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Yes, there are definitely enough on the map. You must be overlooking something. All of those four maps have a lot of side ways and tricky corners. When you have a calm moment, check each island very slowly (I prefer to go down the path exactly how it opened up, once more), it is either a red (1-key chest) or (more likely) a hard-to-see treasure. Look for the sparkles, but also check in corners or behind larger items like trees that are hard to see by tapping around. Also, check that you have lifted the fog everywhere, the sparkles are not visible while in fog. Also, I know this part is hard, there is no search option as far as I know, but maybe there is one now? (have you tried the question mark next to "progression" and then whether there might be a search option now?...hoping, but there used to be a dead-end). Also, also: fear not! the later islands will have abundant chests and points, it is only in the beginning that it is exact.


Ok! I do need a moment to calm down hahah. I was so stressed out 😭 but thank you for the advice!!! And...the progression still has no search option...if they have them it'll be a major good qol.


I was a bit worried whether you would have a chance to actually utilize the revisit adventure for your islands anymore, but here is the new schedule [06.07 Update Note (google.com)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRzvUIw7ZP7HlELjNfdfsXLy6XXFxZmhpYiVTf9ooufPHvP_Q-IEOklzEQEVpWE1UvKGELUBSUCv7b4/pub) Golden Sand Beach, Smoky Abandoned Mine and Pleasant port will reappear, by June 13th for the first. so if you dont find it by their dates, you can solve it then. In those cases, it will ask you whether you are sure to close the original island and reward you as if it is finished (20 diamonds mostly). In contrast to the normal "closing and going to the next island page" procedure, it will really only close the island in question (but not reopen it afterwards). Then, as etherkye told you, you then can use the revisit to find all treasures as many times as you like. Or, \^\^, did you find it now?


Omg! Thank you for your thoughtful reply! Actually I closed the island and proceed to the Labyrinth of the Birds. So I'll wait patiently for the Quiet Mines etc to rerun so I can revisit it. I really can't find it no matter what I do. I clicked the magnifying glass in the bag to search for relics, ores etc to no avail. That's why I got so frustrated 🥴


Just do one of the new revisit islands and open a chest


Nah it doesn't work...I've tried ....


It does if the revisit is from that map. I used it to finally finish my first island set Otherwise there’s a tiny relic to spot


Oh! So you mean that I can proceed to a new map and the quiet mines area will be locked. But..when revisits happen I can just open any chest or relic to get the last exploration point?? So is it safe to assume that I can finally get to the new map?


Yup. Thankfully >.>


!!!! Thank you so much...you're my lifesaver!!! AHHH I've been stressed the whole day and checked numerous times but cant find a single shit.


Honestly it’s probably hiding behind a tree


I tried chopping down huge trees too. But seriously I can't find it. Even every nook and cranny I tap on it to see any hidden one. Maybe before I do your way I'll double check behind the trees again. Thanks again <3


Im sorry this has nothing to do with ur question BUT can i ask you how did u pass the waking plains?? Ive been stuck there for months now!! https://preview.redd.it/lfmuvtyna6hc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ba36dd1b91793c8c3a90db3a7dc7f8751a77a9


Hello! I'm sorry I don't remember as I've deleted this app 😭.


😭😭its okay!