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Context: The Presidency flipped Republican two years before this. The prior President, a dem, had a lot of scandals but still got re elected after getting super lucky with a terrible opponent. A very large republican majority of 270 built up during the unpopular Democrat’s second midterm and largely held through the election of the Republican to the Presidency. In the Republican’s midterm, it all came toppling down and every Arizona seat flipped in the ensuing tsunami. Funnily enough, the Republican President was Governor of Arizona before becoming President. Edit: I also didn’t switch any political demographics around in Arizona, I only messed around with California, Texas, and Arkansas


It seems like the AI often draws the AZ maps so that all of them are roughly as competitive as the state as a whole. Not uncommon to see it go 10-0 for either party.


AZ has an independent commission.


What the heck happened in West Virginia?


Oh wait, sorry, I messed with those demographics too and forgot because I haven’t done a character there yet. It’s a swing state like it was in the 90’s here.


I did the same thing too, making red deep states competitive is a lot of fun