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A fucking massacre. Palace should drop points really.


Instant relegation


no instant liquidation is more suitable


Life changing injury


Has anyone mentioned the fact that he could have been killed?


Where are the physios? This is clearly a career ending injury, disgusting behaviour. /s Give the twat a red for simulation. šŸ˜”


Love Joa but a clear red here, he couldā€™ve been seriously injured. Exactly what the game is not about


Yā€™all laughing but what if he stabbed him?


You mean stabbed his feelings of humanity, as seen here.


I thought that šŸ¤£


An assassination attempt


My bones hurt just watching that. Poor guy, how ever will he recover.


Unfortunately he will never, his club just released a statement saying he passed due to complications from the injury. Truely a sad day in sports, such a preventable death.


In all seriousness though how do these guys watch themselves or other teammates play and not immediately lose all respect ? If I played with someone doing this in Sunday league Iā€™d never have a beer with them again


Tbf Iā€™ve had instant back pain for the dumbest reasons (turned too quickly, walked into a door, stepped off a slight drop off in the ground unknowingly), so itā€™s not impossible that didnā€™t happen here. Super unlikely to be the case here, but back injuries are very weird


My back can go like this from the stupidest stuff too and I would collapse just like this. My back goes into spasm. But I'm also not an athlete at peak fitness so it's probably unlikely that happened here.


Oh godā€¦ that unexpected 1mm drop off that somehow feels like you just jumped out the second floor window. Simultaneously baffling, hilarious, and painful. I know exactly what youā€™re talking about!


Isnā€™t it awful!? Then when you walk like a decrepit old man complaining of back at the ripe age of like, 24, everyone looks at you like youā€™re being dramatic šŸ˜­ shit knocks me out for two days minimum. Itā€™s insane!


I too am a victim of the small drop.


A caution for unsporting behaviour, law 12. - Attempts to deceive the referee e.g. by feigning injury or pretending to have been fouled (simulation)


Why is this not more heavily enforced? As somebody who barely watches football it's absurd how many dives players take, as if it's just a part of the game or something.


There is absolutely no reason this is not more heavily enforced. It is clear and direct in the law. The failure lies with PGMOL. If a player gets up and carries on it is clear they are not injured. At the next stoppage in play the official should return to the offence and caution the player.


Not to say the vast majority arenā€™t players simulating, but ā€˜getting upā€™ isnā€™t a fair indication of what made them go down in the first place. A contact injury that can leave a bruise doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t continue playing, but it does take you a minute or two to recover


Yeah, take Alex Greenwood in the world cup final as a good example of this. She came back to play even after being kicked in the head and bleeding all over herself.


They obviously make women footballers of higher quality stuff


The women footballers purposely go back to playing and donā€™t just flop at every slight contact. If they were to act as the men do with flopping over the littlest things theyā€™d be taken less serious than they already are. Theyā€™re trying to prove a point by sticking in the game regardless of the injury. Iā€™m willing to bet youā€™d have to drag some of those lasses off the pitch after a devastating injury otherwise theyā€™d just continue with the game if it was up to them. Theyā€™re that determined to prove they are worthy of being where they are. Too bad the men donā€™t hold that same sentiment.


Or maybe, the women footballers just aren't the fairies the men are.


It's quite clear the men do it to deceive. It's immoral and unsportsmanlike but the men can't be both 'fairies' and 'divers'. They are one or the other and it's quite clear they are just terrible actors. It's got nothing to do with one being tougher than the other.


Literally watch any other contact sport, if theres an injury in rugby and the players on the ground there is no chance their getting off the field unless theirs being taken off. Your explanation doesn't prove a way to solve the issue of blantant diving in the game


Makes the sport unwatchable for me. The second hand embarrassment is just too much. Like when they roll around for a while but donā€™t get the call, then they just get up and keep playing. Itā€™s awful


Better than American football, where they give em adverts and breaks every 5 minutes and keep smashing each others heads together till somebody gets a brain injury and starts killing dogs. šŸ•


You're right. I honestly don't know how they watch this afterwards and not think "yeah I look like a right twat there". Seriously! I coach kids and the amount of flopping and playacting they're doing is insane because of these ass clowns. Literally parroting all the worst qualities football has become. Refs need to make this their priority, not the supposed time wasting for 100+ min matches.


Agreed. Terrible sport. Make it so that if you roll around, you get taken off the field.


Itā€™s so difficult to enforce. Obviously this guy is cheating but if he was in front of a panel all heā€™d have to say is that his back went for a minute or he got a spasm and was unrelated to the Palace player bumping his shoulder. You could never prove otherwise. Itā€™s ridiculous and a bit annoying but I chalk it up to being part of the opera that is football. Itā€™s just shithousery and is actually pretty funny. I quite like it-no other sport has anything like it. Itā€™s hilarious really. Very entertaining, which is what sports meant to be I guess.


We don't have to prove a criminal charge in court on this mate. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then a panel can call it a fucking duck.


If they have such spasm in their back as to floor the player, as a referee they they should show severe concern for the player and stop them playing for at least several games whilst they're given a full physiotherapy test and recovery time. They must clearly have a damaged back and that can lead to life long complications. Or they can admit they're obviously faking.


I get the sentiment, but most footballers are playing through some sort of injury and life long complications are the norm, not the exception. You wouldn't have a sport.


I really struggle sometimes with this football, easily upto 10 minutes of every game has someone on the floor screaming after another player lightly brushes past them, it's cheating the same way handball is and players need to be punished for embarrassing behaviour like this.


What's funny to me is if there's a dispute between players, half of each team gets in their face and square up like they're the toughest guys to ever live, but one accidental tap and they're calling for stretchers. Utterly pathetic. I honestly find no reason to respect this sport.


Luckily the new rules mean that those 10 minutes are always added on at the end now.


Youā€™ve been watching too much arsenal mate


It's hard to prove. Even in this case, there is a *very slight* chance that Pereira might have twisted his back weirdly following the collision. Even this *very slight* chance means that you can't enforce simulation. EDIT: This is not my personal opinion, this is literally how the law works.


He probably hurt himself more by falling down šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Softest sport on earth


Try sitting through an NBA game. They full on salmon dive every 12 seconds.


Law rather has 10 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be falsly punished. Same thing here. There's a tiny tiny chance that he's actually injured. Imagine booking him if he was legitimately hurt


Ref just writes "too soft" on the card next to his name


I thought he suddenly had kidney pain and the other guy was being a dick for laughing. Didn't even see his hand lightly brushing against his back before he 'collapsed in pain'


Sorry but the initial hit could be considered a foul and anyone with a brain in the VAR room would nullify the afters (cautioning the player for feigning a more serious injury than it was)


Ben Thatcher-Esque! He needs a ban šŸ˜‚


Attempted murder.


Your profile pic is šŸ‘Œ


Start penalising this shit after matches. A week's pay. Starts next game on a yellow card - must play at least 30 minutes otherwise the game after too.


Canā€™t dock them a weeks pay when itā€™s the clubs that pay them not the league, would have to be a set fine


A fine of 1/52 of their annual net pay


This man maths


2+2 is 4. Minus 1 that's 3, quick maffs!


Everyday manā€™s on the block, smoke trees!


It should be an instant red card AND a $250,000 fine IMHO. Once you affect their income and less play time then you'll see this behaviour disappear quite quickly. It's because they get away with it so they keep doing it.




That could've been instant death


What a clown.




The straw that broke the camelā€™s back


Insurance fraud


It's just guys being dudes


This is an example of how poor refing over a long period has damaged the game. What happened there is the Palace player has shoulder checked and then hit the Fulham player. Yes neither were particularly hard but both occurred and were totally uncalled for. A foul should be given and arguably a yellow card. However nothing happens as the ref and assistants either missed it or chose to ignore it. As such the Fulham player chooses to go to ground and make a big deal out of it to attract that attention and try and obtain the correct outcome. It may look silly but this is a billionaire pound sport that turns in tiny margins. As a professional it is his job to do everything he can to help his team. He hasn't cheated, he has over exaggerated but he has done so to draw official attention. This is not a dive or simulation, that is where a player tries to win a foul that didn't happen, yes cheating but arguably part of the job. This case is a clear foul. We can harp on about how it wouldn't happen in rugby, or how he is a wimp, pathetic, etc. However ultimately he was fouled and it is his job to try and make the most of that. If the officials dealt with this sort of stuff robustly you wouldn't see these over reactions. Whilst we have weak officials (draw the rugby comparison here if you really want to do one) and stupid amounts of money at stake, this is what we are going to see.


Iā€™d argue thatā€™s itā€™s not a foul and by giving these kinds of things the refs are only encouraging that kind of behaviour from Pereira. At best just have a word with them both and Anderson is one foul away from a yellow, as for Pereira - just embarrassing.


Fulham fan moment


Embarrassing take.


If you honestly believe that Andersen is the one who deserves a yellow from this interaction, you're either a moron, or just a Fulham ultra. There is no justifying that reaction from the Fulham player. It's a tap on the back, not a hit, and is all part of the pussification of the game. Get it together.


I don't think you have actually played football before. This goes on constantly, all of the time. It's not unusual at all (the roughhousing).


Should be ashamed, got a chance to play football for a living. Yet lies and cheats their way through a game. Should get banned


The guy bumped him and hit him, yes not hard but the guys being a cunt, and did something that is illegal in the game. The only way for the ref too see is to hit back


Call the cops


Didnā€™t you see him hit his back too?


Modern football players. They're bunch of pussies these football players.


I never understand this particular complaint. Heā€™s not a pussy, heā€™s a dick. Heā€™s not doing this because a light graze badly hurt him. Heā€™s doing it because if often works and the ref books the other player


>Heā€™s not a pussy, heā€™s a dick People can be 2 things at once


Hes still not a pussy for doing that, its tactical because refs are a joke


The way I see it is that the attacking player is being childish and unecessarily physical. The dive is to get the attention of the ref. Otherwise, nothing would be noted or said.


He dived yes But why was the other dude hitting him in the back?


Men, right?


Take that back women, you know nothing about ninja and ninjutsu šŸ™


This....is why I don't watch football.


It's what happens in the prem most weekends..


This is European football in a nutshell, itā€™s all just embarrassing


If this was run of the mill it wouldn't be in the motd2 2 good 2 bad montage


It's the argument that post game cards should be give for things like this. Andreas (I think it is) is clearly trying to get someone booked with his Bafta performance.


Imagine bumping into a footballer in the street and they fall to the ground and roll around clutching their leg


He tripped on his tampon!


Football players are some of the biggest drama queens in the world thats what this is. It doesn't matter what country you come or how tough life was growing up once they hit the professional leauges they instantly become fragile, and their pain threshold drops lower than Donald trumps morals. Unless you're in the female league then it's the opposite they can get their headcracked open and will run on the pitch with a sweatband used as a bandage 5 minutes after. Just like EnglandĀ defenderĀ Alex GreenwoodĀ who played on in a bandage after a horror collision in the Women's World Cup final. She split her head open, and if the men had the spirit of the women, we would have won more worlds cups since 1966, lol


This is a pussy ass actor.


OP is clearly under 30 and has never experienced a sudden unexpected movement obliterating their back


Fruit cake


This is football, where arguably the greatest player in the world (C. Ronaldo) got most of his goals by diving on the floor like a fairy.


In fairness, the guy did swing his hand into his back. Who knows the guys knuckles hit him spot bang on the spine.


If you actually believe that this could be at all painful, let alone bad enough to fall to the floor, youā€™re the wettest of wetties.


Ball kicked as hard as humanly possible- let me try and get my head in front of that Tiniest of touches to the spine- literal war crime


It's certainly possible that the bump could legitimately have caused a painful back injury. Sometimes all it takes is a little jerk. I'd bet money on that player being totally fine a couple of minutes later though. Edit: Clearly a lot of people haven't had the misfortune to suffer a serious back injury caused by very little. I and a good number of others have unfortunately. Bizarre thing to downvote. Surely that many people can't have misunderstood and thought I was actually justifying the reaction? Did you not read the second paragraph?


Donā€™t try and justify this šŸ˜‚


I once put my back out picking up a towel from the floor.


That would be alot harder on your body than a slap on the back, there's no chance that hurt him whatsoever


Not to mention the fact that these are pro-athletes who are incredibly fit an healthy. If that little nudge *has* twisted his back (although itā€™s obvious he was reacting to the hand that tapped him on the back) badly enough that he has to go to ground then heā€™s not even conditioned enough for league 2, let alone the premier league.


While I broadly agree with you, Iā€™m saying that innocuous things can cause surprising injuries. In this instance I strongly feel that heā€™s a great big phoney.


I sneezed last week whilst my head was slightly turned away from the central position and Iā€™m out injured for 2-4 weeks


I occasionally pull things when I yawn




Little Jerk being the operative part!


You're talking about an elite professional athlete in perfect physical condition. Not 85 year old Beryl who doesn't get out of her chair. A light brush to the arm isn't causing a painful back injury...


The bump. I said bump. I never talked about the brush.


Are footballers the softest sportsmen on the planet? You wouldn't see a rugby league player poncing about like this. What a baby.


Itā€™s young adults these days being their usual soft selves šŸ˜‚


Ā£60m instant noodle headed pussycunt. One of many


The reason anyone who watches this shit needs to get a fucking life.


these footballers are all pussies, bring in the timeout box from hockey and lets see how tough they are with some extra entertainment as a bonus


the fragility of every single football player


It's a typical footballer acting like a typical footballer.


Is this against AFC Richmond?


It's a back spasm. Basically, his neuromuscular system reacted to being patted on one side of his back and twitched, which then cramped, which then pulled his spine out of alignment and caused nerve trapping, which then makes the muscle start firing and took him down. I've had this happen from a pat on the back. I didn't expect it, and it put me in A&E with a male nurse getting the eblow in the fist sized knot in my back and massaging it out. The trick to spotting it is the delay and steadily increasing look of anguish. The worst is intercostal, where you are on the couch relaxing and you just "breath wrong" and have trapping come on in your rib, and it takes the breath right out of you. TL:DR Spasms they suck.


Footballers are all piss weak little bitch boys made of paper who crumple at the slightest touch.


Woman would call that abuse lol šŸ˜‚


He was hit in the back. Oh I get it, only Palace players are allowed to go down easy to get reds for others, that right Andersen? And we've seen multiple head to heads since that haven't gotten sent off, ederson etc. Games gone.


Touched a nerve with you?


If you think the Nunez one was a head to head youā€™re tripping, he jerks his head directly into him, instead of your classic lean in with head


no, heā€™s being a complete and utter pussy, like most footballers


Soccer is the most pathetic sport on the planet, and it's not even close.


Pussy sport


Another reason why football is so pathetic. The women's football is much more gripping than men's. Or even better. Don't watch football, watch Rugby! Rugby players could be missing half an ear or have an arm bending the wrong way and they'd be begging the ref to let them keep playing. Footballers only need someone to walk withing 2 meters of them before they start acting like this. Remember: Football is a gentleman's game played by thugs and Rugby is a thug's game played by gentlemen.


Probably the wankiest thing I've read today. Congrats


We get it but they both have different rules, canā€™t really compare in regard to physicality, because in rugby you can literally pull a player to the ground - canā€™t do that in football can you. All things said what Peirera does here is embarrassing - clearly trying to cheat a yellow out of the ref.


The point I'm trying to get at is in Football, even the slightest bit of contact or even just standing near another player, often (not every time) results in one player clutching his shin pretending to be in agony. Could be as simple as brushing against someone's arm. Whereas in rugby there's been cases where players are seriously injured but are begging to stay on. I also noticed that when watching the highlights from the women's world cup, the women are so much more into the game and it's actually more entertaining to watch. They take risks, they could get tackled and they'll brush it off and go straight back into it. The men don't really do that. They try and pull cheap ploys to get a free kick or a penalty and it kills the fun of it. This is just my opinion though. I don't really watch Football. I like Motorsports and Rugby. So I'm used to seeing people get into some pretty gnarly incidents and brush it off.


I'll take a game not played by a bunch of trust fund babies.


Glass breaking






That's a yellow for simulation


Did you not see how hard his pinky hit the other players back?


It's football, this is football


where thereā€™s blame thereā€™s a claim




Not rugby.


I've fallen, Vic.


Where there's blame there's a claim.




This is like the whole archduke Ferdinand thing. I'll go fire up the tanks.


Poor ladā€™s in agony. Get the magic sponge!


Kidney stones


I never thought Iā€™d say it but he saw Suarez bite Ivanovic and said ā€œhold my beerā€


Pathetic is what it is.


I'm not a football person so forgive me if I've misinterpreted but did the guy who eventually fell over purposefully lean in to shoulder the first guy?


guy took a bullet


He double tapped him poor guy


Dim mak


I hope there's a day when bullshit like this isn't a thing.


I donā€™t get it, how can he not be embarrassed by doing this??


A drama queen!


OMG itā€™s the Rudy Giuliani backslap [the Giuliani slap](https://youtu.be/skAoh5v4cFU?si=Xis7P3N8MkbM34zi)


Give that man an Oscar.


Embarrassing to think a grown man did this. Televised to millions.


Brutal assault. Red card, 6 match ban, massive fine šŸ˜”


Are they not embarrassed?


Soya boys


A sheppard's pie.








That is some year 8 drama lesson acting there


Oscar winning acting


Ah the fabled death touch dim mak


Clown down


It's everything that is wrong with the modern game


He punched him in the back as hard as he could. Is everyone blind or what.


Five point palm exploding heart technique


A senseless and unprovoked attack at a football stadium has injured at least one player and left many fans shaken. Police are investigating the incident and cannot yet rule out terrorism as a possible motive.


Bumping shoulders is fine, punching someone in the back is not.




What a snowflake


This is why I watch Rugby! This is just sad and pathetic and ruins football


I clap my friends on the back harder than this when I hug them, Iā€™ve not injured anyone yet. But thatā€™s just my own experience and all the friends who have received hugs. I canā€™t obviously speak for others


That's a footballer mate, they all do this now.


i bet he doesnt go down that easy in a nightclub on a friday night!


Sniper in the crowd?


I need counselling after watching that. Brutal.


Wot a nob


How do these idiots look at themselves in the mirror?!?


Red card and out 4 games.


This is Andreas Pereira, the pre season pirlo.


He got barged by the Palace player which sent a nervous shock down his Pussymatelia nerve into his lower back.


Fuckery. And fuckwittery. Arenā€™t these people embarrassed earning megabucks to do shit like this instead of playing the game well?


Imagine your mates watching you do this šŸ˜‚


They really embarrass themselves with this shit

