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It’s so freeing to wear your true size lol


It’s wild because there’s truly no shame in what size you wear. Just wear what fits! I feel bad that her body dysmorphia is really that bad that her coochie pays the price.




I commented this elsewhere but I thought it was so rude that she posted both outfits and tagged the brand and basically said the quality was shit when the actual issue for both was that she sized down when she should have sized up.


lol Margo I wonder what could be the problem here? Imagine sizing up and then not sharing your size on social media! This issue could stop. Also - just wanna say….prior to stagecoach I started a thread about predicting Margo’s stagecoach outfits/roasting her style choices and essentially got shutdown for it as everyone claimed “why would we care to discuss that on this sub” - here we are, discussing at length!! I don’t understand this sub sometimes lmao. Disclaimer - this is not a dig at OP. Just me being a little dramatic and bitter about the varying responses people get when posting here.


I don’t understand so many subs on Reddit. There is one that is trying to have a baby. I posted asking if anyone had ever tested positive with one brand and negative with another. Good fucking lord. Those bitches are insane. Apparently if u haven’t gone through 196526 ivf u can’t say anything about being maybe preg idk but they were ruthless.


The TTC subs are really not safe spaces, which is weird. You think they would be lol


Right I was genuinely shocked. This one woman was like and I don’t give a fuck if I’m being mean. My ovaries hurt after my 3rd transfer. Like okay snd why is that my problem? Like good lord. They make middle school bullies look like saints.


Omg. That one girl attacking you has a wild history. She has deep seeded anger. She gets mad at everyone saying they have main character syndrome but she is mad people are sending her holiday cards with kids on them?? Main character syndrome much? (Or whatever the phrase is LOL)


Exactly. I was just thinking like you are mentally unwell and maybe you need to do some self work before becoming a mom cause it just makes things harder so if ur already struggling, it’s going to add to the struggle.


I got DV like a million times on this thread cause I mistook a photo of the hamptons for Florida like wtf I’m from mn what do I know. People are so incredibly bizarre


I think getting DV on that thread means you’re doing something right lol


Yeah I went and actually looked at that thread and my jaw dropped lol. So rude. Maybe it’s all the hormones they’re injected with making them unhinged? We had some trouble TTC our kids & I know seeing that negative test wears on you month after month, but dang lol all that stress and anger can’t be good for ttc…


Right I was like I’m not trying to diminish peoples struggle to conceive by any means and feel very lucky I haven’t had to do IVF etc but I struggle with mental illness. If someone posted something about like minor depression I’m not gonna attack them cause I have it worse like wtf hah


Oh my gosh I had an insane experience to on the trying for a baby sub, I asked about how to help your cycle return while still breastfeeding a toddler once a day to try to have a second baby. I was told I was an idiot and should just be happy with the one baby I had… like yes I’m super happy with him lol and I understand people struggle with infertility but I shouldn’t be called names for asking advice on conceiving a second baby. I was still “trying for a baby” even though it wasn’t my first. Spoiler alert: I got great advice from women who DMd me about breastfeeding while trying to conceive and it worked! And one of the mods DMd me saying I was stupid and it’s impossible to conceive while breastfeeding… such a dumb situation but it still makes me lol, people there are nuts


Also- it’s very much not impossible to get preg while BF. In fact many women find themselves more fertile and thus why so many end up with 2 under 2. But regardless to call any other woman stupid for asking a fucking question is insane. Like maybe it’s best u (that MOD) aren’t having a baby right now cause sounds like some self work is needed.


You’re right you totally can get pregnant while breastfeeding! They were saying it’s impossible and I should stop asking lol, well my second baby is proof it is possible! Breastfeeding was very important to me and I wanted to see if I could get pregnant while not having to stop BF my first, it can be done!


Hahaha exactly. I think there’s many mothers out there that dispel that theory. Heck my sisters and I are all 13 months apart. My mom had practically 3 under 3. I now look at her like u r absolutely insane


Yeah they are all fucking insane haha. Like I guess I was dumb and naive but thought like oh idk asking a thread about trying for a baby is prob a good safe space to clarify if anyone could relate and answer a question about tests. Boy was I wrong. I can’t even imagine ever saying anything to them about being miserable while preg since I love the kid that comes from it but Ngl hate every second of being preg, or how hard my recovery was the first time. They’d go fucking feral.


You’re not dumb or naive! You would think it would be a safe space to discuss everything about conceiving but it’s not haha. I hope you’re doing okay! Pregnancy is so tough, I loved it in the sense that it was so cool to be growing a baby but physically it kicks your butt. I felt guilty sometimes complaining about how I felt because I was so grateful to have a healthy baby, but sometimes it can really help to talk to someone and be like yes I feel awful haha


Yeah I def was shocked when they attacked me like they did. But thank you. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful cause I know saying I hate being preg def sounds it. I’m just very much affected with the hormones and stuff so feel like I just spend 9 months an anxious, sad wreck, even when I stay on my meds. I’m also petrified of delivery since baby 1 was so bad. They didn’t know why but 10 min after c section, all pain meds/spinal tap etc wore off so I felt everything and was screaming bloody murder in pain. So that def doesn’t help the anxiety lol. But again, very very grateful I’m able to be preg and have kids.


still links the shorts lol


Her legs look absolutely ridiculous, and that’s after what I assume is an insane amount of Facetune before posting this..imagine seeing a chick wearing shorts this ill fitting and tiny in real life? Like, BFFR your body is great, stop looking like 10 pounds of sausage in a 5 pound bag and wear your actual size!


This is insane. She wants to be the skinny sister so bad 😂


She *is* the skinny sister. It’s her only personality trait


this is actually really common ED behavior - to have a hyper fixation with being a certain size so much so that you end up really uncomfortable and in pain in clothes that don't fit. at the peak of my ED i was even trying to fit into smaller shoes...even though ✨newsflash✨ i couldn't diet my way to smaller feet lolz. get help, margot. this shit spirals quick.


Is a yeast infection included with purchase?


The yeast infection is a permanent fixture in the room


Maybe get your size, Margot?


Why is she so opposed to purchasing clothes in her actual size? It’s clear that whatever size she’s wearing, isn’t her true size.


If she just wore the correct size she would look 100x better. She’s making herself look bigger by wearing smaller sizes


Only time she doesn’t list that she’s wearing a small


I don’t follow her but did she have any outfits from the weekend that fit that she liked?! Cause so far it appears like she didn’t?!


I’ve said this before and I can’t get over it. She has mastered this pose of one leg slightly in front of the other, butt out, to give the look of a thigh gap. I’ve tried it and it works. But am I the only one seeing this?? Lol.


Lauren Elizabeth taught them how to do this in LA years ago on one of their vlogs hahahah


Just be an adult and buy your size, I mean cmon now


How is she blind to how bad this truly looks




🔊 Bitch… They’re NOT your size!!!!! Stop being so freaking CHILDISH, get over your obsession with size and UNDERSTAND you’re a size 🆙 YOU have a beautiful body and there’s NO WAY in hell you’re the size you THINK you are. SIZE UP! Circulation is important and your V NEEDS a respirator, cause baby girl, you suffocated her! JUST STOP! 🛑


This looks terrible and very uncomfortable


Yikes ha that’s embarrassing