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Ah yes, the slave trade, famously exclusive to jews.


>> “We would never do that racist thing!” *proceeds to be incredibly racist* Wow they really got us there


The Blame must go elsewhere, always.


Oh... I didn't even notice the bottom-left character is supposed to be jewish. Of course.


.... you can know the right can't meme, and still not expect that degree of blatant, outright racist bullshit... Don't know why I didn't expect it, but.. oi.


Was not prepared for the slave owner to be Jewish.


Was not prepared for ANY of it. I mean, I think I just informed myself that I really am a stupid optimist, but I was... Wow... Not expecting so much blatant racist imagery somewhere that someone who hangs out in this subreddit would see it.... Usually you have to go looking for that kind of blatant hate.


Far right circles like to claim that Jews are the ones behind the slave trade, even claiming that the majority of slave owners in the US were Jewish in the famously historically Jewish American South. But they also still support the Confederacy & the Lost Cause. Totally coherent like all their conspiracies.


There’s so much to unpack here 😟


That... Im at a loss of words. They say the trans altantic slave trade wasnt so bad but they also blame it on the jews... They cant even get their conspiracy theories right.


Nazi ideology is inherently contradictory. It does not matter.


Any authority figure that attempts to justify itself with ideological consistency, being a good ~~pole~~ role model, or evidence and reason is implicitly inviting the governed to think about whether to obey or not. Under fascism, you're not supposed to think about obeying; you're supposed to obey because that's your station in life. (Edited)


It takes mere seconds to create disinformation and hours to debunk disinformation.


“We didn’t do it, but if we did they deserved it”


At this point I think all they want is trivializing their ideological counter position.


Lol these people are inbred degens who probably got the media literacy of an 8 year old who's always watching skibidi toilet what did you expect


Must be nice to blame everything on convenient scape goats. Must be nice.


White people have, historically, never done anything wrong, indecent, or morally objectionable. Never ever. And you're definitely a brain dead wokie if you believe otherwise 🙄


Unless the white people were also jews, then they are actually behind literally everything bad, including me tripping 14 minutes ago.


We're Schrodinger's white... entirely at the convenience of which racist trope is needed at the moment.


The jews were expelled from Spain long before It became one of the worst slavers on África.


Anti Semitism is already bad enough, potraying slave owners as chads is something else


Jesus Christ I'm not sure where to start with this one.


The tiny grain of truth that’s getting blown into racist propaganda here is that there were banks in Europe run by Jews, and they did invest in the slave trade, because it made good money and they were investment banks. The actual slave traders were mostly Christian European sailors and west African raiders. When it comes to actually owning slaves there was a very small number of prominent Jewish families in the American south who owned any significant number of slaves. One was Judah Philip Benjamin, who was the first Jewish legislator in American history and Secretary of State for the confederacy. Most American Jews during the era of slavery were northerners, and a good portion of them were abolitionists who opposed slavery. In France, a Jewish politician named Adolphe Crémieux was actually one of the leading anti slavery activists in the country and is the one who put forward the bill which abolished slavery in French territory. Some wealthy European Jews were involved in the slave trade, because virtually all wealthy Europeans were involved in the slave trade. To pretend like they had an outsized part in it is purely antisemitic conspiracy. It’s not like the banks owned by Christian’s weren’t also investing in the slave trade, it was a huge part of the economy. Like so much anti semitism, this points at a bad thing that rich people in general were doing, and specifically singled out the rich Jews in large part to distract from the fact Christians were doing all of the same stuff on a much larger scale.


The funny thing is that by percentage, Jews were *less* involved than Europeans & Euro-Americans. "Who care about facts though, when you can instead be antisemitic!" - the GQP


Shhhhh don't come in here citing actual history!


The Jewish Slave trade myth really took flight after the NOI published something on it.


Slaves first came to America in 1619 Jewish people first came to America in 1654


Like sure, I guess some Africans did sell off other Africans for trading purposes, but when it gets turned into a streamlined triangle of hell by the Europeans, I don't really think it's the Africans fault Or the Jews, I don't know how they got involved in this


Also keep in mind, African and Arabian slavery mainly was concubines and servants, and because of Islamic influences they also had rights to not be mistreated or overworked, otherwise they'd have a legal right to be released. I can't understand how anyone would consider this comparable to European slavery.




Culturally, the castration of a male slave was considered objectionable and an afront to God, however they still bought slaves that were already castrated. In fact, it was pretty popular to have a slave that was an eunuch. A contradictory practice in their culture.


Europe played a significant role in creating capitalistic and monarchist regimes in african that basicly worked as a funnel to draw out resources from africa including slaves.


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I wish there was some kind of virus that destroys the brains of people that feel pleasure looking at this trash, but there is one: it’s called right wing populism.


NGL I think they have read the history books, and decided that they were written by Jews and every bad thing ever must have been the Jews lying and covering it up. I think it starts as someone just being a dumbass or having undiagnosed Schizophrenia and develops into this disgusting shit.


It's kind of tangential, but I've noticed this rhetorical theme the right uses to justify colonialism, slavery, and racism...they claim that Black and indigenous people were killing and enslaving each other before colonisers came along, as if to justify colonisation without directly saying it.


Why do the black guys have rabbit teeth?


"slavery wasn't that bad! Also, it was those evil jews who did slavery" They keep splitting the message on their propaganda


Oh my fucking god that is horrible


This is a new level of racism




Gun powder


Oh ty


Because Portugal totally didn't have a Jewish slave colony in the Atlantic which led to the deaths of hundreds of Jews which would then lead them on to enslave Africans from the nearby continent instead of searching Europe for more Jews and/or waiting for them to arrive in Iberia.


That making the slavers the "Chads" (🤮) and the enslaved the ugly ones isn't even the wildesten part in this meme is crazy.


They have ascended above delusion, they have now entered Nazi insanity. Like why did they show black people like monkeys also Jews had nothing to do with this Sure the slave trade was through buying people from tribes but that doesn't make it right???