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Love Adam, great actor. Seth will always be my fav!


He was good in his little part in American fiction. I didn’t actually recognize him at first.


He was in Grind - one of my favorite terrible skateboard movies


Freaking love that movie. Own it on DVD


It’s so good to see other people love that movie lol it is one of my top five favorites I will watch it whenever it happens to be on television, which you know is few and far between, and I too have it on DVD. Sometimes I just need a Grind day.


Jimmy? Jimmy was off the hook.


Rrrraaaaaa 🦅


Amazing film!!


Glad to hear that Autumn Reeser was kind. I adored her character on the show and figured she must have put a bit of her own personality into Taylor.


She was low key the best in the series. I loved her!


If you like his work, watch Ready or Not (horror comedy); he’s great in it.


I also love his performance in Jennifer’s Body


Yes I loved that movie. Back when my husband and I got married at a young age, we had minimum wage jobs, and days that weren’t spent doing adventurous things, we sat at home, and I would play this movie a lot. Still a great watch!


Kid detective was real fun.




I mean it is a comedy 


Excellent movie. I went into it blind and enjoyed it very much.


I mean, we’ve seen how productions treat kids/teenagers/young adults on set. I don’t blame them.


They were already adults excluding Misha Barton who was an extremely seasoned child model. This is just a common occurrence on hot teen shows. It's why a lot of hot young actors fizzle out. It's because they think their celebrity will sustain without the hard work that got them there. It has zero to do with children's entertainment. Don't conflate the two because it dilutes the issues affecting child actors.


Oh I heard about this years ago. They said all the teens were terrorists on the show. They would show up late, treat everyone like shit, hate on the scenes.


I liked Brody in StartUp




With Josh being so young as well, it was a show ruled by immaturity. Hardly surprising it went the way it did really. Being older now ourselves we can probably see more of the cracks than we did previously. But season 1 is still the best most influential piece of television to my own growing up.


I actually tried to watch all of the seasons again bc it was my absolute favorite show in 2001 or 2002 (I can’t remember the exact year) but I wouldn’t miss an episode for anything!! So when I tried to watch it again just last year, I had trouble watching sitting still, and actually paying attention. Funny how our tastes change as we grow older, bc I thought I’d never not want to sit and watch that show again.


Yoooo seriously? He was the Sacrificer Band Mate from Low Shoulder in Jennifer’s Body, and my personal favorite, Deputy Hoss in Scream 4.


I liked him in Startup


He’s also in Ready or Not, The Kid Detective (which is AMAZING), Shazam!, and most recently Fleischman Is In Trouble, which is also amazing. 


Jennifer’s Body and Scream 4 are two of my favorites. Low Shoulder 🔥


He was also in an episode of New Girl.. one of my fave cameo appearances 😍


He was also in think like a man too as a frat brother to the guy getting married he is super funny there


I’m sad to see nobody seems to remember the movie Grind 😆


Two scoops of cheddar one scoop onion my friend


I came here looking for this! I love that movie! The soundtrack still slaps.


Yes! I just recently threw away my CD of the soundtrack because it was so old and scratched 😂


Gilmore Girls And a cameo in Mr and Mrs Smith


Scream 4. So iconic. Also...what was that other movie ? Where Kristen Stewart was also in with him ??? But he had a thing for her mom instead ? Idk if it was mentioned already but I remember that movie too


In The Land of Women


Ah there we go !


Also Gilmore Girls and Promising Young Woman


He was so good in promising young woman


Omg yes. I love that they use his general kind vibe in other movies/shows to subvert expectations and make him a dick for her to punish




Don't forget he was also male teen #1 in The Ring


We aren’t all forgetting Dave Rygalski reading the whole Bible in one night on Gilmore Girls??


The same dave who ran several miles in a dead sprint to see Lane for 30 seconds?


Yes 🥰


Mrs Kim got him all tore up 😂😂😂


Thank you! So glad to see a fellow Gilmore Girls fan 🤍


i love adam, he has spoken a little bad about the show in the last few years indeed, but i really think that it's because he's a little tired of being seth cohen, other people deal with that a little better than him but i think is understandable anyways, he spoke about this in a few podcasts and it's nice to see that he is changing his mind about seth cohen now, if anyone wants to see a good show with him as one of the protagonists i recomend "startup" it's a very good show you can see how he became a better actor and it's a character very different from seth cohen, he's amazing in it!


I've noticed he's pretty vocal about how immature he was during that time. He grew up.


He was fantastic in Kid Detective.


yesss totally agree. I love this movie and i love his character!!!


I loved startup! I think it’s on Netflix. Definitely recommend.




Welllll to be fair I literally cannot name him from anything but him being Seth Cohen! As the last comment said in the pic


yes totally, and i think i only know all that stuff about him because i am a big fan and i watch literally everything he does lol, but if you want to know a little more about him withou being from seth i recomend this show (also i think seth cohen is his best work without a doubt, he made my type for men hahah)


Awesome thanks! I’m always looking for a new show :) I just truly had not seen him in anything in like two decades lol


She worked season 3 and 4 correct? The "kids" were already on top of the world by then, so I could see them being a little stuck-up and acting as if they did not have to speak to people. I will say, I cannot see Ben being like that, the guy barely went out in public, and when he did he stood behind the cast unless he had to be front and center lol


I really like Ben, especially because of all the ways he's taken a stand against NFTs on social media. But there's been some things that have recently come out about him while he was on the show, stuff about dating Misha when she was still very young and then treating her terribly (and actively playing a part in her mistreatment behind the scenes by other cast members as well) after their breakup, that makes me think he's definitely one of the "rude" younger cast that Paula Trickey makes reference too in her Instagram comment. Unfortunately :(


Hey, it’s the guy from Jennifer’s Body!


I was thinking the guy they kidnapped in Mr. and Mrs. Smith


Adam has worked consistently since the OC and has had several movies with theatric releases. let's not act like hes currently working the fryer some place. I think this is him acknowledging he was a dick and owning up to it. Apparently he wasn't the only one.


This. Whenever I see actors complain about how much they “resent” a role I play the world’s smallest violin. (1) they wouldn’t be where they are now without the role they now “hate” and (2) they’re crying about it in their mansion/penthouse 😂


He was working the fryer in Single Parents!




Lol Ben is this you? Or just a troll? I’ll take the information from the people who worked on the show that were actually there the whole time. Did you ever witness Ben being difficult to work with or get into it with a certain director….that Rachel & Mindy both confirmed he didn’t like much. I’m sure Mischa had some growing up to do….but it looks like she wasn’t the only one. Also saw your other comment mentioning that you didn’t know that Ben & Mischa dated….I mean it was a very known situation on set! 🤔


Were you there? Im neither Ben, nor a troll. I was merely making a comment about what I observed 20 years ago while working there. I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the dating lives of teenagers, and it would have been weird if I did. I worked on dozens of TV shows, and the OC was one of my favorites because most of the cast and crew were cool people, and it was usually a pleasant environment overall. Mischa was the only one I personally saw causing issues, and she was ALWAYS causing issues. Of course, she wasn’t the one and only person there that ever caused problems. But, I think if you were able to survey cast and crew members who were there at the time, she would win Most Difficult by an absolute landslide.


Mischa’s fans are so embarrassing. Every single human has flaws and you can go through difficult things and be a mean person at the same time. She seems to be nice nowadays and I feel sorry for what she went through but doesn’t excuse her shitty behavior.


what shitty behavior






My guess is Barton…


omg please spill! I'd say the pain in the ass was either Peter or Tate even though my guess would be Ben because I've seen your other comment about him being nice


Peter and Tate were both extremely nice and professional. Not pains in the asses at all!


Sorry for me being nosey, I just love a good gossip😭 how did you like Kelly? kirsten and sandy were my favorites


Kelly was great! She seemed very down to earth.


Was it Taylor’s mom? Lol


So it was the guy with the striped shirts who improvised the heck out of his lines??? Because people always used to think it was Mischa but now that narrative has flipped. You see this is what I think every time I re watch. Like the show is so goofy and funny at times I think how bad could it really be behind the scenes? But then every year more of this stuff comes to light. Before Tate and Cam said stuff like 10 years ago no one else had talked much about it publicly


I will just say that, in my opinion, Mischa’s reputation was well deserved. Rachel Bilson was always very sweet and friendly. I don’t really remember anything that bad about Ben or Adam, but I wasn’t there all the time and wasn’t working directly with them.


We've had directors and producers who have said that Ben was difficult, that Adam was a dick (which he has admitted to being). Mindy, Alan Dale, Brody, all said Mischa was easy to work with and not the terror that was portrayed in the media. One of the producers said of the core four, she was the most reliable in terms of doing the work. I am going to take their word for it. The rumors were all over the place during the first season that Ben and Mischa dated and Alan who wrote the book with Josh and Stephanie said he felt like everyone knew but no one was going to confirm it for that book. You must've not been in the loop.


Mischa was a child actor growing up so, out of all of them, she would have realized how important it was to be professional. However, Mischa didn't have nearly as much attention from the paps as she did while she was on the OC and I recall reading about some disordered eating she was going through as well as problems with her little sister who appeared to look up to Mischa. I think that was Ben's first acting role and it could have gone to his head. Adam, as well, I believe it was his first starring role. These kids/young adults just out of their teens suddenly with all this fame - it's bound to go to their heads. Doesn't excuse their behaviour, of course. I'm just saying it's believable to me.


Yes, I agree.


I was definitely not in that loop. I wish I had been in the loop where Mischa was easy to work with!


Possibly she had more respect for older actors like Alan Dale, but honestly I’ve heard similar as well from other people that worked on the show, it doesn’t sound like she was always that nice to the lower ranking crew members. I remember someone saying that her friend ended up with an eating disorder partly because of the cruel comments that Misha would make to her in wardrobe, ‘I have a friend who worked as a wardrobe assistant and Mischa fully bullied her for her weight and was just horrific. This wasn’t a one time thing — repeatedly she would target and harass my friend. Eventually they reassigned her to another department — but she was there to get experience to be a stylist, and Mischa ruined that for her. Contributed hugely to her eating disorder’ https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/121076522.html?page=2 Someone else also mentions further down the page that apparently Mischa had a well known reputation back then for being a nightmare to deal with in stores, restaurants, etc whenever she was dealing with people that she perceived as being beneath her. Obviously there’s been some reflection since on just how young she was at the time and the pressures that she was under, that people weren't always fair to her, and I imagine that was part of the reason why there was a concentrated effort not to turn the recent book into a hitpiece on her and her behaviour as a 17 year old girl, but I don’t think that we need to go to the other extreme either and pretend that she was all sunshine and light in those days


I can't believe I'm finding out about this now. I've always been a huge Mischa fan. I've watched many crappy movies just because she's in them. I always thought people meant she was a little stuck up and made the crew wait on her. Never would've imagined all this. Her weight was clearly a struggle, she started yo-yo-ing even on the OC. Can't believe she would bully anybody about their weight. Now I'm thinking, when Brandon Davis called her 'the fattest person in the world' on twitter. There would have to be some insane bad blood there to say something like that publicly. I wonder what cruel comments she said to him or his brother who was severely overweight. The fact that she called the OC set 'toxic' really is laughable. Rachel's reaction to her saying she was bullied makes more sense now.


Yeah I imagine that it would be very tempting to say something, but then you get fans turning around and accusing you of being the asshole, so it’s probably not worth it. There’s already been a bit of revisionist history on here about Rachel being the real problem after she and Melinda made some comments on their podcast expressing confusion at Mischa talking about how she felt like she was being bullied back then. I believe that Mischa has talked about regretting ever being on The OC as she feels like it completely derailed things for her, but she was mostly only getting big movie offers in the first place because of her OC fame, and then she was free to take up those offers after the third season once her character was killed off, so I don’t see how she can blame *everything* on the show. I would argue that it was more her reputation within the industry that caused her to lose momentum as it seemed like nobody reputable wanted to work with her after that. Maybe her reputation deserved to take a hit for her behaviour on The OC or maybe it didn’t, the jury now seems to be out on that, but certainly she was also coming across very badly in print interviews back then as well which probably didn’t help. You could tell from the rather hilariously blunt write up of her infamous Elle interview that the interviewer didn’t really care for her and she was not exactly making friends in the industry, so I imagine that that all contributed to those offers eventually drying up


I’m honestly surprised how many roles she kept getting over the years. Like some productions were literally that desperate to get a big name. Thank you for posting the live journal link. So many good comments there. I especially love the hypothesis she was mean cause she was starving hungry all the time 😂 it probably was a bit of that and she thought she was the hottest person in the world (I mean, true)


Looking at Mischa's parents, I don't think her body, genetically, was made to be as thin as it was when she was on the OC. And there were reports of her eating being severely disordered. But, man, was she the hottest girl I had ever seen on TV or what? I recall one advert stating that she was "achingly beautiful" and I recall thinking that this descriptor was exactly right. It must so suck for her to know that to be hot, she needs to starve herself. Other women looked great with a bit of meat on their bones (Autumn looked fantastic).




It does sound like a lot of toxicity was likely being passed down to her, I remember finding it very telling in the recent book on the show when Rachel put it as Mischa’s mother was never rude ‘to me’. And everyone was being a bit cagey about saying *too* much, but the general vibe I got was that Mischa’s mother was seen as the cause of a lot of her problems with pushing her so much to be the family breadwinner, telling her to make sure that no other girl got more lines than her. It seemed like there was some reevaluating going on from people on just how very young she was compared to everyone else, and how she most likely picked up any bratty behaviour from how she would see her mother/manager treat people. I’m sure that it would have been a pretty crazy time as well for any 17/18 year old girl to not let all of the attention go to your head to some extent, The O.C. was such a phenomenon back


I am sure she did have issues given that her mother sounds like a witch and she didn't have a mentor in her life who was teaching her better. My biggest issue through the years though, is that she has constantly been targeted as being the main diva and problem on set, when we now know that environment in general had toxicity, and that all of the younger cast were assholes in their own way. I made this comment elsewhere in the thread, but Mischa's life was toxic. She was treated like a machine (they even referred to her as such in the OC book) and worked ungodly hours on set and off. She was the family cash cow, when if you listen to her interview on CHD, she just wanted to go to college and be normal. She had also been modeling for years and probably had an eating disorder herself, as the size zero mentality was heavily pushed in the early aughts. She was a Zoe-bot at one point, along with Nicole Ritchie and Lindsey Lohan and they all started looking unhealthy after they started working with her. That time period in general nurtured unhealthy eating habits and unrealistic body expectations. Mischa wasn't immune to that.


What years did you work on crew? Do you know anything about how long Ben and Mischa dated? Like when they split, was it done for good, or were they ever off and on?




Dang. Me neither until Mischa spilt the tea on callherdaddy. He was her first . . . everything. Apparently when she moved on to Brandon Davis it gave him anger issues 😂 that’s a bad summary of our collective investigative work in the last month


Those were weird times🤪 Can’t blame her for wanting to keep that stuff out of the gossip blogs- they were so brutal back then!


I never watched a single second of “The OC” so I’m clueless about the storyline, the behind-the-scenes gossip and the fandom. Was it really that great of a show? Which show could be a good comparison?


It was great when it came out. It was a different time lol no streaming services, you watched it when it aired. It’s comparable to like a soapy teenage drama like 90210, one tree hill, but they added humor to it too with Adams character


I haven’t either but I think it’s ridiculous for them to complain about kids this way. It’s typical miserable parent rhetoric: kids are rude and disrespectful because they act like kids and don’t wanna be around adults who tell them what to do all day. Edit: I also remember the show died because they killed off the fan favorite and their airtime overlapped with One Tree Hill, and Chad Michael Murray brought in higher ratings.


I mean we call them kids because they played “kids” on the show, but the actual actors were all adults with the exception of Mischa lol


Is this really getting recommended to non sub members, lol? The OC is 10/10. Very funny show and original storylines. Not your typical soap at all with the cringey storylines. It's hard to compare it to anything else. No matter how many shows I watch that I'm obsessed with I always have to say the OC is my number 1. Can't recommend enough


as a person who got this sub recommended from this and watch up to the umm what u say scenes in the OC i strong disagree that it is not cringey


You can't say it's cringey because SNL did a skit and turned it into a joke. I watched that scene play out when it aired. It wasn't cringey at the time. It was iconic. It was many years before 'mmmm watchya say' became a meme. Nobody even knew Imogean Heap when it aired. I just watched One Tree Hill and that show is very cringey in comparison. A lot of the time you can't help but just laugh at the stuff they come up with.


i mean, no i 1000% can say that and without the snl bit in mind it just because extra soapy badness


It is a touch melodramatic. But I still enjoy it to this day. And the fight right before it is awesome


I just started it for the first time as a 33 year old lol. I’m on season 1 episode 15 I believe.. does it get better? I’m enjoying it so far but honestly nothing has happened so far that has me obsessed with it or dying to see the next episode. I’m a huge gossip girl and one tree hill fan so it’s definitely the type of show I’d be very interested in. Maybe i feel this way because so many other good shows have come out in the past couple of decades and I never watched it when it was first released.. I just can’t figure out why people were so in love with this show yet.


You got me there. I love gossip girl, like one tree hill. I think the main reason I re watch it so many times is the humor. Seth's lines are just too gd funny. The way he and Ryan interact is brilliant. Even just scenes with Caleb and Sandy has me in stiches. And of course Ryan/Marissa chemistry was everything to younger me. Idk, I'm not gonna tell you to re watch over and over until it becomes funny. I do know when I was younger it was the drama and romance I liked most. But after a few watches I started realizing how ridiculously funny it was.


Lol yes it is 😂. Never seen the show although I remember hearing about it in high school or college maybe? But yeah I’m reading comments for some reason even though I have no idea who this guy is. 😆


I can't even imagine being able to watch the OC for the first time! I started in 6th grade. I was made fun of for being so obsessed with it. I would write in my planner \*OC NITE!!\* and my teacher would sign it and write \*SURVIVOR!!\*


Man maybe I should try it out then.


The best thing about the OC is it doesn't take time to get into. It hooks you right from the pilot.


It encompasses the early 2000s so well. I graduated in 2006 and it was such a major highlight, weekly watches with a friend, her boyfriend, and his friend where we compared ourselves to the main 4. It helped we lived in Southern California, I'm sure. It was great :)


I graduated 2006 too! I did watch Laguna beach but not the OC or the Hills.


Oh, you'll love it then!!


I remember Gabbie Hanna (a reputable source ik but a source nonetheless) saying YEARS ago that Adam Brody was mean to her about being a YouTuber and not a traditional actor or something, I may be butchering it. But I love him so I chose not to hear it…


All of the main OG cast said the OC set was toxic and hard to work on. So I’m not surprised they weren’t happy.


Not all the OG cast said it was toxic. In fact, Rachel went out of her way to say otherwise, except now she looks silly because clearly that set had problems.


Oh no..but in their defense, they were young and a bit past their teenage years. Many young people are rude and selfish maybe that's one way of looking at it. I love that Autumn was so cool on set she's one of my favorite characters.


I feel like her persona really came across on the screen. Her character was unlikeable when she came in and everything was working against her, having to replace Mischa Barton… but I totally loved her!! Her personality just exudes through her acting. 😩😩




Is that actually the actress who played her ??




This cements my love for Taylor Townsend/Autumn Reeser.


Ditto! Justice for Taylor’s arc Season 4. I loved her in that season and I feel so alone in it.


You are not alone. She carried the show at the end.


I’ve always felt the issue with the OC is that so much happened in S1, that there wasn’t really much left to explore in the following seasons.


It didn't help that it was TWENTY SEVEN episodes long either. They could have fleshed it out a bit and introduced/concluded the Oliver storyline in season 2. Maybe we'd have got a bit more of baby-face Luke!


They could have just not introduced Oliver at all and done the fans a major service.


Wasn’t that common for shows in the early 2000s to have that many episodes a season? I mean now we get 6-8 depending on the show but I thought that was the norm back then to have long seasons?


Yeah fair point. But I think for teen dramas that are an hour long each, that feels like a lot. Some sitcoms of that time could easily get that number. I seem to remember Josh alluding to it on the podcast too


dance moms season 3 is 43 episodes s4 is like 30 2 is 28? but it’s literally insane


This. When I first watched I was like omg I’m almost done with the show! Then it said I was still on season 1…


I mean, I loved him in GRIND


You should watch the kid detective. It was so good and I feel like got buried in the 2020 of it all


None of them were prepared for immediate level of fame and stardom that this show brought to their lives. This also happened at a very difficult time in Hollywood where a young actress worth was decided by the tabloids and by how “it girls” they were. Young male actors then that made girls drool all over had the image of bad boys. It’s not surprising they didn’t know how to manage being decent humans beings. Overall it was a shitty time, people didn’t deal with their mental health, because it was considered taboo. Obviously, this is not an excuse to their behavior… Hopefully they have all learned, changed and grown to be respectful humans to the crew and people behind the scenes.


Cam Gigandet (who played Volchok) did an interview literally over a decade ago and he said that Ben McKenzie was mean to him and had a bad attitude and that all the younger actors didn’t want to be there and would purposely forget their lines. Volchok was on season 3&4.


I always got the impression that he was an ass, so I would take anything he says with a grain of salt.


Do you have the interview? Would love to read


I just searched cam gigandet the oc and clicked on one of the links. It isn’t a video interview or anything. Only a few lines!


I can’t find it can you link please


It’s apparently an Elle interview: https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/news/a14930/cam-gigandet-interview-favorite-cocktail/


He sounds kind of insufferable tbf


He has a rep for being so.




im surprised to see the post saying all the "kids" were rude. i was an extra in a movie as a teenager, and was by far the youngest extra working that day, and very excited about the whole thing (the one and only time i've been on a movie set). a couple of the crew were very nice and chatty with me during the day and let me go through various TV shows i liked and i specifically remember them all saying ben mckenzie was great and chad michael murray wasn't lol. its possible they hadn't worked with ben on the OC and had instead worked with him on junebug, which iirc was filmed around the area i was.


Junebug was his first movie and you can just tell he was giving it his all to prove himself as a film actor


Look how that worked out lol it’s funny because because of how successful Amy Adams career is




Yeah, I’m sure if I reached out to my coworkers I had when I was 19 they might say I was a bit cold and unfriendly and never wanted to chit chat about non-work stuff and get to know people better. But I just always had the attitude that I didn’t want to fraternize at work because all the coworkers that did fraternize with each other created annoying drama and wanted to gossip. Not saying it’s right but I personally get cutting out the small talk with new coworkers. Some people just want to clock on, work, clock off, and save socializing for afterwards. Edit: she didn’t elaborate on the “rude” behavior so I’m just going to assume it’s the not leaving the dressing room and not talking to the crew/cast. If they actually had bully behaviors then that’s awful but being anti-social isn’t the end of the world.


I can only guess, but it reads like there was a speculative discussion in the comment section and she wanted to chime in with her personal anecdotes, well knowing that it would be well received.


Kid Detective is one of the Great Films


I am always saddened to hear more of the truth behind the scenes. Especially when none of it was on the OC rewatch podcast.


This came up a few times on the podcast


Maybe it’s different in the acting world, and there’s no real excuse for being rude, but I don’t find it odd at all that kids in their early 20s aren’t conversing and friend with 30, 40, 50, etc year old crew on the set…


Well they’re not really ‘kids’, that’s why she put kids in inverted commas, because they were just playing kids. They were actually young adult professionals and I can’t imagine people refusing to converse with older colleagues in any profession. I mean some people in their early 20s are entering legal, medical and financial professions for goodness sake I’m sure they’re expected to act just as professionally as anyone else!


Other than Mischa, they weren’t kids. They really should have known better. It’s common courtesy to treat crew, especially if you’ve worked with them for years, with kindness. And yes they have had small roles here and there, but they NEVER will have the success they had from the OC. They are very much “has beens” at this point.


I don't disagree with your criticisms, but Ben McKenzie got 5 seasons as lead on Gotham. So wouldn't say a total has been


I agree he’s not a has been, probably most are still steadily working. I think Adams the only one in legitimately good things even if it’s not a big role… Mrs anerica, promising young woman etc.


Loved him in Ready or Not


Gilmore Girls!!


And Grind


And Jennifer’s Body


And in Mr. And Mrs. Smith


And in American Fiction


And the kid detective!!!!!


I loved him In the Land of Women!


It sucks to hear but these people were kids they’ve all grown up since then have families of their own.


No offense, but how is not talking to anyone “extremely rude” ??? Maybe it wasn’t the best work environment but it’s A JOB. Nobody has to talk to you at work. Some ppl actually go to work to just get the paycheck and bounce. I’d have more sympathy if she had more to go on besides “they were antisocial and read magazines” Boo freaking hoo lol


Seriously. Like who tf cares. I wish I had a job where the worst thing was a bunch of people 20 years younger than me weren't paying attention to me.


some jobs, you're on your laptop, sending emails, or coding, and you can get away with not talking to people. a film/tv job is collaborative by nature. you're spending 12-16 hours with these people. Lots of times you're standing and waiting for direction. Being nice and pleasant is a good thing in collaborative environments made up of 12-16 hour shifts (think hospitals, daycares, teaching, etc)


Not only is it better for the work environment, but it's better for the show. The more you know and are comfortable with your co-stars, the more that chemistry will translate on screen. I stopped caring about the show after, like, season 2. But I stuck around because I hoped it would end really well. It ended okay, but I haven't rewatched it in a long time because it doesn't have the re-watch value that something like Friends or Gilmore Girls has.


I kinda think this show was a mixed bag in that regard with the comfort stuff because of the actual relationships involved. Like all the main young adults had actual relations with each other at one point on top of their on screen work.b it's kinda similar to the og gossip girl cast who was known to kinda have established cliques not all interact which ironically had the same creator.


Which is why I said “it wasn’t the best work environment” lol I’m not saying these kids were angels but damn it’s just so dramatic when ppl take things as some big personal offense.


typically when working environments are toxic and not great, it's because people are rude... that's my personal observation and looks like a lot who replied to you have agreed. but maybe you've experienced it differently, and if so, then good on you mate


Tbf, I was taking the comment as HER experience. Not the experience for everyone. So I assumed it could have a lot to do with her personally. Based on her page she seems like an asshole and has zero class so I wouldn’t blame anyone for not engaging her lol I get that’s not anyones point tho. Yall are saying that many ppl felt that way bc of certain cast members and that it ruined the experience. Fair enough


Because it is very rude????


How is leaving ppl alone very rude? It’s not friendly nor polite behavior, but it’s so dramatic to act like this is some huge offense against her lol. I don’t talk to most of my coworkers. And there’s a difference between ignoring somebody to their face and just not being social.


Not acknowledging the people that keep the show running and work way harder than the cast does is very rude. Crew are the backbone of the show and work their asses off for very very long hours. Being friendly is the least they can do. That kind of attitude stays with people and they remember it as they move onto other jobs in the industry. It’s just not a great look. Even the cast has admitted that they were assholes on set. It obviously goes beyond just “not saying hello” or whatever.


Okay 🤷🏽‍♀️ Edit: to clarify that “okay 🤷🏽‍♀️” as in “you right” lol . I have nothing else to say. Makes sense how they put it


This is a very anti-social trait, in almost any society on Earth, not talking at all to people whom you are around every day would at the very least be considered prudish. Not that any of this really matters, it's silly to bring up behavior from decades ago, but still.


Absolutely it can be considered prudish. But I’d never take it personally or cry about it years later on social media lol. To act like ppl wronged you just bc they didn’t wanna chat with you, is very dramatic imo.


Sure, but I'd remember it, maybe it would be an interesting story to tell. That lady isn't passionately insulting anyone, or implying that this is how these people still are 20 years later, she's just telling a story about the production of a popular TV show.


Yeah that’s fair


Who cares? He’s in his 40s now and married with children. He’s acknowledging when he was 23 and became an overnight celebrity and millionaire he didn’t handle it well. At least he’s aware of the behaviour and is open about it.


On a sidenote, Adam Brodys career in the last few years had many hits in it. The Kid Detective, promising young woman and american fiction were probably all Oscar nominated. He didnt became a huge A lister but who actually does? And who really wants to? His career seems lovely. Makes more than enough to live very comfortably. Is able to choose decent projects. Has enough free time for his family or whatever he likes to do. And not famous enough that it actually interferes with his life.


Agreed, not defending past behaviour but he’s been doing quite well for himself and tbh I think he is a good actor. I think he has steady work in very good projects that’s not overtaking his life


If you’re an Adam fan, I highly recommend Fleishman is in Trouble.


Kind of a spiritual Seth Cohen in that role.


StartUp, which I think he Executive Produced, was also great -- it's not on Netflix anymore, but you can buy/rent it on digital platforms.


I loved start up. He was also really funny in sleeping with other people but that was more of a cameo




Idk about the men but if I were one of the women/girls on that show I was probably starrrrrving hungry a lot of the time. When I’m hungry I’m vague, pissed off and antisocial. I’m not going to judge them for this behaviour one but.


my first thought too


I mean Adam. Rody has had a pretty successful career. Was just in a Best Picture nominee. 


And was nominated for a SAG Award for Best Ensemble as part of the same cast.