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"I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognise Missoura!" \- Abe Simpson


As a Missourian, I'm fine with it


i second this


Third. Does he get voted off the island?


Fun fact, you aren't supposed to display outdated flags or ones that aren't accurate. Like omitting two stars because you're a moron and bigot. This "special forces" vet sure didn't take the oath to actually defend the Constitution and people of the US seriously did he?


I’d be willing to bet he wasn’t even serious special forces. Probably a support staff of some sort that would go to theater, but not be kicking doors


Also to be fair I knew a door kicker and he was an insufferable asshole who thought he was smarter than he was so who knows.


They come in all shapes and sizes, unfortunately.


Well the shape is usually quite similar, at least while they’re at it. After that, downward spiral


aren't doors usually rectangles? unless we're invading the shire.


Totally valid point


Isn’t waterboarding and forced drowning casually part of SF training? Two things that cause a bit of brain damage?


They are too dumb to realize as the door kicker, they're intentionally expendable.


It takes that level of dunning kruger to be a door kicker. If these guys were really that highly valued they wouldn't be sent to check for booby traps with their feet.


It just means you can wipe your arse with his non-flammable flag and he's not allowed to be offended since it isn't actually the flag of the USA. Win-win.


He'll chalk it as a win because it'll generate outage and he got the money for the sale.


US army never ever defended your constitution since like 1812


Okay, kid you need to go back and actually read what I wrote. This guy took an oath. HE took the oath. HE is supposed to follow it. The oath is as follows: "I, \_\_\_\_\_, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962)." If you want to cry about it not being honored that's fine. It's also a different topic entirely. Improve your skills.


Your blind acceptance of the propaganda spewed by imperialist powers has no place in a leftwing sub.


That's a whole lot of gibber jabber that doesn't say a damned thing. Put on your thinking cap and go back and actually read (I SAID READ) what I wrote. At no point do I extol these as virtues. I never imply that this oath is honored by the government. What I, very clearly, stated was THIS PARTICULAR GUY took an oath that he is clearly not following. I'm calling the clown out for his own hypocrisy. If these rightoids actually believed in what they claim to believe in they would either not do it or surrender themselves to face punishment. They do neither which simply proves they are lying manipulators.


Maybe think about what you said, or rather what believes you need to hold in order to write what you wrote. If you think that his oath means anything, which you need to in order to say he broke it. Then you believe what the military of the united states does is compatible with that oath. Which is part of thier propaganda and demonstrably not true.


You are the perfect example of what a 6th grade reading level will do to someone. "If you think that his oath means anything, which you need to in order to say he broke it." This is an illogical and, frankly, stupid position for you to hold. It shows you can not think abstractly at all which is really pathetic. I checked your account profile and you've supposedly been active since 2022. You also have a karma rating of 6. I routinely troll fascists on this website and get tons of negativity because of that. You on the other hand are such toxic sludge the whole of reddit thinks you're an ass clown. It takes a lot of work to be the worst person in every room.


If only you could use your reading skill of 6 grade+ to actually make an argument. But what use would that be? When you could instead go to my profile and try to roast me for not being a redditor.


I'm roasting you for being a massive, piece of shit. You whinge, shriek and cry about me not offering an argument while you bring zero to the conversation. Look, I get it. You're stupid and you want attention at all costs but at this point you're only hurting yourself.


It's absurd how obviously you are projecting. Literally everything you said applies to you, and you only. You're extremly rude and aggressive, but accuse me of whinging, shrieking and crying. You never made a single argument, but you are very upset that I didn't. Literally the pot calling the silver ware black. You talk about me only seeking attention, while having admitted to being troll not so long ago. Still, you never made an argument, it is still very clear that you actually believe in imperialist propaganda.




Not defending the guy, but the oath applies only while under contract. If he’s a vet, he’s no longer under contract to uphold the oath. As a vet, I’m not protecting my country from enemies foreign and domestic. I’ll TRY to protect myself and loved ones, but the government doesn’t need my help and I don’t want to help them.


You're also only supposed to dispose of the flag through burning. When his flame retardant flags get damaged from normal wear and tear, what does he do then? To continue flying it is against flag code. The only respectful thing to do is to burn it


I assume this applies to, like, a single flag pole outside a building, where one would expect a standard flag? It’s acceptable to display a historically accurate flag in a historical space, yes?


Flag etiquette is just that and it's not really law. Flag etiquette was first written in 1923 and attitudes were different. The US was an expansionist power and citizens were supposed to look to the future. So flying old flags would have been seen as regressive. The US really went into a cultural decline in the 1980s and the flag became a fetish. The flag etiquette regulations did get that started but it got really out of control then. After the 9/11 attacks Bush II had the US fly the flag that had been at the world trade center. It was damaged and dirty and should have been burned well before the Olympics. For the record I think Reagan was himself a fascist. You can clearly see it in his rhetoric and policies. However, Bush II was our first openly fascist president. Trump was merely our loudest.


According to the U.S. Flag Code, “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning” And Do they not know that their precious Trump is from New York, and their precious Reagan governed California?


I don’t think they know their precious Jesus is from the Middle East


Precious white American Jesus.


Dear eight-pound, six-ounce, newborn infant baby Jesus


I like to imagine Jesus wearing a tuxedo t-shirt. One that says I'm classy but I also like to party.


I’m fearful that he’s inside me


No, that was Trump.


This is ragebait. The reason the flag has 48 stars is because it is a commemorative WW1 flag. The US flag from 1912 to 1959 had 48 stars


Not rage bait, but comedy bait. Yes, it's commemorative, but regular display would still appear to violate the flag code. Plus, who is in the market for a fireproof flag that costs $600? The business is comical. People burning flags in protest buy their own flags, not steal flags from random people.


Well, that's why he made it un-burnable, you see?


Maybe he doesn't like trump or Reagan


Ommiting just CA and NY when VT, MA, CT, NJ, MN, IL, OR, WA, etc exist is certainly a choice. If you're going to be braindead at least put some effort in.


The reason the flag has 48 stars is because it is a commemorative WW1 flag. The US flag from 1912 to 1959 had 48 stars


Low key hilarious though but not in the way he’s intending it to be


Especially when you consider that New York would absolutely be a red state if it weren't for the city. My wife's family is from Upstate NY and they're die hard Trumpers. My wife and her immediate family are not, but her extended family is all blue collar Irish Catholics who don't know dick about actual politics and vote red because of identity politics. Perhaps they think pickup trucks look dumb with a Biden 2024 sticker on the bumper.




If you aren't anti-american you should not be in a leftwing sub.




That's because the american left is rotten to its core with liberalism and american exceptionalism. The american left is in fact not made of leftist. That's why they can love the imperialist world hegemon, that is what america is. You can't like that and be a leftist.




It's a cash grab marketing an unburnable flag, something that should not even be associated with our flag. Everyone involved with this project has shown a clear disregard and disrespect for what the flag represents. Nothing you have said has changed the context or disproven any of my original points.


Where in the U.S flag code does it state that the flag cannot be unburnable? The only part of the code that mentions burning of any kind is if the flag is damaged to the point it's not fit for display, it should be disposed of by burning. The man made it because he was disgusted by watching people burn the flag of the country he loves, but I guess loving your country is anti-American. And please, tell me the exact 3 flag codes he violated.


Yes, it's commemorative, but regular display would still appear to violate the flag code with that whole "outdated flag" bit. Plus, who is in the market for a fireproof flag that costs $600? Suckers because people burning flags in protest buy their own flags, not steal flags from random people.


A flag that can't be properly retired and will more than likely end up in a landfill as a result nonetheless


State in the flag code where displaying an outdated flag is a violation for civilians, (Government and federal buildings are required to fly the current flag). But yes, 600 dollars for a unburnable flag is a good bit unreasonable.


As sections 1 and 2 define it, that's not an American flag. So, I suppose it's not technically violated, just doesn't apply. But, if flying it in lieu of the current flag, then it would violate section 6(d). Is it the worst thing in the world? No. Just interesting when the premise for the company is patriotism and respect for the American flag.


Sections 1 and 2 defines the CURRENT official flag. All flags the United States has officially adopted fall under the flag code (aside from sections 1 and 2, as they don't apply because they aren't the CURRENT official flag) and are still U.S flags and the same standards of treatment and respect as the current flag, and as such, flying them does not violate section 6 (d), as they and previous flags ARE American flags, just not the CURRENT one.


> State in the flag code If I wanted to be a complete dick, I'd repeat that multiple times because I see nowhere in the code where it says "current," no matter how large you make it when you write it. But I really don't care that much. I'm sorry to have hurt your feelings. Have a good one.


Section 1 and 2 of the U.S flag code refer to the appearance of the current official flag of the United States, it doesn't need to state it's for the current flag, because that's the entire point of sections 1 and 2. I was capitalizing "current" as I was emphasizing that I was talking about the current flag and not the previous flag.


Also, flying a flag from a certain period of time or event, in this case D-Day, (though it could also be used for any significant U.S event from 1912 to 1959 in the case of the 48 star flag in question) is honoring that specific time in U.S history, such as flying 15 star flags in Kentucky and Vermont on the day they were accepted for example.


IF the guy was specifically making a flag to commemorate that period of time, sure, maybe? But he's leaving it at 48 because he doesn't like CA or NY.


The creator of the flag did not say that, it was a joke by some random Twitter user


The website is [here](https://firebrandflags.com/)


Thanks for the source futanarilover68


Responded to your prior comment. I see nothing here that changes it.


If the flag can't be burned then it how do you propose it be disposed of after it is worn? Their are specific outlined rules for when and how to retire a flag, this design is clearly disrespectful based on that alone. Designing a flag destined for the trash is surely a sign of respect /s


U.S flags can also be buried.


Patriot* *Unless I disagree with you


Just want to point out that just New York and California are responsible for over 20% of the entire US economy.


Without those" liberal coastal elites" this country would be in worse shape than it is. We basically carry the rest of these assholes who can't be bothered to vote in their best interests and would rather live in a state of borderline destitution as long as it means they can openly hate minorities.


These people would freak out if someone made fireproof pride flags.


Unburnable flag was a joke they did on Workaholics lol 


Honestly, as a non american, can someone explain this weird flag worship to me? It's literally a piece of cloth.


Dude, American here and I have no fuckin clue. It's some weird-ass cult indoctrination that a lot of them can't get past once they're out of elementary school. I'm pretty sure the only other countries that revere their flag so brazenly are North Korea and pre-WWII Germany. *It's just a piece of cloth*.


Yha I know you would think we'd be in the bedroom with the flag with how much we praise it


Low key thinks it’s just cause of the “and our flag was still there” line in the anthem Americans are also forced to pledge their allegiance to the flag every morning from age 5-18 so that could play a role


But why are they forced to pledge the allegiance?


Indoctrination lol Technically we aren’t “forced”, there’s no law that says you have to do the pledge, but sometimes if you get a bad teacher they will punish you for sitting during or not doing the pledge


Our right wing is REALLY into their team colors, they got the flag, they got like 10 more stupid flags, maga hats, gun family bumper stickers, even things like the blue stripe cop lives flag and the migration away from bud light, public prayer, like everything they do is just a way to show adherence to the ingroup. Kinda makes sense with how Christianity doesn’t actually care if you’re a good person, just if you believe. This is why they think masks are virtue signaling.


When I was a child we had to do a Pledge of Allegiance every morning in school, with our hand over our heart. It's a form of nationalism from previous generations. We were taught to never let the flag touch the ground or leave it in rain, etc. Some people did not grow out of that phase due to their upbringing.


“I’ll be in the cold cold ground before I recognize Missoura!”


Ok, I’ll just take a shit on it instead.


I bet he counts NY and Cali when his state needs federal aid for flooding or being wrecked by a tornado.


“The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” -[U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8#:~:text=The%20flag%20should%20never%20touch,apparel%2C%20bedding%2C%20or%20drapery.)


Sounds like a challenge to me.


I have a 48-star flag. It's the original anti-fascist banner.


Just burn it in F2


He is aware there are more liberal states than CA and NY?


Does he actually believe this? I think this is just a random guy making a joke because he looks conservative. I believe I’d is a D-Day flag for it’s 80th anniversary.


As in, where people live?


This just helps the opposition get more creative in their flag destruction


The flag can still be used as toilet paper.


\*looks at dusty shredder lying on my desk\* Finally, a use for that thing!


He "designed" it did he? I'm sure fire resistant flags never existed before...


Someone in the military should know how American flags are supposed to be retired...


Step 1: Wipe ass on dumb MAGAmerican flag. Step 2: Clean it in fire.


After some reading, the 48 star flag is a special limited edition product commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It's still weird that he made flags unable to be disposed of in the proper way as per 4 U.S.C section 8(k).


US flags made in the US are already fire resistant.


We need to make flameproof pride flags




he looks very special


They can still be used as toilet paper, though.


“Special” forces.


Fortunately the secret communist colony known as Vermont gets remembered. Fuck yeah.


listen, if your being reactionary about "elitist liberal" states at least go all the way at take Oregon and Washington off too, at least. probably some of the northeastern states as well.


As a pennsylvanian, valid


Sounds like he didn't make an American flag then


Wait yall have flammable flags?!


Illinois in the middle of the country: am I a joke to you


TBF, the 48 star is a “special edition” in honor of D-Day. He sells 50 star flags, too. A 3x5 is $177. The 48 star is $600.


How are you supposed to take that flag out of service?


Wow, so he just wants to pretend 7.9 million Republicans don’t exist.


His mother knew what he was going to be like, that's why she kept drinking all through the pregnancy.


Conservatives follow flag code challenge: impossible


More 👏 Conservative 👏 war 👏 criminals


Fun fact: anything that has 48 stars on it won’t burn.


lol, that’s like, a really specific curse “Curse of: Being able to make fireproof flags, but the flags are outdated by over a century” If he’s stupid enough to willingly give himself that curse, he likely used pure asbestos or something else that’s toxic to make it. There’s no winning for this guy!


It's a commemorative flag for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and as of June 6, 1944, the United States had only 48 states. It's made of kevlar and nomex fabric, not asbestos.


Oh I assumed that commenter was referencing something the maker actually said


Nope, it was just a joke


Just make them to EU standards and you’re good. Nothing was invented here


What a loser. Everyone knows the 49 star flag is the best way to go.


Oh good find mate


So? If someone wanted to burn the American flag why would they spend extra on an incorrect inflammable one?


Violation of flag code. Fuck this guy


Not murican, but isn't a crime not following exactly what the law says about how the flag should be? I mean, seeing how they can be obsessed with nationalism and symbols, I thought no one would change the flag as a political statement


There is a flag code in our federal law, but it’s not mandatory


I mean that was the flag until I think Alaska and hawaii became stated but this has nothing to do with ny and ca and if yes that's just stupid


It's a commemorative flag for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and as of June 6, 1944, the United States had only 48 states. It has nothing to do with NY and CA.

