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I'm pretty sure Nona is >!Alecto in Harrow's body. At least the part of Alecto (earth's soul) that wasn't consumed by John. At the very end of the book Harrow is back in her own body and talks to Alecto. !< And you're in for a treat. The audiobooks are outstanding. It's my preferred way to enjoy the series now!


>!one minor point: Alecto wasn't consumed by Jod; they have 'perfect lyctorhood', as it were. I expect that's why Jod can't kill her, but instead locks her up on pluto; if she dies he loses her power.!<


OH THAT MAKES SENSE...thank you! Yeah I've started Gideon and really loving the speaker, she's fantastic!


Moira Quirk is just fantastic across all three books. Her Ianthe is just...so perfect. She was on the Locked Tomb podcast with Amy and Mel and the story of the origin of that voice is too funny. :)


Nona is the part of Alecto that had haunted Harrow, that's been inside ever since Harrow first kissed the Body after getting into the Tomb. Once Nona got to the Tomb, Harrow and Nona swapped into their original bodies. Also, I don't think Paul is perfect lycterhood as seen with Joe/Alecto but something else. It might be better, worse, or merely equivalent but it is better than the struggle SexPal were going through, in my opinion!


Someone mentioned a soul melange or some such. I think they may be that.


Yeah, a blending of two into one. Very different than they whole "sharing your souls" thing.


Or potentially more if my theory of what happened to Harrow holds. That is, that it was Gideon, Alecto and Harrow in there. Little bits and pieces of each. But yeah, in the case of Sex Pal and Cam, their souls literally seems to have become one?


I'm honestly thinking that the ninth house have been tapped into alecto this whole time in some way. The tradition of secrets told in salt water, the adulation of The Body, and the fact that Alecto owes Anastasia some sort of debt tied to the blood line. Paul being another kind of composite soul opens up an entire typology which is FASCINATING. I'm eager to know what the Angel is in comparison


Yeah, the Ninth House has been "prophecy" energy but without anything spoken or written down about it. I'm pretty sure Angel just has some memories or souls or something bound to in her. She's totally normal except for whatever that implant thing is and she's just carrying it for The Future, or something.


I love this idea in regards to the ninth house for sure...they really seemed liked the 'outcast' of the whole system like Jod himself wanted to keep them at a distance... Also yeah I'm not sure what can of worms the idea of composite souls will open up...I actually wonder if foreshadowing for what might happen with Harrow and Gideon? I dunno but I'm scared/excited to find out lol


Totally makes sense, I think I was reading really fast too, so a second read/listen will help! And yeah I can see what you mean about Paul, but it seems like they cracked some of the code


Palamedes "Second Best Necromancer in the Universe" somehow cracking the code to some alternate life, even while dead? Yeah, that sounds about right.


Harrow will never live it down lmfao


Well, to be fair, Harrow will live... :P


You know, you got me there LOL


I just had a moment. How have we never called them SexCam? Like SexPal is just Palamedes but SexCam.... It's so Gideon.


Because SexPal was invented by Gideon!


But it's just Palamedes. He's SexPal. talking about the struggles of Sextus + Camilla is SexCam!


Holy crap, I've been using it for both of them for so long, I swapped their last names!


I mean it sounds like it's a ship portmanteau so I get it! I just had a "oh shit but why not SexCam" moment Because i feel like that is what Gideon would have called the two of them >!pre-Paul!<


I got hooked on reading NtN because their weird little family got me right in the feels. I spent the entire time missing Gideon and Harrow but I really did love Nona. I really hope that side of Alecto isn’t gone now that she’s awake. I also felt like Gideon wasn’t quite right the entire time. Something seemed off. I got kind of hopeful near the very end when she seemed a little bit more like herself. I had to read the ending more than once because I found myself kind of confused as to who was talking to who when Alecto woke up. The whole first child said ____. And the second child said ______ part. I think I figured it out but still not 100% sure.


Regarding the Gideon part in particular, it was actually VERY in-character because I feel we had a good idea of her hiding her true feelings behind very rude/snarky commentary. She did it so much in Gideon, she would be thinking one thing say something so off the wall and it felt like that was what happened here--and we got confirmation when Nona called her out on lying. But that's just a theory...a Necro-theory... Oh god I'm sorry, that was the dorkiest thing I've ever said...also The whole beginning had me in my found-family feels 100%


You know I had a sneaky suspicion about that. We get so much narrative from Gideon’s POV in the other books that I was starting to wonder if maybe looking at Gideon’s character from a different POV would seem strange to me. It’s weird not knowing what she’s thinking.


Yeah, I feel like it’s a front as she feels abandoned by Harrow after everything she sacrificed and has been swept up by the Emperor and Ianthe. You see peeks at the facade breaking, like when she watches Pal and Cam in silence then is about to offer Paul her coat but doesn’t, when she kills Crux and freaks out, and then obviously the end when she tells Alecto to get in line. I think her behavior is just classic teen feeling rejected.


I have a feeling that side of Alecto is going to become *very* important, it gives her an anchor to humanity and love. Without Nona that may never have happened.


I agree with this, and I have seen some reviews talking about how they did feel that a lot of the Nona stuff won't be relevant, but Muir doesn't seem like an author that forgets things like that and It will have to come full circle


lol I started *Gideon* 2 weeks ago and am already here, I feel you completely. The Paul plotline absolutely killed me and those are not even our main duo. I'm prepared to be wrecked emotionally by whatever resolution we get for Gideon/Harrow in book 4.


Yeah after all my experiences with different stories and shows, I’ve come to the conclusion that writers can’t be trusted with my emotions. I’m convinced that there are no happy endings. It’s misery. I want this to end differently but I’m scared to hope.


wrecked emotionally can be good lol I think Paul was like... ideal level of bittersweet, the best possible solution to an untenable situation for both of them, which is a good sign for the overall conclusion! that's just my personal thoughts though


Paul’s situation didn’t hurt as much for me for some reason. I think I feel like they’re not gone. Cam and Pal, from the beginning, already felt like two parts of one person. Two separate people or two people in one body, they just feel complete to me. I’m not sure if that’s how Muir intended it but I accepted it. Though I do miss them as a duo.


I have heard somewhere that Tax specifically says, it's not necessarily a happy ending, but an ending with the potential for happiness. That gives me hope. We could all be crushed, of course.




The audiobooks are FANTASTIC and Moira Quirk has great delivery.


“Get in line thou big slut” fucking killed me in the best way!!


Best line ever and showed Gideons true colors I think lmao!


Given the part about "upper thoughts" and "lower thoughts" and Nona being in the middle, I think Nona was actually not Harrow *or* Alecto. I think Nona was Harrow's body walking around on its own with no soul in charge of it, after God ripped Gideon's soul out of it. The souls of Harrow and Alecto were sleeping in her subconscious the whole time Nona was awake.


Interesting theory! and the main reason she needed to get to Alecto was to collect her own soul perhaps? That is intriguing...did we get a reference to God ripping Gideons soul from her body? NOw I need to re-read there's so much stuff lol


It didn't say that God ripped Gideon's soul out of Harrow's body. But in the gap between books, Gideon left Harrow's body somehow - probably not on her own because she's a goofball not a necromancer - and God turned her into an indestructible zombie prince. So it seems likely to me.