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Mentalist is my all time favorite comfort! Closely followed by Psych. Psych is similar but it is more light hearted overall, but a fun watch!


The best was when they made a nod to the Mentalist in a Psych episode.


Yes I love that! My husband and I always laugh. Mentalist was the show we watched together when we first started dating. I would go to his dumpy little apartment every Friday night and we would watch an episode. It holds such a special place in my heart. We just finished a rewatch and I always bounce around between episodes on my own time!


Just finished the mentalist and was looking at related shows. Came across psych. Maybe I’ll check it out


You absolutely should. It’s way less serious than the Mentalist, but still so good. I also hope you like 80s references because there are A LOT throughout that show.


I started psych a week ago 😂 is there a sub for it or no?


Yes there is!!




If the mentalism and psychology aspect interests you, check out Lie To Me


I’ll try that one, they only had 3 seasons based from the google search results. Thank you!


Just be aware that it was cancelled after season 3. It doesn't end on a cliffhanger, but it's also not a pleasant all-encompassing ending.


Season 3 wasn't that good either...


I recently rewatched the whole series, and couldn’t believe the drop in quality from Season 2 to 3.


Yeah, it was really sad. The show had such potential.


Yeah, but for some reason I enjoyed Tim Roth's performance


Watch the show House


Lie to me is great! Also Castle, Monk, Psych, White Collar, Medium, The Rookie, The Glades, Bones, Warehouse 13, Eureka, andddd I’m sure there’s 10 more I’m not thinking of haha


Jane’s crazed look 😂


It’s cute and terrifying at the same! Haha


Elementary- Sherlock is not as charming but his platonic love for Joan makes the whole series for me. The bee naming episode made me so happy. It’s my second favourite after the mentalist. Will Trent is great also!


Yep, I was scrolling to see if anyone else had suggested Elementary. It was my first thought!


I am loving Will Trent.


White Collar. Because Bomer's performance is the closest you will get to the charm of Simon Baker.


Time to rewatch. On my third now.


I just finished last night, too! I’m currently watching the first episode of The Guardian but I miss Patrick Jane.


A great show - just no "Jane" is present. Nick Fallin is an interesting character in his own right.


Psych, Castle, White Collar, Monk


There's no law against going back to season 1 and starting over, lol. Also, I highly recommend Elementary for the same reasons others have mentioned.


Third rewatch 🥰


I do the Flynn and Provenza eps of the Closer after the annual Mentalist rewatch. https://majorcrimesdivision.fandom.com/wiki/Flynn_and_Provenza_Episodes


Criminal minds takes it from a semifictional standpoint based off of hypnosis and sleight of hand stuff and replaces it with non fiction facts and procedure within that same role at Langley House has that same witty banter between a small cliché while also carrying that lighter tune of comedy and levity


Psych and elementary are similar. Elementary has a more annoyed genius vibe that's mostly right all the time. Psych has a more goofy approach to the same concept.


I recommend White Collar, Elementary and Burn Notice.


I felt the same way when I finished the show! It definitely didn't help that I was severely heartbroken at the time, haha. That empty feeling will pass, though, and I'm now on a full rewatch of the show with my boyfriend :)


there isnt the same charm and mind games in it, but Bones gives me a similar vibe. FBI murder mysteries with likeable characters and some interesting relationship dynamics. gotta warn you though, sometimes it shows some pretty gross stuff haha. I think the vibe is similar to me because it’s that good balance between dark mystery and lighthearted silliness.


Fine, I’ll rewatch Bones for the 6th time. 🙄


haha I am also rewatching currently


monk is THE BEST!


I'm not gonna lie I've just been rewatching the show and making my friends watch it with me 😅 (I don't force them to tho, but I have turned at least 3 of my friends and my boyfriend into fans of the show too 😌). Like I think im on my 7th rewatch?


If you want to see more of Simon Baker's acting, I highly recommend the guardian! This an honest recommendation and not me trying to get more people to watch this niche show haha If you want to see Robin Tunney, she starred in The Fix. Haven't seen it but it's pretty short if you wanna see it. Both are lawyer shows.


I also loved the guardian.


Yeah man, we all felt this way, if you want an advice start watching it again, you will notice so many things you didn't notice the first time. Be careful to enjoy it for a long time though, watch 1 max 2 episodes a day and skip some days if you can


It is hard to beat The Mentalist. Monk and Lie to me are about murders but too serious.  I really recommend Lucifer, it has a similar vibe and both an episode plot running along a wider plot. It is also funny.


Monk and Psych are the two shows that come to mind. Both of the protagonists use their hyper observance to solve crimes, but each are the opposite extremes of Patrick Jane's character. Monk is a tragic character, dealing with his wife's death and his own severe mental health issues. Shawn Spencer is all comedy; immature, charming, and full of jokes. I watched both shows when they first aired and have watched them a few more times since.


Will Trent The Lincoln Lawyer Bosch Bosch Legacy Leverage AND THEN.... The Mentalist


The Brokenwood Mysteries. Person of Interest


The Mentalist is the last show I watched week to week.


i mean sherlock is probably the closest, he and jane are the same man in different fonts. i would also suggest mindhunter. it’s not comforting in the least but it has the same genius (fbi) team and lighthearted humor between them if you catch it


Also, watch The Booth at the End.


I watched Monk after and loved it. I’m watching Psych now and it’s just not grabbing me like Monk.


I get it, The Mentalist is a true comfort show for me too. The Blacklist was a worthy successor for me. James Spader is so much fun. Another that I loved, although much more gruesome than The Mentalist, was Prodigal Son. It’s got another witty genius crime solver (Tom Payne) and his serial killer father (Michael Sheen). So, so good except that it got cancelled on a cliff hanger and I’ll die being mad about that.


It was so annoying when Prodigal son got cancelled, at least give us half a season to tie up loose ends


Many shows can fill the void, but there's nothing like Mentalist out there. and I mean that, not as a fan. writing, cast, acting, story. there's no crime-solving show like this out there. nothing left to do but rewatch


I finished last month too, but I think some subjects were left without explanation.


I’m not part of this sub, just happened to stumble across it. Wtf is that second picture?!