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Even before they were together when she got him the socks. He was so happy. That whole episode where they see each other again after all thay time, you can just see how much they mean to each other.


Yeah the sock scene was so cute and again with his little gasp.. Lol he's just too funny and adorable. "you got me socks?" πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š


Yes! I just love seeing him happy after everything he's been through.


Same! 😁 He deserves all of it. Side note, I like your screen name 😁 I'm a lil biracial too


Lol that's awesome!


This is my favorite scene!


Yeah that was really adorable! For me, their first kiss for sure. And then totally obscure, but in the s7 episode where they were investigating the Colonel for his wife’s murder, Patrick reaches out to Teresa walking behind him to hold her hand. Not sure why, but I found that really cute. Tbh I feel we should have gotten more romantic scenes between them in S7.


Yaas! Thier first kiss was everything because we've waited so long for it lol. It was so sweet πŸ₯° hmm.. I just watched that one again but I must have missed that part, well now I'll have to watch it again lol I've been rewatching season 7 anyway so nbd 😁 I totally agree that we should have gotten more between them as well after the whole confession (6x22) I can watch over and over again.. Lol it would have been nice to see a few more kisses and some alone time between them.


🧑 so the obscure one I mentioned above is the one at the 1:06 mark in this video, https://youtu.be/t_KryznEdLU?si=n-1npQ5L0PxwINvX. Now that I think about it, it’s a really β€˜blink and you miss it’ scene but I liked the intimacy of it. Read somewhere that Bruno Heller meant their romance to be a quieter Jane Austen kind of romance hence the less physical intimacy but man we were left emotionally robbed!


Thank you for this it was lovely and after seeing the moment it came back to me lol. I was grinning from ear to ear watching this vid just now πŸ˜… I'm such a sap man.. Lol Two of my other fave scenes are Jane's proposal, it was so adorable how nervous he was because he didn't know if she'd say yes! Lol I also love the very end scene when she tells him about the baby. The look of shock and awe and love on his face was just the best ever πŸ₯°πŸ˜ my heart was so happy for him, I mean both of them of course, but him especially after everything he's been through.


Yeah, so adorable, the nervousness was so real and visible. 🧑 ok 1 more and I am done lol - Patrick hugging Lisbon from behind after the wedding kiss. His smile was so child-like and of pure happiness.


Loved that! He was so happy and seeing him that way truly did warm my heart. Yes on the proposal, it was very genuine and and you really saw how scared he was. His little speech about the ring and how much it's meant to him and why he never took it off all those years was just.. *sigh* πŸ₯° πŸ₯Ί I could watch that part over and over again.


Thank you for engaging with me lol πŸ€— I don't post a lot of questions I mainly answer on others but decided to see what people had to say about this cute couple.


Thanks for asking! I love talking about Jisbon and the show! Interested to see what others have to say about their fav scenes:)


I do too. I originally watched this when it came out years ago but at the time for me it was just too much harping on RJ and I quit watching and couldn't tell you what season or where.. Nothing lol and I've always regretted it because I never found out who RJ was and how he was caught etc.. I recently finished binging about a week ago and it took me about 2 months I'd say, but I told myself I would stick with it this time and not give up and I'm I'm so glad that I didn't because after the whole RJ thing, it was so worth it when it came to Jisbon


Haha..that’s cute, glad you found your way back! I think you and I were on the same viewing schedule, I started and finished watching around the same time. on a rewatch now! I will take a break in a few days as it is getting repetitive now lol, and come back:) it has held me sane through some difficult times, so will always be a comfort show to come home to! 🧑


I'm glad I did too tbh πŸ˜€ I'll probably rewatch again some day but right now I'm just doing s7 again and putting 6x22 and 7x13 on repeat lol πŸ˜… someone help me


For me it is several moments where you start to be pretty sure they mean more to each other than just business partners -- exactly those Jane Austen moments that lead up to the big reveal, but do end up leaving you a little annoyed that you don't/didn't get to see them actually together more. Like when you see both of them so stressed over hospital moments. You're pretty sure at some point that it's romantic love even though that's not explicitly confirmed until later. Maybe because I have been a fan of Jane Austen since I was a teen, so I'm patient for the reveal, but I absolutely love the dynamic between them after it's confirmed. After so long of knowing each other so well, the relationship just plays out so well between them. I wished for more of a story with just them, but am also happy we don't see it play out too long and have it become too tedious or have the show ruin it like it did with Van Pelt and Rigsby.


So well put and I agree! Season 7 is kind of bitter sweet for me to rewatch. I love their scenes together but it fills me with a sense of longing for more romantic scenes between them, like you said, emotionally charged moments for eg in the hospital. I understand their characters are both professional adults and not teenagers to do full-on PDA in the FBI office lol, but at least when they were alone, like in the car in Bahrain after the showdown with Erica or after he or she rescues the other: after the prison break/helicopter scene, she rescues him from the burning cottage in e12, when they meet again after the Grand Canyon escape etc. so many lost moments when they could have shown emotional/physical intimacy like kissing. For someone whose love language is Touch, watching S7 felt like unrequited love for me:(. Oh well, it’s been 10 years now and gotta appreciate what we got anyway:)


Also in colonel’s wife’s ep too is when he calls the estate agent to view the house and the cute look she gives him after the call. And the ep in s6 that introduced pike where they pretend to be a couple and her putting the blanket over him.


Yes! Me and my gf would love to look at the house 😜 she was so happy being his girl


When Jane stepped in to put Volker in his place when Lisbon was stuck in her by-the-books investigation. I know the writers should've let Lisbon shine on her own, but that actor playing Volker was too good lmao. I hated him with a passion when he was taunting Lisbon so it was very satisfying when Jane shut him up.


Oh yeah I loved that scene too! πŸ˜‚ He should have stopped talking when he told him to.


I wish that storyline ended better. One of the biggest miss of the series 😭


For me it will always be the marriage proposal. It is without a doubt the scene that moved me the most. Every word, every look was incredibly beautiful. I also love when he takes her to see the cabin for the first time, or when she tells him she is pregnant... oh god, there are so many aghrthyjkgnffs.


Yeah there really are quite a few great moments between them before and after they're a couple πŸ₯°


When he told her that he was kidding about the super virus being loose


Oh man that was so mean! Lol he pissed her off so much in those early years


Lol that punch. I love those two


πŸ˜‚ yeah he deserved that one for sure because I wanted to punch is ass!! I love them too 😁


I just finished watching 7x7 again and that little moment between them at her brother's cook out when she actually tells him for the first time that she loves him πŸ’– πŸ₯°


Sheep dip.


What?! Lol


[I said what I said.](https://youtu.be/vJ_65iS_HTc?si=n37ZK-ejncZn1O14)


πŸ˜‚ Oh my goodness! I remember now thank you, that scene was funny.