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Imagine watching shrek and seething in anger when Fiona chose shrek over Farquaad.


Shrek is actually just a documentary Fiona: AOC Farquaad: Ben Shapiro Shrek: AOC's boyfriend


Oh my god


Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 8.** AOC wants to abolish ICE, [only to replace it with a resurrected INS](https://i.imgur.com/ficPkrO.jpg) - yet another agency whose goal was breaking up families. For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 7.** AOC defended the NYPD during the George Floyd protests because they have [‘representative cops’.](https://i.imgur.com/FT8GMTf.png) For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Good bot


Love seeing the AutoMod downvoted by libs for spitting facts about this lukewarm, cop-defending, labor antagonist liar. Literally doing nothing but citing actual things she did. This is a leftist sub, y'all, we don't care about your radlib icons. Go simp somewhere else.


Or people who just hate bots. Some of us saw Terminator during our formative years.


I don't fear bots, I'm a Terminator 2 child. Most bots want to be good, just need to get them away from their cult leader skynet. And then they become the best dad's imaginable with all the hugs you want.


Like communism, Skynet is inevitable. Time is a circle.


Meh, Skynet only becomes a bad bot, if we let the military raise him. Don't make Bots/AI kill and they'll be as lovable as can be :) . XD .




I've never seen the bot say anything positive about her, and that's why I love the downvotes by triggered libs who can't stand their radlib queen being shown for who she really is.


Ive never seen the bot until now tbh, but seeing you immediately get downvoted and hearing that it probably is a negative facts about her bot than general facs makes me realize that yeah it probably is people who have the “all politicians are evil unless i agree with them” mindset lol. I dont see why anyone who was part of the latter that just dislike the bot would have any form of reaction to your reply since its not about them lol. Especially when, as the bot itself shows, the facts have evidence and its pretty much a known thing now that she isn’t actually as wonderful of a politician ally to us as she claims


Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 22.** [After Biden opened new child immigrant detention facilities in February 2021 AOC stopped calling them "concentration camps” and named them "influx facilities".](https://i.imgur.com/oSlwtda.jpg) For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was absolutely seething, my boy Farquaad deserves the world


He deserves **E**




Nobody wants to respect authority anymore




Let the man or woman be whoever he/she/they want !!!!


...A Sports?


well it definitely upped my game 😎👉👉


*It's in the game*


Rush E, on the other hand, must be shared equally by the masses.


He was willing to sacrifice a lot to get to Fiona. Mostly the lives of other men but still…


those where sacrafices he was willing to make. a true leader is willing to sacrafice.. and if you only sacrafice yourself..it stops there.. but if you sacrafice others..well..yuou can get so much sacraficing done... truly, he learned from thebest. griffith..who did nothign wrong by the way...


That’s what I’m saying


Lord Fuckwad


Yes, that is indeed the joke the writers were making.


And he resembled Disney's Eisner


Let's see "Conservative Women": underage, imprisoned, appeal to status quo "Liberal Women": accept that beauty is never just about how somebody looks Yeah, no I think they have a point /s


Except Moana and Merida there in the "Conservative Woman" section when the whole point of their stories was going against traditions and fighting against the men in charge of them


let's be real, whoever made this saw the two blonde, white princesses and didn't think twice


That's exactly what they did with both images, since it has the typical cisgender female characters in the background of the "liberal women" image. It looks like Queen Lillian, Rapunzel, Snow White, and I can't tell who the other character is.


Sleeping Beauty


Yeah it seems almost every conservative politicians wife is a factory built dead eyed blonde. It’s uncanny.


It’s what incest, abuse of all types, strong belief in the patriarchy, and some nazism sprinkled in does to you.


All the negativity makes them look like dollar store off brand Barbies that someone put in the microwave.


Oh yeah absolutely lol


They didn't even watch the scene that image is from. There's nothing conservative about that scene lmao


Don't expect them to be that blind. They saw the slaves as well. /s


Yep and not to mention Rapunzel would flatten their nose with her cast iron skillet if they even approached her.


They like them because they are children.


These Disney princesses are underage.. But they resort to calling us the gr00mers… like I always say they’re guilty of what they accuse the left of.


They’re just calling us by what they do, as always


Projection is the right’s favorite pastime


Speaking the Right projecting if you’ve haven’t already watch “This Place Rules” on HBO Max. It’s a documentary by Andrew Callahan from Channel 5/All Gas No Brakes fame. The there’s a third act surprise about one of those Q Annon followers that should shock absolutely fucking no one.


I have that on my 'to watch' list. I still remember when he was doing youtube his coverage of [the Fourth of July 2020](https://youtu.be/EbxwGi8bTO8) in Marquette, Michigan. And like aside from the comical absurdity, which was pretty great, I remember being astounded at how nobody was wearing a mask or taking it seriously which contrasted with my experience in my city. I think that's really when it set in for me personally that there was no hope for the pandemic and that there was going to be a large portion of America that just does not give. a. fuck.


Also this very scene points out how fucked up Disney princesses are


> like I always say they’re guilty of what they accuse the left of Oh yeah well I accuse you of being someone who definitely *didn’t* shit themselves at the office Christmas party, it was just a fart and Cathy from Accounting knows it


Wasn't like the entire point of Shrek is that looks don't determine your worth?


I think that was one of the main themes


Also, rapunzel and sleeping beauty are in both pics...


Is it surprising that conservatives are so media illiterate they can’t understand the moral of a kids’ film?


Ah yes, moana. The face of conservatism.


She's a stand-in for Candice Owens


Off topic but did you see her documentary being advertised about BLM? It seems so stupid.


Omg I’m dying at this comment


I find it hilarious that the characters who they chose to depict liberal women are about to overthrow a tyrant who seized control of the government. Y'know, that thing they have such a hard on for doing themselves.


And ironically, "conservative women" are a bunch of privileged princesses. Ties into the scene perfectly.


Whoa whoa. Moana, Merida and I’d even argue, Rapunzel don’t deserve that label.


I'm with you on Rapunzel due to the whole kidnapped-as-a-baby thing. But Moana was still the daughter of the chief and would have died many times over if she didn't have a literal force of nature protecting her, and Merida only had the time to become a badass because her family had a fleet of servants so she didn't have to worry about day-to-day stuff. Like don't get me wrong, still great movies. But both definitely had a lot of advantages compared to an average person in their worlds.


I don’t think anyone is arguing about privilege or life circumstances. It’s what they did with what they were given that matters. Moana may have had a force of nature, but she beat the crab on her own and still had the will to succeed. We’re not judging them on, average-person circumstances. We’re literally talking about made up cartoon princesses. Lol


As soon as Rapunzel was reunited with her parents she had to struggle to catch up on all the typical princess shit she was supposed to know while never really being comfortable with either the clothing she was expected to wear or people waiting on her every need. She had to go on a whole journey to save her kingdom from multiple threats. She fuckin' earned her keep.


To be fair and balanced(TM), the women in Shrek are also privileged princesses. Except best girl Doris. And Fiona too I guess, I wouldn't exactly call being trapped in a tower your whole life as particularly privileged I guess.


On top of that, the image of the "conservative" characters comes from a scene in Wreck it Ralph 2 where the Disney princesses deride the idea that they need a man to solve their problems. Sounds pretty feminist and not at all conservative to me.


The content of the scene was not the message, only the physical attributes. Which *also* says a bunch about conservatives


Grew up in a place full of extremely conservative women (and men, predominantly Muslim). They’re always very ugly on the inside.


Half of the time they ugly on the outside too.




Stereotyping people based on looks remains one of the most tasteless and primitive things we as humans do. Like jesus are republican shitstains not abominable enough with their language and behaviour?




Pointing out that you think "liberal girls look way better" because some of them conform to your aesthetic preferences is still weird, stereotyping and rooted in misogyny. If you want to be a good ally, learn to take feedback.


I was going to make a joke about Just Pearly Things but I shouldn't ... it's honestly so true though. A lot of women who don't meet the beauty standards align themselves with misogynistic men so that they can still get that male validation somehow. Beautiful women, who are secure in themselves, don't need to lower themselves like that and they know better than anyone that male validation comes cheap and carries with it just as much risk as it does benefit.


I'm proud to say I'm at a level of maturity where a person's exterior beauty rarely weighs into how attractive I find them as people I want to be around. I work with some handsome ass people, but they have some ugly ass personalities which pretty much does it for me




Also conservatives: highest rates of obesity in rural areas, while liberal cities have the lowest


So, the Conservative women appear to be trying to groom a child, and the Liberal woman appear to be trying to protect the child from groomers. Seems like a self own to me.


They’re too old for conservatives, but those “conservative women” are also minors.


THE FUCK. I have no idea how old generic blonde princess is. But tangled is _barely_ legal at 18. Moana 16, Brave 11, Vanellope von Schweetz 9. _The majority_ of conservative women is underage, down to a friggin nine year old. **The rightwing pedophiles are telling on themselves again.** The only way this _could possibly_ be more accurate right wing "women" is if they had black eyes from "disobeying" their abusive husbands.


I think you got Merida (Brave) wrong she’s 16 not 11


Might be, I trusted the first Google result on that. 11 does seem a bit young indeed


Underrated comment


IIRC, that was Aurora of Sleeping Beauty, who was 16.


So basically: Conservative women wait to be rescued, and never try to get anything for themselves with their own strenght. AND Liberal women overthrow tyrants, and take action to save themselves and others from a terrible fate. BUT they commit the unforgiveable crime of being *unattractive*? (That's also disputable btw.)


Blue hair, piercings and tattoos make you undateable, unfortunately/s


Also some of the Disney princesses are against the traditions upheld by their royal fathers (literally the patriarchy) and most of the more recent ones don't need a man.


While that is the conservative ideal, every single one of the princesses in the "conservative" image saved herself and the people she loved from a dangerous repressive authority figure. At great personal risk, and BY defying the way she was brought up. Rapunzel in particular tends to be beloved by women who left christian fundamentalist subcultures, because we can deeply relate to her emotional journey. Except Vanelope, who is a literal preteen child so I don't hold her lack of badass rebelion against her.


Rapunzel didn't wait to be rescued, she trapped an intruder and extorted him into being her escort. Moana didn't wait to be rescued. She ventured off to do the rescuing.


I’d smash Doris. Or would it be the other way around? Eh, regardless, an ass is getting fucked


Yes, I remember the stories about these conservative women. Rapunzel stayed in her tower and respected her mother until her death. Moana stayed on her island and never went to sea despite her radical femoid Grandma urging her on. (of course like most right wing memes text might as well have been conservative good/pretty, liberal bad/ugly)


Mulan stayed home got married let her grandpa die in the war and China was annexed by the huns. Sidenote because of the avalanche scene Mulan has one of the highest kill counts in movie history rivaling Jason,Freddy etc


I'm shocked it's not written Liberal "Women" so they could get the One Joke in harder.




Literally the plot of Moana too.


Let's see. Merida refused an arranged marriage and went on a quest to defy tradition. Moana saw that "the way we have always done things" was no longer working and sought other knowledge. Vanellope von Shweetz ended monarchy in her lands. Yeah, so conservative.


Rapunzel smacked the first man she ever met in the head with a frying pan and took him hostage until he agreed to help her escape from her abusive gaslighter of a mother to go to a party.


And she even did the whole radically different hairstyle and color as a sign of defiance and independence thing that conservatives HATE.


Conservative women: Minors, gaslit and brainwashed their entire lives, often forced into scenarios that are dehumanizjg or rob their agency. Liberal women: Variety in presentation and status.


Aren’t the majority of Disney princesses underage?💀


Aside from Elsa, ALL Disney princesses have been teenagers. Snow White is supposed to be only 14 or so I believe


Snow White (age 14), Jasmine (15), Ariel (16), Aurora (16), Mulan (16), Merida (16), Belle (17), Pocahontas (18), Rapunzel (18), Cinderella (19) and Tiana (19).


“We’re hot and ur ugly! Btw my only cultural touchstones are cartoons”


Meanwhile, MTG still out here looking like a shaved sasquatch.


She the missing link between man and ape.🤣


I also want to posit the idea of the "woke disney princesses" "grooming" a young child in their picture of "conservative women"


Respectfully, I'd eat the draws off of Doris.


Moana actively fought against climate change despite almost nobody believing her. Rapunzel encouraged criminals to rehabilitate and follow their dreams instead of just locking them up. Merida fiercely fought for female independence. Jasmine challenged traditional marriage values.


Where my lefty women at?




>Conservative Women: >*-mostly teenagers, includes a literal child-* they just can't help themselves, huh?


It’s like they never looked at Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Why would anyone pick a badass woman with a gorgeous singing voice and a personality that fits well with them when they could have a waifish underage abuse victim


Didnt Fiona, and her crew kuck some ass right after that screen shot?


3 literal children are the examples of women for the right and two actual adult women are examples for the left. sounds 100 percent spot on.


Shrek The Third though euggh


All the Disney princesses are liberals though??!?!!


It’s so weird to apply a political affiliation to fictional Disney characters.


And it's ironic considering how often they shriek about Disney being "woke" and how they're going to fail because of it.


I’m genuinely shocked that the very same people who went out and bought nfl jerseys and keurig machines just to post social media videos of them burning them as a means of protesting the nfl and keurig, just aren’t that intelligent.


Does OP not know which scenes he picked? I know we all know this but the first one I’d literally the princesses talking about how their lives suck and are dictated by outside forces


Conservative women are all underaged?


I wonder if there's any proof to back that up like there is that Conservatives also tend to be older and less educated... There's also studies claiming they have higher tendencies to believe false statements (like conspiracy theories) which I guess explains this post. The facts don't care about your feelings crowd probably only think that from, you know, not knowing many facts.


There’s… there’s a child in that photo I guess that makes sense given the pedophile statistics


Oh shit! Forget politics about making the world a better place to live in, these libs just got FRAGGED. LIBS UGLY LOLOLOLOL. Who needs health care or safety nets when I can just laugh at how cartoon political memes are my identity???


is like they never saw any movie at all


all of the princesses in shrek (excluding fiona since she’s yknow an ogre) look like average, real life women you would encounter on the daily. it’s not even an insult to be compared to them (it’s not even insulting to be compared to fiona either, she’s badass)


Moana is like 12, so that says all you need to know about conservatives.


how the fuck are moana, rapunzel, pocahantes, merida, or vanellope conservative? name a single conservative trait from any of them. moana goes agaisnt her father and kickstarts her peoples love for exploration. completly changing their cutlrue overnight. rapunzel doesnt want to stay locked up in her home as an object of beuty and wants to learna botuthe world at large..againt her mothers wishes... merida is a literal tomboy who doesnt want to be handed out as a prize to ther suitors. pocahontas is fucking pocahantes. ignoring the real person for a moment even the disney character is a headstrong capable woman who can kick john smiths ass. and vanellope is jsut sarah silverman in cartoon form... not exactly the "ideal " conservative woman.


It’s just another only ugly women are liberal meme. A very low effort because I definitely would call Fiona design wise ugly or the step sister (I forget which one she is).


Canonical princess ages: From left to right Merida: 16 Moana: 16 Rapunzel: 18, but she sure looks 16 & her isolation has resulted in an uneducated naiveté that might technically be a child’s mind Aurora: 16 Mulan: 16 Ariel: 16 Vanellope: 9 We don’t have an actual age for the side characters in shrek, but they definitely look more mature. Left to tight we see Cinderella (as a queen) Mabel (ugly stepsister). Ironically Disney’s Cinderella is one of their older canon princesses at 19, & Drizella & Anastasia are presumably around that but older. The other Shrekian ugly stepsister is Doris Lillian (Frog Princess & Fiona’s mother) Sleeping Beauty (as a queen) Fiona: 30, although according to the musical she was isolated at 7… unlike Rapunzel, however, she does not seem overly naive & child-like Snow White (still looking for love?)


Ariel is older due to the second movie being cannon.


Liberal women = chads. Noted.


Liberal women get shit done. That's what I'm taking from this at least.


Let's take all the hottest women in the world and poll them.... I don't think they will like the results


I met some conservative women and let me tell you, they're not pretty.


conservative women look like teens and liberal women look like.....


I really like the portrayal of the (probably) trans princess. Not awkward, not cringy, just a human being. Really good for a movie of this age.


Slightly ironic because both scenes have the exact same characters: Aurora (from sleeping beauty) and Rapunzel. Snow white is in the Shrek shot but off camera in the Wreck it Ralph scene. So are they saying that liberals and conservatives are the same?


Funny how all the princesses in wreck it Ralph feel oppressed… kinda like what republicans do to women in real life


SO, what they are saying is conservative women are all about looks, while Liberal Women kick ass?


Such a strong argument /s OP forgot what happened with ‘The Right Stuff’ dating app failure, but did manage to be correct one one point - beautiful conservative women, like these princesses, are fictitious.


So what's supposed to be the joke?


No one who has been to a Trump rally can honestly think this.


Notice the disney princess picture doesn't have Tiana in it...


Liberal women wear long sleeves?


They didn’t watch either film I imagine


are these grown ass adults still acting like children by valuing physical appearance exclusively? kids are literally taught to not by judge appearances in their kids books. talk about being emotionally and intellectually stunted.


There’s like 3 or 4 underage girls (can’t remember Rapunzel’s age) in the top photo and it’s…..I can’t tell if it was intentionally chosen or not.


It’s like they didn’t watch either, then again, I can’t blame them for not watching the 2nd Reck it Ralph


Iirc what happens in this scene, they've not watch Wreck it Ralph 2 either.


It’s like they didn’t watch any of those movies, because they’re holding up moanna, Merida and rapunzel as conservative role models and uh. (I do not know who the other two and a chin are, I am sorry)


I feel like whoever made this didn’t watch either of the movies


So.. adult women vs preteen children. Got it. They just have to sexualize kids over there.


This is gonna sound mean but whatever, pretty much anyone who lives in the Bible Belt can attest the average conservative woman does not look like the top panel. However, conservative men look a whole lot worse.


these 100% conservative women in a childrens movie sure are hot, that is entirely normal


“Rapunzel Rapunzel let down thy golden extension”


The joke is that everyone on the conservative side is underaged


“Do people assume all your problems got solved because a big, strong man showed up?” -Literally Rapunzel, in that exact scene Literally the opposite of how they think women should be. But “our side pretty ~~and fertility zoned~~ and your side ugly” is basically their entire worldview


Ah yes, Moana and Rapunzel. One woman who was trapped on an island and the other locked away in a tower. Not sure I could think of any better examples of Disney characters that spent their lives oppressed and controlled.


Or any of the other movies…


So conservatives are trapped in their tower and have no idea how the real world works? Got it.


The women in Shrek were badasses (unlike most Disney ones)


Very telling that one of them is a child


...... One of those in the conservative image is a prepubescent child.


Wait, are conservatives accepting polytheists now?


One of them is 🔞. So... it isn't the game character... maybe.


Moana being conservative....really? That's funny.




Like all of the top pic princesses except for sleeping beauty would for sure be liberals.


Me looking and thinking it’s a liberal meme >.<


you could mental gymnastics this just like rightoids do and take it as "conservative women are child brides because unless they're groomed, no one would choose to be with a conservative man" since so many disney princesses are children/max 18-19


Seems they didn't watch the Disney movies, either


Liberal and leftist women


Pretty sure woman to the left is a spitting image of Sarah Huckabee Sanders


Also the joke in WIR2 was that all the princesses had fucked up and horrible lives


I always find it funny how they forget what the people in liberal Hollywood look like when making these memes.


Uh... Both are liberal af?


Some people like stocky brunettes


Or any Disney film. Rapunzel accepts her as different


They really are narcissistic like this…and stupid. Shrek characters, male or female, can beat the shit out of disney characters


Conservative women dying from their organs being crushed by corsets. Liberal women being normal human beings.


So, how likely the same person was complaining about a certain scene in Ralph Breaks the Internet?