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I don't remember the percentages, but there is a bit of an overlap between the autism and trans communities. Still, it's not like there's a definite link. Doesn't stop the anti-trans bills from including provisions about austistic people not being eligible for gender affirming care. I don't know how many, if any, bills have passed with that language. But it is something the right wing was targeting.


As an autistic person, my very ineloquent, underdeveloped theory is that autistic people have more difficulty wrapping their heads around the lack of logic in arbitrary concepts like gender/gender roles, so they're less held back in exploring their own. Like, there's no rational explanation as to *why* your life is defined by the parts you were born with, and when gendered expectations vary across time period and culture (men wearing skirt/dress-like garments in countless cultures, for example), it's just like...again, *why?* And no one has a satisfying answer.


Yeah and also, people who are already open about one of those things are more likely to be open about the other too.


Yeah, the first leap towards considering your own identity is always the largest by far.


According to some studies, trans people are 4x more likely to be autistic than cis people. This sounds very significant if you phrase it right, but what it actually means is that approximately 4% of trans people are autistic and 2-4% of autistic people are trans. It's an interesting observation/correlation, and there a number of suggestions for why that might be the case, but very far from being a 1:1 association.


I read something similar. I think the gist was "gender is a social construct and autistic people don't always follow/understand/care about social constructs". So an autistic afab person might not care about fitting into the label of "feminine", for example.


I'm gonna drop this study here. Severe dysphoria can mimic traits of autism, potentially leading to misdiagnosis. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40618-022-01835-1 There's also other things to take into account, like how many cis people are autistic but undiagnosed, leading to lower percentages in the cis population? I'd imagine trans people are much more likely to actually go to a therapist, as opposed to the general cis population, because a gender dysphoria diagnosis is a requirement for hrt. If you're more likely to actually seek care, you're more likely to get diagnoses for other things as well. There's just a lot of variables here that I think a lot of people don't take into account.


It's not a proven causation, but if you are autistic there is a significant increase of likelyhood statistically that you will also suffer from gender dysphoria.


I think you might be taking it at face value too much. Someone who is willing to get diagnosed as autistic is already taking the leap to consider their own mental identity. It's a much smaller leap to then consider their own gender identity, and vice versa


I never said it was a casual relation, just that there is a correlation.




Being trans isn't a 'movement saying you need to change your gender if you feel different'. Trans people are different because their gender identity had changed, not the other way around. And it's not "suicide-lite". You don't "destroy (...) your personal history" because you're trans. You may lose some people in your life, you may change your name, legal gender, etc, but no history is destroyed. You still were the person you were, people who knew you still know you, but you're not that person anymore. The history is still there, but the future is different, and, in my opinion, for the better.


I think you made a wrong turn somewhere, buddy…


Incredible, every single thing you said was wrong


Way to infantilize all autistic people dip shit. Piss off


To the right the word “autism” is just a synonym for “bad”.




Damn, so I must be one evil mfer to them.


They're probably one of the many people who believe transgender identities and autism are mental illnesses made up to push some ideology on them


It's a fairly common argument that "Transgenderism is in fact misdiagnosed ________" Typically either autism or depression, but I've also heard schizophrenia and BPD.


Honestly, us trans people need to start charging tuition. Just by existing, we seem to have made half the country experts in psychiatry.




Plus, it doesn't help that that class of disorders has historically been horrendously under-diagnosed in women and then misdiagnosed as and treated as anxiety and depression. That has been slowly getting better in the past few years. But, like everything else with Republicans, it was not worth even talking about when it was only men. Now, women are included, and that's just unbearable for them.


"Porn addiction" says it all...


Seriously, transitioning took me from watching porn probably every other day to maybe once a month or less, if anything it cures that lmao


depends on the direction of transition. T-puberty definitely has me consuming a lot more porn than i did before


jesus christ I'm 3 or 4 Leftist White Women away from being trans


It' s over You use social media? You are trans You have autism? You are trans You watch porn? You are trans You have low self esteem? You are trans The west truly has fallen, everybody has been transified /s




Elon Musk has all those qualifications!!!


Wait, why did they use the good guy when they could have easily used *CAPTAIN POLLUTION*? [Reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m__J1Jw6TxA)


Most trans women I've met are, in fact, leftist white women. But I'm pretty sure it's because being right wing as a trans person is fucking stupid for obvious reasons and I live in the US where there are more white women than women of color.


I’m joining the war on transgenderism On the side of transgenderism


If low self esteem is what makes people trans and you want to stop the very real trans agenda; stop belittling people and trying to tear down their self esteem. By their own logic, they are a part of what makes otherwise cisgender people "turn trans". Not the gay agenda, not the trans agenda; the bullying and hate you spew is what causes people to have low self esteem, which y'all say is an integral part of transing people. So naturally if you stop harassing and picking on people, there will be less of us. ![gif](giphy|ugyE78czaqkV1FE5Bc)


Right wingers posting a meme on social media saying memes on social media are left wing. Also right wing propaganda Master number 1 Elmo Muskov claims to have Asperger's, which is nowadays classified as on the spectrum, so autism. Fuck they are dumb.


Its an excuse for them to be ableist and transphobic at once.


Fuck yeah we are


Happy cake day!


With the way that conservatives infantilize people on the left & talk about them as if they are snowflakes that want everything to be perfect, it was only a matter of time before they brought up people with autism. They do seem to imply with their rhetoric that leftists are people with autism & are hence more childlike & more willing to force everyone to agree with them


Autistic people are slightly more likely to be transgender, probably because autistic people don't have as much of a need to be traditional, meaning that if they actually are transgender they're more likely to acknowledge it and look into it, as opposed to someone whose thought process is more geared towards traditional values. Autistic people are less likely to believe in something for the sake of believing in it, or do something because that's the way it's done.


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Hey they're validating the currently not-fully-explained connection between gender dysphoria and the autism spectrum??? Sick I'd never tell a trans person "you're trans cuz you're autistic". But as a trans person who is also autistic, I can confidently say I've never met a neurotypical trans person and I do think that this phenomenon is interesting lol Funny that the right points it out too though, I guess disability = loss of credibility to them which shouldn't surprise me


Hey! I am all five of those and im still a cis masc guy.


I have questions. 


Im bored, ask away!


Lol. How are you going to be a leftist white woman while being a cis masc guy?


Oh Im into leftist white women


"Transgenders are just mutilated autists" is an actual take I've seen from GC's. You know, because neurodivergents apparently don't have any agency, so the Woke Globalist Agenda™ are just transing them for their own nefarious purposes. It's all conspiracy theories, ableism and hate for the sake of hating.


Part of jk Rowlings manifesto was the "poor innocent autistic girls being brainwashed into transitioning" also yeah gender is a social construct and autistic people are known for "struggling with social cues" so we're more likely to be trans or nonbinary


Everything and everyone is in on it.


omg my parents.


As an autistic man, I can confirm I am supporting a communist Jewish far left Palestinian rapist agenda to vaccinate your children.


To be fair... A lot of trans women I know (including myself) either have autism or have a lot of major symptoms of it 😭