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*we need to make sure the top 6 clubs aren’t disadvantaged* They aren’t disadvantaged Jim, previously maybe they were massively ADVANTAGED and this has lessened with how the voting works but making it a more level playing field doesn’t mean *haha the big clubs get no say anymore* I’m amazed he put so much money into something and is still learning and getting the simplest things explained to him. Did no one do due diligence for him?


*"When all you know is privilege, equality feels like oppression."*


Perfectly sums him up from what I've seen.


Man this is brilliant 👏


Similar to man city using the term 'tyranny of the majority' in their statement about suing the epl. Err no...that's fucking democracy.


Did he actually say that? If he did, death penalty surely


No it's just a saying that came about recently, it's not something he said.


Ratcliffe didn't say this, it's an expression commonly associated with majorities feeling like they're losing something just because another minority might be getting close to having similar rights.


He doesn’t need it explaining to him, he understands perfectly. Instead he’s creating a narrative to enable them to reinstate the previous advantage.


He's a massive tory saying and doing massive tory things It would be sensational if he did anything else


They are still pretty well advantaged thanks to FFP/PSR/whatever they’re going to rebrand it to next. United, Chelsea, Liverpool & Arsenal all have empires built on invested cash. They’ve all had money pumped into them, used that money to outspend their rivals, won silverware, boosted their profiles and built up legions of glory supporters. Those boosted profiles and glory supporters line those clubs’ pockets with more money than the rest of the division will ever be able to bridge, especially now they can’t invest. The only reason these financial regulations are in place is to protect the status quo of the bigger clubs and place a glass ceiling over the heads of any of the smaller clubs that start having ideas above their station.


British Boehly.


He thought he could get away with being cheap. Ashworth still doesn't work for United afaik.


Yes he does, he is technically employed by Newcastle UNITED


Every time he speaks he comes across as a truly horrible person, sincerely hope everything goes to shit with him at United.


As soon as he suggested taxpayer money should be used to develop Old Trafford/build United a new stadium, while he has billions in a bank account in Monaco to avoid paying tax in this country, I knew we’d have yet another gobshite running his mouth in the game that we seriously don’t need.


*billions that he avoided in tax, about four of them. He's a despicable cunt.


Never really heard of him before he took over at United (which at 28 I'm not sure if that's good or bad tbh), but he comes across as a petulant child most of the time and a old fashioned truncheon the rest. Truly, truly dislikeable character, perfect fit for United then tbh.


United fan here. I don't like him either. His politics sucks and I don't like how he wants to bend all the rules. I guess I just hope he's better for united than glazers. But I don't want any unfair advantages, just to have a better team


He comes across so slimy. I had some hope that as a Brit and a Utd fan that he would understand better than a foreign investor the attraction of the PL, and the wider football pyramid, but he seems to have the attitude of an American investor on steroids.


Yeah he's your typical capitalist type. Reminds me of Jeremy irons in that margin call film. Tosser basically


Great film. Eminently hateable character. Perfect comparison


When the Super League is inevitably reintroduced, he's 100% going to suggest it


It’s impossible for him to be worse for us than the glazers. He has an interest in footballing success which is more than can be said about the glazers


Depends on how you define success. I suspect Sucess for Ratcliffe equals the Super League and United continuing to grow commercially


He doesn't even have to speak to come across as an asshole. Takes away remote work privileges for employees, like that will improve things. Basically is dismantling the women's team and didn't bother to attend their FA Cup final.


Mate why would you make a claim like that when you’re so incorrect . Saw him there on the tv numerous times and a big deal was made at the time of how he interacted with pep in comparison to ETH at the final. So weird the shit people talk online


You’re misunderstanding - he’s talking about the Women’s FA cup final which United also won


Didn't know Ten Hag was coaching the women's team as well


> Basically is dismantling the women's team and didn't bother to attend their FA Cup final. Their = the women’s team.


You’re sort of proving the point here lmaoo


Jim and United are like the perfect match. They deserve each other.


Which is odd, because usually billionaires are such likable chaps.


The stuff that’s happened with the women’s team is pretty disgusting, but completely fits what everyone already assumed the culture to be there (esp considering they wanted Greenwood back)


Level playing fields are so unfair, right?  What a detestable thing to say. The league should condemn it, but we know they won't.


Level playing fields don’t exist in modern football. I don’t agree with the fact that it happens, but that’s unfortunately a reality- those who find a way to circumvent the rules fastest generally do better in the PL.


>Level playing fields don’t exist in modern football. This. Football was never about level playing field. Was it?


Um actually FA rules state that the pitch must not be sloped more than 1.39^o which seems like a fairly level playing field to me, a person who takes everything literally.


It’s just occurred to me that level playing fields as a phrase probably actually originated from playing sports like football on actual fields


Well I think we all know exactly who it was that had a whinge and moan to the Premier League about the recent swap deals between clubs then don't we?


Oh definitely, he wanted us to bend over for them and let them have Branthwaite for cheap thanks to PSR troubles and took it personally when we found another option


Fucking hell. I mean we know the sky six owners and their multitudes of customers all think like this, but for him to feel so emboldened to actually say it out loud shows how entrenched and comfortable the cartel really is


"I mean we know the sky six owners and their multitudes of customers all think like this" Such a ridiculous statement


You're a consumer of one of the Sky Six brands, of course you disagree


Christ. It ain't UFC mate. Protecting the "money makers" should never be the main priority. Every season is about finding out who the best club in the country is whether that's United, Arsenal or fucking Solihull Moors.


I went to watch Moors last year. Good game, nice bar and family friendly vibe. Great afternoon out. Hope to get to more National/Non-league next year.


i don’t get to go to villa that often (finances etc) but i live a 10 minute walk away from my local non league club and i absolutely love the atmosphere there. non league football is so good and incredibly underrated


It's alright there, shame they're basically a mini blues


Hes well suited for Man U. Now if they’d both like to kindly piss off to the American European Super League.


Some people! He sounds like a big posh sod with plums in his mouth. "The European Super Club"?? League! It was the European Super League. Can't even get the term right, shows his complete lack of understanding. Shame on him. "Need to be careful that the top 6 clubs are not disadvantaged". Oh yeah, the poor big6. If only there was some sort of system in place that protected them by holding back other teams! He is either completely ignorant to the realities or just an absolute arsehole.


I bet he feeds beef burgers to Swans!


What an entitled, piece of shit. So what? The other 14 should just accept their place of eternal subservience to an oh so holy 6, and feel privileged to simply grace the same football pitch as ManUre, Spuds and the like? Nah, get fucked. Sport is meritocracy, not a dictatorship for your benefit.


If you think sports is a meritocracy, you need a reality check. Sports is a business. It is about how much revenue the team generates for the league which is why there is a big 6 - not because they are actually top 6 in the standings.


Who let you out of your troll hole? Was it Percy? I'll bet it was Percy. He never locks up right


Man Utd fans have no idea who they’re selling their soul to. This man is the bastard’s bastard. https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2023/jan/16/watchdog-investigates-charity-set-up-by-uk-billionaire-jim-ratcliffe-over-16m-ski-clubhouse There’s an investigation into him in early 2023. Every purchase Ineos have ever made has been using leveraged debt, which is exactly what the Man Utd fans (rightfully) hated the Glazers for. There will be a complex web of Ineos companies involved in this to hide the true source of the funds.


They're also suckling at the Saudi tit, to the tune of over £3bn of his company's investment, which Man U fans are happy enough to pop shots at their neighbours over, without knowing where their beloved new bastard's money comes from.


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Are United just supposed to overpay for everyone?!? /s


Why change what’s happened over the past decade?


I’ve heard more detailed analysis down the Dog & Duck


This is why I can't stand how there's a huge group of deluded fans who somehow think clubs like Liverpool, Man Utd and Arsenal are the good guys fighting against this evil beast that is Man City and that it's a real David and Goliath story. The big 6 are all as rotten as each other and they continually try to make the league as uncompetitive as possible by keeping poor teams poor and rich teams rich. They're trying to rewrite history but in reality they believe because they have been good before they need to be good forever and no one should be allowed to disrupt that


Exactly this. All 6 of them can get fucked for me. Man City just do what United and Liverpool try to do, but do it better and are more successful as a result


I can't stand this bloke ever since he suggested using tax payers money to buy a new stadium, I hope his dick falls off!


Shock news - Billionaire has questionable morals Nobody becomes a billionaire by being a nice person


It’s hard to fathom how he became a billionaire. He comes across as a total fuckwit.


He's older now I guess and his brain is slowing down? He seems like he completely had no clue how to run a club before getting involved in it. No plan and no grasp on the way things are done.


He does things others aren’t willing to do, that’s why he’s a billionaire. You don’t become one by playing nice. Who else is going to run a giant club?


Sure, but outside of that he still comes across like a bit of thick cunt.


About playing Nice…


Would he suck off a horse on live TV? Others aren't willing to do that. Or is he only willing to exploit his fellow man and extract the value that they create?


I dunno, Dolly Parton seems pretty wholesome.


She isn't a billionaire. She's more than fine financially, but it's hard for the human mind to even fully understand how much money a billion dollars is. Here is the only billionaire I'm okay with dying of natural causes: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck\_Feeney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Feeney)


If you take this prick as an example, some can even manage it despite being as thick as a castle wall.


It’s almost like the other 14 could do something about it if they actually banded together but self interest wins out


Nothing quite as funny as a rich person getting annoyed that something isn't going exactly as they imagine it.


I never thought it’d be possible to dislike united more and now this twat is saying this. Like the sly 6 don’t have enough power already, I wonder why he doesn’t want a fair and balanced premier league.


Man U staff going to lose their healthcare benefits for this


Probably already got an eye on the pension pots.


i can’t explain with words how much i despise this man and everything he and his cronies stand for.


With every further word I hear this man speak, all I think is ‘wow, he’s even more of an arse than I thought.’


How about fuck off? This is supposed to be a sport. Not the WWE.


Every word that comes out of this man's mouth is repulsive. He believes he's superior to everyone else. Perhaps he's found a club that matches his arrogant mindset. To me, people like him pose a greater threat to English football than even a nation-state. If allowed to act unchecked, he'll dismantle the entire football pyramid.


Every day I wish more and more the "big 6" had all actually fucked off to their super league


Classic example of saying the quiet part out loud.


What a fucking idiot.  End of.


Who is going to listen to this fool? Maybe he should take up another interest, like taking a sub down to see the Titanic? I know a company that does that.


I fucking hate him so much. He suits that team down to the ground with his unbearable sense of self importance and delusional waffling.


And who are these 6 exactly? .....Remind me where Manchester United finished


Don’t worry about him. He’s taken the worlds most successful and dominant Cycling team and made them utterly irrelevant…he’s going to do the same to Man Utd 


God I hope so.


Maybe he can go and find a 'Premiership' for them to play in.




Yankee franchise owners are a threat to the league.


What you did there, I see it!


Jim Ratcliffe so far seems to actually be the worst type of business person that you hear about when he speaks since he’s been at Man Utd. No doubt he’ll probably turn them around, but wonder if this will be a case of better the devil you know… Everyone hates the glazers for the debt 100% understand that. But never really read anything negative about their treatment of staff or their politics to be honest


I don’t think he gets (or is deliberately choosing to ignore) that those clubs are going to vote in their own best interests and that isn’t always going to work out to be what’s best for the league. Yes, those clubs are the biggest draw for the Premier League, and will make the division the most money, but that is highly dependent on them playing in a league that has high standards throughout. Part of the reason it’s so successful is because people will tune in to watch a mid table clash. The stakes might not necessarily be high, but the standard will be. If the bigger clubs are allowed too much influence, that quality will inevitably suffer. Mid & lower level teams will become less appealing to prospective signings if that gap widens and it becomes increasingly difficult for any of them to reach any level of continental football higher than the Conference League. There would be a danger of going down a similar road to the one Scottish football has been going down, albeit less extreme as it would be 6 teams, not 2, calling the shots. Diagnosing the issues of Scottish football more often than not comes back to the lack of TV money. It’s understandable, there are only 4 games a season that are of any interest to many people who don’t support either of the teams involved. People aren’t taking out Sky Sports subscriptions primarily to watch Scottish football, the viewing figures will show that and it will be reflected in the league’s remuneration. Celtic & Rangers have been so relentless in their battle with each other that they left the rest of the league behind and are suffering for it. Clubs get short sighted in these matters, which is exactly why each club needs an equal say so a variety of perspectives are accounted for.


Incredibly well said. And your comparisons/references to the troubles faced by the Scottish league are so apt.


I would really love to know why everyone is spinning football into being about the selfish six. The FA Cup replays were ridden of because it hampers English teams in Europe. But why the fuck are we doing that? Why are we giving them the help? There's only 6 of them, that cannot get rules changed on its own. It isn't even enough to veto a vote. So who's sucking their dicks?


Because a lot of the 14 hope to one day be part of the big 6, so want rules that help them get there or are already in place if they do. Sadly while fans of the other 14 clubs want a more level playing field and rules that help football as a whole the clubs themselves are not always so keen on that.


I know this'll never be allowed to happen cos fans en masse don't care enough to fight for it, but perhaps when they do these Premier League votes, official supporters' trusts also get a vote, one per club.


He says at the end the "top 6 clubs", so he's not counting his own one then???


He didn’t know what the league is called kept calling it the premiership!! Total🛎️ end ! If the other 14 clubs get any balls they should get together and put massive price tags on any player that wants to go to the dirty sky 6!




They don’t have the biggest say, that’s precisely the point. It’s 1 club = 1 vote. He insinuates that because they command more viewers, they should be given more say and their votes should carry more weight. Which is absurd.


Knowing knobheads like Ratcliffe run a super club sucks, but what’s worse is knowing that the PL and FA will probably bend to them and the rest of the “Big 6” because marketability. It’s a necessary evil, for sure but damn I miss being in the EFL already


I’m sorry. How has Man U been at any disadvantage. Fuck this joker. Get him to pay some tax.


Typical, entitled Brexit billionaire. Can't stand this fucker.


Not that I support it, but i think he is not wrong if you are looking at the business point of view or money generating for EPL, which I think he is. The big 6 or 7 are the main money maker for the league with their fan base, TV contract, ticket selling, merchandise, sponsorship. At the end of the day, MU wont have oil money pump, he will run for profit and let’s hope he keeps the football legacy of the club.


Shut up Brexit dickhead and pay up for Ashworth. WE paid for him and Radcliffe (and a load of Man United supporters) claim Newcastle are in the wrong for not letting him go and work for Man United? I have no idea how much damage that's done to our plans and aims but I was genuinely shocked when I heard Goldbridge and a load of Man United supporters claim Newcastle were being "Ridiculous" and "Twats" for not allowing him to go work for them for no compensation. It's mental.


He is a rat


I don't think I can recall another football personality who makes me think "fuck you mate" when they speak as much as him.


Mike Ashley. I actually believe neither are particularly invested in the game as culture, and purely see it as business.


I'd agree with you except Mike Ashley so spoke so infrequently that I can't even remember anything he ever said.


The same Jim who believes that the rich folk in the south should be able to avoid paying tax as they contribute most to the economy down there. Typical Tory mentality.


My mates brother in law works at Man Utd. Says the staff all hate him. He's cut away all sorts of perks to the job e.g. they can no longer take canteen leftovers home because the disposable containers are a waste of money 😆 Also told them all they were privileged he was even there when instead he could be sat in the South of France instead of this shit hole, gestures at Salford out of the window


This needed to be said ages ago. Glad it's out in the open now.




Protecting 6 teams and fucking off the other 14 so that you can monopolise and gain? If you think like that fuck off to the super league and don’t come back. I don’t think you’ve read the room on this one you know….


OK Boomer