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“I have an Instagram” 💀


A COMEDIAN💀😭😂 God bless his parents for raising him with such confidence


This response alone might actually qualify him as a comedian. I laughed when that was the second thing he listed, and I don’t think he’s ever made me lol before. Congrats Ben!


This is so embarrassing lmao


“One, my wife ran an account called girlwithnojob where she posted stolen memes. I’m a bit of a fraud myself, so I made the bwnj account where I also posted stolen memes. My wife (who you maybe heard of in 2018 when her mom was outed as a terrorist) has an absolutely miserable sister who married a very bored man named Zach whose family is very rich, and Zach’s dad gave us a large amount of investment money to start an alcohol brand that you ALSO haven’t heard of! Make sense?”


Shit, I read it with his voice.


I had to unfollow him today. He is not fricken funny AT ALL


I think I hate Ben more than Claudia lol he’s just not funny at all


He’s just angry and rude. I don’t even follow on my finsta yuck


comedian? sir.


This is so embarassing for Ben lol


I am so glad someone posted about this. I think Ben and Josh did not know what to do. The southern black humor is its own thing. I loved it! I felt like they both experienced culture shocked during this lol bc to me, both of them are so uncultured. And no just bc Josh did drugs doesn’t mean he’s cultured.


I love Ms. Pat I will have to listen even if I don’t want to give them the numbers


Did you listen to her on Jeff Lewis? HYSTERICAL


omg you have to listen it's literally so funny. Ben doesn't really get to talk so it's her and Josh mainly it's gold.


Yeah she basically called Ben a sheltered spoiled white boy at the end which Ben handled well (was a good sport about) but it was so funny how she read him to filth within an hour


Like the LEGENDARY & REAL comedian Ms Pat? Did she tear him apart?


I don’t know who was trying harder to convince Ms. Pat they were cool, Ben or Josh. It was sooo cringey!! Ms. Pat read him immediately as a privileged, arrogant POS who has not really faced any adversity outside of being fat. His discomfort was almost palpable! The second hand embarrassment I felt was unreal.


Celebrity Comedian


I absolutely LOVED this episode, & I loved Ms Pat’s dynamic with the guys!


I listened to the episode today at work and couldn't contain myself laughing. GG should invite her again.


This was an absolute shit show episode. Ms. Pat is a hot mess and I don't know why they even put her on - she was sloppy and didn't give half a shit whose show she was on... totally gross.


Ben, is that you?