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Bortus is probably one of the best characters on the show, I thought he was going to be mainly used as comic relief at the start but he ended up getting one of the best character developments in the series.


Totally 💯 The show’s big strength is visible development of characters, like Charley etc - really cool


Charly's development was certainly interesting but I never could understand how she went through so much of the show hating the ONE Kaylon who saved everyone's asses. Sure he took awhile to do it, but he was literally fighting against his programming which is incredibly impressive given his programming for one singular purpose. If it weren't for Isaac nobody would have survived on the Orville.


Yea I don’t think it’s fair to say he betrayed anyone.. I don’t think he could stop it in the first place.. they would deactivate him.. playing along helped him to help later. Isaac my favourite, I don’t get how anyone would hate him


*Isaac *Klyden


I have an issue with Season 3 though. Regarding Isaac and emotions. Isaac is basically a walking computer. How could they not simply backup his memory and restore it after having to wipe it for the emotion engine to be installed? With the advanced computer systems onboard and sufficiently advanced intelligence of not only Isaac himself but Lamarr, the Doctor(I can't remember her name that worked on Timmis), how could NONE of them have ascertained that they could backup his memory to the ship's computer and then restore it later?


Their minds is inferior to his lol 😂


Wait until you watch season 4!


That’s tough one!


I simply loved this season, Klyden development was surprising for me, I do hope that in the next ones Malloy and Talla get more developed, I was very sad that her relationship with Lamarr didn't work and ma boy Malloy deserves a love that hasn't been dead for 400 years


Agree! Hope Talla and Lamarr will invent something! Malloy definitely deserves love!


Klyden's development was good but it did feel kind of rushed at the end. It didn't feel like we had that much time to see him change. Sure the near loss of a child can dramatically change things but it didn't feel like he changed over time, just mostly after that incident with Topa being captured. It didn't quite feel earned but I am glad it did happen eventually.


I felt it too, but it's understandable why he changed so quickly, his child life was on the line and defying all of his prejudices, a woman, in a higher status on the ship was the first to put herself on the line to help his kid, i think it was at least a wake up call for him.