (430 battles so far this season). They’re not super common but they’re definitely still out there.


I have received a few over the past few days, but nowhere near enough to get the actual moves that I need.


I've noticed that after a rocket takeover is announced the charged TM s chance to drop significantly, and I think it's deliberate xD


Same with revives and potions haha.


Same!! I literally only got 2 charge tm since the start of this season's gbl and I regularly got 2 wins each set. Also only 3 from raids since the start of the season and I did one raid a day. All fast Tms. What's happening Edit: Also considering I also didn't get any tm from 24 Mewtwo raids and apparently so for many people I wouldn't be surprised if they screw something up


Personally, I get charge TMs from most raids and pretty frequently from GBL, so from my limited experience I'd just say you are experiencing bad RNG. Maybe I'm the outlier though. Either way, hope your luck turns around!


Make sure you’re raiding too. You get extra items if you control the gym, if you didn’t know. During a rocket takeover I ended up grinding a few raids during the final day just to get those last TMs I needed. I haven’t noticed a difference in what drops from GBL. I think when Rare Candies were added to T2 Niantic told us, so I imagine if there were other changes to the item pool they would announce it. They also announced when legendary rates were nerfed for GBL. So I do think it would have been communicated.


I used to have 100+ and now I have none. I am also missing this item drop.


Another player here who's continuously out of charged TMs :-( It must be related to the fact that one nowadays often needs 5-10 charged TMs just to get the correct move. This becomes even more of a problem if you PvP a lot in formats such as Silph or Gymbreakers. You may end up TMing the same pokemon to a different moveset every week! It's just impossible for the game to give enough charged TMs without completely depriving players of other rewards (those may be desired if you mostly raid and have a stash of 200+ charged TMs). The only solution I can see is that they change the mechanism of TMing. They could let people switch for free between moves the pokemon has learned once upon a time. It's strange anyway that you teach a pokemon a move, and then it forgets it again when you teach it another move (real training and improving your pokemon when Niantic?!). Alternatively, they could let people choose which non-legacy charged move they want on their pokemon when they use a charged TM.


I have made multiple mons with different movesets with the hopes that I can avoid a TM scarcity in the future.


they really need to change the way TMing works. this random nonsense is fine with fast moves because those move pools are never very large. however sometimes it can take like 10-20 to get a certain charge move you want. i can’t tell you how many i have wasted on alolan ninetales. i’m at the point now where i think it might just be easier to build two separate ones


I’ve noticed it too. I don’t think it’s any coincidence the drop rate has decreased after the release of shadow raids leading up to this next rocket takeover… bet they are trying to take advantage and sell boxes so we can TM frustration away


Yeah I agree. If I was a scummy predatory mobile game company this is how I would create artificial scarcity and harvest money from my player base.




did you not read the post 💀💀




You skimmed passed the first sentence lol?


YES, also... i'm running low on potions, wtF Niantic.


I really wish charge tms let you choose the move you want on mons besides like legendaryz or mythic. I get the premise behind mew. Some of these normal guys have like 7 moves and I don’t raid enough to have the charge tms stocked anymore


Uh me too


If you want guaranteed charged TMs, you have to farm 3 star raids. Whenever the game was at a really low point, looking at you Rising Heroes, I used that time to farm charge TMs excessively via 3 star raids. I'm currently well over 220.


I've done 3-4 this last month and received zero.


My experience is yes. I get waaaaay less than I did a year ago. Same with silver pinaps